< Mystery Science Theater 3000 < Recap < S06

Mystery Science Theater 3000/Recap/S06/E09 The Skydivers

Original work: The Skydivers

Short: "Why Study Industrial Arts"

The Mystery Science Theater 3000 presentation contains:

Beth: I made some coffee.
Crow: Coffee? Wow, that's better than sex!

Student: And you know, I like the feel of a board moving smoothly against a sharp saw.
Mike: Then I thrust the nail into the soft, yielding wood...

  • Hair Wings: They speculate that Beth's very rigidly-styled hair could double as a parachute.

Crow: I predict in the climactic scene she jumps without a chute and her hair opens up.

  • Hot Amazon / Brawn Hilda: And HOW. The "beefy girl" at the party, who even picks up a guy and tosses him like a beanbag. Servo gives her a masculine, gruff voice while Mike calls her Tom Boerwinkle, a big ex-NBA player.
  • Informed Attractiveness: Suzy is supposedly the sultry temptress of the parachuting camp, beautiful enough to drive men to murder. Mike instead speculates, "I bet she smells like Marlboros and Arpege and Juicy Fruit and body odor."
  • Lifetime Movie of the Week: Crow calls the film a "chick film" at the end. In a weird way, he's not wrong.
  • Must Have Caffeine: Everyone in this movie. Affairs are built and lives are destroyed around cups of coffee.

Servo: Even the soundtrack is making coffee!

Mike: (nauseated) ...did Forrester's dance make anyone else physically ill?

Crow: (as industrial arts student) Tap-ta-tap-tap... I keep Popular Mechanics under my mattress!

  • Running Gag. Beth's hair.
    • Don't forget Petey Plane, kids!
  • Uranus Is Showing: Crow unleashes a barrage of "Uranus" jokes during Tom's planetarium show.

"I don't know, I feel real free up there in the high blue sky..."

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