< Young Justice (animation)

Young Justice (animation)/WMG

WMG Index

Other WMG

Multi-universe WMGs

This is the same universe, or at the very least the same multiverse, as Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths.

  • Ok, I'm going out on a limb here, making a WMG guess before the series even debuts, but look at the artwork here. Martian Manhunter, especially, looks exactly like he did in that movie, which (to my knowledge) no other comic book adaptation or TV show has emulated. The others, however, also look identical. Sure, this is very, very unlikely to be true, but it seems so convenient if it were. If not, however, it would be great for a Crossover of some kind.n continuity with Young Justice, it would have to have taken place before the time YJ will happen since the Justice League in YJ has 16 members and the one in Crisis only had 6 with the idea of expanding the membership only being toyed with near the end of the film. In YJ, Superman has only been around for 10 years yet the Justice League has been fighting criminals long enough for the crooks to organize against them. Crisis just doesn't seem to fit in that timeline. There's also the fact that their Aquaman looks completely different... So apart from the similar designs the two don't seem to be all that related in continuity.
    • Not neccesary; this is Earth-16 according to Word of God. Crisis on Two Earths was simply Earth-1 and Earth-2 of the DCAM (DC Animated Multiverse). Presumably, the DCAU Justice Lords timeline is 3, and DCAU mainline is either 0 or 4. That timeline that appeared in one episode of Superman the Animated Series was 5, and 6-15 have yet to be catalogued. Maybe they're the standalone animated movies (some of which are probably one timeline), The Batman, and Batman the Brave And The Bold.
      • Martian Manhunter's costume is based on the one he wore starting with One Year Later storyline till his death in Final Crisis
  • All the universes are in the same multiverse.
  • Not only is it the same world as Crisis On Two Earths but it will become the world of Batman: Under the Red Hood.
    • The Showcase: Green Arrow short also takes place in the future of this world.

Young Justice is an attempt to create a new Animated Universe

The Second Detective Comics Animated Universe or DCAU 2 for short.

  • This isn't a wild mass guess, it's Word of God.
  • What I think the initial poster was trying to say is that this show might be the start of a continuity for a new series of animated shows for DC characters much like the DCAU was back in the 90s and early 00s. Since this first series has yet to even really get started, let along renewed for more episodes, this guess will take sometime to be proven right or wrong.
  • So far, the show has been remarkably close to the comics, even more than in the old DCAU. What few differences there are seem to be done intentionally to simplify things for a wider audience.
  • Looks like DC is going in the direction of this guess since they've recently announced a spin off miniseries of Young Justice titled Young Justice: Invasion.
    • That's not a spin-off, but rather the Arc Name for the second season.

Earth-16 will be used to show a totally different path of development for the DCU.

Ok, we know that this is within the DC multiverse, which means that even after the show ends, it'll still be around in the comics. So, they use this show to gradually eliminate the heroes and future heroes we're most familiar with, and cause others to go down wildly different paths, until Earth-16 is a very different place than Earth-0, but still made from common elements. If this is correct, the above theories about Robin dying at the end of season 1 are likely correct, and Jason Todd will later be introduced, but will grow into that universe's equivalent of what Tim Drake would have been, only with a different name (possibly as the Red Hood).

There will be a crossover with Batman the Brave And The Bold.

In episode 51 of that series, "Bat-Mite Presents," it is shown that the title Reality Warper owns Batman memorabilia from and has viewing portals of possibly EVERY SINGLE DIMENSION IN ALL EXISTENCE THAT HAS BATMAN IN IT. Considering both series are being shown at the same time on Cartoon Network currently and that the Post-Crisis comic version of Dick Grayson IS the current Batman, Bat-Mite's appearance (complete with the art style of Brave and the Bold, which would hilariously clash with the style of Young Justice) would not only makes sense but would be a shout-out to both the comics AND to Brave and the Bold itself. How this crossover would work:

1) Episode with the Mr. Mxyzptlk as the villain going up against Superboy, but Bat-Mite intervening, first to warn that fatally harming Robin is off limits and second to deliver an EPIC beatdown when it eventually happens

2) Extremely short cameo with Bat-Mite having taken a wrong over at some dimension junction

3) Robin heavily afflicted with hallucinegenic material and Bat-Mite acting as Robin's major, if not only, ground in reality

  • The cross-over aspect is Jossed by Mitefall, the 65th episode of that series, and the series finale: not only is the series over, but Bat-Mite was Hoist by His Own Petard, being a fictional character too silly for a serious show, and so ended up fading away along with the rest of the show when it was canceled. The third option could still work for a Bat-Mite showing up, though.

The series will acknowledge the original Young Justice comic universe

The series might throw in a few Shout Outs that reference the original characters like having Robin briefly introduced to Jack Drake and his family or Artemis joke that at least she doesn't have a Stage Mom. Or they might have the team be thrown into The Multiverse and have them encounter the comic series' Young Justice.

Any interaction with alternate universes will be with a part of the established 52 Multiverse

The show is supposed to be set in Earth-16 of the DC Multiverse, so logically they can't cross with any universe outside that structure

The reason the show is on hiatus right now is because of the events

Of Flashpoint because during the events of Flashpoint Reverse Flash goes back in time to alter the history of Earth 52. In various ways as read in the series so the events that caused the new 52 multiverse to come in existence never happened. Just like it was stated in the Booster Gold comic when they said there is no alternate timelines and since the show follows real life time it can perfectly explain why it's in a hiatus. Also if the reboot get's rid of the multiverse they have a perfect explanation for why the show was cancelled.

  • Unlikely. Not only is the show no longer in hiatus, it's been renewed for a twenty episode second season.

Wally is a Time Lord.

  • Because Time Lords are very good at running.
    • And now we've fulfilled all requirements for a WMG page, thank goodness.

Young Justice is a Divergent Continuity from the Dark Knight Saga

The split between the two was triggered by Harvey Dent surviving his fall, allowing him to reveal the truth and clear Bruce's name, though a few minor differences such as Bruce's age were present before. Not much in the way of hard evidence but there are a number of similarities between the universes.

    • In a flashback in the tie in comic we see Robin fighting a blonde Two Face.
    • Gotham's portrayal as a normal looking city rather than the normal uber gothic we see in most adaptations.
    • The Joker's knifenut tendencies, outfit and bedraggled appearance.
    • Commissioner Gordon bears a resemblance to his movie counterpart.
    • The Gotham monorail is visible during the first shot of episode 1.
    • Word of god says Ra's Al Ghul was once a hero in this universe possibly alluding to his role in training Bruce. After his failure to recruit him in Batman Begins Ra's elected either Chesire or Sportsmaster as his replacement.

Young Justice is set in the same 'verse as Batman: Under the Red Hood.

Several reasons:

1) Same voice actor for both Batmans.

2) Several of the opening shots from UTRH were used in "Downtime" - so maybe the same Gotham.

3) I can't help but think that Nightwing looks like an older YJ!Robin.

4) It would be freakin' awesome, that's why.

  • Another one: in "Salvage", the apartment that Roy collapsed in at the end of the episode looked just like a slightly less dilapidated version of the apartment that, in UTRH, Jason and Bruce had their final confrontation.

Time Skip WMGs

The Time Skip is temporary and the story will jump back to 2011 sometime during the season

We'll get another time skip if we get to Season 3.

Just so it's fair that this Team get equal development as the other Team. The Team for Season Three will include Stephanie Brown as Batgirl, Solstice, Damian Wayne as Robin, Victor Stone as Cyborg, Supergirl, Bart as Impulse(if we don't get him IN Season 2, if we do then Irey West), Zatara Zatara, and Rose Wilson.

  • I'd rather have Cassandra Cain as Batgirl personally, and I don't think Rose Wilson is very likely because they'd have to introduce Deathstroke, which I don't think they'll do because he is pretty similar to the show's version of Sportsmaster.
    • Stephanie is so fun, though. As for Rose, I think her relationship with the team would be interesting, considering how she acted while being part of the Titans. Not to mention Deathstroke has precog and is more of an anti-Batman. Earth-16 Sportsmaster is more of a David Cain.
  • Confirmed by Word of God.

G. Gordon Godfrey is really Glorious Godfrey of Apokalips.

  • I know this is probably painfully obvious to everyone who remembers their DC Mainstream Canon, as well as Justice League Unlimited, but it had to be said. Godfrey is well-known for causing political upheaval on Apokalips amongst "The Lowlies," the oppressed citizens of the Suicide Slums who toil under the heel of Darkseid and his Elite. Whenever Godfrey takes the stage, he always knows what to say to get people riled up. However, every one of his revolutions has been for his and Darkseid's amusement, and are always beaten down. Who's to say he hasn't been planted on Earth as an agent of Apokalips to turn the people against the Justice League, weakening the morale on all fronts so that Earth is vulnerable to an attack from Apokalips or whatever dark force awaits our heroes?
    • I don't think they're trying to hide that fact. It's kind of obvious

Aqualad made a Face Heel Turn over the Time Skip.

My incredibly nerdy reasons:

1. Promotional material shows Aqualad wearing rather Black Manta-esque armor. See here.

2. Future episode summaries explain that the Kroloteans are getting help from an "extremely unexpected source". See here. The Krolotean base is infiltrated through an underwater door. The thing is, the Kroloteans use teleportation and don't seem to be swimmers. Why would they need a second method of entry they couldn't use?

3. Another future episode summary, seen here, has this description: "Nightwing and company try to salvage the soul of a former comrade fallen from grace." It's the episode immeadietly after the one previously mentioned, meaning that they're most likely connected. In addition, the summary mentions Nightwing specifically, implying that he'll be focused on. Nightwing would have a lot to say to a fallen Aqualad.

    • Seconded...ish. Heel Face Turn or just a falling out with everyone, I'm going to guess it has to do with Aquaman's son. In the comics, Manta's biggest claim to being Aquaman's arch-nemesis is that he killed the latter's son. Considering who Manta's son is and that Mera was pregnant 5 years ago...do the math.
    • Confirmed. Aqualad has become Black Manta's apprentice after a mission that occurred during the Time Skip that saw Tula/Aquagirl killed.
    • Jossed. He's only pretending to be a villain.

Tim Drake is the third Robin.

Jason Todd took over from Dick sometime during the Time Skip but was killed in action, possibly with the Joker. This is why Dick advises him "Just don't die" on his first mission as a team leader, he's still hurting from the loss of Jason.

Aqualad is on a deep cover mission

After he found out Black Manta was his father Kaldur got depressed and could no longer trust his king but he while he wouldn't turn to the dark side it was still trying to get him to. So Batman convinced him to take advantage of the situation and become The Infiltrator.

  • Confirmed, at least for the Fake Defector part. Only Nightwing, Wally, and Artemis know he's still a hero.

Kid Flash is now the Flash

He's not the first or the last to take up the mantel, and he was the Flash in Justice Leage and if the first episodes anything to go by they want to have all 7 in the league

  • Jossed. Wally retired from heroing.

SOMETHING big happened in the five years between Young Justice and Young Justice Invasion

Look at the league and the team. Five years ago, the league was a shining example for the earth, and had a great deal of trust placed in them. The people of earth seemed to genuinely see them as a force to protect them, and overall, relations were cordial and patient. As for The Team, they had a core of 8 members, with direct answering to Batman rather than any second tier leader. They hadn't beaten The Light, but they at least knew that there was a greater conspiracy in the world now. Kaldur was their cool headed leader, Artimis, M'gann and Superboy had exorsized their demons, and the team seemed calm and patient but still only a small segment of League strategy.

