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Young Justice (animation)/Romance/WMG

For other guesses, see Young Justice Wild Mass Guessing Index.


Artemis will have a Dating Catwoman situation with Icicle Jr.

It looks very likely that Artemis is Artemis Crock and in the comics Crock and Icicle Jr. date on and off. Since Icicle Jr. has already shown up on the show, it would create good teen angst if she was attracted to one of the bad guys.

Artemis and Wally will get into a Slap Slap Kiss relationship

It's kind of obvious, judging from Kent's not-too-subtle hint that Wally find a "spitfire" to keep him in line. If Artemis is The Mole or is framed to look like The Mole, Wally might actually be the one to defend her (especially to contrast how he was the most reluctant to trust her in the beginning).

Wonder Girl, if she gets in the second season, will get together with Speedy.

This WMG is assuming that it will be Donna Troy they use, not Cassie Sandsmark. Canonically, they dated when they were teens, and Roy's been in a horrible mood lately.

Superboy's romantic interest will be... Aqualad.

Greg Weisman has always liked pushing limits in animated shows, and certainly SB spends a lot more time admiring and respecting AL than he does even noticing the openly crushing Miss Martian.

  • After being asked on the Ask Greg site about including LGBT characters, he basically said "we can show them but we can't say". On the one hand, this sounds discouraging. On the other hand, some shows got away with a lot in subtext when it came to such things.
  • Or Aqualad could be the gay one. He's an original character, therefore the creative staff doesn't have to worry about making huge changes to his comics counterpart.
  • Unless they're bisexual, this is pretty much jossed. Aqualad had a crush on Tula and as of "Bereft" Superboy has pretty much returned Miss Martian's affection.

Secret will have a crush on Robin.

In the comics Young Justice, Secret was head-over-heels for Robin III. She's going to appear according to Word of God, so why not add that?

    • Alas, this might have been Jossed in episode 18, "Secrets" on the account that Secret is very young, very traumatized (only being able to communicate through Pokémon-Speak), and is kinda dead like the Secret in the comics was.

To go with one of the above guesses; if there is any same-sex crushing it will be one-sided.

Because it would be more artistic.

Red Arrow will get together with Cheshire.

Reflecting what happened in the comics. Cheshire was flirting pretty heavily with him during "Targets". This will get him into a whole lot of shit with everyone else when it's discovered.

Or, maybe, they start to go out with each other as civilians, unaware of each others dual lives. The point is, one way or another, they start going out.

  • Confirmed

Supermartian is a cover

Think about it...the blatantly obvious ship teasing of M'gann and Superboy is just so that, while throwing an anvil in our faces, they can get away with their REAL ship teasing... KF and Robin...It makes sense. They touch each other all the time, and unnecessarily. They are the only two who seem to have an actual believable organic relationship out of anyone. Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti either ship KF/Rob themselves, or are doing it For the Lulz. Since they can't get away with that on a children's show apparently, they have to have a decoy of sorts in order to express that characterization. Making Supermartian as OBVIOUS AS POSSIBLE is not only obnoxious...but quite possibly genius.

All relationships were influenced by M'gann

  • In the recent episode "Failsafe" we learn that M'gann's telepathic prowess exceeds that of J'onn. That would explain the suddenness of all the relationships. She was tired of Wally hitting on her and saw Artemis as competition for Superboy, therefore she displaced their previous affections with new feelings toward each other. Superboy was extremely disconnected and didn't seem to care for socializing with the others yet M'gann showed interest soon upon meeting him. His sudden protective boyfriend shtick is as artificial as it seems.
    • Based on the episode "depths" there may be some truth behind this all of this.

Wally and Frances 'Frankie' Kane will get together

  • She's Wally's best friend from early childhood back when he lived in Blue Valley. She'll end up moving to Central and going to Keystone High (that's the right school isn't it?) and end up re-meeting Wally. They'll instantly click have a lot of fun causing "tom-foolery" with one another. Cue her getting her powers and deeming herself a freak. And then que Wally revealing that he's Kid Flash with him saying [MomentOfHeartWarming: "We can be freaks together"] Later she becomes Magenta and helps Wally and Flash with the villians. She and Wally will end up teaming up with Pied Piper, sparking epic friendship of awesomness. She then later meets the team, and end up making Artemis slightly jealous of her.

Sadly this will eventually become of Tearjerker as her powers will slowly drive her into insanity like they did in the comics.

