< Young Justice (animation) < New Characters

Young Justice (animation)/New Characters/WMG

For other guesses, see Young Justice Wild Mass Guessing Index.

New Members of the Team General


  • I mean, we've already had Lobo appear in the show, and it wasn't until he was de-aged by Klarion the Witch Boy and joined the team in the original comics series that Slobo,- his slightly weaker blood-born clone- showed up. Who's to say that he won't appear later on in the show and join the Team as their Boisterous Bruiser?


  • Think about it for a second. Wonder Girl (Cassie Sandsmark) is being mentored by Wonder Woman, Bumblebee is studying under the Atom (Ray Palmer), so why can't Captain Atom have picked up a partner as well in the 5 years between Season 1 and Season 2? Plus, since the Team is already being run like something similar to a military covert-ops unit, wouldn't it make sense to have a military brat onboard? Someone who knows protocol, has experience with stuff like this and all that jazz?

Tim Drake and Bart Allen will join the team at a later date.

Barry will get killed off making Wally become the Flash, then Bart gets sent back. Dick gets mad and becomes Nightwing so Batman gets a new Robin.

  • Alternately, Wally becomes Kid Fate.
    • The show has a Flash Foward episode. Showing Wally as Flash and Dick as Nightwing, and possibly have Jason Todd (as Red Hood make an appearence) with (older) Superboy being forced to watch Bart and Tim.
  • (Maybe) Confirmed from an Invasion Trailer, concerning Tim. A group of teens is shown fighting a group of aliens - among them Blue Beetle III, Wonder Girl (Cassie), and either Tim Drake in his post-Infinite Crisis Robin suit, or Dick wearing an identical suite.
    • Well its not Dick since he's Nightwing.
  • Looks like Bart Allen's confirmed, too.

We're going to eventually see Garth and Donna Troy.

Greg Weisman is on the record saying that Garth is Kaldur's best friend. Having those two join YJ for an episode and work with Speedy, Robin, and Kid Flash would be a wonderful Mythology Gag.

  • We've already seen Garth, but apparently in this continuity he doesn't become (or never was) Aqualad. But he goes by Tempest.
    • No he doesn't. In battle, he said " calls upon the powers of Tempest" but not once in the entire episode of "Downtime" was he addressed by "Tempest".
      • He wasn't addressed by Tempest but it's possible he'll dawn the name if he ever comes up and helps the team.

Starfire is going to be on the team, or at least a recurring character.

Her introduction to the series will have a similar premise to the episode "Go!" from the Teen Titans cartoon, with her hijacking the transport ship she was imprisoned in after her peace treaty enforced enslavement by the Gordanians. However, the more sensitive political aspects surrounding Starfire's enslavement will be the greater focus, with Young Justice having to forcibly watch over her as the Green Lantern Corp. and the Justice League frantically scramble to prevent a full-on invasion of Earth.

  • This troper thinks Starfire will more likely be a recurring character than part of the team. Two flying alien girls might be a little redundant, however different their characters and backgrounds are. Then again, if Megan is the team member who dies...
    • Please, no. A Replacement Goldfish situation would just be annoying.
      • Maybe she'll be in an episode remenicent to the Teen Titans episode 'Go'. But instead of staying with the team she'll go back to her own world. Or maybe she'll crash land on Earth and accidentaly fly into (who happens to have Jason Todd with him) which will end up being a refrence to Red Hood and the Outlaws.

Marvel will realize that Young Justice is so awesome that they will let Greg use Spider-Man again for the show and have him as a member or recurring character

A guy can dream, can't he?

Rocket will join the team.

  • She was revealed on this card from Comic Con http://dcwomenkickingass.tumblr.com/post/8039146594/yjcards
  • She fits the criteria all the other members have (being a teenager and being a sidekick)
  • Diversifies the cast roster (she' African American and female)
  • Her powers aren't similar to any of the other team members (except maybe Miss Martian's telekinesis)
  • She cameos in "Revelation".
    • And in "Failsafe even if it was all just a dream.

