< Young Justice (animation)

Young Justice (animation)/Fanfic Recs

Proof that the remaining 10% is worth dying for here.

These are recommendations made by Tropers for Young Justice fanfics, both the series, and the comics, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here.

You can also add to the current recommendations if you want. Refrain from posting Conversation in the Main Page though; that goes in the discussion page.

Sidenote: Quite a few of the fics recommended are from the YJ Anon Meme, hence why a lot of the author's are listed as "anon". Attempts will be made as time goes by to change this if the author's themselves decide to de-anon on the meme.


Shade's Ninde

  • Recommended by Gracie Geek
  • This author is the king of Koy (Kaldur/Roy) fics, so I'm surprised his name isn't in this section yet. Some of them are bromance, some expertly crafted romance, and his Roy and her Kaldur are so IC it's almost scary. He's also written many Kaldur-centric oneshots / multi-chaptered fics that give Kaldur the spotlight he deserves but isn't always given.

Alternate Universe Fics

Following Footsteps by Jessesgirl1549

  • Recommended by Much Ado About Nonny
  • Synopsis: "-He's my son." Diana watched the youth beyond the glass' eyes twinkle, she smiled softly and added in a lower tone just for him, "Aren't you?" They wanted the ultimate weapon, so it was logical Cadmus would use another hero's DNA for Superboy as well.

The New Kid On the Block and the sequel/continuation Marathon, followed by Network by x meets y

  • Recommended by Catchandelier 34
  • Synopsis: Kid Flash's the newest thief in town. Dashing in and dashing out, he's the epitome of a "cool" thief, and has even had Robin-hood like escapades. Young Justice's mission? Find him, catch him, and see if they can turn him to the side of good.

Strays by blackash26

  • Recommended by Willowleaf
  • Synopsis: Batman is very happy with the way that Robin has picked up his training, his methods and his habits. Generally. But his protege showing up at the Batcave with two small children, Tim and Jason, clinging to him proves he's adopted one trait Batman would have rather he hadn't. It seems the batfamily has an incurable penchant for picking up strays, and Tim and Jason are only the beginning.

Whiteout by Subatomic_grape

  • Recommended by Lavanya Six
  • Synopsis: Minor AU. M’gann tries to ignore what she is, but after being forced back into her natural form every muscle in her body wants to go back to what feels powerful and comes naturally to her. It finally comes to a head when her team is threatened, and she is forced to choose between her shame, and their lives.

"Healing by Sassbrat

  • Recommended by ladyofthelibrary
  • Synopsis: Female Wally: Boudicca 'Brodie' West is found in an alley by two of the Rogues after being raped. As time goes by she struggles with healing from her ordeal with the help of her friends.
  • Warnings: Discussion of rape.
  • Pairings: Red Arrow/fem!Kid Flash

"Cranes" by Catchandelier

  • Recommended by Willowleaf
  • Synopsis: In one world, one we're more familiar with, Jonathan Crane has died. What essentially amounts to a cosmic filing problem leads to the former supervillain being offered a deal: He can be reborn into the world and become a hero, or he can die. Well, it was considerate of the Powers That Be to make the choice simple, in any case. He accepts, and in another time and another place, Johnny Crane is taken in by his previously unknown great uncle on his mother's side: One Alfred Pennyworth. In another time and another place, Jonny Crane moonlights as a vigilante known as Scarecrow on the streets of Gotham, and the team known as Young Justice is a very different group (somehow, though, everything important has stayed exactly the same).

A Minor Situation by hinn_raven

  • Recommended by ladyofthelibrary
  • Synopsis: Gotham Academy is taken hostage and due to Batman being on League business, Young Justice is deployed. While infiltrating the Academy, the Team meets up with Artemis, Barbara Gordan, Dick Grayson...and Dick's younger siblings. Due to Wally and Dick being a couple, the Batsibs decide to test their older brother's boyfriend while Dick enjoys trolling his boyfriend because the rest of the team doesn't know Dick = Robin so they think Wally is cheating on both of them. But seriously; what could go wrong?

General Fics

With Proper Motivation by Fayah

  • Recommended by eruFUN
  • Synopsis: Mr. Freeze realizes that there's a much easier way to find the cure to his wife's terminal illness: inject Robin with the same disease and let Batman do the work for him. After all, the dark knight can supposedly do anything with the proper motivation.

Some Sort of Truth by kittu9

  • Recommended by J the Drafter
  • Synopsis: Zatanna spends a long month mourning her lost father. (Second Person)

Before the Dawn by meowfu

  • Recommended by foxfireflamequeen
  • Synopsis: Robin was captured and tortured, and he is not okay. But no one knows how to fix him when they're not sure what's broken. This is a story of pain and recovery, of family, friends and support, and this is how Robin learned to laugh again.
  • Trigger Warnings: Graphic torture and non-graphic violation (they last a very short time, though, and the writer has specified the locations of all the explicit scenes here if you want to skip them); clinical depression.

