< Mystery Science Theater 3000 < Recap < S03

Mystery Science Theater 3000/Recap/S03/E13 Earth vs. the Spider

Films watched: Speech: Using Your Voice (short) and Earth vs. the Spider

Speech: Using Your Voice is an educational short about public speaking.

This episode contains these tropes:

  • Big Eater: Tom complains that the spider keeps eating the opening credits.
  • Continuity Nod: At one point, the spider eats a character who looks very similar to Dr. Erdhart (Dr. Forrester's previous aide, who had gotten brushed off with a simple "He's missing"). The crew immediately declares that this is where he wound up, the last mention of him in the entire series.
    • Earlier, during the Invention Exchange, Joel expresses his disgust with the Mads. Dr. Forrester and Frank respond with a simultaneous "Thank you!"in the same way Forrester and Erhardt had done during the first season. Clay and Frank then uncomfortably stare at each other for a moment.
  • Political Correctness Gone Mad: Tom promises that no spiders were squashed, stomped on, flushed or suffered serious emotional trauma during the film. But one died from old age and two letters from doctors confirm it.
  • Running Gag: This is where the saga of Crow's screenplay for Earth Vs. Soup started.
  • Stylistic Suck: In-universe Crow reeks of it.

Joel: 'Crow she's just going "no" for the next six pages!'
Crow: 'Do you think that's enough?'

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