But 5 years later, something has been happening to The League and Team. Robin moved from Batman's shadow as he said he would in Disordered (I don't wanna be The Batman anymore). Superboy and M'Gann split from each other. Zatanna and Rocket joined the League while some of the others declined. The Team expanded Twofold. Kaldur, Artimis, Wally, Red Arrow and The Light have mysteriously disappeared from the story. Captain Atom is leading, though Batman and Superman are still present. The Team is now considered a valuable asset of The League with being part of their overall strategies quite often. Yet what's most mysterious is how frosty things have become between The League and the Media. Kate Brand, who use to reliably report on League public activities has suddenly been shut out, and Xenophobia is starting to grip the public. Some serious happenings must have occured for things to have changed so much, and for The League to not be as concerned about The Light compared to some other threats.

  • The xenophobia can be partially explained by G Gordon Godfrey's who in the mainstream comics is actually one of the New Gods of Apokolips stirring fear on Earth for Darkseid fearmongering rants about the League and aliens.
  • Just to be contrary I'll disagree with this WMG. I say that instead of something big happening lots of small somethings happened. Gradual shifts in team rosters, leadership dynamic, and romantic relationship; the Light scaling back its activities and waiting for Phase Two; Darkseid's minions messing things up here and there. No one cataclysmic event - just life as usual.

Aqualad, Kid Flash and Artemis are (or were at one point) members of the Justice League

A lot of people have been wondering where Aqulad, Kid Flash and Artemis where in the last episode. But, according to the numbering system, there are five new members of the League, two being Zatanna and Rocket. That leaves three unaccounted for. Since Aqualad, Kid Flash and Artemis seem to no longer be members of the Team it's logical they at some point in the last five years they joined the League.

It's not clear if they joined before Zatanna and Rocket or at the same time nor if they are still members of the League.

    • A quick count shows that although there are 26 justice league members one the numbering scheme apparently only 21 are "active". At the end of "Happy New Year" we saw a total of twenty team members including all of the members of the justice league at the end of the first season except the Atom plus Zatanna, Rocket and Blue Lightning. Since we know Zatarra (number 11) isn't active that leaves four inactive members unaccounted for, possibly Red Arrow, Aqualad, Kid Flash and Artemis.

What happened to the missing teammates

  • Kid Flash contracted his "mysterious disease" that prevents him from using his super speed (as in the comics) and so reluctantly retired from hero work. He got super depressed about it and distanced himself from his friends which contributed to his and Artemis's breakup
    • Partially Jossed in that Wally is still with Artemis and doesn't seem too distanced from his friends. He has retired, though, and as of this edit we don't know why.
  • Aqua Lad learned that his father was The Black Manta and finally understood why he felt so torn between Atlantis and the surface world. After Aquaman's son was born, the king naturally started to focus more on his heir which Aqualad tried to ignore but ultimately couldn't. As the team broke apart and he was left behind, he turned to the only family that he had left, embracing his dark side
    • semi-confirmed.
  • Artemis lost her mother shortly after Wally's diagnosis. The combined stress caused her to throw herself entirely into hero work in order to have some semblance of control. Eventually, her method's crossed League Standard's (think Huntress in Justice League Unlimited) and she went solo. Now she's working to bring down the League of Shadows.
    • Jossed. She's still with Wally and has retired from heroing.
  • Red Arrow is still obsessed with finding Roy Harper, so much so that he quit hero work in order to continue searching full time. He and Chesire are hooking up.
    • Confirmed...ish. He's not exactly a hero anymore, he's still obsessed with finding Speedy, and he's married to Chesire.

The reasons for the breakup of the Supermartian ship are

1. Megan slowly bonded with Lagoon Boy during the timeskip as true kindred spirits of mutual isolation from their own kind and the utter freakishness of their respective true forms.

  • Megan and Lagoon Boy bonded over their stupid catch phrases
    • "Hello, Megan!" "Neptune's Beard!" kisskisskisskisskisskiss

2. Superboy and the Cassie Sandsmark Wonder Girl bonded over mutual intrests in athletic contests.

  • Alternate Reason: Superboy went with Megan to spend the holidays on Mars. However, he experiences firsthand much of the grief the White Martians are put through and thoroughly disgusted by what he sees, even more so that the Manhunter is the only one actively doing anything to bring about equality. He eventually snaps, either from seeing a White Martian being beaten to death for no reason whatsoever with no one, not even his or family, doing anything or from realizing a term he's been calling Megan the entire time on Mars is actually a racial slur. Either case, Superboy starts whooping major ass and unintentionally sparks a riot. Luckily, Superman comes by and helps Megan in calming Superboy down, and the riot is put down soon afterwards peacefully. Peace and equality between Green and White Martians becomes an actual possibility, but only because the Greens are worried that ALL Earthlings would react like Superboy did when the planet at large finds out and doing it only to as a safety precaution rather than a true, legitimate change. Megan gets angry at Connor for blowing up like he did and nearly causing a bloody race war, and breaks up with him right there. They return to Earth, and Megan, much calmer, says that she's sorry to Connor, but Connor agrees that they should stop being a couple, acknowledging that he still needs more anger management training. They become Amicable Exes from then on.
    • While hilarious, both are Jossed as of "Earthlings".
  • Superboy dumped Ms. Martian after she mind raped and/or killed Queen Bee in revenge for what happened to Beast Boy's mom.
    • And Superboy helped cover it up, which is why Beast Boy is so obviously trying to get them back together
    • Jossed in "Alienated" Queen Bee is apparently still alive and sane.
      • But is it still the same one?
      • Why wouldn't it be? We see in that same episode that the Light replaces failed members wholesale, with Black Manta taking over Ocean Master's old position. Why would they bother to replace Queen Bee with a lookalike? Even if they wanted to maintain the illusion of her still ruling Bialya, why would they let a fake Queen Bee in on their private meetings?
      • I mean that the Silver Age Alien Queen Bee could have quickly been inserted by Darkseid between the Dictator Queen Bee getting it badly by M'gann and the next scheduled meeting of the Light. But this troper does admit that it could be a real Reach.
  • Problems in bed. Superboy was initially okay with the shapeshifting as long as Ms. Martian was shapeshifting into other hot chicks, but when she wanted to do it as aqualad, superboy had no choice.

Dr Morrow is dead.

This is a minor WMG but think about it. He's an incredibly sick man with not much time left. Red Tornado learned to care for him, felt sad when he passed away, then moved on.

The Joker is going to be progressively crazier in each of his appearances.

The Joker has been portrayed in many different ways over the years. This troper thinks there'll be a linear relationship between the time since he fell in a vat of acid or otherwise and the measure of crazy. His appearance in Revelations was still relatively early days, when other villains would actually want to team up with him for a reason other to make sure he won't be bitter.

Wally and Artemis retired because of Tula's death

They quit to make sure neither of them were killed in a mission. Or end up like Aqualad.

What happened to Ocean Master

This isn't that much of a stretch to guess that in the 5 years, Ocean Master finally decided to attempt his coup of Aquaman. And like all those attempts, he failed. Captured and imprisoned, this is why they called him "disgraced", as the one time he could prove his worth and eliminate a major nation from interfering, he chocked. Bonus points if this mission to defeat Ocean Master was what lead to Tula's death and Kaldur's Face Heel Turn.

Other WMGs

Artemis is the daughter of Oliver Queen and an Amazon.

  • Oliver's known for having a lot of kids running around, and Artemis' costume looks a lot more like Green Arrow's than it does like Arrowette. Meanwhile, apparently Wonder Girl isn't being used because of the story they want to tell with Artemis.
    • There is a amazon in the comic books known as Artemis who is a archer and was once Wonder Woman
    • Word of God says she is not an Amazon "at all". Daughter of an Amazon would seem to fall under that.
    • Jossed. Artemis is the daughter of a crippled Vietnamese woman and someone who would hypothetically want her to kill Kid Flash.
      • Her father is Sportsmaster who showed up in Episode 3

Artemis will do a Face Heel Turn, going bad before the end of the first season.

  • Word of God has said that Artemis is an established DC character and not an Arrowette or Wondergirl knock-off (those two will be making appearances later). So this has led to a couple fan theories on who she is. Artemiz and Artemis Crock have been suggested and both are villains. I think Artemis is going to turn bad in a season long arc and leave the team, while Secret, Arrowette, and Wondergirl will join up (the team right now is a little lite on female regulars; this would make them an even 1 to 1 ratio).
    • Artemis's father is the Sportsmaster, who appears in the third episode working for the Light.
      • Is this confirmed, or just more WMG?
        • In the comics, yes it is confirmed that Artemis is the daughter of Sportsmaster and Tigress.
        • What? Tigress (III) is the daughter of Sportsmaster and Huntress (I), if that's what you're talking about...
          • Tigress (III)'s real first name is Artemis. so, yes, that is what I'm talking about.
            • She's not Tigress' daughter (unless Tigress is a crippled Vietnamese woman), but her father could still be Sportsmaster.
          • Not necessarily. Artemis' mom is called Paula Crock in the credits and Tigress' given name is Paula Brooks later changed to Paula Crock when she got married. Artemis Crock from the comics was full Caucasian while Artemis Crock on the show is part Asian. We don't know how Artemis' mom got put in that chair so she could have still been Tigress in the past she just has had a Race Lift.

Cissie King has been kidnapped by the Light.

  • Ever since promotional art for Artemis first appeared, she was confused with Arrowette. Material was briefly leaked that listed Artemis' name as "Cissie King". If Artemis is in fact Artemis Crock as suspected above, she might need a cover to pose as Green Arrow's niece. As such, the Light may have kidnapped the real Cissie King to allow Artemis to assume her identity and join Young Justice. With Peter David joining the writing staff later in the season and promising that Arrowette will appear, it makes sense that the team might find her in The Light's base towards the end of the season, providing an Oh Crap moment and revealing Artemis as The Mole. Then for season two, Arrowette will join the team.
    • Partially confirmed, her acceptance letter in "Downtime" is addressed to "Miss Artemis Crock."
  • Jossed. She had a cameo in "Insecurity".

Artemis is Greta Hayes.

  • She'll die heroically in the first few episodes before coming back eventually as a ghost. We know Secret is appearing, and her original origin may be a bit too dark for the cartoon. She could be retooled and be the new Secret.
    • Artemis' name, at least, has been confirmed as Artemis Crock (see above).
    • And she has met Greta Hayes.

There will be a crossover with the Damian Wayne/Robin of Earth One

Through magic, dimensional portals, or good old fashioned mad science the son of Batman will come face to face with a young Dick Grayson; And it will be the most awkward team-up ever.

  • Awkward but very heart warming.

Cassandra Cain (Batgirl III) will make an appearance.

The continuity seems to be a wonky "good bits version" of the DCU. This leaves opportunities for lots of characters. Since the series seemed to focus on how the characters have a normal life and do "teen stuff", it seems like it'd be an interesting plot for one of the most dysfunctional teen heroes out there to show up. She also had kind of a thing with Connor in the comics, which could lead to some real awkwardness. In any case, the odds are certainly there, since I believe I remember Geoff Johns saying she might make an alternate-media appearance—it's possible he meant DC Universe Online, though. Besides, us Cass fans need a break.

    • Cass is traditionally Tim's counterpart, isn't she?
    • I thought Tim's counterpart is Stephanie Brown.

Megan is a White Martian here a well.

The whole "she's The Martian Manhunter's niece" is just a cover story.

