Tag: microsoft-excel-2007

130 Is it possible to paste CSV formatted data into Excel 2007? 2010-08-04T09:38:41.860

123 Is there a way to scroll, by pixel, instead of by cell, in either Excel or OpenOffice Calc? 2014-07-03T19:37:26.383

100 Find Items in one column that are not in another column 2009-12-10T18:44:01.210

87 Turn off scientific notation in Excel 2012-07-24T08:50:56.673

69 What is the maximum allowed rows in a Microsoft Excel .xls or .xlsx 2011-12-09T21:06:00.607

67 How to "unpivot" or "reverse pivot" in Excel? 2009-12-03T19:26:49.990

64 Selecting whole column except first X (header) cells in Excel 2009-12-28T10:45:01.127

61 Excel Auto-Fill a Series Without Mouse (Keyboard Only) 2011-04-12T19:44:03.880

61 Excel - can I set a cell to equal a certain value, no matter what is typed in it? 2015-09-29T15:03:40.760

57 How to make cells perfect squares in Excel? 2010-07-20T14:28:34.730

47 Excel keyboard shortcut to copy/fill down for all cells with non-blank adjacent cells? 2011-06-16T23:25:57.987

46 Unable to get Excel to recognise date in column 2014-09-26T10:46:13.467

44 Copy Excel worksheet and maintain relative cell reference in formulas 2012-03-06T08:47:35.830

34 How can I use custom colours in the Microsoft VBA editor? 2011-07-21T19:04:42.560

33 How to copy conditional formating to another Excel Worksheet 2010-09-21T09:46:20.160

32 What the heck have I done to my Excel sheet (and how to undo it)? 2010-04-27T21:21:10.497

31 Need two Excel windows side by side, on different monitors, in the same instance 2011-04-21T14:19:37.410

31 How to get the current column name in Excel? 2011-07-28T14:32:58.437

31 Limit Excel CPU Usage 2016-01-12T20:26:48.310

30 Excel: filter a column by more than two values 2013-07-23T23:00:19.273

27 Open Multiple Instances of Excel without PERSONAL.xlsb Lock Message 2009-08-25T16:04:57.127

27 How to format a Microsoft Excel 2007 cell in hexadecimal? 2012-09-26T17:14:51.960

26 How can I prevent the privacy warning in Excel? 2012-01-12T09:55:07.803

23 How can I get a cell in Excel to automatically adjust its height to fit the wrapped text contents? 2009-08-25T08:54:21.203

23 Color Cell Based On Text Value 2011-07-27T18:10:11.350

22 2 Monitors 2 Excel Sheets? 2013-11-15T16:18:05.950

21 Run an SQL Query With a Parameter from Excel 2007 2010-10-08T17:34:10.730

20 How to stop Excel from Auto-formatting and making it work like a number crunching program 2011-08-31T14:12:27.827

20 Which Excel objects are zero-based and which are one-based? 2015-10-18T13:00:43.133

20 How do I get the =LEFT function in excel, to also take the number zero as the first number? 2019-08-06T03:42:11.870

19 Search text in multiple Excel files 2011-07-21T10:45:26.530

18 How can you make Excel 2007 stop formatting large numbers as scientific notation? 2009-09-08T20:04:01.153

18 Setting up a column of "enum"-fields in Excel 2009-10-24T12:26:41.850

18 Why does this Excel file keep asking to save? 2012-08-21T21:24:05.443

17 How can I get Excel's undo/redo functionality to work in a more traditional *per window* manner (and not for the entire instance of Excel)? 2013-06-15T05:04:55.127

