< Young Justice (animation) < The Mole

Young Justice (animation)/The Mole/WMG

For other guesses, see Young Justice Wild Mass Guessing Index.

Identity of the Mole

The Mole is...

  • That THING Superboy brings home at the end of 'Bereft'
    • Bonus points if it's connected to Apokolips.
      • Jossed, kinda of. She is kinda connected to Apokolips, but is from their enemy.
  • Artemis. Kind of the obvious choice, really.
    • Nah. I'm calling a Red Herring on her. It's more likely that she'll be framed to look like The Mole.
    • It's just waaaaaaay too obvious. New teammate who claims to be someone's relative but isn't? Check. Villain warning that she will tell the good guys her 'secret?' check. The Evil Council saying that they have a mole in the team in the exact same episode that she joins? check. The fact that the main cast doesn't know any of this does not change the fact that there would be no drama for the audience if it turned out she was the mole.
      • Not to mention, why would Cheshire threaten to reveal a secret if Artemis was (still? )working with them? It'd mess with their plans, surely.
      • Given that the target audience probably isn't familiar with the comics and her real name is Artemis Crock, which is the real name of a villainess in the comics, it is possible, especially if they wanna keep The Mole a bad guy after they're revealed. If it's really someone else, they'll have to realize what they're doing is wrong and turn against the Light because otherwise, DC will pull rank as they have in the past and say, "No, you're not going to do this to this character."
    • Alternately, maybe Artemis is working with The Light... and the Justice League knows it. She's really a triple agent, but cannot compromise her operation by telling the other YJ members yet. Obviously, they'll be angry at everyone once they know.
    • Seems mostly Jossed post Homefront, what with some of her motives becoming clear.
    • In "Secret", Harm knows of Artemis' motives and she'll turn against her mentor. Zatanna thought he was talking about her.
      • Um... Harm never said that. He said that he would study Artemis and Zatanna's fighting styles and use it to kill their mentors.
      • However, in the same episode, it's shown that both Batman and Robin know Atermis' true identity, while Speedy is definitely aware she's lying about being Green Arrow's niece. Despite this, Batman maintains that Atermis can be trusted.
    • If she wasn't a mole before, she may become one now. Especially after the fallout in "Insecurity".
  • Superboy. The Light still considers him useful, after all.
    • Especially if Lex Luthor is involved with "The Light"
      • And the "Mole on the inside line" would work perfectly, a Sleeper agent. Perhaps some residual mental conditioning?
      • Maybe a chip in his head...? Something that gives them a direct access to his senses (see what he sees, hear what he hears, etc.) or to the info in his brain.
        • In "Secrets" Dude, Even Batman agree with this theory!
      • At the end of "Fireworks", the Light was discussing the Cadmus incident and one of them said: "Even the temporary loss of the weapon could prove useful." Note: temporary.
      • Additional WMG: Superboy isn't the mole, but the Light will try to replace him with another clone. The replacement would be the real mole, but Superboy would still count as somebody on the inside.
  • Miss Martian. In the comics she is a White Martian, who are almost universally evil and of whom Miss Martian is just about the only "good guy" member. Still not above all suspicion.
    • As of "Failsafe" she's confirmed to have highly advanced telepathic abilities; she could be pulling off a Memory Gambit.
      • She seemed to have a rather panicked reaction when Black Canary mentioned her turning White (Canary meant Caucasian).
    • In "Secrets", Speedy points out that Martian Manhunter has hundreds of nieces and nephews, and that he only learned of Miss Martian's existence just five months prior when she stowed away on his ship. Also, Miss Martian gets a nervous look on her face when a schoolmate remarks that Martians can't possibly be evil since Martian Manhunter is a superhero.
    • She could be a spy for the white Martians. She mentioned to Superboy that they are oppressed on Mars. Maybe they're planning a revolution and she's helping them. The second season is called Invasion, after all...
    • Alternatively, M'gann could be a Manchurian Agent and even unaware of the fact that she is The Mole. Martian Manhunter mentioned that her telepathy was extraordinarily strong, so she could have brainwashed herself to believe that she was his niece and was slowly forgetting her true identity.
