Head-Tiltingly Kinky

"I'm disgusted, I'm repulsed... And I can't look away."—Becky, Clerks II
Sex sells, but censors censor. Getting the goods to penetrate that blockade is hard. Then there's times that characters do really twisty-turny stuff, in front of a crowd! Stuff so steamy, just telling it can get people flustered, and showing it, well, the Moral Guardians that don't faint will break out the Torches and Pitchforks.
The solution? Let the audience Take Our Word for It. Keep the limber lambada dancers off screen and have witnesses tilt their heads or turn the magazine sideways, preferably with their mouths agape. Their conversation may be vague about what is happening, yet still implying something kinky is happening, possibly at an oblique angle.
This avoids the problems of showing it on screen, and also giving the viewer's imagination (perverse) grounds for speculation.
Occasionally, happens with other weird events, as people tend to imitate other's actions subconsciously. Also a fun Official Couple variation of Not What It Looks Like! Often used with Belligerent Sexual Tension, leading the Tsundere to blush profusely and then go tsuntsun on her Love Interest.
Often resembles the headtilt that dogs frequently do when confused.
Makes for a great diversion to get the guards distracted ... and everyone else involved!
See Noodle Incident for the non-sexual version of this trope.
No real life examples, please; this trope is about in-work reactions, and Real Life is not fiction.
- Played straight in BT Broadband ads circa 2011, where after running from a house with a slow connection to one using the above brand, something (unseen) appears on the screen, prompting this response and (to paraphrase) "no, guys, not on my stag night, she'd kill me!"
- A Bud Light ad from around 2010 ends with one of these involving a debauched tourist, a customs officer, and a camera that has to be rotated 90 degrees.
Anime and Manga
- The opening quote in the Naughty Tentacles entry comes from Samurai Champloo, when Mugen is looking at an ukiyo-e catalogue. In the English dub, he says "Damn, doin' it with a squid!".
- Clearly a reference to The Fisherman's Wife so imagination might not be needed so much.
- Partially used in an episode of Black Lagoon since you can see parts of the images in question. Revy and Rock are talking to a very bored Balalaika while she's editing porn videos.
Revy: Hold on a sec! Is she takin' it up the ass?
Balalaika: *Completely deadpan* ...Sure is.
- In the Love Hina manga, Kanako dresses Mutsumi up as Keitaro for a role play exercise (It Makes Sense in Context). Mutsumi is quick to point out that she has not left any detail untouched by lifting the robe she's wearing. The reactions of Naru, Shinobu and Motoko are this combined with bug eyes.
- The View Askewniverse comic Chasing Dogma has an installment where Jay drops his pants on the street in order to impress a porn star he'd been talking to. She is not impressed and walks away, just as a mother and two small children turn the corner and see him. The mother does the head-tilt, the two little boys stare in fascination, and one of them says "Mommy, why's his pee-pee littler than mine?"
Fan Works
- One random Azumanga Daioh fanfic called "Sex Education" brings up the consequences of Minamo-sensei's drunken sex-ed lesson from the anime when Chiyo-chan mentions part of it (she doesn't know) in an actual sex-ed class. Nyamo is promptly called up to the office to speak to the principal, and ends up demonstrating to a skeptical principal that it is possible for a woman to, quote, "expletive deleted her expletive deleted with her expletive deleted" ("after a few minutes of contortionism, Minamo unwound her limbs, satisfied that she'd proved her point"). The principal is promptly transformed into "to a copy of Kimura, right down the fogged up glasses and detached jaw", and develops a convenient episode of amnesia.
Minamo: "My gym coach in high school said I had a slinky for a spine-"
- Featherbrite's Tale, an entry in Gregg Sharp/Metroanime's Bet series (based on Ranma ½), describes a... spicy dream to the audience, replacing the NSFW parts with phrases like, "Oh boy is that censored."
- In the Crossover CSI: Death By Chocolate, Greg Sanders has this reaction to adult Violet Beauregard, now a contortionist in the Cirque du Soleil, combing her hair. With her feet. From behind.
- Galaxy Quest did a variation of this.
- The Simpsons Movie had this with some adorable forest critters watching Marge and Homer do the horizontal tango.
- Speak for yourself. It looks more like they are in severe need of Brain Bleach.
- The donkey show in Clerks II.
