< Mystery Science Theater 3000 < Recap < S05

Mystery Science Theater 3000/Recap/S05/E20 Radar Secret Service

Films watched: Last Clear Chance (short) and Radar Secret Service

Dr. Forrester makes much of Radar Secret Service containing "Hypno-Helio-Static-Stasis" -- which basically translates into lots of padding and boring, identical men in boring, identical suits.

The Mystery Science Theater 3000 presentation of Radar Secret Service includes examples of:

Servo: MY PANTY HOSE! (Beat) I mean, what are those?

  • Use Your Head: Crow tries this on The Mads' button... and his right eye pops out for all his troubles.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: The fate of Sid Melton's character (if there was one) is not shown in the MST3K edit.

The Mystery Science Theater 3000 presentation of Last Clear Chance contains examples of:

Servo (as motorist who looks like Henry Kissinger): Ach, Mister President, please be careful!
Crow: Woah, almost ran over Kissinger! I'll have to go back.

Crow: Could you identify this bucketful of your brother?

Hal: DON'T tell me that you were speeding a LITTLE, only BREAKING the law a LITTLE...
Servo: Uh, oh...
Hal: ...only doing something a LITTLE bit wrong, save THAT for somebody else, BROTHER!

  • Women Drivers: Used as the punchline for another joke about another safety hazard. The actual issue was that the woman was reading a map instead of paying attention to where she was driving.
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