  • This theory looks like it's shaping up to be true since the New York Comic-Con preview seemed to have White Martians at Project Cadmus in the preview. Also, she is not with Robin, Aqualad, and Kid Flash when they go to investigate but shows up briefly at the end of the preview.
  • Her bio on the Cartoon Network website says that she "hides [her] true appearance." I'd fancy a guess that this one's gonna be confirmed.
  • I want this theory to be true, just to see the look in Kid Flash's face when she reveals her true appearance.
  • Alternatively, she could be a halfie. Martian Manhunter has/had a twin brother, Malefic, who, in at least one continuity, was an evil dude that certainly helped the Martian genocide come along, if not orchestrated it altogether. Megan could conceivably have Malefic as a father, and a White Martian as a mother, with the White Martian genes being dominant.
    • Actually this is half right. According to Word of God M'Gann's mom is J'onn's sister and her dad is a White Martian most of her siblings are green, except one brother
  • This doesn't completely disprove this idea, but in "bereft" when Miss Martian doesn't remember how she got on Earth she refers to the Martian Manhunter as "Uncle J'onn" spontaniously when Kid Flash mentions him. In order for J'onn to not be her uncle, she'd need to A) have a plan to pretend to be his niece well before she actually went to Earth and B) go out of her way to reinforce this idea to people who she only vaguely remembers as her teammates.
    • If J'onn has been her guardian/ mentor for a while, "Uncle J'onn" may simply be what she calls him, even if she only starts actually pretending to be his niece on Earth.
    • As revealed in "Secrets", J'onn had only even known M'gann for about 3 or 4 months before "Bereft", meaning that she was calling him "Uncle J'onn" before they even met.
  • This theory is supported by the episode Bereft. We get a view of a girl that looks like Megan but is from Earth [dead link] and a TV character; Megan obviously copied her disguise and most of her personality that character, but with green skin to match Manhunter and their cover.
    • during that part, we also get a quick glimpse (for less than a second) of this http://img135.imageshack.us/i/1300239814045.png/ It doesn't appear to be any of the creatures from Cadmus, Flooks similar to the white martians, and is in a rocky cave, which means it could be on mars.
      • If that's what White Martians look like then I really want to see the look on Kid Flash's face when M'gann reveals her true appearance.
    • Megan said she had twelve sisters. Green Martian's are all but dead in the comics, except for J'onn.. White Martians are thriving though.
      • Except Word of God states that Green Martians are not all but dead in this universe.
    • Did Word of God say they're plentiful?
    • Megan mentions White Martians in the newest episode, complete with Suspiciously Specific Denial.
      • They're clearly mocking us, at this point.
  • In the episode "Failsafe", J'onn said she has the strongest telepathic mind which caused her to believe psychic training was real. Perhaps White Martian telepathic minds are generally stronger than Green Martians'. If she isn't a White Martian, maybe one of her parents are, as stated above. Perhaps because of her mixed heritage her abilities are stronger than either species.
  • "Disordered". M'gann freaks out when Black Canary says she turned white.
  • There is one way this theory can be worse: M'gann's mother is a White Martian. Her father is J'onn's Evil Twin from the comics, Malefic.
  • In "Secrets", a classmate at Megan's high school Halloween party said that Martians aren't hostile. Megan turned away with a disconcerting look on her face.
  • In the tie-in comics, she says that J'onn is the relative she's closest to and that she won a competition to be his partner. In "Secrets," Red Arrow says that Black Canary says that J'onn says that while she is his niece, he'd never met her before she stowed away on his last trip from Mars.
  • An upcoming episode "Image" is going to be M'gann-centric, and apparently include her struggling with a big secret. Everything this troper has heard about the ep, including the title, indicates it's to do with her being a White Martian.

Artemis is on the team to keep an eye on Aqualad...

Black Manta joined with Circe in a partnership to overtake Atlantis for himself and Destroy the Amazons for her. After a brutal war that killed millions both where defeated when Aquaman used the negative zone projector to banish them. Years later Circe send a message that she had just given birth to a son , by way of Black Manta. She begged Superman to let her new born baby back to Earth. Despite Wonderwomen's protest he allowed it and Aqualad ended up a ward under the watchful eye of Aquaman who never revealed his origins. Thus Aqualad's ability to manipulate water turns out to be magic based. Wonderwomen has placed Atermis as part of Young Justice to make sure that he has no plans to bring his parents back. And any sign of that , or that he will follow his parents footsteps she has strict orders to kill him.

  • ... Of course. It's so obvious! How could I have not seen it sooner?
  • If that's true, then she has failed. She decided to quit the team and as a superhero out of guilt. But Kid Flash was there to comfort her.

Speedy will return as a villain.

Because the angry young man who storms out in act one will always be outright evil by the start of act three, naturally.

  • Alternate theory: he's only pretending to be a villain to get info from the villains. Much like Connor Hawke's brief membership to the Injustice Gang.
    • Hey just being Crazy WMG but we have Cadmus as a villain, cloning, and then a female Green Arrow comes in when they just introduced Speedy. What if Artemis IS Speedy after some genentic tinkering from Cadmus...

Once the full team is established, it'll include 7 members.

Well, the Justice League has the Original 7, there seem to be 7 members of the Light, so why not these guys? 7th guy is probably Speedy...

The series will keep the plot-twist of Superboy being the clone of both Superman and Lex Luthor

This will help develop his character as torn between what he was created for and who he wants to become. There will be a climactic scene involving him and Luthor who will pull a combination of Luke, I Am Your Father and We Can Rule Together on him. This will also eventually involve Superman and finally bring some resolution to the tension between them.

  • Alternately, it will just end like it did in the original comics with Superboy briefly Brainwashed and Crazy under Luthor's influence, and Young Justice pulling an "I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight on him.
  • Or possibly go in the other direction with Superboy going on a berserker rage on Luthor, blaming HIM for not being acknowledged by Superman, similar to how in some situations children will blame one parent to be the reason why the parent they want to be loved by does not receive it.
  • In "Disordered", when Superboy told Black Canary about his emotions during the psychic training. When he believed his friends had truly died, he wasn't grieving, he was "at peace". Likely, his Luthor side is glad to see the heroes dead.
    • His genetics being responsible for his emotional state? I don't think so.

Bumblebee's armor is at least partially derived from Blue Beetle's.

They both crawl over the wearer's body and use hand-mounted energy weapons. The armor was developed by Ted Kord and Ray Palmer, and reverse-engineering the scarab is what got Ted Kord killed.

Robin picked up his laugh from the Joker.

It sounds maniacal enough. My guess is that he uses it as an intimidation tactic to compensate for his sidekickness and to set him apart from Batman.

  • Fridge Brilliance: Real-life: The Robin character was created to bring light to Batman's dark.
  • Alternatively, he got overexposed to Joker's toxin at some time in the past and some of the effects lingered. It certainly sounds a bit creepy.
  • It's likely a reference to the fact that Robin was inspired by Robin Hood and Robin Goodfellow.
  • In episode 6 it was like he had a compulsion to laugh at superboy, and had to cover his mouth, and episode five when Him and flash are argueing it seems more creepy. So, he's got of Joker venom in his system and it's got lasting effect, Maybe the laugh is a warning sign of his sanity, the more he laughs, the more Joker-y he gets.
    • In episode 6 he might have just thought seeing superboy get beaten by a badass normal like Black Canary funny and tried to cover up his laughing because aqualad tried to encourage him to stop. He is just 13 afterall and not everyone can refrain from laughing when something seems really funny to them.

The Hawks are Thanagarians.

Hawkman is Katar Hol and Hawkgirl is Shayera Thal Hol. Their costumes appear more like uniforms. The Post-Hawkworld Hawks are soliders that wear uniforms. Like the original comics, they adopt the identities as Carter and Shiera Hall, museum curators at Midway City. We might even see the Golden Age Hawks, and Katar will use the "Jr." in his alias.

Robin will, at some point, be forced to do a live performance of a Jesse McCartney song.

It will not only be an Actor Allusion, but also a Shout-Out to this legendary moment in the DCAU.

Superboy can't use all his powers yet because he's using them incorrectly

In the comics, he doesn't actually have Superman's powerset, he just has a separate telekinetic set of powers that let him mimic it. If Superboy in the show is the same but for whatever reason doesn't know it yet, then that would explain why they aren't fully working yet.

  • Probably jossed. It was stated that it was his mixed DNA keeping Superboy from having his full powers. You never know though. Somthing could happen.
    • Remember that the "mixed DNA" statement was made by fork-tongued Lex Luthor and could be a lie. Superboy could gain his full powers as he ages.

Tana Moon will appear.

She's an aspiring young reporter and takes an interest in Superboy.

Amanda Spence will be a villain.

She's secretly working for the Light. Or she's secretly working for another evil group called "The Agenda".

  • Who?
    • The scientist from the first two episodes, the one Guardian appoints as acting head scientist of Cadmus. In the comics, Amanda Spence was a Superboy villain who ended up murdering his girlfriend Tana Moon.

Robin will be the most expendable.

It's a young DCU, Presumably this is Robin 1, which leads easily into him becoming Nightwing, and who better to partner him with then the other Badass Normal Red Hood? Enter Jason Todd, who is then killed by Joker, and then Tim Drake, heck if they want they can go further and have Time go off on his own and bring in Spoiler/Robin, i mean were up to what 5 Robins in DCU now right?

Young Justice will find out Robin's secret identity in a traumatic way

Robin will reveal his name is Dick Grayson when he goes after his parents' killer, and Young Justice will also find out that he's Batman's ward in addition to his protege. This will also act a Deconstruction of his motive for becoming a superhero as well as a wunderkind child soldier.

Robin doesn't have blue eyes in this version

Well, Megan lacks her Green Eyes in exchange for trope defying, brown eyes, and two characters already have blue.

  • He has blue eyes in the tie-in comic that came out earlier this month. Artemis may not have blue eyes given that all we've seen of her has been old promo images. They changed Aqualad's eye color from blue to gray, they could have changed Artemis' too.
    • Turns out they did change Artemis' eyes. She has black/brown eyes now.
    • They didn't actually change Aqualad's eye color. Gray eyes are known to look blue or green sometimes depending on lighting.
      • Artemis and Kaldur's changing eye colours (and Wally's sometimes-red-sometimes-brownish hair) can be attributed to colouring errors in the animating and the drawing of the comics.
    • Robin has blue eyes in "Downtime."

Superboy will eventually move in with the Kents.

Because, frankly, the Kents are the only ones capable of dealing with him and his moodiness. Plus the Kents will teach him niceness and happiness and bunnies, because the Kents are awesome Good Parents and could probably take over the world with their awesome parenting skills.

  • Given that his profile on the Young Justice website lists his secret identity as Conner Kent, this most likely will happen. The only question is when and how.
    • This theory about how his name is Conner Kent was Jossed by "Targets"- J'onn gave him the name 'Kent', (M'gann though it was after Kent Nelson). But, that doesn't mean that Superboy will never move in with the Kents in the show.

Superman's attitude towards Superboy is partly due to a bad encounter with Bizzaro.

  • Or perhaps he believed Superboy was created out of fears that Superman will become evil.
    • This troper does have to wonder if the rest of the Justice League has just forgotten that Superman has a poor track record when it comes to clones/doppelgangers/duplicates of any kind.
      • Except it's entirely possible that in this universe Superboy is the first clone/doppelganger/duplicate of Superman to exist.
        • Actually, he's not. Match is.

Superman's uneasiness around Superboy is due to him using his X-Ray vision to discover that not only does the clone have his DNA, but that of Luthor's as well.

Keep in mind, some origins of Superman have him living in the same town as Luthor, who for all intents and purposes seemed like a harmless, if somewhat abrasive brilliant young man. Superboy, well, seems more likely to harm than Luthor, and Superman just isn't prepared for more dissapointment.

Young Justice will have to face an army of Amazos later on in the series.

  • Professor Ivo escaped, and will obviously make more. And because there will be so many of them, they'll be taken down easily due to Conservation of Ninjitsu.
    • OOOOOOOR this will be a mid season or full season finalle. It will be Epic, and some of the teens won't survive.

Artemis is a female Connor Hawke.