"I'm disgusted and repulsed and... and I can't look away."
- Dogma plays with the trope when the Golgothan throws down with a crew of gang-bangers in such a way that the heroic onlookers tilt their heads as if trying to understand the combat.
- Clue: the photos of Col. Mustard's rendezvous at Miss Scarlet's specialized hotel.
Mrs. White: Oh my. No one could get into that position.
Professor Plum: Sure they can. Here, let me show you. (as he grabs and tries to lift Mrs. White's leg)
- Cheech and Chong's Next Movie plays this apparently straight at first, then shows you what the character was looking at. Kinky? Yes. Sexual? Not terribly. Weird? You better believe it!
- What's New Pussycat?? ends up at a rendezvous hotel where the suites are named for famous lovers - the concierge gets a call and tells her husband "The gentleman in 'Marquis de Sade' asks for twelve loaves of bread and a Boy Scout uniform!"
- Weirdly inverted, in Maurizio Nichetti's Volere Volare: the head tilt is inspired not by the porn movie playing off-screen but by the bizarre (to say the least) sound effects applied to same by a Foley artist who normally does cartoons.
- Implied in the Dudley Moore vehicle Wholly Moses; the Sodomites' orgies are off screen, but Herschel's own head literally tilts as he watches them.
- The actual contents of The Joy of Snackes, Nanny Ogg's "cookbook" in Maskerade (which has recipes like Oyster and Carrot Pie: carrots so you can see in the dark, oysters so you have something to look at) are only alluded to. But when Granny reads it, in increasing disbelief and shock, there does come a moment (Humorous Cake Decorations; Nanny illustrated that bit) when she has to turn it sideways.
- In Pyramids the highly trained but (it's implied) virginal handmaiden Ptraci gets professionally interested in a sailor's pornographic tattoos: "That's from '101 days in Pseudopolis,' it's physically impossible... Oh look, it's the Congress of the Friendly Dog and the Two Small Biscuits! You can even see the yoghurt!"
- In one Ciaphas Cain (HERO OF THE IMPERIUM!!!) novel he enters the hideout of a Slaanesh cult and the walls are covered with pornographic artwork prompting the following exchange:
Penlan: I don't believe that's possible.
Cain: It's not, and even if it was it would be against regulations.
- In A Wizard Alone Kit's sister watches a lot of alien television channels. Their parents can't make head or tail of them, but like one particularly soothing channel. They quickly realize their mistake.
- Tanya Huff's Smoke series includes a guy who has found a pornographic deck of cards. One particular card makes him exclaim that he doesn't think that's possible, and another character replies that "It's possible, but the second woman has to be very flexible and he's going to have a sore back later." Cue bogglement.
- The Tom Wolfe novel A Man in Full has multiple references to "that thing with the cup." Exactly what this is is never specified, but it is implied to be a particularly interesting "talent" of a female character.
- Or maybe two of them...?
Live-Action TV
- The short-lived sequel to Babylon 5, Crusade, had an infamous porn film "Snow White and the Seven Narns", courtesy of the Jerkass anthropologist, which got the captain and chief medical officer to head-tilt. It later came in handy to distract guards of a prison for a daring rescue. Perhaps too well, as even the thief was distracted to the point of head-tilt!
- It was actually a whole lot weirder than most could imagine. The article in question was actually "Who's Your Little Pak'Ma'Ra", and involved an encounter between one of the eponymous species and a human female. That's kinky enough, but the really kinky part must be looked up; Pak'Ma'Ra have truly Bizarre Sexual Dimorphism: half of the species is actually immobile and permanently attaches itself to the humanoid's back. A Pak'Ma'Ra's "sex" organs would be at the base of its neck. The ship's doctor mentions that this makes the entire concept absurd; cue the Head Tilt.
Captain Matthew Gideon: That's an amazing thing, technology.
- Friends: Phoebe's (sister's) porn, Buffay the Vampire Layer sparked this too. Also shows up a bit with the pose in question being passed around on a yellow pad (either legal or post-it), provoking remarkably candid comments; I think it was done on Just Shoot Me (Nina said "that one's physically impossible, that one's tricky, that one's okay if you're both really flexible"), I know it was on The John Laroquette Show ("He might just be drunk, but he's definitely gay.")
