< Mystery Science Theater 3000 < Recap < S06

Mystery Science Theater 3000/Recap/S06/E24 Samson vs. the Vampire Women

Film watched: Samson vs. the Vampire Women

This episode was the swan song for TV's Frank.

The Mystery Science Theater 3000 episode has examples of:

Servo: God, this is great, eh? This is so spiritual, I just can't believe it. [chuckles] You know what this silence thing is like? Well, I'll tell you. I feel like one of them trapper monks or somethin'. [chuckles] No kidding, really! I feel so purified, my soul is as smooth as a baby's behind! [laughs] And I'm not just talkin' insights here, noooo sir! I'm talkin' visions! I'm talkin' full-blown illumination! I'm talkin' about revelations shouted down from the mountaintops! I'm talkin' huge, deafening thunderclouds of truth! We're beyond mere silence here, friends! We're in a mega-silence! You've heard about the big bang theory of silence? This is it, man, ka-BOOM! [laughs] Boy, is it quiet! Wowwee, is this silence or what?! I feel enlightenment and satori! It's like I'm sitting under the Bodhi Tree!!

Crow: "Dear Frank, you are a pig. Love, Crow."

Dr Forrester: Could you... push the button, Frank?
Frank: [chuckles] Watch me ROCK.

Mike: Bested at every turn, he gets a chance to light some helpless women on fire.

Frank: Hey, they fixed your knees!
Torgo The White: ThErE aRe No BuM kNeEs In My WoRlD, cHiLd.
Frank: How about your voice?
Torgo The White: [Confused] W...wHaT aBouT mY vOiCe?

    • Torgo still ends up being a Chinese food delivery guy - which may be a step up.
  • Unexpected Genre Change: The film seems to be a standard vampire horror story, and the professor has just managed to summon Heroic Willpower and faith to shake off the mind control of the vampire queen... and then El Santo just walks into the room in all his silver-masked, bare-chested glory and the professor doesn't bat an eye. All Mike and the Bots can do is laugh hysterically.

Servo: (as El Santo) I feel sort of silly right now. Did I overdress?

    • And pretty much explicitly pointed out with "Sorry, do you need any wrestling done?"
  • What Could Have Been: Master Ninja III was supposed to be the last episode of year 6, but changed to this film because Frank Conniff really loved the luchador genre.
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