Proof in the Parenting by Takebuo Ishimatsu

  • Recommended by Fan Girl And Proud Of It, Zephyr7
  • Synopsis: "The League is amused to realize that little Dick Grayson isn't the only one learning things from his new family." Batman's interaction with Robin, as witnessed by the Justice League.

Control by writing_emi

  • Recommended by Loracarol
  • Synopsis: Wally West's dad is abusive. Mostly psychologically and emotionally, but because he never hits Wally, Wally doesn't think it is abuse. The team finds out the threat. H/C, Mostly gen with hints of KF/Rob.
  • Trigger Warning: For abuse.

On The Safe Side by Anon

  • Recommended by jenicaaladima
  • Synopsis: The League just wants to be sure that their sidekicks are all right. Short, sweet, and hilarious.

Bird Song by Anonymous

  • Recommended by Zephyr7
  • Synopsis: Robin sings like an angel. Each member of the team hears him at different times. It's so natural he never notices when he begins to sing.

Nobody's Child by Kizmet

  • Recommended by Hinn Raven
  • Synopsis: Superboy is deaged. While Young Justice looks for a cure Batman sticks Clark Kent with babysitting duties.

Identity by Anonymous

  • Recommended by Waffled Flambe
  • Synopsis: Robin is badly injured on a mission, and his teammates are completely unprepared for Batman's response.

Collide by La La Cat 1

  • Recommended by Hinn Raven
  • Synopsis: Jason Todd lands in the YJ universe, where he tries to figure out why there's a new Robin and why Bruce doesn't remember him.
  • Trigger warnings: Coarse language.

Fail Safes by kkizmet

  • Recommended by Naganonamy
  • Synosis: Superboy is undergoing Clone Degeneration. As he starts coming apart, the team comes together to support him.

Playing Scales by Anonymous

  • Recommended by Naganonamy
  • Synopsis: When Superboy is given an allowance, he has no idea what to do with it. So of course, he learns to play piano.

Flutterbies by kingburu

  • Recommended by Marvelfan019
  • Synopsis: in a fight with Klarion the Witchboy, Wally is de-aged and the team unknowingly leaves hims with his abusive mother and father.

Because Your Freckles Dance by anonymous

  • Recommended by Loracarol
  • Synopsis: Wally dies in Robin's arms. This is not a spoiler. What the story is about is the aftermath, mostly told from Barry's POV.

Linchpin by Tiger Lily Roar

  • Recommended by sgtangua8
  • Synopsis: The Heroes of the world have a *BIG* problem when Robin - yes, Robin - is kidnapped from Gotham City Academy. The big deal, other than the obvious? He was Dick Grayson at the time!
  • Triggers: Abuse and course language.

Brave New World by dyaoka

  • Recommended by sgtangua8
  • Synopsis: After being shot by an energy beam, Damian Wayne is found by the Young Justice crew.

Pretty bird and it's squeal One by one by Ayries

  • Recommended by Fang Yingyu
  • Synopsis: "It's stupid. If she doesn't want to tell them, why does she want them to notice?"

Try Not To Laugh by Anon

  • Recommneded by Zephyr7
  • Synopsis: The team were given orders to guard the Joker until the Justice League comes back for him. The Joker then proceeds to have a little fun by making sexual comments about Robin and Batman, infuriating Robin.
  • Triggers: Disturbing imagery.

Hammurabi's Robin by Anon

  • Recommended by Zephyr7
  • Synopsis: Robin finds out where Tony Zucco, the man responsible for his parents' death, is. He goes off to get revenge, much to his teammates and Batman's distress.

Just Like Bad Wallpaper by Anonymous

  • Recommended by Gracie Geek
  • Synopsis: “Family love is messy, clinging, and of an annoying and repetitive pattern, like bad wallpaper.” The YJ team move, one by one, into Wayne Manor.

Family Ties by Shade's Ninde

  • Recommended by Gracie Geek
  • Synopsis: In the aftermath of "Alpha Male", the team are still holding Kaldur's omission of the truth against him when he suddenly goes missing - kidnapped by Black Manta.

Dare Not Meet In Dreams by Anon

  • Recommended by Zephyr7
  • Synopsis: The team goes back into time, ends up in Crime Alley and stops a mugging. It wasn't anything out of the ordinary. But when they return to their world, they find that their world is unraveling and blending with other worlds.

Go the Distance by Anon

  • Recommended by Zephyr7
  • Synopsis: Five times someone thought Iris or Barry were Wally's parents and one time Wally honestly wished they were.

