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Young Justice (animation)/Deaths/WMG

For other guesses, see Young Justice Wild Mass Guessing Index.

Death Predictions

Green Arrow will die during the first season.

In the promotional video where the creative team talk about the show, they say that everyone will not make it out alive. In the same interview, they also show designs showing Roy Harper as Speedy and Red Arrow. So, it would be possible that Green Arrow dies which makes Speedy decide to assume a new heroic identity (with a name resembling his fallen mentor) and takes Green Arrows place in the league.

  • This may happen along with a heart to heart between the two.
    • Man, I hope not. Poor Alan Tudyk's characters always seem to get killed off.
  • Roy feels guilty over his death. After all, he tried to stand up for him at the Hall of Justice.
  • Speedy became Red Arrow during the episode "Infiltrator"

One of the main six will die, and that character will be...

  • Robin:
    • Being the youngest and without super powers makes him far more vulnerable than the other sidekicks.
    • Jason Todd, anyone?
    • Robin is a fan favorite. If anyone has Contractual Immortality it's him. That's what makes him the perfect one to be Killed Off for Real.
    • Killing Dick Grayson would irrevocably separate this show from the main universe, while the producers apparently are going for Adaptation Distillation. I don't think Grayson is expendable in any DC universe trying to keep some sort of faith with the original.
    • But Jason Todd isn't. Retire Dick to Nightwing and intro Robin 2....
      • Yeah, given that Robin is currently 13, it's gonna be a while before he grows out of being Robin.
        • 13 years old with 4 years of experience...seems that's a long time. The next oldest is Superman with only 10 years. So he's got half the experience of SUPERMAN. Seems fit for retirement...
        • The talk of his potential in 'Dropoff' makes me think that the very reason Dick Grayson was chosen over Tim Drake is because anyone with even a passing familiarity knows that Dick lives up to his potential by becoming his own hero, Nightwing, and eventually Batman, so who could it be more cruel and heart-wrenching to kill.
  • Aqualad:

Aqualad to Robin: Then I accept the burden, until you are ready to lift it from my shoulders. You born to lead this team. Maybe not now, but soon.

    • Episode 21 has Robin standing in for Aqualad as the team leader, which may be paving the way for Aqualad's death.
  • Kid Flash:
    • His powers seem kind of dangerous since he can't really stop without running into things. It might get him killed one day.
    • If Robin ever intends to lead, having his BFF killed off would be a good incentive for him to grow up and get more serious about the job.
      • read the Kid Flash Section in the 'Mole' section above. His dad dies
  • Artemis:
    • She is not based on a true character from Young Justice or Teen Titans, but a de-aged version of a rather obscure villain combined with Arrowette because they couldn't get Wonder Girl. Now that they can, she's doomed.
    • A lot of evidence points to her possibly being a villain so she could end up going out like Terra on Teen Titans.
    • Vasquez Always Dies.
    • Indicators seem to say that she's involved very heavily in series one's overall plot. She might die as a part of its climax.
    • She will die in order to set up Speedy's return as Arsenal. Speedy's plainly not gone for good. Add in a dash of diversity because having two people with the same schtick on the team is redundant (We don't need two stretchy guys). Even without Speedy's inevitable return, Artemis is at the top of the list for bucket kicking and given all the rest taken into account she's just a glorified seat warmer.
      • After episode six this seems unlikely, since Roy is now Red Arrow and confidently on his own. Unless something changes, Sidekick Graduations Stick seems in effect.
    • As it has been confirmed that she is Artemis Crock (and that her father would want her to kill Kid Flash), this troper thinks that she will do a Face Heel Turn followed by a Heroic Sacrifice.
    • Well something happened to her. As of "Happy New Year" Artemis is nowhere to be seen.
  • Superboy:
    • Copyright issues will make him die once the battle for rights gets ugly.
      • The battle's already gotten ugly, but its been pretty-much decided that young-Clark Superboy and Conner Kent are totally different characters, and it would be difficult to challenge that. Plus, they could always just rename him. Say he doesn't want to be in Superman's shadow anymore, and presto, done.
    • He's a clone of Superman. Clones were notoriously unstable in the DCAU.
    • Clone Degeneration. They will discover what's happening at the start of the ep, go through their grief, and Superman and Superboy will have a Crowning Moment of Heartwarming. Then either they stabilise him and he lives, or he dies.
    • He dies in the comics, though he did get better.
      • Everyone in comics has died and come back at least once.
    • Sadly, likely confirmed by this Season 2 poster:
      • From left to right: Zatanna, Red Arrow, Robin, Miss Martian, Aqualad, Kid Flash. Only Artemis and Conner aren't shown, and Conner has a canonical death in the mainstream DCU. That, plus the box art for Season 2 toys feature M'Gann with short hair. Meaningful Haircut anyone?
      • Alternatively, he'll have a Face Heel Turn when he learns that Lex Luthor is his human "father."
  • Miss Martian:
    • It will turn out she is actually a White Martian and make a Face Heel Turn, only to die later on.
    • She may turn out to be a Sacrificial Lion to prove the true evilness of the villain or the seriousness of the situation.
    • Or how about Nobody Dies? This is (thankfully) not a comic book published by the current DC Comics administration. At the most, any character's death might turn out to be undone later.
      • At least one character has been confirmed to die. As of yet, we don't know how major the character will be, though, so it might not be the main cast.
        • In the interview on Youtube he said one of the core team would not survive. We also see artwork of Speedy becoming Red Arrow. My guess is Red Arrow dies he's a "main character" but on the outside or Artemis since 3 episodes in we still don't even have a hint of her intro. Or Robin (there's 4 more to take his place in the DCU, pretty easy to get rid of Dick and bring in Jason, then Tim.)
    • Kill the Cutie?
  • Alternatively, Roy returns to the team late in the series as a seventh ranger and ends up as the expendable one. That way, you have a recurring character dying without having to really lose one of the team.
  • They've released a promo pic of Invasion (Young Justice season 2) and we see the team in sillouttes. Robin, Miss Martian, Aqualad, and Kid Flash can be clearly identified, so they seem to be safe. An archer character can also be seen, and while they are holding a compound bow, that looks alot like Artemis's, the head looks like Red Arrow's, or at least a male. The 6th character meanwhile, appears to be Zatanna, or at the very least a female character not currently on the team. Superboy on the other hand, clearly isn't there at all. Therefore the main character death if there is one, can be narrowed down to Artemis or Superboy, which a higher chance of it being Superboy.
  • Jossed. The core seven will live.