  • Like Artemis, Connor (the second Green Arrow, son of Oliver Queen and a half-Korean/half-African-American woman) is blonde. His part-Asian ancestry could be close enough to Artemis being half-Vietnamese.
    • Both Miss Martian and Artemis are called the nieces of their respective adult counterparts. In the comics, M'gann is not really J'onn's niece but of a different Martian race, and it remains to be seen whether the show will reflect this. In Artemis's case, it may be possible that "niece" is also a cover... for "daughter"?
    • If Artemis does turn out to be "Connie" and she's the first one to die, perhaps Superboy later takes the name "Conner" in her memory.
      • Jossed. He took on the name Conner in "Targets" when M'gann suggested it.

Batman planned for Young Justice to exist.

Batman knew Robin could use the Justice League's computer and purposefully left the soon-to-be members of Young Justice in the library so they would look into Cadmus and inevitably form Young Justice. An even bigger conspiracy would be if the "random" fire on Cadmus' surface floors was caused by Batman to specifically lead the "sidekicks" there. He knew what was truly happening at Cadmus and knew the heroes would find and free Superboy, and the League would have to then create a covert operation to contain the so-called renegades. This could possibly mean that Young Justice will actually function much like The Outsiders and will later serve Batman's own interests. If true, this will probably not be found out for several seasons.

  • Robin could or could not have been aware of this plan.
  • Brought to you by the man himself.

Superman will finally take charge with mentoring Superboy when his other powers begin to develop.

We know for a fact that Superman didn't develop all his powers all at once. As far as overall comic continuity goes, flights was among the last of Superman's mainstream powers gained. Superboy's still young, so he only has the basic powerset, but he'll eventually grow into them. And when he finally does gain eye beams and flight, he'll have a hard time controlling them and may even become a danger to others as well as himself. By this point, Superman will have no choice but to help Superboy through the ropes; he's the only one qualified. Reaching out to do boy when he's at his most helpless and frustrated will be a great way to kickstart their relationship.

  • At which point Superboy will start wearing a proper costume modeled after Superman's.

Artemis' real name is either "Artemis Crock" or "Lian Nguyen."

  • Think about it for a second. If she really is a mole for "The Light," then it'd make sense for her to be the child of Sportsmaster and the original Tigress. However, given her reaction and dialogue with Cheshire in "The Inflitrator," she might be the daughter of her and Green Arrow in this universe, with the creators of the show naming her after Roy and Cheshire's late daughter from the comics. It makes a lot more sense than the first one, mainly because the show's creators have already confirmed that Artemis is half-Vietnamese, and Cheshire's origns put her as a full-Vietnamese assassin who's had ties to the Green Arrow Family in the past.
  • Roy is 18...Artemis isn't far from his age.
    • Not saying she's his kid, just saying they might have used Lian's name for her civilian identity is all. Her dad might be Green Arrow for all we know.
  • As of "Downtime" it would seem she really is Artemis Crock. She opens a letter addressed to that name, anyhow.

Artemis and Cheshire are sisters.

At least half-sisters, as Artemis is apparently half-Vietnamese and the two have some sort of back story together.

  • In further evidence for this, they both seem to have a similar hair-type. If only we can get Artemis's hair out of that ponytail for more proof...
  • Artemis's Mother and Cheshire are both voiced by Kelly Hu.
  • Artemis has a sister, as confirmed in Young Justice #7, the tie-in comic when Paula Crock mentions she "lost one daughter" while she "was gone" in jail. Considering Greg Weisman once answered a question about Artemis's origin's with 'Look out for Young Justice #7' I'm pretty sure it's canon.
  • It was confirmed in "Homefront"
  • Flashbacks in Home Front further confirm this. At this point, we can also trace that Sportsmaster/Crusher Crock & Paula Brooks are their parents alongside that her mom was most likely Tigress in the past.

There will be a Dark Is Not Evil as well as Light Is Not Good

  • Since the Light represent Light Is Not Good, there will be a Good Counterpart that is not the Justice League.
  • With the cameos from Icon and Rocket and the rumor that Rocket will join the team, my money's on another Milestone immigrant, The Shadow Cabinet, a tam described by their creators as "The Justice League meets The CIA" and a sort of proto-Authority.

Artemis is Spoiler

She's a blonde Badass Normal with villianous origins and Spoiler was a ally of Young Justice. Plus this would mean that her father the Cluemaster was a member of The Light allowing a Bat-villian that wasn't as predictable as the Riddler or Ra's al ghul be a part of the group.

Red Tornado's "heart" will become an important plot point

  • Either it will be a clue to distinguish the real Red Tornado from an android double or the cartoon series will follow the comics and he will have a human life with a family.

Artemis is Linda Park.

  • Pretty much solely because they are both shipped with Wally. It's a plus that both Linda and Artemis come from Asian backgrounds. This would be a vastly different backstory for Linda, but that's why this is just a WMG.
    • The problem with that is that Park is not a Vietnamese surname.
      • True, but Word of God says that she's half-Vietnamese and half-Caucasian, and Park is also an English surname.
  • Jossed. She is Artemis Crock.

Kid Flash's habit of collecting "souvenirs" is going to come back to bite him

  • He was supposed to have passed on Dr. Fate's Helmet to someone more worthy of it. He could be punished for his Neglect.
    • Well, let's take a look at the possible DCU candidates that could come to Wally's mind:
      • Zatara: Most likely will/did turn it down
      • Zatanna: Too young, not ready for it yet
      • The Wizard Shazaam: Most likely will/did turn it down
      • Ragman: Most likely will/did turn it down
      • John Constintine: No more worthy of it than Klarion
      • Raven: Too big of a risk/temptation, especially when Trigon is active
      • Brother Blood: No
    • In short, the only possible worthy successors to spring to Wally's mind at the moment are Billy Batson (when he takes over as the next Shazaam, assuming that the events leading up to Infinite Crisis happen on schedule, which may take a while since Barry Allen's still alive and kicking) and Timothy Hunter, who's evem younger than Zatanna at the moment and in a metafictional context would draw way too many comparisons to Harry Potter from random Fan Dumb.
      • You're forgetting a candidate that Wally's sure to think of... Detective Chimp.
  • Alternately, by the end of the season, Wally will have an fully stocked Chekhov's Armory.
    • Partially confirmed in "Homefront", when Artemis used the arrow he collected against the Red androids.
      • In "Revelation" they do bring the Helmet of Fate as a Plan B.

Superboy's character development will be an inversion of his comic counterpart's development

  • Instead of becoming angstier and broodier over time, he'll lighten up and become a flirty, cocky solo Legacy Character like the 90s Superboy.

The series is doing homages to Jack Kirby's DC Comics work

  • Jack Kirby worked briefly for DC in the 1970's, creating the New Gods (and its sister series, Mister Miracle and The Forever People). He also created the series Kamandi, OMAC, Kobra and The Demon, and worked on (believe it or not) Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen. None of these runs lasted long, but the characters introduced in them have been reused often. In this show, so far we've seen:
    • The DNA Project (now known as Cadmus) including the characters of The Guardian and Dubbilex (both created by Kirby) from Jimmy Olsen;
    • Kobra;
    • Klarion The Witch Boy, a villain from The Demon.
    • And now, what looks like a boom tube, a teleportation system from New Gods, was shown...

It could be a coincidence so far, but it's curious to see so much of Kirby's more obscure work appear in one animated show. Let's see if anybody else from those comics shows up.

    • Technically, the stuff about Cadmus is also a reference to Superboy; Superboy was created by Cadmus in the comics, and Dubbilex was a supporting character in Superboy's comic book. Of course, that itself was probably a homage to Kirby, so it's all recursive.
    • "Disordered" includes another major Kirby homage, with the Forever People as the centerpiece of the episode.

Young Justice is just a team thrown together to appease the sidekicks

  • By which I mean their "Black Ops" title is just made to sound cool and they were assigned to this team because they didn't want any more cases like Speedy. In actuality their missions are just missions that the regular League deemed safe enough to let their kids handle. Just take a look at the fact that their missions have all been escort, recon, and fetch missions that spun out of control.
    • This actually makes sense; why would Batman trust novices with Black Ops missions? And it would be a hell of a twist, making Red Arrow be right all along.
    • But, if this really was the case, why would Batman allow the team to lead the charge to defeat The Injustice League, or let them go into an international hot zone, or partake in government counter-espionage, or lead the attacks on heavily armed super fortresses? If Young Justice was originally meant as a safe mission spot, it certainly has evolved to be a real shadow arm of the League by now.

The "Operative" The Light keeps referring to isn't a person

It's Cheshire's mask, which is laced with nanotech bots that are keeping tabs on the team.

  • It could also be that eyeball Wally swiped from the Bromwell Stikk android that was operating the "Mr. Twister" armor, since we already saw that Stikk and T.O. Morrow were able to use it to observe the suit's performance against the team, as well as detect the presence of the original Red Tornado. Who's to say that someone like the Brain or Professor Ojo (the guy with optic-blasts working for the League of Shadows/Assassins) didn't reverse engineer the connection from it to enable the eye to transmit while seemingly "off-line" as far as Young Justice is concerned?

The team will discover that Batman set up Young Justice as a decoy team to distract supervillans from his actual covert team.

  • Despite that they are supposed to be a covert operations team, in each mission so far Young Justice has resorted to the standard flashy and explosive form of superhero combat, only really using stealth during the beginning of their missions. The actual purpose of Young Justice is to distract the Light and other hidden supervillain organisations and cause them to spend their resources fighting them, while a second team, possibly a version of the Outsiders, performs actual covert work against the Light. Eventually the team will discover Batman's deception and will rebel against his authority and reorganise their team, possibly becoming completely independent of the Justice League and/or shifting their efforts to uncovering the supervillain conspiracy instead of just being sent by Batman to disrupt their activities.

Madame Xanadu will become the next Doctor Fate

  • Wally will finally pull his head out of his ass in regards to magic and pass the helmet of Fate on to Madame Xanadu who was said to have the "perfect aura" for magic.
    • Jossed.

Kaldur's mom is...

  • They never mentioned his mother but told us about Black Manta, so she's probably important. It is...
    • A random Atlantean. Either an accomplice or just stupid enough to sleep with Black Manta.
    • Aquaman a la cloning. For the entertainment value.
    • Queen Mera. But he doesn't know it. Aquaman may or may not know it. Whether it happened before or after she married Aquaman is unimportant - either way, she gave the child up. Now she regrets giving him up and is happy that Aquaman is watching over her child.
      • YJ 2011 comics confirm that Aqualad's mom is Sha'lain'a from Shayeris.
    • Siren A.K.A. Hila. Queen Mera's twin sister.

There will be an episode where a character is sent into the future.

If it’s bad, it will be one where they were killed. Or their mentor was killed. Future Me Scares Me and all go around. Depending on who will affect the others.

    • For example Robin will be either Nightwing or Batman, seeing it probably won't be him who gets sent to the future.
    • Aqualad will became the new Aquaman or the new Black Manta.
    • Wally will take up being the Flash or its him who was sent to a future where he was killed.
    • Superboy will either be dead or will be Lex Luthor’s Dragon, having taken over most of the world.
    • Roy will either have a daughter or will be Arsenal. Along with having a robotic arm.
    • Miss Martian will be a White Martian who has destroyed most of the world and is the cause of the future.
  • I'd say it's unlikely they'll have an episode with someone sent to the future. They want to avoid too many comparisons with Teen Titans, and Teen Titans had an episode like that. Robin was Nightwing and everyone's life pretty much sucked.
    • Or they could send someone even further into the future, where instead of meeting Nightwing they would meet Terry McGinnis.
      • Wrong continuity.

Batman already has a Robin II

  • With Robin opperating on his own, Batman has already recruited Tim Drake as Robin II, just not informed Robin of it. When he does, Robin I will become Nightwing.
    • Jason Todd is recruited as the second Robin because as an orphan living on the streets no will miss him unlike Tim Drake who canonically has parents.
      • But Robin #1 seems to live with him. Assuming that Jason would live in Batman's house, how could Dick not know about him if Bruce had already picked him up? It's possible that Batman's already got his eye on Jason as a new sidekick, but hasn't told anyone yet, though. That would certainly make things interesting when Dick finds out...
      • Well, Tim Drake is definitely Robin now after the timeskip.

