< Mystery Science Theater 3000 < Recap < S05

Mystery Science Theater 3000/Recap/S05/E07 I Accuse My Parents

Films watched: The Truck Farmer (short) and I Accuse My Parents

The Mystery Science Theater 3000 presentation provides examples of:

Servo: (as Blake, to Kitty) No one's gonna take you away from me. Not even me, see! I'll kill me before that happens.

  • I'll Take Two Beers, Too!: Jimmy orders two champagne cocktails when he first goes to see Kitty at the club, one ostensibly being for her, but it leads to this:

Waiter: Two, sir?
Joel: Yeah, and put 'em in one of those big Slurpee glasses.

  • Motor Mouth: "AslongasItalkreallyfastanddowhathesaysI'mgonnabeOK."
  • Running Gag: Many, including...
    • Jimmy winning the essay contest.
    • Jimmy's birthday.
    • Joel and the Bots coming up with even more ridiculous lies than the ones Jimmy says in the movie, some of them relating to WWII.
    • "Liar! Liar! Liar!"
    • His mother's alcoholism.
    • Hamburgers with a french-fried potatoes garnish.
    • Quacking every time the door opens and a picture of ducks appears in the background.
  • Shout-Out: Crow blurts out "was you ever bit by a dead bee" during the dinner scene, when Kitty is in maximum Lauren Bacall mode. This is a nod to Bacall's first movie, To Have and Have Not.
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