Hair Wings

Wings that sprout out of a person's head where her hair would usually be. In some cases the person has normal hair that she can transform into wings, while in other cases she will have Hair Wings as a permanent anatomical feature. Often the wings look rather hair-like, especially the parts close to the scalp. Almost Always Female, because Long Hair Is Feminine.

Sometimes overlaps with both Power Gives You Wings and Power Makes Your Hair Grow.

Compare Ear Wings, Helicopter Hair, Mercury's Wings, and Hat of Flight.

Examples of Hair Wings include:

Anime & Manga

  • In Azumanga Daioh, Osaka fantasizes that Chiyo-chan can use her pigtails like this.
  • Rosine from Berserk has luna-moth-esque Hair Wings, which look particularly hair-like in her more humanoid form.
  • In Shamanic Princess, Tiara's Super Mode gives her red Hair Wings.
  • The eponymous protagonist of Yadamon, pictured above, is a Cute Witch who can transform her hair into butterfly wings.
  • Lucu Lucu features the demon Lucu Lucu who frequently flies via huge black wings made of her hair.
  • Engi Threepiece's from Yumekui Merry are shaped like wings which she can glide with.
  • Magi from Zettai Karen Children has Prehensile Hair which he can (also) shape into wings and use them for flying.


  • There's a Shel Silverstein poem about a boy with ridiculously long hair who was mercilessly teased about it until his weeping caused it to flap like wings, carrying him into the air.

Live-Action TV

Crow: I predict in the climactic scene she jumps without a chute and her hair opens up.

Video Games

  • Guilty Gear XX: Millia Rage's hair takes the form of angel wings, during one of her EX drives, where she lifts vertically off the ground and dives at the opponent.
  • Lionwhyte of Brutal Legend flaps his hair in order to fly.
  • Lolo, a caddy in Pangya has hair that juts out of the side of her head that look like wings ... or maybe they're actual wings. Either way if the wind is blowing about 6m or higher she'll sometimes comment 'I'm glad I have wings'.
  • The Siren summon from Final Fantasy VIII has huge, golden wings... sitting on top of her head. Even her eyebrows appear to be feathers, though it all does sort of blend in with actual hair (which is the exact same color as the feathers)
  • The Celestials in Okami have hair wings (or stiff, winglike hair) which enable them to fly. Waka the prophet has winglike extensions on his Nice Hat which have the same visual effect.


“Miss, you have a bat in your hair!”

Western Animation

  • The Ice King in Adventure Time uses his beard like a pair of small wings to fly. He of course loses this ability when he shaves it.
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