Batman put Artemis in Gotham Academy so that Robin could keep an eye on her.

  • A bit obvious, really. Why else would she get an exclusive scholarship when she didn't even apply? It could be part of a Batman Gambit to test Artemis and make sure she's trustworthy.

Starro lives.

As of episode 8, anyway.

  • I had the same thought, in fact i was going to name this entry just "Starro Lives Starro Lives Starro Lives *blank stare*" But more to the point they also say they reached it telepathically so my additional WMG is either Aquaman or Aqualad will have a sudden "why didn't i do this sooner" moment and use fish telepathy to stop Starro cold when he rampages, probably Aqualad as it's a power he has no demonstrated so far and would be a good power upgrade that isn't over powering and would make a CMOA.
  • Confirmed in episode 19, when the Light recovers a piece of Starro.

Slade Wilson will appear at some point

  • Possibly as an ally of the Light (or as a villain like Bane, who has his own agenda in opposition to the Light). However, he will be based more on his comic counterpart to make him distinct from his Teen Titans appearances. The name could go either way- censorship seems a bit looser for this show than for Titans, so they might be able to get "Deathstroke" through, or he might simply be "Slade" again.

Superboy's warmer behavior towards Miss Martian is partially due to how she restores his memories.

The Sphere is from Krypton

  • The Light wasn't trying to create a bridge between dimensions but were trying to move through time to further their agenda. That's why the Sphere reacted to Superboy's pain and why it automatically defended him. It recognized his Kyryptonian DNA and responded accordingly.
    • Then why did it arrive via Boom Tube?
    • Jossed, Sphere is from New Genesis.

Cheerleader!M'gann isn't M'gann

  • There's laughter that follows her catchphrase "Hello, Megan!" It's a laugh track for a show that she watched and studied Earth culture from. And since the character's name was so similiar to hers, she changed her appearance to fit the actress's, thus explaining why she's hiding her true form.
    • The television in Artemis's home actually mentions the show by name, "Hello Megan." It's probably going to be the cartoon's version of "Wendy the Werewolf Stalker."
    • There's fanon of the canon Show Within a Show, and it now has it's own page Hello Megan.
    • The girl is also of a pale complexion, while Megan is green in Earth form. It's obviously a Show Within a Show and Megan based herself on her.

In "Downtime", Clayface beat the team by taking out Robin first.

  • Robin has probably dealt with Clayface before with Batman. So why not eliminate the most potential threat first, then finish off the rest of the team who are inexperienced with fighting against him.
    • According to the solicit for the tie-in comic, this will be Clayface's "origin." Batman and Robin have never faced him before.

Megan's actions in "Bereft" will cause some tension among the team

  • Perhaps the others felt a bit abandoned and angry after she just left them on their own to save Superboy. And this may effect their teamwork in future episodes.

Artemis is Rose Wilson, daughter of Deathstroke

  • Deathstroke's a villain who has a long history, both in comics and other media, with the junior heroes of the DCU, so it'd only make sense for him to show up in Young Justice, and Artemis has already commented that her dad trained her to kill. Not only that, Artemis's "mom" in the show is Southeast Asian, but she might not be her real mom. Rose's backstory of Deathstroke having met her mother on a mission in Cambodia would then fit, it'd make sense for Artemis/Rose's mom, to have given her to a Cambodian friend to protect her from her dad. And most of all, Deathstroke and Green Arrow have a history, so Green Arrow adopting Artemis as her protege to steer him away from Deathstroke's influence would make sense.

The robot sphere contains a new member for the team sealed inside.

  • Probably one of the alien members from the comics, like Lobo.
  • The sphere contains Krypto. A (Super)boy and his dog. It just has to happen
    • But in "Alpha Male", M'gann said: "Isn't [Krypto] already taken?", suggesting that Krypto already exists in this 'verse.
  • The Secret from "A World without Grown-ups"

At some point, a character, probably a villain, will use a giant staple gun as a weapon.

  • It's happened in the Weisman-helmed Gargoyles and The Spectacular Spider-Man, so there's a better than normal chance that one will appear here as well.
    • I was JUST about to post this.
    • Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand confirmed, as of episode 4 of the second season. Wow. Good job, guys.

Artemis is the Comedian's granddaughter

The fact that Artemis' mother is both Vietnamese and crippled points to this. Specifically, that the Comedian, existing in this version of Earth, was a member of a previous incarnation of the Justice League, possibly the Justice Society or even a group called The Watchmen, volunteered to serve his country to fight in Vietnam. From there, the events in the original story play out as usual but more historically accurate concerning the US losing the war (or ending in a draw, for those strawman politicals reading this) since the Comedian was the ONLY superhero fighting in Nam with the rest of the American heroes wanting to stay as neutral as possible.

Events as follows: 1) Comedian drowning his sorrows over the US pulling out of the country, ignoring government orders to bounce out of the country; 2) follows superheroes are to help in the evac, with at least one or two confronting the Comedian in his current sad state; 3) young pregnant farm girl comes in, wanting him to stay to take care of the baby after he knocked her up; 4) built up sorrow and anger builds up to where he shoots the girl right in the stomach right in front of the hero(es); 5) half of the heroes jump into action, with the girl being first priority and the second being kicking the Comedian's ass followed by dragging him back to the states kicking and screaming.

The pregnant farm girl, of course, dies from a combination of factors, emergency C-Section is done, and thanks to the hero(es) efforts, the baby is saved, though now crippled. Said child grows up and eventually has a daughter herself, named Artemis.....

Match will show up

Cadmus may have lost Robin, Kid Flash, and Aqualad's DNA, but they may still have some of Superboy's in reserve. Match could also add to Superboy's Character Development and help him get over his clone-related angst through a cathartic battle against his own clone.

  • Confirmed. He appeared in "Agendas".

Paula Crock was a supervillain...

... Until she was in an accident that crippled her involving Green Arrow. Green Arrow was so guilt ridden that he helped Artemis go straight.

  • And we all know how Ollie "helps" women... Bow chicka bow wow...
    • Ew.
  • Supported by the tie-in comic Young Justice #7 which reveals Paula Crock has been away for six years (heavily alluded to be in jail) apparently taking "the fall" for Artemis's father, crippling herself in the process and has made a decision to give up "the life". Also confirmed in Artemis' flashback during "Homefront"

They're voiced by the same actor, they both have the same last name, and the Guardian is Speedy's uncle in the comics. I'd say there's a strong case they could be related in this continuity too.

  • Confirmed in Agendas

The team will visit Arkham Asylum one day

I think the way the team will meet the Joker will because the League sends them on a mission to investigate why various people are disappearing from arkham. Then when they get there they realize it's a trap and the villians have taken over arkham just like in the famous video game. It most likely won't happen but it would be cool if it did it could be their halloween episode.

    • Well, they've already met the Joker, and been to Belle Reeve...

What happened to the mystery men of the 40's

1. The superheroes during the 40's killed a good amount of the supervillians and vice versa.

2. One of the multiverse crisises effected Earth 16 someway while it was in the 40's. So a bunch of heroes and villians teamed up to stop it and most of them didn't survived.

3.The public only regarded the mystery men and the J.S.A as urban legends.

4.The J.S.A could've fought in Europe during WW 2 against Nazi supervillians but they disbanded after a registration act was passed. However there is a big gap between the 1940's and the 2000's and what happened to the supervillians.

5. Alan Scott could've been an member of the Green Lantern Corps.

6. The Spectre returned to heaven or purgatory and that’s why Earth 16 is the shape that it’s in.

  • As of episode 8 Jay Garrick/The first Flash has been confirmed to exist and still be alive on this Earth so guess 4 currently seems like the most plausible explination.

At some point, Shakespeare's going to influence the plot

Megan's "White Martian" comment in Target wasn't true

The whole race allusion and second class citizens stuff. She's just trying to stay away from the topic of what's really up with the Martians, and it's more like the comic version.

  • Would you admit your race was enslaving and killing the real Green Skinned Space Babes?
  • In the tie-in comic Young Justice #6 Megan claims both her parents are green but she was raised in a "liberal household". Your Mileage May Vary on how defensive she was being about it.

Kid Fate is coming back

Following in the grand tradition of having the Flashes being a big case of Beware the Nice Ones. Also good for character development if Wally accepts the helmet because he finally believes in magic, showing that he's maturing.

For the possible Halloween episode...

The team gets trapped or sent to a house or abandonded hospital (or for double creepiness Arkham Asylum). In it the door locks behind them and they can't open any other door or window... but they open themsleves randomly. The team is spooked out by this but they investigate further. One of them sees something personal to them in the next corridor and follow it. They turn back but the room is a different room then when they entered it. This happens more and more with even the room tilting towards the bottom. Even when they turn their backs for a second something changes in the room. No one can hear them cry for help. the team whittles down with lesser members not dissapearing. More and more noises and distractions plauge them. Personal memories of the team members missing come to life before their eyes. They also come to the remaining memebers who haven't dissapeared and the members are afraid that their secrets are coming out. Then they destroy some of the walls and find out they repair themselves quickly. They break more and more until they reveal who is doing this.

Clayface hopped up on venom steroids. And if that isn't bad enough, Dr. Destiny is aiding him on favor for The Light. This Dr. Destiny being more like the DD from Neil Gaiman's Sandman. The Justice League swoops in to save the day and make sure the kids are alright. When the leave, this happens. Zatara steps in to mindwipe Clayface and Dr. Destiny. But DD, he goes furthur and mindwipes himself so much he becomes almost lobotomized. The League in turn decides for the good of the team, keep this secret. The Light goes in to comment on this saying "We may have lost a key player, we have gained something far greater".

    • This would have been awesome, but the halloween episode has already passed.

Sportsmaster crippled Artemis' mother.

  • Think about it, she's begging for Artemis to take the opportunity she never had because her father Sportsmaster crippled her, possibly after a teenage pregnancy.

Hello Megan is a lie.

It's secretly a brainwashing programme run by "The Light".

Icon will join the Justice League

  • With Rocket showing up in concept art, it is only natural that they will add her mentor, Icon. This means that Icon will finally join the Justice League, naturally.
    • He might not be part of the Justice League, but he appeared in "Revelations"
  • Confirmed in "Usual Suspects"

In season two, every character's outfits will be updated to their post-Flashpoint threads.

The villains who are part of The Light are brainwashed

A lot of the characters act a bit more reverent about The Light than you would expect them to. When they're together, they don't quite act normal. With next season called "Invasion" and the Light plot likely not going to be wrap up anytime soon, I'm guessing that aliens are using brainwashed villains to set the ground work through these schemes for a future invasion.

  • Apokolips has been known to infiltrate criminal gangs and brainwash people...

Music Meister will appear in the show

Why? As an excuse for a Musical Episode.

Damian Wayne will make an appearance.

Yes, too early when you think about comic canon, but Young Justice is cherry-picking the best bits of comic canon, so why not? Damian will appear; Robin will have a bit of a crisis about his "father", creating a rift between them; he and Robin will have a lot of friction over who should be Robin.

  • Or, better yet, Damian's mother Talia al Ghul will be a member of the Light and her son will be a pawn in their game. They send Damian up against his father and the Young Justice team. Cue the father-son angst (between Damian, Bruce and Dick).

The members of the Light are under mind control

The way Ra's looked as he spoke of the "Light" seemed almost empty, as though he were in a kind of trance. Perhaps the "Light" is an entity that has ensnared the minds of many powerful, and evil, people and is using them to reach some kind of goal. Of course, it could even be the Genomorphs, and their whole "subjugation" was merely a ruse to throw suspicion off of them since they knew the League would eventually learn of them.