- There was an early Three's Company where Chrissy was typing a very raunchy romance novel written as a diary (which at the time they thought was a real diary.) Jack, reading over Chrissy's shoulder, first did the head-tilt, then attempted a strange contortionist pose, finally exclaiming, "That's impossible!"
- From the improv show Whose Line Is It Anyway?, the drawn-from-a-hat topic for a mini-sketch was something along the lines of "disturbing slide shows". So, Colin Mochrie is showing Ryan Stiles his (imaginary) slides:
Colin: And we call this position "Pruning the Hibiscus!"
Ryan: (stares silently for a moment, then tilts his head sideways)
- Also, during a different episode's "Scenes From A Hat", the scene "What's On TV In Hell".
Colin: "Buttcracks of the Rich and Famous!'
Brad runs on stage behind him and 'watches', tilts his head, and keeps it tilted as he walks off.
- While there isn't anything particularly kinky implied, in one episode of Coupling, all of the characters go to watch sex tapes that Patrick made with his conquests and pretty much watch them nonchalantly while making commentary.
- There is an anguished cry of "She's never done that with ME!" from Steve when he thinks he is watching the tape of Susan. What she is allegedly doing is never discovered. It's not her, as she indignantly points out to the oblivious men. Her bottom is smaller, for starters.
- A sketch on the Australian show The Wedge had an athlete showing photos on his mobile phone to his publicist, who advises him to delete each one. The final photo has the phone turned on its side, and the publicist pauses before requesting a copy.
Publicist: How does she --
Athlete: Gymnast.
- Scrubs once featured Elliot and Carla walking in on a patient having sex. With Ted.
- Also in the episode where Jordan orders J.D. to drop his pants, we see a shot of her from between his legs as she tilts her head slightly.
- Monty Python's Flying Circus did a sketch where a children's TV presenter was reading a series of stories which invariably turned pornographic. "Discipline? Naked? (turns the book sideways) ...with a melon?"
- They also had something similar in the audio version of the famous "Blackmail" sketch. During the portion where the video is shown, the presenter says things like "Is that a chicken? No, it's just the way she's holding the grapefruit," and "That certainly doesn't look like his mother..."
- "£3000 please, to stop us revealing your name, the names of the three other people involved, the youth organization to which they belong, and the shop where you bought the equipment!"
- They also had something similar in the audio version of the famous "Blackmail" sketch. During the portion where the video is shown, the presenter says things like "Is that a chicken? No, it's just the way she's holding the grapefruit," and "That certainly doesn't look like his mother..."
- In an episode of Becker, Margaret and Linda accidentally come across porn on the Internet. After a few clicks, they tilt their heads to try and figure out what's going on. In another episode, Bob wrote a check for Reggie, and Reggie was surprised to see a "woman" on it. Bob explained it was actually three women and a donkey, and if you flick it they move.
- Steve and Marcy in the Married... with Children "I'll See You in Court" got this reaction when the court ordered a tape of them having sex to be shown (it was a case in which a hotel has been covertly recording their guests and then rented it out to other guests), with a brief mention of handcuffs.
- Earlier, when Al and Peg watched the tape, Peg commented: "Whoa, I didn't know a human leg could do that. Oh, I want that! Oh, and I want that! And I DEFINITELY want that!" They also both did the head-tilt.
- The King of Queens features the Heffernans' photos getting mixed up with those belonging to another couple with a similar last name. The second time it happens the other couple's photos are full of sex acts, which Doug tries to get Carrie to do with him. "You want me to do this?" "And this. And this. And assuming we can find the right kind of chair, this."
- Thirty Rock is always hinting at kinky hijinks between Tracy and his wife. One episode had them start going at it with Liz still in the room, prompting Liz to ask in shock, "Oh no, you guys start with that?"
- Another episode had Jack Donaghy look out Liz's window and prompts him to say "Wow, that man appears to be making violent, passionate love... to himself." Followed by "You have to admire his stamina.", and "Is he in a board meeting?"
- Lou Grant had two reporters going undercover as a married couple, staying at a sleazy motel which had porn on the television which they couldn't turn off. Joe (the male reporter) was watching the television avidly, with Billie (the female reporter) making snide comments about "That's not sexy, that's just foolish", etc. At one point Billie stops, tilts her head and says, "Now that's sexy..."