In The Grave by Adoglover5

  • Recommended by ladyofthelibrary
  • Synopsis: "You might want to breathe slowly or you could simply put the gun in your mouth and pull the trigger or any way you want...You're going to die down here, Baby Flash." The Central City Rogues go farther than anyone ever thought possible. Now the Young Justice team and the Flash must race against time to save Wally before he's forced to take matters into his own hands.
  • Triggers: Child abuse, violence, coarse language, both attempted and successful suicides, disturbing imagery

The Bechdel Test by Shade's Ninde

  • Recommended by Zolavine
  • Synopsis "Five times the girls talk about things that are not boys, and one time the boys discuss the ladies in their lives."

Civvie by Totally Losing It

  • Recommended by ladyofthelibrary
  • Synopsis: "Wally West's kidnappers learn what it means to be on the bad side of two super-powered teams. Shameless Wally whump, because seriously? How FUN is that to say out loud?"

Blondes Really do Have More Fun by Anon

  • Recommended by Kaza999
  • Synopsis: Magical genderbending...with a twist.

Brand New Hurt by 67chevyImpala

  • Recommended by ladyofthelibrary
  • Synopsis: Kid Flash's family problems follow him to Mount Justice. Bruises the mask doesn't cover and injuries that can't be explained away by missions catch Robin's eye.

In Case of Emergency by deranged black kitten of doom

  • Recommended by PitViperOfDoom
  • Synopsis: It had started as a joke, contingency plans made for various hypothetical circumstances, but then the world falls under mind-control, their mentors turning against them, and those rules made up in jest become something to survive by.

Making the Grade by LaLaCat1

  • Recommended by PitViperOfDoom
  • Synopsis: Sometimes even Dick can miss the warning signs. Sometimes not everyone can be trusted.
  • Warning: Molestation.

A lifetime away by Anon

  • Recommended by The Violent Tomboy
  • Synopsis: Robin and Superboy find themselves trapped in another dimension with no way back, so they build themselves a new life on this new world.

That's As Many As Four Tens by Anonymous

  • Recommended by Gosurori Otaku
  • Synopsis: Superboy gets brushed off by Superman one too many times, and decides to do something that Superman would never, ever do. Something that only Superman's greatest enemy had the balls to do.

Sacred by Anon

  • Recommended by The Violent Tomboy
  • Synopsis: Zoom, impersonating the Flash, sneaks into Wally's room every night and sexually assaults him. Needless to say, things get very strained between Wally and the real Barry Allen, who has no idea what's going on.

Getting There Is Only Half The Fun by Scotty1609

  • Recommended by Reuvas
  • Synopsis Roy, Wally, and Dick all go on a camping trip in the woods... until things get out of hand.

A Good Plan by Anon

  • Recommended by Zephyr7
  • Synopsis: In a single day, Bruce Wayne lost everything. Again. Dick Grayson and Alfred Pennyworth are dead. Superman puts Young Justice (minus Robin) on suicide watch who don't know that Bruce Wayne is Batman and that Robin is dead.

Ready for This by Anon

  • Recommended by Zephyr7
  • Synopsis: "When other kids his age are playing with GI Joes and Matchbox cars, Dick Grayson is polishing Batarangs and sneaking his dad's cable launcher out into the yard to scale trees with."

Untitled by Jayeinacross

  • Recommended by ranmouri
  • Synopsis: "Kara comes to meet her new family member and finds out that Clark doesn’t talk to Conner. Kara disapproves and decides to set Clark straight." Based on a prompt from the anon meme.

snakeskin (hollow shapes) by kittu9

  • Recommended by Lavanya Six
  • Synopsis: Paula Crock fell off a roof and came home six years later. She does not allow herself the luxury of illusions.

By Any Other Name by Anon

  • Recommended by anarden
  • Synopsis: After the Justice League's hideouts are compromised and the Team has to stay away, Batman leaves Superboy in charge of Lois Lane, which of course, has nothing to do with the fact that she personally knows Superman.

Roy Harper's Boobs by mullerornis

  • Recommended by Pteranosatan
  • Synopsis: Dick Grayson finds that his friend Red Arrow is actually a Male-To-Female Transexual, and tries to help.
  • Pairings: Nightwing/Red Arrow, both with Batman since they have to give him oral sex.
  • Comments: Pure Crack Fic insanity.

Crossover Fics

And Superboy Makes Three by Anon

  • Recommended by The Violent Tomboy
  • Synopsis: A crossover with the Marvel-verse, pre-Bereft. Captain America (comics), appalled at Superman's treatment of Superboy, decides to adopt the kid.
      • Page to be filled here.

Kalchie and especially its sequel Out In The World by thingamawhatsit.

