< Young Justice (animation)

Young Justice (animation)/Funny

Young Justice: The Series

  • Batman gives Green Arrow a much deserved death glare once Speedy reveals he was told about the Watchtower.
    • Similarly, Batman giving Flash the glare when he interrupted him.

Batman: "Cadmus will be investigated. All 52 levels. But let's make one thing clear--"

Flash: (interrupting) "You should have called!"

  • When Robin, Kid Flash, Aqualad and Superboy are introduced to Miss Martian, Kid Flash seems more than happy to have a Green-Skinned Space Babe on the team.

Kid Flash: (to Robin) Likin' this gig more every minute. (To Miss Martian) Welcome aboard! I'm Kid Flash, that's Robin, Aqualad, it's cool if you forget their names.

  • This little back-and-forth between Robin and Kid Flash.

Robin: [regarding Dr. Desmond] That guy is not whelmed, not whelmed at all.
Kid Flash: What is it with you and this "whelmed" thing?

  • Robin being more concerned with what Batman would do to him if the Dark Knight ever found out it took Robin so long to unpick a lock after getting electrocuted mercilessly.

Robin: (I'm) Lucky Batman isn't here or he'll have my head for taking so long.
Kid Flash (still bound and just experienced the same ordeal as Robin): Seriously? That's what you're worried about? THE WHOLE LEAGUE WILL HAVE OUR HEADS AFTER TONIGHT!

  • Robin's snarky retort to Desmond wanting to clone him.

Robin: Pass. Batcave is crowded enough.

  • This exchange:

Dr. Desmond: Someone, Robin I wager, hacked our systems, deactivating internal security cameras! Buut, he neglected the motion sensors!
Dr. Desmond:The genomorphs are closing in. They're all coming out in here. We have them cornered!
[nothing but genomorphs fall out of the air vent]
Dr. Desmond (through gritted teeth): He hacked the motion sensors.
Cut to:

Robin [nonchalantly]: I hacked the motion sensors.

  • In "Happy Harbour", Miss Martian demonstrates her shape-changing abilities to the group. She does so by changing into Robin and Kid Flash. Although, mimicking males is harder for her to do, so they end up being female versions of the two, leading to this line;

Kid Flash: Is it wrong that I think I'm hot?

  • In "Drop Zone", Superboy deciding he doesn't need a jump line when disembarking from the ship. He makes a crater. Note that this was a stealth mission.
    • Made even better by his only reaction being a smug grin and:

Superboy: Knew I didn't need a line.

  • Superboy's FACE when he realizes that Dubbilex has been helping him. It's probably not meant to be funny, but... the way his eye gets HUGE and... I can't describe it right. Need a link.
  • Black Canary kicking Kid Flash's ass:

Black Canary: But did anyone see what he did wrong?
Robin: Ooh ooh! He hit on teacher and got served?
Kid Flash: Dude!?!

    • Made even better by the screen on the floor that reads "Kid Flash. Status: FAIL" with 'fail' being bright red.
  • Superboy's hatred of monkeys.
  • This line of Superboy indicating prime Genre-savviness

Superboy: You're Dr. Ivo? I'm whelmed.

  • M'gann grows a bunch of new arms to fight with in episode five. Including one out of her head. Then Kid Flash sees her and the looks on both their faces are priceless.
    • Also in that episode, right after Robin says "Dude, [Amazo and Ivo] are at my school!" the camera cuts to a shot of a glass trophy case in Gotham Academy. Before Superboy is violently thrown into from offscreen, a picture of "2011 Gotham City Academy Mathlete Honoree Dick Grayson" is visible (and Robin looks like a total prep).
  • Kid Flash's reaction to their newest member Artemis over Speedy/Red Arrow.

Kid Flash: WHO ARE YOU?!

  • "Infiltrator". Kid Flash forgetting (again) that all of the team is telepathically linked whilst flirting with Miss Martian (again).

Kid Flash: Besides, I can't be mad at you.
Kid Flash *thinking*: You gave me mouth-to-mouth.
Everyone else *thinking*: WE HEARD THAT!
Kid Flash: Dangit!

  • Ivo's Fun with Acronyms, and chagrin at Superboy not appreciating it.
  • Doctor Fate's elevator muzac.
  • When the team nearly fall into a lava pit, Superboy's feet briefly touch the lava. Of course, since he's Superboy it doesn't really hurt him, but it does burn his shoes off:

Superboy: Those... were my favourite boots. This Nelson guy better be worth it!