- On 3rd Rock from the Sun, an alien assigned by the Big Giant Head to be Dick's wife (played by Roseanne of all people) goes through a book titled The Joy of Sex with Mrs. Dubcek. She shows Mrs. Dubcek diagrams in the book, each time asking "Have you done that?" with increasing amazement as Mrs. Dubcek keeps replying in the affirmative. The last time, Mrs. Dubcek turned the book upside down and looked at it for a Beat before again saying yes.
- In "House-Training", a third-season episode of House, Wilson unwittingly takes Cuddy to a fetish photo exhibit at an art gallery. Their head tilt moment included statements like "That is such a bad idea! There is no way that won't cause damage to the large intestine" from Cuddy and "Is that a bicycle pump?" from Wilson.
- In Buffy the Vampire Slayer, over the protests of her sister and friends, Dawn opens up one of Giles' guidebooks on demons, and remarks, "That's a weird place for a horn ... that's not a horn." She then quickly closes the book. After a few seconds, she opens it again for another look.
- On Reaper, Sock and Sam get one of these when they watch Sock's (Step) Sister doing yoga.
- Since she was an Innocent Fanservice Girl, it was more "Ooh, bendy!"
- Herman's Head. Herman and Jay are seen doing this while watching a nude female neighbor exercising. "Boy, is she limber!"
- A Jonathan Creek special had a sub-plot about Adam Klauss investing in a company making 3-D porn. At one point, he demonstrates it to Jonathan, shown on screen by the pair of them doing synchronised head-tilts while suggestive sound effects are played. The Fridge Logic on that was particularly bad, considering that following the sound of a zipper being undone, both men lean apart and look inwards...
- Grey's Anatomy has an episode where a patient uses porn for pain management. The girls do the head tilt while checking out the video and one of them comments that "there's no way that can be comfortable". Meredith replies: "Trust me, it's not".
- In How I Met Your Mother, during the episode The Bracket Barney shows the other characters a scrapbook of his conquests—very specific attributes of theirs, which apparently does not include their faces. Though we never see the pictures, they apparently include "some minor celebrities, one government official, and what appears to be a national fast food chain mascot." The government official is elsewhere established to be Madeleine Albright, but the mascot is left to our imaginations.
- It's stated in one of the commentaries that it's meant to be Wendy.
- Variations of this happen in several HIMYM episodes since Future Ted doesn't want his kids to know too many of the details.
- Rescue Me has the firefighting team watching a sex video of Kim Kardashian. As one their heads tilt, first to the left, then to the right.
- In the Monk episode "Mr. Monk's Favorite Show", Natalie and Lt. Discher react with alarm at the lurid descriptions of a former TV star's sexual relationships, describing what they're reading in very vague terms (the phrase "Is that even physically possible?" comes up at one point).
- Two and A Half Men. Like, every episode.
- In Bottom, Richie and Eddie come across (pun in no way intended) a sex video of the (then) Prime Minister, John Major. Lots of head tilt occurs as does a lot of horrified faces.
- "I wish I had a mum like that..." (It makes sense in context.)
- "Beat that fever right out of him!"
- In the Blackadder II episode Money, there's that scene in the finale:
The bishop [the Baby-eating Bishop of Bath and Wells] is stunned by the painting and turns sideways to get it in perspective.
Bishop: By the horns of Beelzebub! How did you get me into that position?
Blackadder: And it's so beautifully framed, don't you think? Which is ironic really, because that's exactly what's happened to you!
Bishop: Yes, yes, but first, one question. Who is the second figure? Who could you have got to perform such deeds, to have gone lower than man has ever gone, to have plunged the depths of degradation in order to save your filthy life?
The bishop pulls back the sheet. It is Percy. He shifts uncomfortably. [1]
- An episode of CSI New York has Danny and Hawkes find a sex tape during an investigation, recorded over a walrus documentary. Played With as the audience gets glimpses of the tape, but downright hilarious as Adam (the AV Lab Rat) and Lindsey are also tilting their heads at the footage.
- The Golden Girls has this in a few episodes.
- In "Adult Education", Blanche reports a teacher for sexual harassment. The dean takes out a form and begins to ask questions about the incident. He stops at one of them, saying "Good Lord, I can't ask you this! I can't even ask my wife this! *tilts head* I'd like to, though..."
- In "Isn't It Romantic", Sophia rents a porno movie allegedly by accident and they all end up looking, with varying reactions.