17 Get rid of extra space in cell when using Text Wrap 2014-03-10T14:46:35.247

17 Cells show formula, not formula result 2014-09-13T13:52:30.590

17 Rewriting a formula of multiple nested IFs that is too deep 2018-04-01T09:46:53.653

16 Excel shortcut to go back to previous cell (last position) 2010-08-20T14:47:14.623

16 Adding Weeks to Current Date in Excel 2007 2010-12-06T15:32:42.870

16 Why does Excel 2007 changes the text "HSA"to "HAS"? 2011-07-16T23:39:55.300

14 Keyboard shortcut to switch between sheets in Excel 2009-12-23T15:59:20.380

14 How to easily remove hyperlinks from multiple cells? 2010-09-24T10:57:00.830

14 Excel 2007: Conditional formatting so that each row shows low values yellow, high values red 2011-10-25T16:02:21.853

14 Microsoft-excel newlines and tab 2012-03-19T04:26:29.307

13 Table Formatting in Excel 2007: How do I remove it? 2010-04-29T14:04:29.933

13 How to turn hundreds of text URLs in Excel into clickable hyperlinks? 2010-06-25T14:59:52.213

13 How to remove white space from a number 2011-07-08T11:40:25.283

13 Why does my excel document have 960,000 empty rows? 2012-06-05T13:28:48.977

12 Excel, how to find column number of min value? 2012-07-22T16:35:30.517

12 Dynamically reference a Named Table Column (via cell content) in Excel 2012-08-13T14:46:33.303

12 How to Merge Data From Multiple Excel Files into a Single Excel File or Access Database? 2013-10-18T21:03:56.937

11 Hyperlink font in Excel always changes to the default font face/size 2009-08-27T16:06:13.660

11 Automatically update cell in Excel with current timestamp when another cell is changed 2010-03-27T18:35:49.613

11 Excel: Edit the XML inside an XLSX file 2010-05-26T11:34:29.353

11 Text cell is displayed with hash characters 2011-07-19T11:32:28.173

11 Setting a default value for a dynamic cascading validation list in Excel 2010 2011-09-09T23:03:36.110

11 Double Clicking an Excel File Will Open Excel but not the Spreadsheet itself 2012-08-09T20:02:17.510

11 How do I merge two tables in Excel that have identical columns? 2013-01-16T19:37:06.830

11 Plot date and time of an occurrence 2013-01-25T22:44:47.033

11 How can I escape special characters in cell formatting in Excel 2013-06-26T18:12:06.817

10 Fixing the first row as sortable title in Excel 2007 2009-10-24T12:28:20.133

10 How can I make Excel documents open in different windows? 2009-12-16T18:57:32.887

10 Excel chart on one column of date/times 2010-04-09T16:23:21.593

10 Hyperlink to other worksheet using hyperlink function in excel 2010-07-15T09:50:45.247

10 Excel: Find a subset of numbers that add to a given total? 2010-10-29T18:07:39.257

10 How to change x-axis min/max of Column chart in Excel? 2011-01-02T18:33:23.810

10 Where can I find guidelines for how to use Excel's "Data and Model" cell styles (specifically "Linked Cell")? 2011-05-21T16:37:08.197

10 Fit column width to text shortcut? 2011-05-26T21:07:57.277

10 How to stop numbers converting to date format on copy paste in Excel? 2011-06-28T06:55:25.673

10 Cannot connect to SQL Server from Excel 2007 2011-07-23T18:18:32.613

10 How to combine values from multiple rows into a single row in Excel? 2012-02-28T22:05:49.887

10 Change cell color based on other cell value 2012-06-28T16:38:12.977

10 When I copy table data into excel, it ONLY pastes it into column A! How to fix this? 2015-01-14T21:43:39.930

9 Can I split a spreadsheet into multiple files based on a column in Excel 2007? 2009-10-19T03:49:07.737

9 Excel 2007 - Custom Y-axis values 2011-04-09T23:45:23.040

9 How to get excel row numbers to skip the header 2011-08-01T20:52:38.070

9 How to sort a column by occurrence count in Excel? 2013-07-27T15:19:00.740

9 Convert Text Value to Time Value in excel 2014-10-30T18:07:30.163

8 In excel, cannot figure out why background color for a cell will not change? 2009-09-29T21:38:20.413

8 How can I obtain the year quarter from a date? 2010-01-27T18:10:33.753

8 Automatic hyperlink in Excel 2010-04-01T17:56:24.697

8 What's the difference between a Table and a Named Range in Excel 2007? 2010-04-07T14:54:50.063

8 Bubble chart: label for the bubble size? 2008-08-23T00:02:16.473

8 Subtracting cells only if they have a value in Excel 2011-04-16T20:11:17.947

8 Export of a custom table style in MS Excel 2011-06-30T07:31:35.903

8 How can I refresh a document I have open in Excel in read-only mode? 2011-11-04T00:45:40.910

8 How to rotate text in axis category labels of Pivot Chart in Excel 2007? 2012-10-31T08:21:51.577

7 How to get Average for time in Excel 2007? 2010-01-30T20:24:34.553

7 Splitting Excel 2007 in task bar 2010-02-09T11:11:59.317

7 Conditional formatting using cell styles in Excel 2007? 2010-03-15T10:55:40.743

7 Importing multiline cells from csv file into excel 2011-08-05T16:02:29.813

7 Excel elapsed time format 2011-10-26T17:39:42.340

7 Excel formula for "select sum(B) where month(A)=3" 2012-01-09T01:35:59.573

7 Stop "Excel formula or sheet contains the name" dialog 2012-01-12T14:55:33.230

7 Why does Excel now give me already existing name range warning on Copy Sheet? 2012-09-14T20:31:52.047

7 Unhide row doesn't work 2010-06-25T13:13:45.810

7 Exclude outliers from average calculation 2013-06-07T18:00:32.017

7 Have Pivot Chart show only some columns in pivot table 2014-09-23T20:51:47.903