Find Items in one column that are not in another column



I have two columns in Excel, and I want to find (preferably highlight) the items that are in column B but not in column A.

What's the quickest way to do this?

C. Ross

Posted 2009-12-10T18:44:01.210

Reputation: 5 284



  1. Select the list in column A
  2. Right-Click and select Name a Range...
  3. Enter "ColumnToSearch"
  4. Click cell C1
  5. Enter this formula: =MATCH(B1,ColumnToSearch,0)
  6. Drag the formula down for all items in B

If the formula fails to find a match, it will be marked #N/A, otherwise it will be a number.

If you'd like it to be TRUE for match and FALSE for no match, use this formula instead:


If you'd like to return the unfound value and return empty string for found values



Posted 2009-12-10T18:44:01.210

Reputation: 3 331

4"Name a Range" doesn't appear for me? Tested on Excel 2010 and 2016. – KERR – 2017-07-14T01:13:16.837

If, like @KERR and I, you don't have "Name a Range...", just use A:A or your range in lieu of ColumnToSearch in the formulae. – Michael - Where's Clay Shirky – 2018-02-13T18:21:26.957

If, like me, you don't realize at first where to enter "ColumnToSearch" (step 3), enter it as the name of the named range you are creating. – DaveL17 – 2019-05-07T11:26:52.713

2"Name a Range" appears as Define Name... (Excel 2019) – oliver-clare – 2019-08-12T13:55:31.320

6Then... Put this formula into Conditional Formatting in both lists and and use it to highlight (or whatever) the non-matching cells – Kije – 2009-12-10T19:55:28.943


Here's a quick-and-dirty method.

Highlight Column B and open Conditional Formatting.

Pick Use a formula to determine which cells to highlight.

Enter the following formula then set your preferred format.



Posted 2009-12-10T18:44:01.210

Reputation: 9 729

I used "=ISODD(COUNTIF(A:A,B1)=0)" to print true for '1' or false for '0' – Ramraj – 2016-09-20T10:13:15.387


Select the two columns. Go to Conditional Formatting and select Highlight Cell Rules. Select Duplicate values. When you get to the next step you can change it to unique values. I just did it and it worked for me.


Posted 2009-12-10T18:44:01.210

Reputation: 171

if you have a value in column B repeated, this will not highlight them – magodiez – 2015-11-13T16:18:39.123

1Surely this is the simplest and most relevant answer? No formulas required. – KERR – 2017-07-12T23:24:28.940

Nothing happens when doing this. – Overmind – 2019-10-16T08:19:17.097

Easily the best answer. Simplest. – SexyBeast – 2020-02-11T19:11:28.837


Took me forever to figure this out but it's very simple. Assuming data begins in A2 and B2 (for headers) enter this formula in C2:


Then click and drag down.

A cell with #N/A means that the value directly next to it in column B does not show up anywhere in the entire column A.

Please note that you need to change $A$287 to match your entire search array in Column A. For instance if your data in column A goes down for 1000 entries it should be $A$1000.


Posted 2009-12-10T18:44:01.210

Reputation: 151

5=MATCH(B2,$A:$A,0) worked for me. – nilgun – 2016-09-06T10:37:51.147


See my array formula answer to listing A not found in B here:


Comparing two columns of names and returning missing names


Posted 2009-12-10T18:44:01.210

Reputation: 41

This solution is good, but depends on the source columns being sorted alphabetically, or else it retrieves duplicates. – Steve Taylor – 2017-01-04T08:36:45.390


My requirements was not to highlight but to show all values except that are duplicates amongst 2 columns. I took help of @brenton's solution and further improved to show the values so that I can use the data directly:

=IF(ISNA(MATCH(B2,$A$2:$A$2642,0)), A2, "")

Copy this in the first cell of the 3rd column and apply the formula through out the column so that it will list all items from column B there are not listed in column A.

Gautam Jain

Posted 2009-12-10T18:44:01.210

Reputation: 129

There is an error in the formula above =IF(ISNA(MATCH(B2,$A$2:$A$2642,0)), A2, "") should be =IF(ISNA(MATCH(B2,$A$2:$A$2642,0)), B2, "") – None – 2014-10-01T17:48:22.090


Thank you to those who have shared their answers. Because of your solutions, I was able to make my way to my own.

In my version of this question, I had two columns to compare -- a full graduating class (Col A) and a subset of that graduating class (Col B). I wanted to be able to highlight in the full graduating class those students who were members of the subset.

I put the following formula into a third column:


This coded most of my students, though it yielded some errors in the first few rows of data.

Drew McAllister

Posted 2009-12-10T18:44:01.210

Reputation: 11


in C1 write =if(A1=B1 , 0, 1). Then in Conditional formatting, select Data bars or Color scales. It's the easiest way.

A.Ramin walyar

Posted 2009-12-10T18:44:01.210

Reputation: 1