Dorothy: What are they doing?
Sophia: You know what they're doing, we had that talk when you were twelve.
Rose: It reminds me of my Uncle Ricky's rabbit farm!
Blanche: Oh, I did that once! [the others stare at her] What? It was his birthday.
Note she didn't say that until they accidentally put the tape in reverse.
- In one episode of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Uncle Phil has joined a monastery after Hilary posed for Playboy against his wishes (even though Hugh Hefner promised the photos would be "tasteful"). Will pays him a visit with the issue in question. When Phil opens the issue, he finds that Hilary's naughty bits are obscured by a article title, and proclaims "She's covered up! Hallelujah!" Then Will pulls out the centerfold and says, "But she ain't." The two tilt their heads, and both respond with "...hallelujah."
- The title character and Those Two Guys in Castle are seen staring at a web site, questioning "how is that position even possible?", with identical head tilts. Further head-tilting is provoked when the lead female detective glimpses at the screen and matter-of-factly states "Oh, it's possible."
Beckett: "Only a handful of bondage shops in the city do custom work. So let's take photos of those cuffs, send it out, see if anyone can I.D. where it came from."
Castle: "Only a handful of shops? Okay, what aren’t you telling me?"
Beckett: "So much, Castle. So very, very much."
- Or another...
Castle: "Hmm. You know, you should moonlight. Seriously, you would make a fortune. Come on. Haven't you ever wanted to do... something with your handcuffs other than arrest criminals?"
Beckett: "No. But there is one hot... wild... kinky thing that I do like doing."
(Castle's elbow slips off the table, his chin hits the table too)
Beckett: "Putting killers behind bars."
Castle: "See? You're already a tease. You're halfway there."
- In "Set Up", Beckett holds up a large pair of bolt cutters (in a rather flirty pose) prior to trying a storage unit door. Castle comments, for reasons he won't explain, that looks quite hot.
- In the Supernatural episode "The Magnificent Seven", Sam walks in on his brother with a couple of girls. The camera doesn't show precisely what they're up to, but the look on Sam's face speaks volumes. Although this is less head-tilting than hiding his face in horror.
- And later:
Sam: Let me see your knife.
Dean: What for?
Sam: So I can gouge my eyes out.
Dean: It was a beautiful, natural act!
Sam: That's a part of you I never wanted to see, Dean.
- In Episode 5.15 of Bones, the non-forensic subplot revolves around the sex act described on "page 187" of Brennen's latest book, which is apparently so unique and impressive that Hodgins claims that it could only have come from Angela describing their sex life -- and is proven correct.
- The Night Court gang watched a porn tape that was evidence in a case. The back of the TV set was to the camera, and they all slowly tilted their heads in the same direction.
Christine (covering her eyes) Whatever happened to earning a boy's respect?
Dan: I respect her.
- True Blood had a sex scene in which a head was tilted (actually, turned 180°). Whether it was kinky, YMMV
- Red Dwarf had a variation on this in the infamous "shrinking boxers" scene as Rimmer walks in on Kryten and Lister and entirely misinterprets what's going on. Headtilting ensues.
- Another is when Kryten has been turned into a human and asks Lister how his new 'equipment' works. (For instance, the socket for the recharge cable seems to require an adaptor, as the lead keeps falling out.) Lister quickly corrects him, but then Kryten hands him two Polaroid photos. Lister squints a bit, rotating them to try to make sense of it, till he puts them together. His face is a picture.
- "Is that normal?" - "What, takin' photographs of it an' showin' it to your mates?! No, it's not!"
- Another is when Kryten has been turned into a human and asks Lister how his new 'equipment' works. (For instance, the socket for the recharge cable seems to require an adaptor, as the lead keeps falling out.) Lister quickly corrects him, but then Kryten hands him two Polaroid photos. Lister squints a bit, rotating them to try to make sense of it, till he puts them together. His face is a picture.
- The Cold Open for a fifth season episode of Law and Order takes place at the tail end of a bachelor party. Two of the men comment on a porno off screen.
- On a detective show in the '70s, the hero bought a pornographic photo to use for fast-talking his way in to see someone important, implying to all the middlemen that the picture could be blackmail evidence. Obviously, TV viewers never actually saw the picture, but the reaction of all the characters, including the hero, suggested head-tilting kinkiness; the big shot's response was, "I've never seen this acrobat in my life!"