Batgirl (Barbara Gordon) will become a team member, or at least a recurring character.

Therefore introducing Robin's official love interest.

  • She made a brief cameo in "Homefront".
    • And "Failsafe".
    • Also hinted to be receiving a larger role, as indicated by Word of God at the Young Justice Wondercon panel.
  • Confirmed in the Invasion trailer.

Supergirl will eventually show up.

Not as a team member, since they already have a Kryptonian (Superboy) and a quirky alien girl adjusting to life on Earth (M'gann), making poor Kara doubly redundant, but as a guest star. In particular, seeing how she played off Superboy would be interesting...

  • As of the first few episodes of Invasion, M'Gann is going in what looks like a considerably darker direction, and the last few episodes of season one confirmed that Superboy is half human, so that leaves the "quirky alien girl" and arguably "Kryptonian" niches open, if they want to fill them. Add in a focus on aliens in general this season, and it doesn't seem out of the realm of personality that we'll at least get a guest appearance from Supergirl.

The Music Meister will join the team.

Not quite the same Meister from brave and the bold of course. This is his Earth-16 counterpart who will have some notable differences. Such as:

  • He's a teenager. Duh.
  • He's a hero. Again duh.
  • He trained under Black Canary.
  • He has some additional powers like sonic scream, the ability to bombard things with so much sound vibration that the molecules disconect and become liquid or gas if he wants them to, and voice modulation.

He will of course still be able to control people with his voice. But since his voice is still changing, it's hard for him to hit the right pitch. And of course Changing Clothes Is a Free Action. And it will of course be lampshaded.

Pied Piper will join or at least team up for an episode

  • He's Wally's gay best friend, nuff said.

The real Speedy will join the team

With the reveal that Red Arrow is a clone, and the real Roy is in a Cadmus stasis tube (missing an arm no less) why not?

Robin will join the Team

I'm talking about Robin #4 Stephanie Brown probably as her other identity The Spoiler.

Apache Chief.

  • I cite the latest episode, "Beneath", and the hints therein as reason for this WMG.
    • I was just going to post this, although it is likely they will use the name Long Shadow like the character based on him in Justice League (actual members of the "Apache" call themselves the Inde, which means the people, as opposed to the Apache, which means the enemy).

John Constintine from Hellblazer

The show is dark enough for a version of him to show up, and in his own continuity he did have a relationship with Zatanna and as of the new 52 he does exist in the main DC universe, so why not make him a side character or something for an episode.

- OP here, on a theory of how to get him in to season three of the show, after another time skip of about the same period has caused the team to place Zatanna in charge of a magical deviationof the league, a Justice League Dark if you will, that deals with the mystical threats, Doctor Fate and Captain Marvel are still members of the league proper so Zatanna had to recruit most of her magical deviation, including a mad man from another dimension, the ghost of an acrobat, a fortune teller who happens to be older then she looks, and of course her old British boyfriend who has pissed off both heaven and hell.

Traci 13 will join the team

With Zatanna joining the League, the there's a niche of a full time mage needing to be filled. And along side Raven and Empress, she's one of the three most viable candidates. Plus, in the comics, she's in a relationship with Jaime Rayes, but turned down membership in the Titans, making this a golden opportunity for a Mythology Gag.

Supergirl will join

Probably for season 3 or so, it'd be cool to see how Supes and Konner react to their new cousin.

Young Injustice Roster

  • Obviously, Aqualad, now that he's evil or infiltrating The Light, the original Roy Harper, the one missing an arm. Match is almost guaranteed to be a member. Other likely candidates include Cassandra Cain and Jason Todd. Possibly Icicle Jr.

Artemis's Counterpart.

  • Chesire might be a little too obvious and wouldn't be a new character but having a member of Young Injustice unwilling to use lethal force against her counterpart would be an intresting dynamic.
    • Then again I guess Chessire is Roy's evil counterpart
  • Rose Wilson or Cass Cain because they're Bass Normals (Well, mostly normal) like her
  • Young Deadshot since he's a marksman too
  • Talia Al Ghul. Badass Normal and also the daughter of a supervillain.
  • Cissie King-Jones in a kind of twist. Could also end up killing Artemis's confidence if her eyesight allows her to be a better archer.