    • A minute later, a floor magically appears over the lava. Superboy sees it and nonchalantly drops the last couple of feet. Then Artemis and Kaldur come crashing to the floor, and Superboy looks smug.
  • Kent Nelson bursting out laughing at Madame Xanadu's elaborate scam to try and contact his dead wife.
  • Red Tornado's reaction to catching Superboy and Miss Martian together is a good one.
  • The matriarchs of Flashes past and present bickering over them not being fast enough to clear the dinner table, topped off by Wally polishing off a gallon jug of ice cream.
  • Superboy staring at the TV, the screen showing static and the setup menu. His refusal of help from Miss Martian and the entire subsequent scene.
    • Specifically, she asks him if she should change the channel. He refuses. Then she asks him if she wants to help him in the kitchen. He says "No." again, and then gets up anyway. She starts lifting off the ingredients she needs and at the same time telekinetically sends them to Superboy, who can't catch them in time, resulting in him being covered in gunge. She starts frantically trying to clean him as he just stares at her. When she catches his stare, the scene skips to one of Miss Martian cooking quietly in the kitchen and Superboy, still covered in various cooking ingredients, right back on the couch, staring at TV static. Red Tornado then walks in and sees Superboy. Then he turns his head towards Miss Martian. Then back at Superboy. Then walks right out of the room.
      • This would have been funnier in season two.
  • Superboy saying "Can I keep it?" It's the tone of his voice that gets this troper.
    • When he thanks it for helping with the enemy soldiers was also pretty funny. We have a Team Pet in the making.
  • The beach ball bouncing past Batman when Wally stumbles into base in "Infiltrator"
  • Artemis telling Kid Flash to "quit touching yourself!" as he repeatedly presses the middle of his chest, activating and reactivating the "night camouflage" mode of his costume.
    • And then we hear the sound effect of the camo being activated again immediately after Artemis said to stop. One could almost see the Take That expression on KF's face when he did that.
  • When Megan reaches into the team's minds to restore their blocked memories (which include the events of all the previous episodes):

Kid Flash: Try not to be overwhelmed by my brilliant mind.
Robin: More like underwhelmed. Say, why is nobody ever just "whelmed"?

Kid Flash (looks around and sees no Robin): I forgot how much I hate it when he does the ninja thing. Hey, you never said why your dad wanted to (kill) me.

Artemis: I got confused by some old movie I saw the other night about a ninja girl whose ninja dad ordered her to kill her ninja boyfriend because she was from a rival ninja clan.

Kid Flash: So I'm your ninja boyfriend, huh?

Artemis: Hey, I had amnesia. Remember? I completely forgot how truly annoying you are.

Kid Flash: Oh, and you're the goddess of congeniality.

Robin (just came out of nowhere): Sheesh, get a room.

  • Miss Martian flashing back to giving cookies to her teammates.

Miss Martian: Careful Superboy, they're hot.
Kid Flash: Not as hot as you babe.
Miss Martian: Thanks Wally... that's um, sweet.
Kid Flash: Not as sweet as you sugar.
Artemis: Oh grow up.

  • Superboy's first day of school.
  • Icicle Jr. in regards to Superboy kissing Miss Martian while they are disguised as the Terror Twins.

Icicle Jr.: Dude, she's your sister!

    • And then his reaction when he realized what was actually going on, once Miss Martian responds by dropping her disguise without even breaking the kiss.
  • Superboy punching out Ojo throughout the episode.
  • Superboy and KF distracting the red androids so Robin could save them.
  • In "Homefront", Dick running up to Artemis, at random and out of costume, on the first day of school to snap a picture of them together, before disappearing.

Dick: We'll laugh about this someday.

  • Also from "Homefront", before getting into the telephone booth that takes them to base, Robin confronts Artemis on how random it is that she's in Gotham City instead of Star City...where her uncle Green Arrow lives. This little play happens:

Artemis: I'm, uh, here to see my...cousin! She...was in the state spelling bee. Here. In Gotham. City.

Robin: C-O-O-L. Did she W-I-N?

Artemis: N-O [eyes narrow].

Robin: D-R-A-G.

    • The funny thing about the above two examples is that, while Artemis doesn't know his secret identity, Robin knows who she really is. He's not trying to put her on the spot or get her to confess anything, he's just being a Troll.
  • Artemis is panicking while Robin seems to be having the time of his life. The whole situation that these two get in just amplifies the hilarity when one notices how differently they are taking it in.

