List of rivers of Italy
This is a list of rivers which are at least partially located in Italy. They are organized according to what body of water they drain into, with the exceptions of Sicily and Sardinia, which are listed separately. At the bottom all of the rivers are listed alphabetically.

Draining into the North Sea
- Reno di Lei
- After entering Switzerland, the Reno di Lei drains via the Reno di Avers and the Hinterrhein into the Rhine.
Draining into the Black Sea
- Drava (a short section in Italy, continues into Austria, Slovenia, Croatia and Hungary)
- The Drava drains into the Danube on the Croatia–Serbia border.
- Slizza (three-quarters in Italy, a quarter in Austria)
- After entering Austria, the Slizza drains via the Gail into the Drava.
- Acqua Granda (half in Italy, half in Switzerland)
- After entering Switzerland, the Spöl drains into the Inn, which meets the Danube in Germany.
Draining into the Adriatic Sea
For the purposes of this list, the Italian rivers draining into the Adriatic Sea will begin at the coastal border between Italy and Slovenia and will follow the Adriatic coast of Italy until it reaches Santa Maria di Leuca. Beyond this point, rivers empty into the Ionian Sea rather than the Adriatic. The rivers are ordered according to how far along the coast the river mouth is from the Italian/Slovenian border, the first river having its mouth the closest to the border and the last being closest to Santa Maria di Leuca.
- Cormor
- Ausa
- Tagliamento
- Livenza
- Piave
- Brenta
- Bacchiglione
- Adige
- Tartaro-Canalbianco-Po di Levante
- Po
- Reno
Tributaries of the Adige
Tributaries of the Po
The tributaries of the Po are organized into right- and left-hand tributaries. The lists are ordered from the river closest to the source of the Po to the river closest to the mouth of the Po.
Left-hand tributaries
- Soana
- Seveso (The Seveso enters the Naviglio Martesana canal which enters the Lambro.)
- Frigidolfo or Oglio Frigidolfo branch
- Arcanello or Oglio Arcanello branch
- Narcanello or Oglio Narcanello branch
- Valpaghera
- Valgrande
- Ogliolo branch
- Rabbia
- Remulo
- Allione (river)
- Poia (river)
- Re
- Re
- Clegna
- Figna
- Blé
- Palobbia
- Poia (creek)
- Re
- Lanico
- Trobiolo
- Grigna
- Resio
- Davine
- Budrio
- Gleno
- Re
- Orso
- Supine
- Borlezza (The Borlezza enters Lake Iseo which empties into the Oglio.)
- Rino di Vigolo (The Rino di Vigolo enters Iseo lake which empties into the Oglio.)
- Rino di Predore (The Rino di Predore enters Iseo lake which empties into the Oglio.)
- Bagnadore (The Bagnadore enters Iseo lake which empties into the Oglio.)
- Calchere (The Calchere enters Iseo lake which empties into the Oglio.)
- Cortelo (The Cortelo enters Iseo lake which empties into the Oglio.)
- Opelo (The Opelo enters Iseo lake which empties into the Oglio.)
- Cherio
- Tadone
- Malmera
- Caffaro (The Caffaro enters Lake Idro which empties into the Chiese.)
- Re di Anfo (The Re di Anfo enters Lake Idro which empties into the Chiese.)
- Sarca (The Sarca enters Lake Garda which empties into the Mincio.)
Rivers draining into Lake Maggiore
- Melezzo Orientale (partly in Switzerland)
- Isorno (partly in Switzerland)
Rivers draining into Lake Como
Draining into the Ionian Sea
For the purposes of this list, the Italian rivers draining into the Ionian Sea will begin at Santa Maria di Leuca in the east and will extend to the Strait of Messina in the west. Sicilian rivers are excluded because they are listed in their own section below. The rivers are ordered according to how far east their mouth is, the first river having the easternmost mouth and the last having the westernmost mouth.
Draining into the Tyrrhenian Sea

For the purposes of this list, the Italian rivers draining into the Tyrrhenian Sea will begin at the Strait of Messina in the south and extend north up to San Pietro Point near Portovenere. Sicilian and Sardinian rivers are excluded from this list because those rivers are in their own sections below. The rivers are ordered according to how far south their mouth is, the first river having the southernmost mouth and the last having the northernmost mouth.
Draining into the Ligurian Sea
For the purposes of this list, the Italian rivers draining into the Ligurian Sea will begin at San Pietro Point near Portovenere in the east and will extend to the border with France near Monaco. Sardinian rivers are excluded from this list because those rivers are in their own section below. The rivers are ordered according to how close their mouth is to San Pietro Point. The river with its mouth closest to this geographic point is listed first and rivers further away from this point are listed in the order in which their mouth empties into the sea as one proceeds along the coast up to the border with France.
