Mystery Science Theater 3000/Recap/S10/E06 Boggy Creek 2: The Legend Continues

Film watched: Boggy Creek 2 The Legend Continues

The Mystery Science Theater 3000 episode contains examples of:

  • Forced Meme: Pearl tries to very quickly create a legend of a strange, furry creature ("Bobo") lurking around the swamps near Castle Forrester ("Bobo." "Shut up!") so she can exploit tourists with cheap merchandise.
  • Flashback Effects: Parodied. Mike comes up to the bridge but forgets what his errand was. He and the bots delve into blurry flashbacks (similar to the film's) to try to piece it together, with Mike's being blurriest. Turns out he was looking for his contact lenses.
  • Invisibility Cloak: "There's a red scarf floating in the air! Oh-oh no it's just her, she's wearing camouflage."
  • Running Gag
    • Servo's obsession with the two female leads wrestling.
    • "On the wings of a snow-white dove / He sends his pure, sweet love..."
  • What Could Have Been: Tanya and Leslie mudwrestling, according to Servo.
  • Where Are They Now? Epilogue: "Well, the Boggy Creek studies department eventually went under. Tanya and Leslie brought me up on charges, of course. Tim just wandered off and we ain't seen him in years."
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