Kaldur's Counterpart.

  • Brother Blood or Jinx because they're magic
    • Which Jinx? Traditional comics Jinx, or Teen Titans Jinx? The latter would be awesome, cause some love-triangle situation with Wally and Artemis . . .
    • Jossed. Kaldur became the evil counterpart, Lagoon Boy became his good replacement.

Kid Flash's Counterpart.

M'gann's Counterpart.

  • Green/White martian racial purist who hates M'gann bcause she is a white/green/hybrid
  • Bombshell
  • Sun Girl from the Teen Titans comic "East Coast Titans" storyline and the final storyline of the main DCU Teen Titans series before the New 52
  • Beast Boy. As another green shape-shifter and it would be interesting to see Garfield evil.
    • Most likely Jossed as Garfield has appeared as an eight year old who admires the young super heroes.

Robin's Counterpart.

  • Damien Wayne. Bruce is 32, Dick is 13. Damian would be younger but wasn't he rapidly matured? Still, possible unfortunate implications from an older Talia seducing an 18-20 year old Bruce. Also he could really get inside Dick's head since he's Bruce's biological son. Would be intresting to compare it to Superboy and see how Batman and Superman react if the shoe was on the other foot
  • Rose Wilson since Dick was the one who got her to join the goodguys in the comics
  • Cass Cain
  • Lil' Harley
    • Or, Jokers Daughter, the original Harlequin
  • Jason Todd? Perhaps not...but a girl can dream, right?
  • Anarky
  • Scorn from The Batman
  • The Protector

Superboy's Counterpart.

  • Supergirl (Another clone, possibly with upgrades). Lacks Conner's emotional weaknesses but ultimately losses because she lacks his strengths.
    • Galatea from the DCAU?
  • Kalibak, Darkseid's son
  • Bizzaro, a defective prototype made before Superboy.
  • Their version of Superboy-Prime. In this case, it'll be a Tyke Bomb who was experimented on, giving him the ability to use Kryptonian powers.
  • Match. He already appeared in "Agendas" and there's no way that he's only getting a one-episode appearance.

Zatanna's Counterpart.

  • Jinx or Brother Blood (Because they're magic)
  • Black Alice
  • Gizmo

Other guesses.

  • Pretty much any Teen Titan or young hero from the comics could be a member of Young Injustice because they're bad in this universe or misguided. Wonder Girl could get her powers from Ares who is leading her astray, Raven has gone evil several times in the comics and Terra was a traitor (Though since everyone knows that from Teen Titans Go it's unlikely to be repeated here).

One of Young Justice will have a huge fight with the rest of the team and join the badguys.

But will have second thoughts or only be undercover

There will be a cross-team romance.

  • ...This shipper is still waiting with bated breath for Red Arrow / Cheshire.
    • SECONDED! Though not as much as this shipper is for Wally/Artemis. That's funny, because Roy and Wally were best buds with a sort of older-brother thing and Cheshire is Artemis's big sister.

Harley Quinn.

Harley Quinn will be furious at the Team and want revenge for them locking her puddin' away.

Scandal Savage.

  • Her father is a member of the Light, and even if she hates him (like in the comics), it wouldn't be out of character for Savage to blackmail/manipulate Scandal. Besides, Greg Weisman has said that he wouldn't be averse to adding a gay character. They wouldn't even have to admit that she's gay (except maybe for a few Getting Crap Past the Radar moments), since it's already been proven that gay/bisexual characters are fair play if their sexuality is unmentioned (The Brain, for instance).

The Ethnic Superfriends.