Rivers of Sicily
Alphabetical list
- Acquacheta
- Acquafraggia
- Adda
- Adige
- Agogna
- Agri
- Ahr
- Albano
- Alcantara
- Allaro
- Allia
- Allione
- Alvo
- Amendolea
- Amusa
- Anapo
- Aniene
- Antholzerbach
- Anza
- Arcanello
- Arda
- Argentina
- Arno
- Arrone
- Arroscia
- Aso
- Aterno-Pescara
- Ausa, in the Province of Udine
- Ausa, in San Marino and the Province of Rimini
- Avisio
- Bacchiglione
- Bagnadore
- Basentello
- Basento
- Barbaira
- Belbo
- Belice
- Bevera (Bévéra)
- Bidente-Ronco
- Biferno
- Bilioso
- Bisagno
- Biscubio
- Blé
- Boesio
- Bogna
- Bonamico
- Borbera
- Borlezza
- Bormida
- Bormida di Spigno
- Bradano
- Braibach
- Breggia
- Brembo
- Brenta
- Budrio
- Burano
- Busento
- Buthier
- Caffaro
- Calaggio
- Calchere
- Calcinara
- Calore Irpino
- Calore Lucano
- Canale Reale
- Candigliano
- Cannobino
- Carapelle
- Carapellotto
- Cassibile
- Castellano
- Cavone
- Cenischia
- Ceno
- Centa
- Cerami
- Cerusa
- Cervo
- Cesano
- Cherio
- Chiana
- Chiani
- Chiascio
- Chienti
- Chiese
- Chisone
- Ciane
- Cixerri
- Clegna
- Clitunno
- Coghinas
- Conca
- Cormor
- Corno
- Cortelo
- Cosia
- Coscile
- Crati
- Cremera
- Crinisus
- Crostolo
- Curone
- Davine
- Derjon
- Dezzo
- Dirillo
- Dittaino
- Diveria
- Dora Baltea
- Dora di Bardonecchia
- Dora Riparia
- Drava
- Eggentaler Bach
- Elvo
- Enna
- Enza
- Entella
- Erbognone
- Erro
- Esaro (Cosenza)
- Esaro (Crotone)
- Fiastra
- Fiastrone
- Figna
- Fiora
- Fiume di Girgenti
- Fiumelatte
- Flumendosa
- Foglia
- Fortore
- Frigidolfo
- Fucino
- Gorzente
- Gran Ega
- Garga
- Garigliano
- Gattola
- Gela
- Gerace
- Giona
- Gleno
- Grana del Monferrato
- Grande River
- Gravina
- Gravina di Matera
- Grigna
- Grue
- Gsieser Bach
- Helorus
- Idice
- Ippari
- Irminio
- Isarco (Eisack)
- Isonzo (Soča)
- Isorno
- Karlinbach
- Lambro
- Lamone
- Lanico
- Lato
- Lavagna
- La Verde
- Lemme
- Limentra
- Liri
- Liro (This Liro enters Lake Como.)
- Liro (This Liro enters the Mera.)
- Livenza
- Locone
- Lys
- Magra
- Maira
- Malmera
- Malone
- Marano
- Marecchia
- Margorabbia
- Marro
- Marta
- Mazaro
- Melezzo Occidentale
- Melezzo Orientale
- Melito
- Mella
- Mera
- Metauro
- Mincio
- Misa
- Montone
- Mucone
- Musone
- Narcanello
- Natisone
- Nera
- Nervia
- Neto
- Nevola
- Nigoglia
- Nure
- Ofanto
- Oglio
- Ogliolo
- Olona
- Ombrone
- Opelo
- Orba
- Orco
- Orso
- Ose
- Ovesca
- Paglia
- Palobbia
- Panaro
- Parina
- Parma
- Passirio
- Pfitscher Bach
- Pflerscher Bach
- Pfunderer Bach
- Piave
- Piomba
- Piota
- Pioverna
- Platani
- Plima
- Po
- Poia (creek)
- Poia (river)
- Polcevera
- Pora
- Potenza
- Pragser Bach
- Rabbi
- Rabbia
- Rapido (Gari)
- Ram (Rom)
- Re di Anfo
- Re, in Gianico
- Re, in Niardo
- Re, in Sellero
- Re di Tredenus, in Capo di Ponte
- Reinbach
- Remulo
- Reno
- Reno di Lei
- Resio
- Ridnauner Bach
- Rienza (Rienz)
- Rino di Predore
- Rino di Vigolo
- Roia (Roya)
- Rotaldo
- Rubicon
- Sacco
- Salandrella
- Saldurbach
- Saline
- Salinello
- Salso
- Salto
- Samoggia
- San Bernardino
- Sangro
- San Marino
- Sant'Anna
- Santerno
- Sarca
- Savena
- Savio
- Savuto
- Scrivia
- Secchia
- Sele
- Senales (Schnalser Bach)
- Serchio
- Sesia
- Seveso
- Sillaro
- Simeto
- Sinni
- Slizza
- Soana
- Sordo
- Spöl
- Stabina
- Staffora
- Stilaro
- Stirone
- Strona
- Stronetta
- Stura del Monferrato
- Stura di Demonte
- Stura di Lanzo
- Stura di Ovada
- Suldenbach
- Supine
- Tadone
- Tagliamento
- Talfer
- Tammaro
- Tanagro
- Tanaro
- Taro
- Tartaro-Canalbianco-Po di Levante
- Tenna
- Terdoppio
- Tesino
- Tiber
- Ticino
- Timavo (Reka)
- Tinella
- Tirso
- Toce
- Topino
- Tordino
- Torno
- Torre
- Trebbia
- Tresa
- Trigno
- Troina
- Tronto
- Turano
- Tusciano
- Uniti
- Valgrande
- Valpaghera