  • Recommended by Naganonamy
  • Synopsis: The first is an adorable crossover get-together story, the second is a prime example of the Coming Out Story done right.
  • Pairing: Kaldur/Richie or Aqualad/Gear

The Last Son of Tomorrow by rgm0005

  • Recommended by SAMAS
  • Synopsis: A hot young inventor has started making big waves in Metropolis, pushing medicine and technology by leaps and bounds, and even gaining the public support of Superman himself. But this brilliant young man, named Terry McGinnis, has a few dark secrets of his own, secrets that could decide the fate of two worlds...

Young Justice: Red X by Hexalys

  • Recommended by Rogueristylover
  • Synopsis: Robin, leader of the Teen Titans, wakes up in a world not unlike his own. Deciding to continue down the path of a hero, he takes up an old alias and leads a new team, Young Justice. As Red X, he starts to make a name for himself, as well as new enemies.

Shipping Fics

Such Vast Deserts We Cross by mekosuchinae.

  • Recommended by Ayries
  • Synopsis: M'gann turns matchmaker for Wally and Dick, but nothing plays out quite like she expects it to. (Superboy/M'gann)

Moon and Sun by darkmistress in the shadows.

  • Recommended by Agent Cyan
  • Synopsis: In the end, they're not that different after all.
  • Pairing: Kaldur/Ariel crossover

How to Date the Girl That Seems to Hate You by Hezpeller

  • Recommended by marvelfan019
  • Synopsis: Wally decides he wants to go on a date with Artemis, but takes a different tack than expected.
  • Pairing: Spitfire aka Kid Flash/Artemis

Further Denial by Satellites on Parade

  • Recommended by onemillionpicarats
  • Synopsis: Wally wants to make it especially clear that he does not miss or feel betrayed by Artemis when she goes over to the League of Shadows.
  • Pairing: Wally/Artemis.

Here Kitty Kitty by edwestwickfan1

  • Recommended by Gracie Geek
  • Synopsis: It's not coincidence when a small, orange cat turns up at Mt. Justice just when Wally goes missing. Somehow, Artemis gets lumbered with cat-sitting.
  • Pairing: Wally/Artemis

The Scientific Method by Satellites on Parade

  • Recommended by onemillionpicarats
  • Synopsis: Wally realizes that he might like Artemis more than he thought he did. He freaks out and runs to Superboy for girl advice.
  • Pairing: Wally/Artemis

Cat in the Cave by Destiny919

  • Recommended by gravedancer121
  • Synopsis: Wally finds a mysterious cat on the beach. Except she's not so mysterious - she's Artemis.
  • Pairing: Wally/Artemis

Keep Prying Eyes Away by shadowinthedark13

  • Recommended by gravedancer121
  • Synopsis: "You're young and it's hard."
  • Pairing: Wally/Artemis

Hypothermia by xyukiix

  • Recommended by gravedancer121
  • Synopsis: "Because he would be the one qualified to be her personal heater."
  • Pairing: Wally/Artemis

The Thimble Ninja by Tiger Queen

  • Recommended by gravedancer121
  • Synopsis: Wally bets he can out-ninja Artemis.
  • Pairing: Wally/Artemis

Midnight Days by shadowinthedark16

  • Recommended by ladyofthelibrary
  • Synopsis: "She's missing," Batman says. He shakes his head, pulling away from them. And from the looks on their faces—his friends, his mentor—he knows they're telling the truth.
  • Pairing: Wally/Artemis
  • Triggers: Torture and some language.

Genius Denied by Katty008

  • Recommended by: Devs Haruhix
  • Synopsis: Until he got superspeed, Wally was picked on for being in special ed. When he got his powers, suddenly he didn't have to be in special ed and no one had to know he was anything less than a genius. Still, he was always afraid someone would find out. And he really didn't want that someone to be Robin if it meant he might face rejection again.
  • Pairing: KF/Robin

Sleeping Beauty by Bubble Fairy 03

  • Recommended by: Haluwasa 2
  • Synopsis: If you got hit in the head with a building, literally, what would you dream of? Wally wakes up to find himself prince of the Kingdom of Flash. Now he must journey across the land on a quest to awaken his true love: the "princess" of the Kingdom of Bats!
  • Pairing: KF/Robin (Light hints Miss Martian/Superboy)

You and I, Right or Wrong by chalantness

  • Recommended by Gracie Geek
  • Synopsis: "This changes nothing." He narrows his eyes from behind his glasses and hopes he sounds as convincing as he needs to be. But she just tilts her head, amused. "Wrong again, Sidekick. This changes everything."
  • Pairings: Mainly Roy/Jade. Also includes GA/BC.

crackerjacks by Adreus

  • Recommended by Oddric
  • Synopsis: We could totally run away and start a circus together.
  • Pairings: Robin/Zatanna
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