< Mystery Science Theater 3000 < Recap < S03 < E19 War of the Colossal Beast

Mystery Science Theater 3000/Recap/S03/E19 War of the Colossal Beast/YMMV

War Of The Colossal Beast:

  • Hilarious in Hindsight: In the episode Mike plays Glen reading the usual fan letter, whose writer names Joel as their favorite character. Mike would, of course, find himself the subject of a lot of hatred from those kinds of people a year later.

Mr. B Natural:

  • Crowning Moment of Funny: Mr. B, shame on you! HAVE YOU NO SENSE OF DECENCY?!
    • "You know, I think Oscar Wilde only wished he was this gay."
      • "See Buzz, it's fun to be psychotic!" Really, the entire sequence where Mr. B interpretive dances the various instruments is hilarious due to both its own Narm and Joel and the Bots' shocked commentary.
    • "Ha ha...that's nice, MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!"
    • The debate between Tom Servo and Crow on whether Mr. B was a man or not, culminating in Crow's horror at Tom Servo's Unfortunate Implications.

Crow: Mr. Servo, you've GOT to be kidding me! Let's assume for the moment that Mr. B Natural IS a man. My heavens! What a confusing message to send to little kids! Already, there's the painful feeling of isolation, the horrible, scarring acne - and Mr. Servo here would have us place a cross-dressing man with a clarinet slap dab in their bedrooms! Why not men in Little Bo Peep costumes with stinky cigars explaining the facts of life to our unsuspecting daughters? I, for one--

Joel: Mr. Servo, your rebuttal!

Tom: Yes! Yes! Mr. Crow! I don't think we should stop there! Let's break down ALL the barriers. Hairy men in Spartan costumes holding bake sales on shady boulevards! Naked jock-strap wrestling! Big, wonderful--

(Commercial sign)

    • The show actually topped this by featuring Mike Nelson's real-life wife, the lovely and talented Bridget Jones Nelson, as a dead ringer for Mr. B. Natural in the gathering of the Mystery Science Theater 3000 Rogue's Gallery during the 1995 Turkey Day Special, which is featured on the Mystery Science Theater 3000: XVI [Limited Edition] collection of episodes.
    • The manufacturing company, C.G. Conn (which is still around) gets one, too; after watching the short, one fan emailed them to ask if this was the same company responsible for "Mr. B Natural"; the response was, "Yes, and don't hold it against us."
    • Having Buzz play the same loud, fast jazz music from the previous scene during a slow dance.
  • Fridge Horror: As pointed out by Tom Servo:

Mr. B Natural: And don't be so sure I wasn't in the garden with Mr. and Mrs. Adam.
Servo: *nervous laugh* Yeah, you were the snake.

  • Ho... er, Les Yay? No, Ho Yay, technically

Joel: Mr. B, you're hot!
Joel: (dreamily) Oh, Mr. B...

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