  • It's also possible that the leader of the Light (L-1, presumably, though the numbers may not reflect actual rank) is using some sort of mind control on the others in order to get a number of heavyweight supervillains together while avoiding the sort of internecine conflict that such alliances usually get mired in. Of course, when the others find out, they'll likely be less than pleased.

Dubbilex is a bad guy.

He wanted Superboy to help free his brothers, not because he wanted freedom, but because he wanted to take over Desmond's place and take over the Cadmus project. Guardian is still unknowingly being mind controlled. All of this will come back to bite the Team and the JLA in the arse later.

Artemis' dad is Oliver Queen (Green Arrow), NOT Sportmaster.

Since this is a distillation of the comics, they're allowed to take some liberties with the characters.

At the time that Artemis "happened", Artemis' mother was still the villain Tigress (think Roy and Cheshire in the comics), and Ollie's ashamed of it. Then he met his daughter (and her mother) later in life, saw how Paula (Tigress) had reformed and how she didn't want her daughter to make the same mistakes that she did, and agreed to mentor Artemis. Artemis may or may not have grown up aware of this, and may or may not have believed Sportsmaster to be her biological dad until Green Arrow came along.

Of course, neither want anyone else to know about this, so they insisted that Artemis was Ollie's niece. Ollie especially doesn't want Red Arrow to know, for fear of angering him and widening the rift between them.

Also, they're both blond.

Bizarro already exists in this 'verse

Would add a lot of weight to Superman's general attitude towards Superboy if he's already seen one clone of himself wind up going horribly wrong. Could also easily lead to an epic "battle of the Super-clones" between Bizarro and Superboy.

The Riddler will become a Chekhov's Gunman

I can't be the only one thinking this, I mean he was the only one to escape the prison.

  • He's the Riddler, so he's probably bound to figure something out before anyone else does.

The Riddler will enter an Enemy Mine situation with the heroes

To take down the light

  • Jossed. He works for The Ligth

Young Injustice roster predictions...

This article confirms that there will be a young supervillain team set up by the Light. Which could include:

Cheshire: wouldn't be a surprise, especially given her implied connection to Artemis

Icicle Jr.: They made him something of an interesting character in "Terrors", and it would be a shame to waste him.

  • Also hilarious for comics fans - the comic version of Artemis (Tigress III) was romantically involved with Icicle Jr.

Talia Al Ghul her father is a part of the Light so it would make sense for her to show up at some point, and this would be the perfect opportunity to introduce her in the show.

  • Talia's usually around Bruce's age, since she's generally used as a romantic interest and/or foil for him. But that doesn't mean she couldn't be mission control as a counterpart to the team's "den mothers".

Artemis will change her name

Perhaps to re-create a semi-normal life or her secret identity is discovered. Possible names:

  • Linda Park
  • Greta Hayes
  • Cissy King
  • Cassandra Cain

That weird Language Aqualad speaks sometimes....

It's his "native" language. He was part of a race of merfolk with light hair, blue eyes, and really dark skin. Their cities (and other cities where there were likewise freaky fish people, such as Lori Lemaris's people, and Topo) were destroyed by some force, and Aquaman welcomed the survivors into Atlantis with Open arms. Aqualad's race was the only one who spoke a language different from the other sea-dwellers. Aquaman learned it, and for the first time, Aqualad had someone to talk to.

The team will meet Red Tornado's family

In the comics, Red Tornado's alter-ego "John Smith" had a wife and adopted child. In the wake of his Face Heel Turn, they'll either have to break the news to explain his disappearance, or be introduced to them by the League to make sure they know that even if he's acting like a Killer Robot now, he has people who know and love him.

  • Confirmed, in a sense. Red Torpedo and Red Inferno weren't exactly nice robots themselves. At least not until Red Tornado re-awakened their Chronic Hero Syndrome, and they pulled an Heroic Sacrifice to save humanity.
  • Though Jossed in that this version of Red Tornado has no secret identity or human family.
    • In "Insecurities", though, he's shown to be working on an android body with which he intends to take the identity John Smith.

Batman holds great respect Aqualad

He sees that there is quite alot of him in Aqualad (Like a parent of a child admiring their friend) like his stoic attitude and careful planning. He was rough on him during "Downtime" because he wanted to see how well he could commit to the team. AL was the one that lead the investigation on the mole.

The Wonder Girl seen in the trailer is actually Donna

But in an inversion of Cassie, she wears a blonde wig as Wonder Girl.

Terry McGinnis from Batman Beyond will make an appearance

He'll be sent to the past to train at bit with the team, a la Superman in Legion of Super-Heroes, but in reverse. He'll probably be wisecraking and a bit arrogant until the team puts him in his place. Then he'll respect them all and tell Robin that he becomes a great hero in his own right before going back to the future.

The Brain can teleport

The device The Brain used to turned off the lights was actually a teleportation machine. The Brain is a member of The Light who has access to Kobra Venom and boom tube technology.

The Son of Hawkman and Hawkgirl will join the team as the new Doctor Fate

I figure maybe they'll have Hector Hall.

  • Which Hawkman and Hawkgirl?
    • Carter and Shiera Hall
      • Okay, just wanted to be clear. If he shows up, he won't be happy about it much. Mostly because, like in the comics, Hector resents his parents focusing too much on their careers as archaeologists and superheroes.
      • Alternately, Hector is the son of Katar and Shayera Hol. His Thanagarian name is Hro Hol, whom Shayera named after her former ex-lover.

Klarion is using Obfuscating Stupidity

In this continuity, he's both a Lord of Chaos and one of the leaders of the Light. Considering both of those, it wouldn't be surprising if his "petulant psychotic child" shtick was just a front for something much more cunning and... alien. Why the act? For one, it makes people underestimate him, and for another, what's the point of being a Lord of Chaos if you don't let yourself have a little (chaotic and destructive) fun?

  • Confirmed to a degree. In Misplaced he shows himself much more cunning and bordeline Magnificent Bastard. His "petulant psychotic child" shtick is still there, but its hinted its more of a act for shits and giggles in his part

The Light is run by an evil version of Batman

  • Because who else could think that far ahead? Alternatively, it's Xanatos himself.
    • Judging from "Revelation" the head of the Light is Vandal Savage. And who better to foresee long-term effects and benefits than an immortal?
  • You mean Owlman from Earth-3 or Wrath?

Secret will show up in episode 18 of season 1.

  • I base this off of two things: Peter David made a reference to Secret showing up, and episode 18 is named "Secrets".
    • Very likely since her brother Harm will show up in the episode.
      • Confirmed.

Klarion is actually a Mole within The Light

The reason Klarion is one of the Light in the first place is that he's actually an Agent placed there by the other Lords of Chaos to keep an eye on the Light. The reason for this is that they had predicted that the Light will possibly make a deal with an agent of Apokolyps in some form. This was proven when Queen Bee confirmed the test run of Boom Tube usage was successful, meaning more direct deals under Darkseid's approval is not far behind. The reason why Klarion would be against Darkseid is because Darkseid is the undisputed God of Tyranny and the poster boy for Lawful Evil. Though in this case Klarion is more against the "Lawful" aspect than the "evil."

The reason he's one of the Light in order to achieve this is because: 1) Obfuscating Stupidity reason as above, and 2) even though he's a being of immense magical ability, Darkseid can STILL kick his ASS, the only disadvantage is that he's still of physical being and cannot follow Klarion in the spiritual realm to finish the job.

This WMG then leads to.......

Dr. Fate will do a Face Heel Turn

Dr. Fate has been shown to want to be in action again so badly that he's willing to overthrow the personality of ANYONE who puts on his ground to the physical realm, his helmet, and the only thing stopping him is the spirit of Kent Nelson and even then Kent has to become a pretty damn good negotiator to stop Fate every time. WHEN the forces of Apokolyps come eventually knocking on Earth's door, Fate's helmet will be on the things taken and Darkseid will forcefully end up having one of his minions put on the helmet, most likely a parademon, whom Fate will automatically choose as his successor. Nelson will obviously protest saying the mook has zero magical ability, making him unworthy, but Fate will reveal that HIS definition of worthy is actually whomever represents ORDER rather than level of power, and thus doesn't mind using basically an animal as a host since its a minion of the God Tyranny itself.

This will give out a few revelations. First and foremost is Dr. Fate's own Blue and Orange Morality, who places Order above all else and thus is that desperate to be useful again, even as someone's bitch. Second is the revelation that Fate was only a superhero and protected Earth because of humanity's general preference towards Order rather than Chaos and was first awakened by Kent Nelson during its more turbulent times. Lastly, the kicker, is that the Lord of Orders have been all been supportive of Darkseid since the beginning, seeing him as the grand epitome of universal order, not caring about how he goes about it.

Every member of the Team will put on the Helmet of Fate at one point in the series. We've already have two, why not the rest?

Fate: This is a powerful magical artifact, not a toy for you to share!

  • Or they'll wear him frequently enough that Fate will stop trying to body snatch them, because hey, he has six teens who are willing to regularly let him take their body for short periods of time. He doesn't need to bodysnatch.

Sphere is like that horse in Adventure Time

Except that Darkseid's in it.

...C'mon, it's hilarious.

"Conner" is a character from Hello, Megan!

Specifically, "Megan's" Love Interest. There's gotta be a reason Miss Martian just had that name ready to suggest.

  • Confirmed in "Image".

Icicle Jr. likes Killer Frost.

In "Terrors", he looked at her, took a deep breath, and said, "Here goes..."

Then he was interrupted by Ojo, but if he hadn't been, he would have gone up to her and started flirting or something.

The plot of the show is partially based off of the plots to the third season of Gargoyles and the Spin-Off series that Weisman never got to produce.

The Light, a massive conspiracy, are the main villains, and it seems that from what was published of the Gargoyle comics and what Weisman has said in interviews, the Illuminati were going to be the main villains of the third season of Gargoyles. Also, one of the planned Gargoyles spin offs was about aliens invading Earth in the future and the main characters forming La Résistance. The second season is titles "Invasion," and may deal with a similar storyline.

Robin is heading for some kind of nervous breakdown.

And it will serve to deconstruct the Kid Hero and Child Soldier tropes. Aside from some typical thirteen-year-old immaturity, he's almost scary competent at what he does. Even when he's cooperating with the group or whenever Kaldur is somehow out of commission, he tends to be the one who figures out the what and how of the situation. Yet he says himself in "Homefront" that he's been a superhero since he was nine, and Artemis calls him out for being unnaturally calm in the face of all of their friends dying. In "Failsafe," he sends Superboy on a suicide mission and uses Kid Flash's denial to manipulate him and Miss Martian into destroying an alien mothership while letting them and Martian Manhunter believe it's a rescue mission. And he denies none of it, makes no excuse. He wakes up in a cold sweat, and we know from the tie-in comics that thinking about why he became Robin (i.e., his entire family save one uncle dying, and that uncle being too injured to care for him) causes him to be unusually moody and quiet.

Greg Weisman has also said that the series will continue doing single-character focus episodes right up until ep. 124, which he revealed will be called "Performance." Dick is a performer, both in his old life as a circus acrobat, and his new life as Robin, the Boy Wonder. And what better time to reveal him as a Broken Ace than right before the season finale?

  • He did have a bit of a breakdown during his session with Black Canary in "Disordered". I wouldn't be surprised if this is building up to an even bigger one.

The Light know about whatever is coming in Invasion

And they're planning to conquer the world so that humanity can face it united, a la Grand Admiral Thrawn. None of these guys seem like the types who'd roll over to extraterrestrial conquerors, and it would be a definite reason for so many disparate supervillain masterminds to come together and legitimately work as a team (and note that they're all Earth-based, save the supernatural Klarion). Of course, this would mean that the villain of Invasion is probably not Darkseid, since he's heavily implied to be involved with them in some fashion (unless they're planning on double-crossing him).

