< Mystery Science Theater 3000 < Recap < S06 < E12 The Starfighters

Mystery Science Theater 3000/Recap/S06/E12 The Starfighters/YMMV

Crow: He augers in.
Servo: (radio) I need air support, give me air support, I'm going down...

    • Oh, and the "poopie suits".
    • This delivery,

Commander: (Holds up a toy model of a plane to several pilots) This is the Starfighter.
Servo: (As the commander) Get in.

    • Realizing about 2/3 of the way in that they've used up every possible sexual innuendo joke.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: The United Servo Men's Academy singing "we are fans of Colin Firth," who at the time had yet to star in the BBC miniseries of Pride and Prejudice and thus go on to wider fame.
    • This is then called back to in the series finale, where one of Tom's lines in the song about what awaits them on Earth is "Maybe we'll meet Colin Firth."
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