Artemis: So now what? Red Tornado is one of the powerhouses of the league. How are we supposed to take two of him?
Robin: They do seem pretty user-unfriendly.

  • Way before that, we get this gem from Red Tornado:

Red Tornado: I agreed to cover for Green Arrow. He has an...interpersonal event with Black Canary. A...hot date.

  • This exchange the end of "Alpha Males":

Artemis: What are you grinning about?
Kid Flash: One word: "souvenir"! (puts on the red beret worn by the ape Monsieur Mallah)
Artemis: Two words: "gorilla lice".
Kid Flash: Ugh! Oh man! (Immediately takes the beret off and groans)

  • The whole characterization of Captain Marvel, pretty much a superhero version of Big.

Captain Marvel: Aww, it was so cool! The team's way more fun to hang out with than the League, and they go on these cool covert missions, and I got to meet the Brain, and this tiger, and...

    • From the same ep, the escape of The Brain. He initiates a form of self destruct and then instead of an explosion, he turns off all the lights while him and Mallah escape.
  • The team getting all passive-aggressive on Aqualad.

Kid Flash: [rolling his eyes as Aqualad comes over Miss Martian's telepathic link] "Oh, Aqualad's voice in my head. I've so missed that."
Robin: "Hey, Kaldur! KF and I were just attacked by mutant vultures. Of course, since we're moles, you probably think we attacked ourselves!"
Artemis: "If he did, he wouldn't tell you."
Miss Martian: "Superboy, are you online or just pouting?"
Superboy: [fighting off a mutated wolf] "Busy. Call back later."


Kid Flash: "What gets me is how nonchalant he is about not telling us."

Robin: "He should be chalant. Way chalant. Extremely chalant."

  • In "Revelation" Artemis reaches for her bow and arrow only to realise she doesn't have it,

Artemis: Ugh, I feel naked. And not in a fun way.

Aqualad: Then we shall make our own fun.

  • Robin's smiley face bombs.
  • "Humanity" ends with the Team reflecting on the mission. Robin's talking with Zatanna about how her being "kidnapped" (as in, tagging along with the Team without permission) ended well...

Robin: So, good kidnapping?
Zatanna: Actually, yeah. Best ever.
Robin: First of many, I hope.
Zatanna: If my dad doesn't ground me for life.
(Cut to Zatara and Black Canary at Mount Justice)


  • Also in "Humanity", Robin says they need an illogical, dumb idea to find Red Tornado since Batman's tried the logical approach. Cue entire team turning to Kid Flash.

Kid Flash: ... As a matter of fact...

    • Turns out the idea is more "lateral thinking" than outright "illogical". Because Wally is Wally.
  • Another "Humanity" moment. On fighting Red Volcano, who boasts knowing all of their move sets thanks to Red Tornado's memories, we get this Ship Tease exchange between Robin and Zatanna, after the latter uses a spell to temporarily incapacitate Red Volcano:

Zatanna: Tornado never knew my moves!
Robin: And I bet you've got some good ones!
Robin: Whoa! Sorry, that may have come off a little too Wally.
Zatanna: I don't mind.

  • Same episode as well when Black Canary assured Giovanni Zatana that the Team will take care of Zatanna after learning that they're flying in the Bioship. Check out her facial expressions when she was looking away from him.
  • Again from the same episode, Captain Marvel being completely oblivious to the fact that he's been left out of the loop, again.

Captain Marvel: (walks in dripping and muddy) Are they gonna come out and play or what?

  • In "Denial," Artemis and Kid Flash have a brief conversation as to whether the Tower of Fate is hidden by magic or "adaptive micro-optoelectronics combined with phase shifting." They're being invisibly spied on.

Klarion: Hey, Abra Kadabra! Aren't you using adaptive micro-optoelectronics and phase shifting?
Abra Kadabra: ... yes.

  • Maybe it's wrong since the scene (and whole episode) is so intense, but for some reason Alfred's cheer in "Failsafe" causes this troper to burst out in giggles.
    • I'd say that was nervous tension getting the better of you. Don't feel bad; it happens to everyone.
  • Despite the depressing nature of "Disordered", it still got a few:
    • Connor's (and Wolf's) reaction to the ball's tranformation. Then his expression of confusion regarding the New Gods.

Superboy: "Look, I've been remarkably patient. Y'know, for me. What is going on?