  • Actually, all we know about the Light's extraterrestrial involvement so far is that they have Boom Tubes. That means (as suggested by another WMG above and possibly supported by the Sphere's origin on New Genesis) that they could just as easily be getting tech from New Genesis as from Apokolips. How better to play up Darkseid as a serious threat than to force both heroes and villains alike to join forces against him?
  • The problem with that is that "Disordered" outright says that Sphere was stolen from New Genesis and then delivered to the Light via Boom Tube. Unless someone on New Genesis has a really weird plan going, that makes it look like it's Darkseid and/or one of his top minions (Desaad? He did show up in "Disordered"...) that's involved.
    • It could be someone on New Genesis working with the Light without official knowledge or sanction. Maybe Orion?
      • While that theory is plausible, given that this is an alternate version of what we know as New Earth from the comics, I'd say that's highly unlikely. Orion hates Darkseid, hates anyone from Apokalips for that matter, but especially his father. There's no way he'd willingly aid him. Besides, an outright invasion of earth violates the pact that Darkseid made with Izaya the Highfather, which would cause retaliation from New Genesis against the forces of Apokalips. However, it is possible that one of the Gods of Apokalips has assumed the guise of one of those of New Genesis. My money would be on Kanto. He's a master of disguise, and an unparalleled assassin.
    • It's not Kanto, it's Metron. He's got a soft spot for Luthor historically.
  • In the season finale, Savage explains the problem with the Justice League is that it protects the status quo at the cost of natural selection. Based on that, it's unlikely Savage would be interested in creating a team to fight off an outside threat (barring, of course, hypocrisy on his part).

The statement, "You're turning white." by Black Canary, made M'Gann freak out because she didn't want anyone to know she is a second class martian.

Yes, she stated that she personally didn't think that they are second class people, but after being born into it, and constantly hearing it, you start to beleive the hype. Also J'Onn is a white martian hybreed as well. The green martian in him allows him to change his color and shape, and all of that. he fled the planet, not to become the most awesome hero on earth, but to escape the violence being done to people like him back on Mars. the fire that scares him senseless now, was caused by a pure green martin, and since we haven't seen another martian it's possible that his altered to green form is off green.

    • Half-confirmed in "Image". Megan is hiding her identity as a white martian, but she mostly seems driven by the fact that she's afraid all her friends and mentors will be terrified by her true form, and banish her.

The Riddler had already discovered a way out of The Alcatraz and was trying to share it with the other prisoners, but nobody heard him.

The Riddler's only power is his intellect, he is an Attention Whore who wanted to be respected by the villains in prison. The problem is that they were dumb enough to be in prison, so nobody respected him. When he said: "The Riddler doesn't go to any place he is not well received" and is mocked: "That philosophy doesn't let you much options", he was wrong. The Riddler always had the option of going outside.

The team of young heroes are not Young Justice, but Teen Titans.

Three of the original members are on the team (Four had Speedy/Red Arrow stayed) and there isn't any knowledge of an incarnation of one actually existing in this continuity. Considering that not once are they referred to collectively by name and many consider this team to be Young Justice In Name Only, it would explain why Dick Grayson and Wally West are on the team instead of Tim Drake and Bart Allen. This will come up in a future episode (maybe as early as the 2nd season) as a plot twist.

  • What kind of plot twist is that? "This team, who's name was never stated or anything, has a different name! Exciting!" The could start calling the team "The Awesome Guys!" and it still wouldn't be a plot twist.
    • Word of God, while it cites the Titans as an influence, has also confirmed that the team doesn't have an official name since they're not in the public eye. Young Justice is the show, but our heroes are just "the Team".

The episode "Performance" will have Robin sing one of Jesse Mc Cartney's songs

Since they have him might as well use him.

Superboy Prime will appear in the series.

He'll either show up as an insane Superboy Clone wearing Luthor's solar armor or he'll be a fan from the real world of Earth Prime that found his way to theirs, and he has a laundry list of complaints.

  • Alternatively, make it the actual Superboy-Prime. He ended up slipping through the Source and crashing into the Young Justice verse. The Light will use him as their agent, promising them that they'll send him back into his home dimension(just to show they mean it, they'll be seen already working on it.) Prime will be greatly depowered, but still able to butt heads with Superboy. Given his No Fourth Wall, he'll use it to his advantage. Expect the writers to try and make him popular.

M'gann is Haruhi Suzumiya

1) Her World view is shaped by TV 2) She is insanely powerful 3) Every WMG page needs a Haruhi guess

The YJ creators are Tropers.

Most of the Mole theories thrown around in "Secrets" seem to be from the Mole WMG section above.

The Team are slowly becoming a Hive Mind.

As they use their mental link more and more. Hence why they keep using each others catchphrases.

Bruce and Dick's happy father-son relationship will start to go down the drain.

Robin and Daddy!Bats are shown to have the happiest father-son relationship in YJ, but in the comics Bruce is a less-than-stellar parent. And in "Disordered", in Robin's therapy session with Black Canary, he confesses that he doesn't want to "be the Batman anymore".

So, as Superboy and Superman's relationship gets better (as this troper presumes it will eventually), Robin and Batman's relationship will start to sour slowly over over the course of the show, accumulating in a big argument, perhaps Robin leaving Bruce and maybe even becoming Nightwing (hey, a troper can dream, right?).

There will be an episode with Dick and Jason

They will be hanging out like good old buds and eating chilidogs. The episode will end with a hug with a sunset background with sad music. Tim will be stalking them.

  • This would make my life.

Teekl will cause Klarion to pull a Heel Face Turn.

Much like the original comic series, another villain will hurt Teekl and cause Klarion to turn from being Chaotic Evil to Chaotic Neutral. This may be a member of the Light, who will deem that Klarion has become too volatile or untrustworthy as a member of the Light or use Teekl's connection with Klarion to coerce him into doing something he'd rather not do. Or it could just be a Kick the Dog moment that prompts Klarion to question his allegiance to the Light.

The Daughter of Darkseid name dropped in Justice League 6 will appear in Young Justice.

Klarion and Teekl

Those two will at one point combine to become the ravening cat beast Horrigal like they did in Seven Soldiers.

Should they do Joker again...

They will attempt to have an Author's Saving Throw to make up the disappointment of this incarnation. They could make him actually sane like the Batman Black and White story by Paul Dini and Alex Ross. They could flesh out batman more and make Joker a counterpoint to him. They could instruct Bret Spiner to improve his VA, anything like that.

Coldhearted was the Light's first genuine failure

True, there's a high probability that there was something The Light could gain from this, but from what we have right now, the Light utterly failed. Their main distraction, the snow machines were destroyed, and their true objective, giving Count Vertigo control of Latvia was also stopped by Kid Flash. In the times before, the Light at least got some information, stopped the heroes from getting something, began testing some weapon, got long term access to a location and the like. Yet for all intents and purposes, this was the first time The Light was genuinely defeated by the league. They still covered their tracks pretty well, but this is going to come back to bite the light much harder in the future, especially since they just blew it in potentially connecting Vandal Savage to The Injustice League in his attempt to slow Wally down.

Members of the Light that go solo ALWAYS FAIL

This is going by the two times the Team had faced off against members of the Light individually when they were doing their own thing outside of the larger group. First it was Klarion trying to retrieve Dr. Fate's helmet, most likely to destroy it later on, and the second involving the Brain doing genetic experiments on animals, most likely to attract any one of the Justice League for him to capture and experiment on. Both of these episodes are notable as, at the time, most of the episodes by then had a stinger at the end which showed off some furthering of the Light's plan despite the initial defeat. Denial and Alpha Male, on the other hand, did not have these stingers at all. This suggests that Klarion and Brain's plots in those episodes had nothing to do with the Light at all and were working independently at the time. This would probably hold true for Vandal Savage as well in Coldhearted as Vertigo confirmed Kid Flash suspicions Savage distracted Wally as a favor, but the follow up with Flash and Batman checking in at Belle Reeve suggests that the WMG directly above would be more plausible in that case.

Garfield Logan will not become Beast Boy because of an accident like the comics, but because of M'Gann's blood transfusion.

If you watch carefully, you'll notice that Garfield's eye color was blue before the transfusion and green afterward. It definitely did something to him...

  • His pet monkey is also biting him repeatedly during that scene...
  • This troper believes that it will still take the accident to actually catylize the change...

== Young Justice: Invasion will have an invasion... from The Light. ==]] After escaping at the end of the season, with their plans foiled The Light moves on to their next plan; a full on invasion to take over Earth using Bialya and Rhelesia as home bases. Vlatava and Quarac were meant to be other places to launch attacks from, but The Team screwed that up for them. It's also possible that they'll use mass produced Superboy clones and Cobra Venom enhanced soldiers as shock troops. Possibly with Apocalyption weapons.

  • Jossed as of Wondercon 2012. It's definitely and unquestionably an alien invasion.

The reason that White Martians are discriminated against was due to their previous subjugation of Green Martians

M'gann stated that White Martians are in the minority, so like in the comics they may have ruled over Green Martians as conquerors much like white colonists. After the Green Martians freed themselves from White Martian control, they allowed the White Martians to continue to live on Mars, but heavily discriminate against them for their past crimes. If this ever comes out, the team may comment on the Not So Different aspects of this discrimination.

    • This is because only white martions may unleash H'ronmeer's curse, the illusion/sensation of burning onto Green Martians. M'gann even did this to J'onnz in the season finale.

Lobo will make an appearance

It will be both Crazy Awesome and incredibly hilarious.

  • It's confirmed he'll be in the first episode of "Invasion". We'll have to wait on the other parts, though...
    • Hopefully he'll be voiced by Brad Garrett! He may also voice Bibbo.

Roy will become an addict

Greg Wiseman was able to adapt Harry's adiction by using the Green Goblin formula instead of real drugs. Speedy has an infamous history of substance abuse in the comics, so its entirely possible he might do it here to. And Considering what happens at the end of the season, he'll have plenty of incentive.

  • Confirmed if being addicted to searching for the original Speedy counts.

Lex Luthor spiked the Shields.

More specifically, the Shields have various extra ingredients in them which makes them extra addictive, thus leading Superboy to use them more and more, eventually becoming an addict. Worse yet, as his physiology becomes more and more used to each "hit", the effects will wrong out faster and eventually leading to him crashing at a very crucial moment.......

The Team will be re-named Young Justice in the season finale.

  • If not then, during Season 2 at the latest.

During Season 2, Earth will try to ally with Mars against the impending invasion.

Earth's going to need some allies, and who better than their next door neighbors? Only there's going to be a hitch in their plan because of M'gann, as the Martian government doesn't approve of a rogue White Martian, let alone one getting valuable combat experience, and especially not one with the gall to impersonate a Green Martian. Faced with a choice between Earth going it alone or getting Martian aid, M'gaan will choose the greater good and try to surrender herself to Martian authorities. Cue her teammates causing an interplanetary incident when they decide to stage a jailbreak for her.

M'gann will get mode locked in a powerless version of her human form.

Whether as the ultimate expression of her image/self-loathing issues, or as punishment inflicted by the Martian government for a White like her impersonating a Green, M'gaan will be locked into her Megan Morse form. She'll have to come to deal with not being able to contribute to the team anymore, learning being human isn't all she thought it might be, and maybe coming to appreciate being a Martian even a White one in a way she hadn't before.

Artemis has killed people before

It stands to reason that Sportsmaster would teach his daughter how to kill along with teaching her how to fight. During the Team's memory loss in "Bereft", Artemis tells Wally she believes that Sportsmaster wants Artemis to kill Wally as part of a test, so it seems that being ordered to hunt people down is something Artemis found normal while being raised by Sportsmaster. Finally, again in "Bereft", when an amnesiac Superboy attacked Artemis and Wally, Artemis countered with explosive arrows without having any way of knowing if Superboy could withstand them.