  • As of Beneath, Queen Bee was kidnapping youths for some reason. The kids she was left with in the end were a Native American (... an actual Apache Chief, no less), a hispanic, an Asian, and an African-American. They're obviously going to get super powers corresponding to Apache Chief, El Dorado, Samurai, and Black Vulcan. The only question is whether they'll be considered Young Injustice, or just be mind-controlled enemies.

five missing members of team in season 2

Go look at the charcaters page. Every team member has a numerical code announced by the computer when they enter or exit the Zeta tube. Numbers 1-9 are taken by the original six plus Roy, Zatanna and Rocket. The highest known number is Blue Beetle (B22). Assuming he is the most recent member (Quite possible) between Rocket and him are 12 numbers but only 7 team members. So where are the five missing members? And who are they?

The five unaccounted for members of the team are...

Robin II (Jason Todd), Wondergirl I (Donna Troy), Tempest (Garth), Aquagirl (Tula) and Speedy (the original Roy).

  • You can scratch the real Roy Harper off your list.

Jason Todd

The really obvious guess as to a missing member would be Jason joined but died. A lot of people cite Nightwing's "Don't die" line to Tim as evidence of this.

Wolf and The Sphere have numbers

Unlikely but might account for B10 and B11


Well, we DID see Cissie King-Jones in episode 23 of the first season looking admiringly aar Artemis an Green Arrow...

They are on a covert team hunting for the real Roy/The Light

The team is supposed to be for covert ops like infiltraiton and investigation and it would also help explain where Wally/Artemis/Kaldur have gone

  • Jossed. Only Red Arrow was searching for old Roy after the timeskip.

Secret/Greta Hayes

Not likely given her YJ interpretation. Has probably already "Moved on", but could be...

Garth and Tula

Not long term members like Kaldur but could have been guest stars like Roy and Zatanna were before becoming permanent official members.

  • Tula is confirmed. She died on a mission apparently.


Bette did make a few cameos, and I can definitely see her getting herself killed considering what she's like in the comics.

Team Massacre

All five missing members died in a totally fucked up operation, or were crippled, or quit from grief and disillusionment. Would help explain some things about the way things are after the skip... but I think everyone would be more cautious about the risks of missions than they are in Invasion episode one.

  • This might explain why Dick, Conner, and M'Gann are still members of the team (they felt a sense of responsibility for what happened) and why Artemis and Wally retired. Tula's death has already been what turned Kaldur. It would be interesting if this massacre was shown in a flashback episode to show how the original team was broken.

Two New Members of the Team in Season 1

Likewise, two new members will be joining the team during the season - one near the middle, and one at the end.

We may assume that Artemis will be the middle one. So the end one will be:

  • Wonder Girl
    • The rights have cleared up, and she's iconic...and will conflict less with Superboy's role if he gets to be stronger, but she can fly and has some magical abilities.
    • If she does show up, Donna Troy is the most likely Wonder Girl to appear because it is mentioned that Garth (the original Aqualad) is Kaldur's best friend (and therefore leaving him and, most likely Donna, in their age range), and they already have Ship Tease with Superboy and Miss Martian, so his comics girlfriend (Cassie Sandsmark, Wonder Girl II) would only add to the Love Triangle.
    • Confirmed. Cassie makes a brief appearance in the new Invasion trailer.
  • Zatanna
    • This troper is betting the murdered character is gonna be Zatara as he was dead for decades in the comic DCU, it would be a safe assumption that Zatanna would be a member or a team ally on the show.
    • That sounds both workable and awesome. Also consider, the team already has a Badass Normal (Robin, presumably two when Artemis shows up) a speedster (KF), a Flying Brick (Superboy, though all his powers haven't come in) a psychic (Miss Martian) and a fairly versatile straight-up warrior (Aqualad), so a magic-user would fill out the roster nicely, particularly if Miss Martian, whose abilities would be the closest to magic, turns out to be one who bites it.
    • Also, why else establish that Zatara is the League's mystic?
    • An alternative to Zatanna would be her cousin Zachary Zatara.
    • All but confirmed by images leaked from the 2011 San Diego Comic Con, showing the design for a teenage Zatanna.
      • Confirmed in episode "Humanity".
        • We'll see her and Black Canary hang together because of their similar fashion.
          • Zatara isn't dead but he might as well be and Zatanna is Confirmed
  • Captain Marvel, Jr.
    • He's got a great "in" to the coming-of-age themes, and Marvel was seen on the League.
    • Miss Martian's look is very close to Mary Marvel already.
  • Ravager
    • Probably with The Light rather than Slade in his backstory, or with Slade as a member of The Light.
      • For that matter, The Light seems like the kind of thing that his dad would be a part of.
  • The other Ravager (AKA Rose Wilson).
    • Unlikely it'll be Grant, the first Ravager, since he was a villain up to death. However, in comic canon Rose turned against her father.
  • The Ray
  • The Secret
    • For both her and the above, the writers may want a more obscure character to step in.
    • She appears in "Secrets", but she may not likely join the team. Unless they're planning something with her eventually.
  • Hawk and/or Dove
    • Both/either could add an interesting emotional resonance.
  • Kid Devil
    • Was almost a member of Young Justice in the comics, and he was Megan's best friend. Plus, he kind of looks like a gargoyle.
    • Blue Devil has appeared a couple of times already, though just cameos. If Eddie was 12 pre-time skip, around the age he decided to become Blue Devil's sidekick (which was early in Blue Devil's hero career, as Weisman indicated he was 25 pre time skip), Eddie would be at just the right age to get his powers from Neron post time skip. The time skip also gives enough time for Blue Devil to have joined and left the Justice League and accidentally kill Eddie's Aunt Marla in his deal with Neron.
  • Shining Knight (Ystina)
    • She would make a great Fish Out of Temporal Water character.
    • If we get a Shining Knight, it had better be Sir Justin and NOT that cheap, female knock-off. Hinted by the existance of Firebrand, AKA Danette Reilly, AKA Red Inferno
      • One, Sir Justin isn't a teenager, two, Ystin is freakin' awesome, and three, that Shining Knight hasn't been used for a while. Also, how does a JSA member hint at a member of the Team years later?
  • Jade
    • It would be cool to have a character with Green Lantern like powers on the team.
      • Alternately Arisia could fill that role.
      • Or Kyle Rayner, since he would be around the same age as the team if comic book canon holds.
    • If Jade joins they might as well have Obsidian join too, and have him be the source of Ho Yay fanservice.
  • Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes)
    • He was a member of the Teen Titans in the comics.
    • He's also somewhat of a popular character, being a part of DC's New 52, plus a forthcoming series possible with the DC Nation block on Cartoon Network. This Troper would be really surprised if Jaime didn't join the team, much less at least make an appearance on the show to help them out.
    • Leaked box art of the season 2 action figures feature Blue Beetle.
  • Secret
    • We have confirmation from one of the writers that she will be making an appearance and as a Young Justice comic original character what would be the point of her showing up without eventually joining the team?
  • Static
    • The top rated comment on the Young Justice comic-con video is having Static on the team.
      • It would make sense, name one other DC hero who would fit Young Justice who had his own series that ran for /4/ seasons at least.
    • It could be a Call Back to the crossover episode with Batman, who told him he'll meet the Titans one day.
    • Footage from Season 2, someone with dreadlocks and a white mask will be appearing soon. Sounds like Virgil to me.