M'gann will be the first one to die

Since she's shaping up to be Superboy's love interest, she's probably going to fall under Tana Moon's curse of being Stuffed in A Fridge to give Superboy a reason to go after one of the Light. This will lead to Superboy becoming slightly angstier, but calmer as the rage and attempted revenge he'll undergo right after her death will lead to him growing up a bit.

The Joker will kill off one or more of The Light

The reason: He was never invited to the party! ESPECIALLY one that involves trying to kill off Batman's bird boy sidekick.

Megan will die in relation to the White Martians arc

She loses control of herself, and dies eventually. Either that or she kills someone by accident

Batman will die.

He is the guiding force for the team: he deploys them, he advises them when need be, and his usage of them legitimizes their value to the rest of the League. Beyond that, he's not in conflict with anyone. He's supportive of Superboy, is a good adoptive father to Robin, and is stern but fair with Aqualad. His death would create a vacuum that would force the team to grow and develop in ways they couldn't before. Especially Robin, which may be the point in which he "steps up" to be team leader. Not to mention, who kills the goddamn Batman? No one would see it coming.

Kid Flash is going to die...

...but will become Kid Fate!

The show has already filled its "one character dying" quota.

Kent Nelson, anyone?
  • Confirmed, but it isn't Kent Nelson.

The one character will be the entire Justice League.

  • The Light will destroy the Watchtower, eliminating many of the world's strongest heroes and leaving the team on their own against most of the world's villains.

The character will be Rocket, who it seems will be added to the team with Zatanna.

  • Since Rocket's more of an Action Girl, and she's black, she's the most likely to die. Plus, she's a little known character from Milestone Comics who isn't Static, and thus C-List Fodder in the eyes of Weisman, who justified not having as many female members on the team as "tradition." It's really either gonna be her, Artemis, or Aqualad - who, not coincidentally, are all characters who broke "traditional" portrayals of their DCU counterparts.
    • Greg has revealed that he loves Dwayne McDuffie's work, and Rocket and Icon are his favourites. He's unlikely to kill off one of his favourite characters just 'cause she a kind of macho black girl. Plus, she's not a core member has hasn't, as of episode nineteen, had a speaking role. With seven episodes left in the season, the count down has begun.

Season Two toy box art.(Spoiler, obviously)

  • Right here. As we can see, Batman, Robin, Aqualad, and Miss Martian all survive season one. Therefore, all WMGs that involve their deaths are now Jossed. However, only one side of the box is visible.
  • So long as the spoilers aren't lies.

Zatanna will die.

Since no-one's mentioned her here yet.

Hey, at this point, it could be anyone. Zatanna not excluded.

The Flash will die...

Barry would, of course, go out in a Dying Moment of Awesome, but go out none the less leaving Wally traumatized and taking a Ten-Minute Retirement. After a few character moments, with some help from Jay Garrick, he dons the mantle of the Flash in an Awesome Moment of Crowning.

No one!

And..... NO ONE DIES!

  • Well...someone does die. Just not quite at the time that you would think.

Wally will die during Invasion

Which explains the teams make-over, specially Robin's. His new "military style" and more serious demeanor (from what we've seen from the trailers) are a direct result from the death of his best friend.

  • Jossed
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