- From Dharma and Greg while Dharma is recovering from physical therapy they go ask their doctor if they can still have sex.
Dharma: (hands over books of (presumably) picture) Can we still do this?
Doctor: Could you do that before?
Dharma: I'm a yoga instructor.
Doctor: Yeah, but he's only a lawyer.
(doctors leafs through book in shock)
- On an episode of Party of Five, Claudia rents what she thinks is An Affair to Remember for Kirsten for her wedding shower, but a porn tape is in there instead (guess who ends up getting An Affair To Remember instead), and while Claudia is upset, Kirsten tilts her head.
- In Hope & Faith Faith provides the Gooch with a diagram of a position she wants them to try. He turns the piece of paper upside down and remarks "I don't think I bend that way".
- Charmed gives us a live witness version. Leo and Piper are in the club on a rowdy night with quite a few scantily clad girls dancing on podiums. Leo tilts his head and says "can you do that in public?"
Newspaper Comics
- This Baby Blues strip. "Seismic!"
Video Games
- In Conker's Bad Fur Day, when the King Bee "pollinates" the busty sunflower. Watching the (offscreen) action, Conker tilts his head and makes a face.
- Despite being a colossal pervert, the face he makes is... not pleased.
- Team Fortress 2: In the "Meet the Spy" video, this is the Heavy and Soldier's response to pictures of the enemy Spy having sex with the Scout's mother.
Heavy: (shows Soldier a photo)
Soldier: Ooooh! (admiringly)
Scout: Hey, gimme that! (as he frantically grabs at the picture)
- In Shadow Hearts 2, during a sidequest involving Joachim, you become involved in 'The Man Festival', which basically involves climbing a tower of wrestling rings and defeating several opponents. On reaching the top and defeating the champion, known as The Great Question, you are informed that now Joachim must take part in a ritual involving 'recieving the others manhood'. The scene then cuts to Yuri and Anastasia, who have accompanied Joachim to the top, and their reactions are quite honestly the most hilarious thing i've ever seen in a video game.
- * kerplunk*
- In Brutal Legend, one of the first monsters Eddie Riggs meets is a Battle Nun, one of many demonic Naughty Nuns clad in leather. Eddie comments that she's "kinda sexy in a weird way."
- Just her? The Tainted Coil IS this trope.
- In Fallout: New Vegas the player can explore the H&H Tool Company's work computers and (along with seeing the rapidly slipping sanity of Anthony House) view the inter-office romances and trysts, all of which involve such objects as riding crops, egg timers, and various other odd objects.
Web Comics
- Penny Arcade featured this when Gabe and Tycho released the Fruit F***er in "Omega Mode" on a horde of zombies. Its actions weren't shown, but were accompanied by spurts of blood and lovely sound effects like SQUICH, SKUTCH, and P-KUSH P-KUSH P-KUSH.
Tycho: (in disbelief) What is going on? Why is he...? I thought that...
- Let's not forget that the end product was handed to Tycho in a blender.
- Recently happened in Dominic Deegan, when they visited a Hobgoblin camp... during the mating season.
- There's semi-example from Questionable Content, where this was invoked solely by the mental image of a Faye/Dora lesbian scene. Mostly amusing due to, apparently, being infectious.
- Also played straight with Sven's fine, fine ass.
- Matt's introduction to Candi was Jon and Candi watching him make out with Trevor on the dance floor.
- Even animals are not immune.
- In The Legend Of Anne Bunny, Anne looks for her shipmate in a brothel. The first time she peeks into a wrong room, she slams the door and thinks, "I didn't know you could do that outside of space!"
- Terra's webcomic impression in 1/0.
- Done once in Adventurers!!, when Karn and Ardam are browsing the web and find what is implied to be some very risqué material of Karashi.
Ardam: I suddenly find myself very glad I don't have fansites.
Karn: Are all ninjas that flexible?
- Girl Genius: When Agatha is working in the traveling Heterodyne Circus as the psychic Madame Olga.
"She... ...tea cozy... ...forty-three hours... ...only one spoon... ...how... eek!"
- Is it just me, or are tea cozies becoming a favored Noodle Implement of this trope?
- In the We did WHAT!? arc of CRFH, the boys find out they performed in a gay porn movie while drunk some weeks before, and the girls make them watch the whole tape.