    • Confirmed
  • Arrowette
    • Another Young Justice original character set to appear on the show. She could possibly replace Artemis if Artemis turns out to be the villain Artemis Crock.
      • Artemis is Artemis Crock.
  • Stargirl
    • She's the most popular teenage DC character who isn't on the Titans. DC and Warner certainly think she's bankable: when the JSA appeared on Smallville, she was one of the members present.
    • The comic book team appeared in two issues of Stars and STRIPE.
    • She could be used as a way to bring the JSA into the series if they ever want to.
  • Just a thought...Judging from how high up the number of season 1 episodes there are, Artemis' introduction is still at the beginning, not towards the middle. Also, when they said 2 more members would be added, it sounded like in addition to the current core 6. So we could get two of the above mentioned before season's end instead of just one.
    • I can't see them going more than seven members of the team; any more and there would be too many main characters for a show like this one. That's why I think at least one member of the current team will leave before this season is up to make way for a new member.
  • Cyclone
    • Red Tornado is in the show, and all YJ members so far have some connection to an established hero.
  • Golden Eagle
    • Hawkman and Hawkwoman briefly appear, and are possibly Thanagarians. Golden Eagle (Charley Parker) has yet to appear in any form of media adaptation. In this continuity, Charley Parker might even be the Hols' adopted son. He and Roy Harper will be antagonistic towards each other (like their mentors) or, in an ironic twist, they'll be best friends.
  • Wonder Twins
  • Mal Duncan AKA The Herald
    • Seen in "Targets"
    • Also hinted at receiving a larger role in the second season, per the Wondercon Young Justice panel.
  • Bumblebee
    • Seen in "Targets"
    • Confirmed in Invasion trailer.
  • Empress
    • She was a member in the comics so she should appear in some way shape or form.
    • Plus, now that Zatanna has officially joined the Justice League, the team has a void to fill as far as a magic-user is concerned. Anita would be on the of the best fits for this position, especially given her skill with traditional Vodoun magic. Greg Weisman likes to encorporate a lot of world culture into his works, so adding Anita and her unique brand of sorcery to the team isn't that much of a stretch when you think about it.
  • Raven
    • Psimon exists in this continuity; AFAIR he got his powers by making a Deal with the Devil with Trigon, meaning Trigon likely exists here too, and if Trigon exists it's very likely his daughter does as well. I'd actually prefer they didn't use Raven, since even though I'm a big fan of the character her presernce would pretty much mandate doing some form of the Terror of Trigon storyline, which Teen Titans already did. Since YJ has been trying (and so far succeeding) to establish itself as having a very different identity from its predecessor, adapting a storyline TT already did seems unlikely, but the groundwork is there if they choose to build on it.
      • If Raven were to get invovled it would most likely bring in Trigon. Teen Titan fans would go berserk and (in a worse case scenerio) ratings would go down because people would be pissed they "stole the plot". If Raven does appear I bet she'll be in her ghost form and someone will give an off hand comment about Trigon.
      • Raven appears in the second "Invasion" trailer
        • Actually, that's Alanna Strange. Adam Strange's wife.
  • Beast Boy, mostly because Batman the Brave And The Bold screwed him out of his appearance with the Doom Patrol ( on the other hand that also means he didn't die with them too.)
    • I like the idea that Beast Boy is older than the team and brought in to teach the kids about making the transition from "kid sidekick" to "adult superhero" since he's one of the few who's actually had to take that leap when he left the Doom Patrol.
    • Both Beast Boy and Wally West would bond due to their similar personalities and being redheads. Beast Boy would point out that Artemis reminds him of someone he knows.
      • He's being voiced by Logan Grove. The guy who plays Gumball in The Amazing World of Gumball. I bet he'll be more in Robin's age group. But I can still totally see him bonding with KF.
    • Jossed, mostly. He appears in "Images" as Garfield Logan, before/during the accident that causes him to become Beast Boy. It's unlikely he'll be joining the team anytime soon, seeing as he's still very young and he hasn't been orphaned yet.
      • But that doesn't mean he can't join the Doom Patrol anytime soon.
    • Confirmed. How else can you explain that big green gorilla in the Invasion trailer?
  • Kyle Rayner, for no other reason than all the other human Green Lantern Corps members are in the series, and it seems a bit odd to leave him out. Someone else above commented that he'd probably be around the right age in this canon, too.
    • Kid Lantern, anyone?
  • Argent, from the Dan Jergens run of the book in the late nineties. She appears in the "Invasion" Trailer.
    • Does nobody here know who Alanna Strange is?
  • Batgirl. The Barbara Gordon version. Since she also was in the Invasion trailer.
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