< Mystery Science Theater 3000 < Recap < S04

Mystery Science Theater 3000/Recap/S04/E12 Hercules and the Captive Women

Film watched: Hercules and the Captive Women

The Mystery Science Theater 3000 presentation contains examples of:

Gypsy: Check it out - they're steam cleaning the horses!

Crow: C'mon Gypsy, let's have it!
Gypsy: Uhh, okay. Um... (sees Leon Selznick's credit) Look at that dumb name. That's so stupid!
Crow: Oh, brother...

Servo: (pretending to read the hieroglyphs in the opening credits') One time, this big lobster came and attacked a lady, but Mister Ed saved her.

Gypsy: Really?

Joel: I think he's kidding, Gypsy.

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