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Young Justice (animation)/Characters/Other Villains
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This page is for listing characters unaffiliated with the orginzation known as The Light in the animated series Young Justice.
For other characters that appear in the series, see the Young Justice Character Index.
Voiced by Danny Trejo
- Batman Gambit: A small-scale one, he guides the team into routing out the warehouse for him, then attempts to entomb them in a tunnel when they can't do the job in order to get the League to intervene. He reasons that, one way or another, it will get cleared out and he can clean up once the dust settles.
- Brown Eyes
- Badass Spaniard
- Expressive Mask: One of the most expressive in the series. At times, it almost looks like face-paint.
- Genius Bruiser
- Gratuitous Spanish
- "Growing Muscles" Sequence
- Psychic Static: Recites Spanish and fĂștbol scores in his head to block out Miss Martian's mind reading abilities.
- Super Serum
- Super Strength
- Villain Team-Up: Provides security for Luthor on his island in exchange for Apokalyptian technology.
Brick (Danny Brickwell)
Voiced by Khary Payton
- Badass in a Nice Suit: And he was rightly pissed when Speedy ruined the suit. Do you know how much it costs to get a suit in his size?
- Beard of Evil
- Clothing Damage: Thanks to Speedy's exploding arrows.
- Dark-Skinned Blond
- Scary Black Man
- Sleeves Are for Wimps: In Belle Reve.
- Super Strength
Voiced by Dee Bradley Baker
- And Your Little Dog, Too: Said nearly word for word.
Kill the boy, and his little dog too.
- Body Horror: Is much more visibly malformed than other incarnations, with his skin actually hanging loosely in many places.
- Cold-Blooded Torture
- God of Evil: Referred to as one of the "gods of Anti-Life, slavery and degradation" of Apokolips by the Forever People.
- In the Hood
- Know When to Fold'Em
- Mad God-Scientist
- Nebulous Criminal Conspiracy: Supplies Apokoliptian and stolen New Genesis tech to Intergang, and implicitly, to The Light as well.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Torture Technician
- Why Don't You Just Shoot Him?: When he takes over Infinity Man and turns him against Superboy, Mannheim asks him that, since the Brainwashed and Crazy Infinity Man was taking his sweet time; his answer boils down to For the Evulz.
G. Gordon Godfrey
Voiced by Tim Curry
- Fantastic Racism: Really doesn't like aliens.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Gargoyles' Dr. Sevarius. As if you needed any more reason to be suspicious.
- It's Tim Curry. That's enough to be suspicious.
- Jerkass
- Kent Brockman News
- Obviously Evil: Well, Obviously Bad, at any rate; he's voiced by Tim Curry after all.
- Strawman News Media: As a heavily biased Talk Show host.
Harm (William Hayes)
Voiced by Benjamin Diskin
- Arrogant Kung Fu Guy: Except with a sword.
- Arrow Catch
- Badass Longcoat
- Badass Long Hair
- Cain and Abel: See below.
- Dead Little Sister: That he made himself.
- Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette: So very pale.
- Good Scars, Evil Scars
- Implacable Man: The Sword of Beowulf grants him this power.
- "It" Is Dehumanizing: How he refers to others.
- Knight of Cerebus: He doesn't even possess any amusing traits.
- No Shirt, Long Jacket
- Pure Is Not Good: Lampshaded when he explains how he can hold The Sword of Beowulf.
- Smug Snake
- The Sociopath: Shows no remorse for murdering his sister. This gets subverted, though, because he completely loses his shit when Secret actually shows up.
- Superpower Meltdown: After Secret removes the pure evil from his heart, The Sword Of Beowulf violently rejects him and removes the powers it bestowed upon him.
- Third Person Person: How he refers to himself.
- The Unfettered: He tries to attain this state to master the sword by killing his sister, but her appeairng again fetters and defeats him.
- Villainous Breakdown: Begins a gradual one when Secret leads Artemis and Zatanna to the roof of his home. Eventually he even drops the Third Person Person act when Secret emerges from her grave and removes the 'purity' of his heart.
- Walking Shirtless Scene
Voiced by David Sobolov
- Amusing Alien
- Anti-Hero: Type V
- Badass Biker
- Boisterous Bruiser
- Bounty Hunter
- Cool Bike/Cool Spaceship
- Fantastic Slurs: "Krolo"
- Hooks and Crooks: This version has one in gun form.
- Implacable Man
- Pardon My Klingon: Mixes some "swears" in his native language, like "frag".
- Politically-Incorrect Villain: "Keezy Fem." Probably.
Wonder Girl: Yeah, yeah, "keezy fem." I've been called worse. ...I think.
- Would Hit a Girl: TWO girls.
The Reds
Red Torpedo, Red Inferno and Red Volcano
Voiced by Jeff Bennett and Vanessa Marshall
- A.I. Is a Crapshoot: Red Volcano, designed not to care about humanity, predictably turns on his creator.
- Inverted with the others, who were designed to infiltrate and betray the Justice Society but never did.
- All Your Base Are Belong to Us
- Big Little Brother: Volcano is much more muscular and taller than Torpedo, Inferno and Tornado. He also acts like he is their senior.
- Chronic Hero Syndrome: Red Torpedo and Firebrand, tied to their Pinocchio Syndrome. It brings about their downfall.
- Curb Stomp Battle: Delivered to the team.
- Dangerously Genre Savvy: Torpedo and Inferno don't show themselves during their initial attack on Robin and Artemis, meaning 5 minutes later they can trick them into thinking they are Red Tornado When this fails, they immediately resort to threating the lives of the rest of the team, kept alive presumably for that purpose. So within 10 minutes they have thoroughly outplayed them. Volcano, likewise, sees right through Red Tornado and his fake Face Heel Turn.
- Distaff Counterpart: Red Inferno to everyone else.
- Elemental Powers:
- Evil Counterpart: To Red Tornado. Volcano is, anyway. It's a bit more complicated for Torpedo and Inferno.
- Evil Sounds Deep: Volcano.
- Fallen Hero: Not their decision, but Torpedo and Inferno.
- Gone Horribly Right: Red Volcano does not care for humanity, including his father.
- Hero-Killer: "Killer" would be an exaggeration but the only reason Red Volcano fails in his plans is because Torpedo and Inferno decide to turn on him for the sake of humanity.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Firebrand for the Flash. Torpedo and Inferno again, to keep Volcano from destroying humanity.
- Implacable Man
- Legacy Character: Red Inferno was the second Firebrand, according to Word of God.
- Meaningful Rename: Red Inferno was originally "Firebrand."
- Pinocchio Syndrome: Averted with Red Volcano. Definitely.
- Redemption Equals Death: For Torpedo and Inferno.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Redheaded Hero: Torpedo and Firebrand in their human forms.
- Robotic Psychopath: Red Volcano was built to be this. Because the one who built him had just got married to the Idiot Ball.
- Smug Super: Red Volcano breathes this trope.
- Taking the Bullet: Firebrand does it for the Flash.
- Theme Naming
- Tron Lines: Red Volcano has red ones.
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