The Light will turn out to have had genuinely good (if not exactly savory) intentions about brainwashing the Justice League and trying to take over the world.

They know that an alien invasion is coming and wanted to take over the world quickly and efficiently so as to rally the Earth's defenses against the invaders. When the Light is defeated and carted away to prison, Luthor will probably say something like, "You think this over? You have no idea what's coming. I promise, by the end, you will wish you'd let us do our job and save the Earth. Now we're all doomed, thanks to you." as Foreshadowing for the next season.

  • You don't understand. The Light, bar Klarion are human-speciesist extremists. They triggered the alien invasion because 1) they believe we'd win and 2) they believe we'd become stronger through it. They don't realize they're fucking up a bunch of planets so Darkseid can conquer them.

Darkseid is playing everyone.

Darkseid gave advanced tech to the Light, which among other things allows them to bypass conventional means of spaceflight by boom tube. The Light uses this technology, and the justice league, to steal more advanced technology from other galactic powers, such as the Controllers, Thanagarians, Gods of New Genesis. Following this blatant act of aggression, a coalition seeks to invade and subjugate Earth. Upon moving their forces to attack our blue planet, Darkseid invades the very alien powers attacking us.

The Atom will be instrumental in the First Season Finale.

He's not in the roster when they all bowed down to Vandal Savage...it's possible he evaded capture.

  • Or he was there, but just too small to notice.

The six Leaguers who couldn't account for thier actions while under the control of Starro-tech (Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, John Stewart, Martian Manhunter, Hawkgirl/woman) were masquerading as the Justice Lords wherever they had been sent.

  • It's the same line-up!

Artemis really is Green Arrow's Neice, but neither know it.

The Brooks family were Vietnamese immigrants trying to escape the war. (They had a different name at the time) and they tried to escape and ended up meeting a Mr. Queen, Ollie's father. He promises to smuggle them to safety for a price. Unfortunately, they can't pay it, so he offers... well... an alternative. However, Neither of her parents were aware that Paula was actually a result of that price. And that is how Artemis has blond hair. I spent way too much time overthinking this.

Gail Simone will write an episode in Season two or a possible season 3.

It will have little, if anything to do with the myth arc, and will involve Black Canary taking Artemis out for some fun. Babs may be there too. They will end up kicking ass, taking names, and decide to do it again next friday night.

Klarion is immune to anti-Life.

The six brainwashed League members who were away for 16 hours are the reason there will be an invasion

They went to various aliens worlds and killed/humiliated/destroyed their people. Looking for revenge, the aliens will attack Earth. It supports Savage's Social Darwinist views of wanting humanity to become a cosmic powerhouse.

One of the Roys will change his name to Arsenal

  • Either it will be the clone looking to make his own identity or the original for the same reason
  • On the topic of the Roys, perhaps the clone will take on the civilian name of Connor Hawke, the second Green Arrow in the comics. The first name could be an in-universe reference to Superboy, also a clone and his name.
    • And as Connor Hawke, he will have to dye his hair blond, which then makes it a nod to Ben Reilly.

The Light tried to clone Batman too.

It didn't go well.

They tried to copy Superman, so it stands to reason that they'd do it to Batman as well. Being the Crazy Prepared badass that he is however Batman staved off any risks cloing posed by adding an emnzyme to his blood that caused his DNA to degrade when removed from his body. In order to fill in the gaps in his genetic code Cadmus turned to the one man whose managaed to beat him; The Joker. Unfortunately the end result created a giggling, hyper violent, borderline pedophilic Batman with a fondness for eating rats.

His name was Crazy Steve. (If Roy's missing arm is anything to go by we'll be seeing Arsenal down the line so a run in with the Dork Age Anti-Hero version of Batman is a disntict possiblity.)

Thourghlly ashamed of creating this insane abomination, the Light froze him in the vaults of Cadmus and hoped he'd never escape. Things took a turn for the worse when the damage caused by Superboy and Match woke Steve up, unleashing him on a helpless world and a very unlucky Dick Grayson (aged 12... I mean 13.)

Batman is allergic to doors.

Give me one example in the series in which Batman is directly shown to use a door (Zeta beams don't count). He's Batman, he doesn't NEED doors.

The Blue Beetle will be hit by a spell that will reveal his inner, darkest self

It will be a dentist.

The Missing 16 Hours

were the best orgy in the known galaxy. Coming soon to Fanfiction.net.

  • Tonight on Channel Five: Scandal in the League. Sex tape of key members released.

Green Arrow is the Doctor.

His TARDIS is where he keeps his Zeta-Tube.

  • Artemis is his new companion and Roy is the bitter "I thought I was special, but I'm the latest in a long line" companion.

Beast Boy is the sidekick of Animal Man.

It would explain why he gets so many DC Nation shorts when this troper has never seen him in any DC animation project whatsoever.

  • The shorts are supposed to highlight lesser known heroes.
    • No, Animal Man gets so many shorts because the song is awesome. ANIMALMAN!

Blue Beetle is the sidekick of Ambush Bug

If Jaime Reyes has the scarab, it means that Ted Kord is dead, and Dan Garrett is as retired from superhering as Kent Nelson was. They are both equally light-hearted heroes, even if Jaime and his comic take themselves a little more seriously than Irwin Schwab, and both have an incect theme and Swiss Army Knife Powers. Also, they both debuted in animation in Batman the Brave And The Bold.

  • But this continuity has been different from the main DC continuity from the very first episode, where Dick Grayson, Wallace West, and Kaldur'ahm discovered Superboy in a Cadmus holding cell, so there is no reason to assume that Jaime having the scarab means Ted Kord is dead.
    • Looks like Ted Kord's dead after all. Though the scarab is awfully bloodthirsty to have been programmed by such a relentlessly Silver Agey character.
      • Just because Jaime thinks Kord programmed it doesn't mean he did. If anything the show seems to be hinting that it IS alien tech, possibly made by the Kroloteans' "competitor"

Aqualad is a mole for the heroes

I fail to see how the same hero who told Artemis and Superboy that there parentage was unimportant would then make such a big deal about his own.

  • The situations are somewhat different. Conner and Artemis were both fully aware of their parentage - at least, Conner was eventually - and it was not kept from them by their mentors/carers. Kaldur'ahm discovered that his king, his mother and his (step-)father have all been keeping the true identity of his father from him. Plus, you have to remember that that is not the only reason that he defected - one of his best friends, and the girl he loved, died and he believes the other Team members to be the cause.
  • Confirmed.

Dick Grayson will be wearing the Batman costume soon if only for a short while.

Think about it Batman's gone to stand trial on a distant planet for his "crimes" leaving no Batman in Gotham. Dick wears the costume to keep the fear of Batman alive and to prevent impostors from trying to take up the cowl. Bonus points if Dick first turns down the cowl and then Jason Todd (who never died but is Ax Crazy and thinks Batman is dead) tries to be Batman instead before Dick agrees to become Batman

  • Well considering M'gann and Conner impersonated J'onn and Supes, I would not be surprised if this comes up again, with him as Bats

The Light is selling out the Martians to the Reach

In Alienated, we see that "phase two" of the plan involves the Light and their newest partner, the Reach, destroying their closest competitor, the Kroloteans. The Reach do nothing that does not further their plans of conquest, so it makes sense that the Light would barter the other inhabited world in the inner Solar System to buy time for our own. Once the Reach begins to invade Mars, the Light will begin to undermine the Reach as well as the Martians.

Beast Boy still joined the Doom Patrol first.

When Queen Bee ordered Marie Logan murdered, she never found the time to have changed her will, and thus passed custody of her son to her former co-star and still best friend Rita Farr. Since Beast Boy is one of the more recent additions to The Team (Only the Tim Drake Robin and the Jaime Reyes Blue Beetle have member numbers higher than him), that leaves plenty of time for lots of adventures with Mento, Negative Man, Robot Man, and Elastigirl.

The Kroleteans' competitor isn't the Reach, but are actually Imskians.

One of the Kroleteans mentions being attacked by a Competitor warrior after a scene of Blue Beetle and Bumblebee attacking one at a diner. We're clearly meant to think that they're referring to Blue Beetle and his Reach scarab, but maybe they were actually referring to Bumblebee, confusing her for an Imskian warrior because of her shrinking ability.

    • Possible, but unlikely due to how they reacted to him when he, Robin, and Lagoon Boy infiltrated their base and the Scarabs ability to speak the language.

M'gann's penchant for Mind Rape will have severe consequences for herself

If other Martians find out about what she did, they may demand she be deprived of her telepathy for it. In the comics, Mind Rape was one of the worst crimes a Martian could commit, and the punishment was the removal of the offender's mental powers.

Like in the comics, Godfrey is an alien and a servant of Darkseid

  • Obvious really, even without prior knowledge of his comic book counterpart.

Superboy lives with the Kents in Season 2

Superman explicitly addressed him as "little brother" in one scene, hinting that the Kents adopted Conner and he now lives with them instead of at Mount Justice.

The Question will make an apearrance as a supporting character during Invasion

Who better to have as an ally during an alien bodysnatching and illuminati plot than the biggest conspiracy nut in the DC universe?

Impulse will eventually be assigned the sidekick of Booster Gold

This may have to wait until Barry Allen makes a Heroic Sacrifice, but after that? We have two time travellers from the future with a somewhat bumbling reputation rather at odds with their eventual actual abilities.

Wally is going to have his own World Of Cardboard speech this season

In the comics, the reason wally could never go as fast as Barry was due to him thinking himself unworthy of carrying on barry’s legacy, and so he never broke the sound barrier. However, after realizing he can still honor the legacy and be his own man as well as need to help others, it lead him to finally be able to be just as fast as barry was. I think this might be the same problem in this universe, where Wally might be carrying some guilt from leaving the hero game and doing something that he didn’t feel worthy to go as fast, and one episode will be dedicated to this in the future.

  • Alternatively, I distinctly remember a "Speed disease" from one of the early Teen Titans comics that was killing Wally when he tried to use his speed, and Crisis on Infinite Earths somehow cured it. Some other equivalent may happen without Barry needing to die.

The aliens controlling Neutron in "Bloodlines" are the Dominators.

The second season's name Invasion is a big tip-off, but the Krolotean's interests and the new aliens' experiments with the metagene are also similar to the Dominator's actions and interests in the comics.

  • Given the hints so far (appearance of Black Beetle, the Krolotean's comment about Blue Beetle being a "Competitor Warrior", and so on) it actually seems they're going with the Reach. Though those guys do enjoy invading worlds pretty much just as much as the Dominators.

M'gann mind rapes Kaldur which starts her redemption arc

  • Near the end of season 2, M'gann will confront Kaldur at some point and mind rapes him since she needs information from him and is short on time. She doesn't realize that Kaldur is still one of the good guys and is still angry about Artemis's death. However, once she breaks his mind, M'gann realizes that Kaldur was always on their side and that Artemis was still alive. Distraught, M'gann begins to realize just what kind of consequences her mind rapes hold. She now understands that just because they are villains does not mean they aren't people also. With this in mind, M'gann will begin her redemption arc and try to make up for abusing her powers. She will go to Kaldur and try to fix his mind. An episode will be based around a journey through his mind as M'gann tries to fix his mind. To do this, M'gann witnesses many of Kaludr's memories including the ones leading up to his fake betrayal. This forces M'gann to confront some of her own issues and the the wrongs she has committed. Finally, M'gann finds Kaldur at the center of his mind and is truly remorseful for her actions. Kaldur comforts M'gann, saying he understands and forgives her. M'gann breaks down and finally begins to move on from some of her guilt. M'gann continues to rebuild Kaldur's mind with his help but may not be able to fully heal Kaldur.
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