    • One of Desaad's minion admits after being captured, "He is seriously creepy."
    • Wally's therapy session. Denial never looked so comical.
      • What got this troper is that Wally's agrees he's in denial and is perfectly happy to stay there, thank you very much.

Black Canary: Wally, you're in denial.
Wally: I'm comfortable with that.

    • There's something hilarious about Wolf's expression while riding the supercycle
    • Superboy telling sphere that she's "beautiful" after she transformed into a handlebar for the Humongous Mecha that the New Gods turned into.
    • How they take out the initial group of thugs outside the federal reserve. It involves Dreamer disguising herself as the mother of one of the thugs, who is naturally extremely surprised to see his mother bringing him a jacket in the middle of a heist (and tells her to get down because it isn't safe when the others attack). Vykin then takes him out by repeatedly smacking him in the face with his own gun.
  • Conner's reaction to seeing the entire student body in superhero costumes.
  • M'gann, Conner and Wally's plan for turning Marvin's Halloween prank on himself. Even includes M'gann shapeshifting into a demonic Marvin the Martian to scare him off, just for the sake of irony. Doubles as a Moment of Awesome.
  • When Captain Marvel finds out he's not invited to the Halloween dance, he decides to go trick-or-treating

Captain Marvel: And I’m not sharing my candy.

Miss Martian: He's...Captain Marvel.
Kid Flash: Yeah, and I'm Speedy Gonzalez. Look kid, just because you believe you are Captain Marvel, doesn't mean...

Billy Batson: Gee Wally, do I really have to bring you nachos and pineapple juice to get on your good side?

  • Captain Marvel hugging Batman and Zatara. AT THE SAME TIME.
  • Artemis mixing up children's songs.
    • It's actually more harsh than funny when you consider that Artemis didn't get that type of parental love from her parents. Her father was emotionally abusive, and her mother—after she retired—was an emotional wreck, and let's not get started with her sister. What's funny to the kids... might not be funny with her since she truly doesn't know how to act around children due to her family life.
  • In the beginning of "Coldhearted", it seems like Robin reassuring Zatanna that she'll eventually get used to working with the team, as well as deal with the loss of her father in the previous episode, until it turns out that he's only reassuring her that one day she will get used to watching Wally eat.
  • A small moment in "Coldhearted" when a group of policemen are waiting for Kid Flash to pass the roadblock.

Policeman #1: Do you see him?
Policeman #2: Nope.

  • KF runs by*

Policeman #1: Did you see him!?
Policeman #2: Nope.

  • In the opening scene of "Image" Batman and Martian Manhunter show Oliver Queen (Green Arrow) and Dinah Lance (Black Canary) a video recording of one of Superboy's training sessions with Canary. Suddenly Superboy and Canary start making out and the look on Ollie and Dinah's faces is priceless! Ollie exclaims "Dinah!" and turns to her with a tone that says he's hurt she cheated on him and appalled that it's with her younger student! Then on the video when Canary shapeshifts and turns out to be Miss Martian, Ollie laughs uproariously but Dinah doesn't find it funny at all.
    • Later in the same episode, the intro to "Hello Megan," which just reeks of sitcoms like Full House. The characters' reactions too.
    • Kid Flash implies that he knows Batman's secret identity. Robin's not pleased. (KF does this often, and usually gets elbowed for it.)
    • KF wanting to do a high five with Robin. Too bad the latter ignored it.
    • KF's reaction to a bald M'gann.

Kid Flash: Yup. Still hot.

  • During the Justice League's meeting to decide on possibly adding more members to the League, a lot of good names are thrown out there. However, Flash makes the mistake of suggesting they add more raw power to the roster by having the only other Green Lantern on Earth not in the League join: Guy Gardner, and is immediately interrupted by Hal Jordan and John Stewart.

Hal and John (simultaneously): No.
Flash: But we could really-
Hal and John (more firmly this time): No!

    • Green Arrow mentioning that Superman thought Captain Marvel to be Kryptonian once. Captain Marvel's response and the thought of Superman's probable embarrassment is pretty funny.
  • Superboy, Miss Martian, and Zatanna decide to snoop around in Red Tornado's room. Wolf is left behind with orders to bark if Tornado shows up. Of course, Tornado catches them. Cut to Wolf asleep on the floor.
    • There's Artemis getting all worked up when Cheshire starts flirting with Red Arrow during battle.
    • Red Arrow gets a warning from Artemis in a form of a snark.