Wally is actually gay... or at the very least bisexual

Rocket and Aqualad will be a couple, or at least have Ship Tease.

Because we have Super Martian and Garth Tula in canon, heavy hinting at Wall Art, and Ship Tease between Robin and Zatanna...not to mention a little between Red Arrow and Cheshire. Now only Aqualad is on his own, and what's this? It looks like Rocket is going to be balancing out the gender ratio...

    • MAJOR SPOILER FROM AULD ACQUAINTANCES: Plenty of Ship Tease. Quite forceful on Rocket's end!

Queen Perdita is SOOOOOOOO gonna be crushing on Kid Flash now.

Having not only saved her life, orchestrating the fake news about her death leading to getting Count Vertigo, her evil supervillain uncle, arrested, and even humbly rejected keeping Vertigo's cane sword as a souvenoir, Latavaria's prized national treasure, Perdita has become almost instantly smitten with Kid Flash. It was evident when her regal tone starting to stumble near the end of their conversation after Vertigo gets busted. When returning to her country, the young Queen will then go between wisely ruling her country and bringing it to a new golden age and being his number one obsessive Fan Girl, mostly gushing on various Kid Flash centered online forums. If there is an episode involving the Team and/or just Wally coming to Latavaria, they would find the entire country practically worships him and had been proclaimed as a national hero by the time Perdita got back, with the Queen's room being completely covered in Kid Flash merchandise. To add a more hilarious touch, Perdita herself will act all awkward and shy toward Kid Flash but stoic and professional towards everyone else.

  • I can not only see this, but I can see her trying to figure out a way to marry him despite, ya know, being ten.
    • Probably arrange their marriage which will actually happen when's she's at legal age in Vlatava, which would 16 through 18, and require the blessing of the commoner spouse's parents.......and since she doesn't know Wally's secret identity, she's gonna ask for the Flash's blessing.......
      • Unless of course it's legal for her to be married at ten in her country, or if it allows such a marriage if one of the people being wed is royalty. In which case...
      • Well, with the season 2 Time Skip she's now 15, so there is still of hope of something like this happening ;)

Robin will be in a love triangle with Zatanna and Barbara Gordon.

According to Word of God, when questioned about Barbara's relationship with Dick, Greg Weisman said they were friends with potential, and that she's at least interested in him (as evidenced by her apparent jealousy over Robin's closeness with Artemis in "Homefront"). According to the recent Young Justice panel held at Wondercon, Barbara Gordon is (along with other characters) already set to develop into a larger role in season two, hinting that she might become Batgirl later on. Robin already has tons of ship tease with Zatanna as well, so if Barbara is introduced, it's likely that she'll be jealously dropping hints towards Robin later on.

  • For added hilarity or drama, Robin will continue to flirt with Zatanna but will be completely oblivious to Barbara's feelings, but Zatanna, however, will be very aware of this......

Supermartian will break up, but not for the reason M'gann fears.

Conner won't be disgusted by her true form, but hate that she lied to him. Trust is the basis of a healthy relationship, and he'll be upset that she didn't trust him enough to be truthful with him.

  • The real kicker is that Conner has incorporated a good deal of M'gann's lies into his very identity. It stung him to know that she basically named him after her TV show crush; what if he starts wondering if that's the only reason she likes him? And, just to make it better, even if they break up, he's still got his first name to remind him of all the angst they went through. As if the kid didn't have enough issues.
  • Jossed as of "Usual Suspects". Supey has known since "Bereft".
    • Kinda Confirmed but not for those specific reasons

Dick and Babs will be or are in a relationship during Invasion

Come on, this is the Bat Family power couple. Barbara has already shown she's capable of messing with Dick for fun in Beneath and they're confirmed Childhood Friends.

Tim will have a onesided crush on Superboy.

I could easily see this version of Tim being a bit of a Superboy fanboy, and it developing into a full-fledged crush as they become friends. Plus, it would be a brilliant shout out to the comics, where Tim crushing on Conner is practically canon. Of course, they'd have to keep it in the realm of strongly implied, since this is kid's TV and god forbid we show anything remotely controversial. Alternately....

All the Ho Yay between Dick and Wally will be transferred to Tim and Bart.

Well, it wouldn't be too surprising. It's already proved to be a successful dynamic. Why wouldn't the writers play with it again with slightly different characters? Plus, I'm already getting vibes that Tim and Bart are going to be really close friends.

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