Mike: (whose left arm had since mutated into a tentacle) Man, I miss my left arm.
Dave: That... is not... your arm.
Roger: Hot damn! I'm going back for more of that stuff!
- Deconstructed in Twokinds. the Bastin culture is so sexually repressed that Flora chasing Kathrin out of her room while both of them are naked (Kathrin was teaching her how to give a "Happy Ending" Massage) is enough to cause an entire tavern to drop everything to watch and fill the entire taproom with mortified faces. Their heads probably would have exploded if they had actually gone down.
- Mick's reaction in a certain strip of Least I Could Do follows this trope.
- Order of the Stick: Redcloak finds Monster-In-The-Darkness scrying on two dwarves having sex.
(covers eyes) "Ugh!! How can you sit and watch that--" (listens, gradually opens eyes) "Wow... You know, with those short stubby little bodies, you'd never think they had the agility to..."
- Rooster Teeth Comics: Here [dead link] . An unusual choice for that reaction, wouldn't you say?
Web Original
- In Sonic Shorts 2, Sonic and Shadow are looking at various fan art on the internet. Upon looking for art depicting them both fighting each other, they tilt their heads in shock.
Sonic: Is that...?
Shadow: And is that my...?
- The Nostalgia Critic's tribute to Siskel and Ebert starts with him asking, "When you hear the word critic, what's the very first thing you think of?" Cut an image of him, then The Angry Video Game Nerd, then to a half-naked violinist running down a street wearing a big bird's nest on his head. Cut to the Critic, head at 45° angle, softly whispering "Why would you...?"
- Also, The Nostalgia Chick, in response to BFF Nella's over-the-top reaction to the phrase "My Little Ponies", which is apparently strong and deep-seated enough to be more important to Nella than the fact that the Nostalgia Chick had a camera installed in Nella's bedroom at her parent's house.
- And on Bad Movie Beatdown, when we don't see all of the sex scene from Live Wire, we see Film Brain staring through binoculars, head tilted, saying "I didn't even know you could do that."
Western Animation
- On The Simpsons, the episode they went to Brazil, Bart was watching a kids TV show hosted by a woman in a very Stripperific outfit. The bit on 'counting' had scantily clad dancers writhing around on giant letters and a showgirl demonstrates "clockwise" and "counterclockwise" using the tasseled pasties on her chest. As the shot cuts away from the show, the host says "On top of... beneath!". Marge and Bart can only stare in disbelief.
- An episode had Krusty giving Bart a list of things that can't be said on TV.
Bart: I've never even heard of number 6.
Krusty: It's 11 and 3 while she's 9ing your 5.
- The King of the Hill episode "Return to La Grunta" features a dolphin named Duke that is sometimes flirtatious with humans that swim with him. In one scene, an onlooking boy cringes and tilts his head as Duke sexually assaults a man in the pool off-screen.
- BTW, dolphins have been known to really do this in captivity.
- HELLO Nightmare Fuel!
- BTW, dolphins have been known to really do this in captivity.
- In the Family Guy episode "PTV", Peter goes into a very long explanation of how his wife pleasures him, with the relevant parts bleeped out by an air horn. Among the things he mentions that aren't naughty are a toothpaste tube, an extension cord, a parking ticket and something to do with Episcopalians.
- The South Park episode "The Return of the Fellowship of the Ring to the Two Towers" revolves around a porn video, "Backdoor Sluts 9," that the children accidentally come to possess. All the adult men in the episode recognize the title instantly as the "single most vile, twisted, dark piece of porn ever produced" (without ever saying why). It's not until late in the episode that Token explicitly (pun intended) describes some of the tape's contents, which include salad dressing and DVDA.
- Very mild example in Kaeloo. In the episode Let's Play Happy Rotter, Kaeloo, Stumpy and Quack-Quack tilt their heads with quizzical expressions when watching a documentary in which a male crepidula turns female for mating purposes.
- In the Futurama episode "Mother's Day" when Farnsworth tries to court Mom and she repeatedly slams the front door into his foot, Zoidberg says "Is this what human mating looks like? Because I like it!" Also, when everyone barges in on Farnsworth and Mom making love, Zoidberg is the only one not disgusted.
- ↑ We never get to actually see the painting, of course.