Artemis: "Artemis to Arrow, look out."

  • After Superboy and Artemis reveals their secrets (Child of Luthor, child of Sportsmaster, etc.) we get this from Kid Flash.

Kid Flash: (places a hand on Artemis's shoulder and smirks) Alright... who's next?
Miss Martian: ...I am.
Kid Flash: (gives an Oh Crap look and lifts hands into the air) I swear I was kidding.

    • Before that, Zatanna has a funny moment with The Riddler. Near the end of the team's skirmish with The Riddler et al, Zatanna casts a spell to tie Riddler up with ropes. Of all the things to be upset about, he complains, "I am NOT the straightjacket type! I am strictly Belle Reve, not Arkham!" Zatanna, noticeably unimpressed, follows up with another spell to gag Riddler, shutting him up.
      • Made even better by the utterly bored way she says the spell to put a gag over his mouth
      • And the fact that the spell ("Gag mih," "gag him" backwards) is a homophone of "Gag me."
    • There's also the spell that creates an army of Robins.
  • Red Tornado's reaction to the team celebrating New Year's Day by pairing up. "Human customs still elude me." Mind you, he's currently limbless and stuck on the floor.
    • His congratulations were delivered in the same state. They check to make sure he's okay, but they don't move him. Of course, he's not bothered by it at all.
  • In "Happy New Year", anything involving Blue Beetle arguing back and forth with the scarab. Unlike Batman the Brave And The Bold, the scarab doesn't beep when he talks, so now Jaime is going back and forth with what the others think is himself. Example:

Blue Beetle: "But I don't mind [being in the Gamma Squad]. I'm cool with it. (starts arguing with the scarab) Yes, I am. Yes, I am. Yes, I am!"

    • Blue Beetle speaking Krolotean also counts. Even funnier is when he says "This way!" in Krolotean before realizing this and switching back to English.
  • Season 2, "Earthlings," gives us Adam Strange, outfit from the comics and all. We also get to see him provide a great distraction for the Rann Science Patrol, by quoting The Jabberwocky line-for-line. Given that Greg Weisman is producing this, it was kind of inevitable. Also counts as Fridge Brilliance, considering the language barrier, but its still funny.

Alanna: "Jabberwocky?" "Bandersnatch?"
Beast Boy: His name is "Strange."

    • Shortly thereafter, Alanna uses the same thing to distract the mech-piloting Kroloteans, which is also funny, considering this time we hear it Rannian.
    • When he first came to Rann, Adam Strange mentioned to the team that, before having Miss Martian as a psychic translator, he had to use some creative methods to communicate with Sardath and Alanna. Chief among these was playing charades of all things. When Miss Martian gets knocked out later in the episode, her link with them is severed, and thus the translation is unavailable, just as Adam returns to Sardath's lab.

Adam Strange (exasperated sigh): And, we're back to charades again.

    • When Superboy explains how his body is doomed to never age, Alana does her best to sympathize, but she's clearly having a lot of trouble.
  • More of Blue Beetle's chatting with the Scarab.

Blue Beetle: No, vaporizing the target back at the diner would not have been preferable.

    • Seeing that the Kroloteans refer to Lobo as "the Main Man." It's one thing to hear him call himself that, but hearing other people call him that is just hilarious.
    • "Less Fangirl, more Wonder Girl," between Wonder Woman and Wonder Girl
  • More Scarab sociopathy. When Blue Beetle creates restraints for two criminals, the Scarab complains that they'd be more effective had Jaime fired them through bone.

Jaime: Eww, no!

    • The fact that he essentially shoots giant blue staples to restrain people.
    • Blue Beetle mangling "Appalaxian" to "Apple-laxative".
    • Wally remembers that it's Valentine's Day. How could he not? After all, only a jerk would forget... five years in a row.
  • In "Beneath", the Scarab suggests the Plasma Cannon for pretty much everything. Hostile boyfriend? Cannon. Possibly delusional old man may know about the Scarab? Cannon. Locked door? Cannon.

Nightwing: [Queen Bee's] ability to control the minds of men is why Alpha is an all-female squad for this mission.
Batgirl: Oh, really? And would you have felt the need to justify an all-male squad for a given mission?
Death Glare from all 4 women.
Nightwing (awkwardly): Ahem... erm... Ther-There's no right answer for that- er- is there? So... Nightwing out. [Hangs up]
Batgirl: Queen Bee's not the only woman who can mess with a man's mind!

      • They all get a good laugh at his expense after that.
  • Lian Harper throughout "Bloodlines", whose only response to the carnage around her is inappropriate laughter. Like mother, like daughter, it seems (Cheshire even says as much).

Red Arrow: (after hearing her daughter giggle at the sight of her parents kicking ass) Should I be concerned over the obvious delight our daughter takes in the ultra violence?
Cheshire: It's genetic.

Red Arrow: Great.

    • Gets even better when her giggling gets her parents found out by all the guards. It first shows the giggling echoing across the temple. Next scene? At least twenty to thirty guards with spears pointing at them and both Cheshire and Red Arrow with their hands in the air.

Red Arrow: Told you we should've left her with your sister.

    • Another Lian Moment Killer: Red Arrow just found the real Roy Harper, so Lian laughs and says "Dadas".
    • Also, virtually anything out of Bart Allen's mouth.
    • Impulse inadvertently revealing Nightwing and Robin's secret identities to Beast Boy who didn't know.

Beast Boy: Your name's Tim? And yours is Dick?
Bart: Oops. Spoilers.

    • After Flash runs out to deal with a villain.

Bart:: "Back in a flash?" Wow, does he say that often?
Everyone but Bart sighs
Everyone else: Too often.

    • Then we have him meeting up with his grandfather (Barry Allen), and then commenting on Wally being his "First cousin once removed."

Kid Flash: (pushing Bart away) The operative word being removed.

    • And in the process, accidentally causing Iris to spill the fact that she's pregnant earlier than she'd have liked (which Barry didn't know). And then causing both of them to freak out when he reveals that she's having twins.

Bart: (waving at Iris's stomach) Hi Dad! Hi Aunt Dawn!

    • Later, both Bart and Barry have a talk about what to do next... and then they're talking faster and faster. We zoom out to see what Kid Flash and the policeman are seeing; both Bart and Barry are talking too fast for them to hear!
      • Don't even get started with Impulse and Flash having to carry Kid Flash at super-speed, because he's so much slower than them. He even admits it was embarrassing.
    • Kid Flash learning that Impulse is faster than he is.

Kid Flash: (sees Flash running) Go on, lap me. I'm used to it. (sees Impulse running at the same speed as Flash) OH, COME ON!

    • Impulse in Mount Justice. Especially when Robin pulls out the electric staff.

Impulse: (bends back under the staff) Limbo Time!

    • Impulse running through a tunnel wall to avoid marbles on the ground. He starts gloating... and then gets sucker punched by Nightwing.
    • Beast Boy asking Impulse about the future.

Beast Boy: Tell us something we don't know... yet. When do I become leader of the team? When do I join the Justice League? When do I get my own reality show?

Young Justice: The Comics

  • In Young Justice The Secret #1:

Robin: Okay. Now, listen Impulse. I need you to go to the DEO Compound and-
Impulse: Gotcha!

  • Impulse zips off*

Impulse (zipping back): And... um... what?

  • And soon after:

Superboy: I don't know whether we'll be that kid's teammates - or his parents!
Robin: Well, then I know which one you're gonna be!
Superboy: Oh, no! It's not me! I'm not the mom! I am not the mom!


  • "The Flaming C" Basically, Conan O'Brien in a fabulous uniform with a smoking oven mitt subbing for Superman. No, click the link, it exists thanks to Bruce Timm and Conan. Also Conan critiqueing the heroes in the scene: "Who is this freaking magician?!"
  • Fans can go on this website to ask Greg Weisman questions about the show. Some of his responses are pretty funny.
    • This Troper found this response funny

Fan:How did Robin and Aqualad find out M'gann and Conner are dating?
Greg: By paying attention.

    • Another one

Fan:Greg, I would like to say it was great to see Milestone characters and more Batman: The Brave and the Bold characters especially Guy Gardner. My most favourite part of that episode was the mudfight between The Team and the Injustice League.
Greg:"Mudfight"? Poor Greg, getting Squicked by his own fans

    • Greg not caring when fans accuse the characters of being gay or bisexual, simply stating that "that's (insert fan here) opinion.", or something along those lines and almost never giving a clear answer on the matter. The reason it's funny is because of how deadpaned he is in response to such questions.
    • Greg: You know for a "fact" that I'm not on drugs?
    • In response to being asked which character is his favorite Greg writes "They're all my children..." Depending on the person this may also count as a Heartwarming Moment.
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