    • In "Image", Queen Bee threatened Miss Martian of revealing her secret (that she's actually a White Martian) if she didn't help her (and by extension, The Light). So Megan could be the mole, not just from now on, but from the beginning as well: Sportsmaster said they had an insider to Aqualad just the next episode after "Bereft", so it's likely that Psimon saw into Megan's mind, learned about her secret (and other valuable information about the team, no doubt), and reported it to the Light, telling them of a potential mole in the future. Only recently was he able to encounter her again and ask for her "assistance".
    • I doubt this WMG is true. As at least one fanfiction has pointed out, if M'gann was The Mole, Martian Manhunter would have caught her. She may outclass him in power but he has experience on his side.
  • Kid Flash, just for it to be the least likely suspect.
    • In the comics Rudolph (Wally's Father) was approached by the Manhunters, an intergalactic conspiracy seeking to take over the universe, to spy for them. He accepted. And when the Millenium approached, he did what he had to: he arranged for his wife’s death. She survived, but would never forgive him. Once Wally got past the battle with the Manhunters, his biggest question was: “Why?” Rudolph explained to his son that he just wanted to be on the winning side for a change. In an effort to redeem himself, Rudolph volunteered during the alien invasion to sneak a bomb into Cuba to destroy the Durlans. He was there when it went off, and was presumed dead.
    • It could be easy to see how the shows writers could manipulate this into Wally being the mole. They could have the Light be in cahoots with the Manhunters. This could very easily be connected to arc name for season 2 "invasion". The Light could get in contact with Wally's Dad asking him to work for them. He'll agree as he wants to be on the "winning side". Rudolp could manipulate Wally in someway so that he would betray his friends. Which will either be revealed in the season 1 final, or sometime during the beggining of season 2. How exactly Wally is manipulated is up for debate. Personally I think it'll either have to do with Wally becoming an extreme case of a "Well Done, Son" Guy, or a chip in the brain.
  • Aqualad, working for his father, Black Manta.
    • Aqualad is also the only one who knows there is a mole in the team. Who better to be the mole then to tell us, the audience, that he is the only one searching for one.
    • However, Word of God says Aqualad doesn't know that Black Manta is his father, so it's highly unlikely he's spying for him.
    • Alternately, it could be Aqualad unintentionally. The Team probably has to make official reports of their adventures, and they are probably not destroyed. Aquaman would have copies, probably kept in Atlantis, and with the recent revelation that Orm is a member of the Light it would be easy for him to get acess to them.
  • Red Tornado, having secretly been re-controlled by Morrow off-screen after the events of Welcome To Happy Harbor.
    • As of "Homefront" this seems to be the case. It's not completely confirmed, though...
    • Jossed in "Humanity"
  • Black Canary. Nothing about her in this universe is known as of yet, other than her abilities and codename.
  • Red Arrow. Not on the team officially, but with access to the headquarters, trusted by the team, has an open invitation to join, and may just be bitter enough at the League to sell out his former friends.
  • Superman. He willingly gave Cadmus his DNA (because, really, how else would they get it) and is in fact a member of the Light because one of Superboy's directives is to kill Superman should he "turn from the Light."
    • Considering that the Light backs Cadmus, and a member of the Light has been confirmed as Lex Luthor, I think the question of how they got his DNA is pretty much moot.
      • The fact that Lex Luthor is one of the Light just make it more compelling that Superman is one of them because Lex *hates* Superman right? Why then would Superboy be programmed to kill Superman only if he turns from the Light? Why not just use Superboy to kill Superman outright? Also, just because Superman's archnemesis is one of the Light doesn't mean he has samples of Superman's DNA unless you're talking about some serious Foe Yay.
        • When one regularly battles Superman, getting Superman's DNA is a lot easier. Just one Kryptonite tipped needle in the middle of a battle, or one swift hair pull, and there you go.
  • Red Tornado. The show has been putting him in the background lately, would be a good twist.
  • Cheshire's mask.
  • It's no one. We got this information from the Sportsmaster.
    • After all this buildup? Seems like a bit of a letdown to me.
  • Robin. He is pretty shifty during "Secrets".
    • How was he being shifty at all? He just revealed he knew more about Artemis than the others. Which isn't suprising since his dad is The Goddamn Batman.
      • He was acting pretty shifty during "Images" being not that thrilled about becoming the, albeit temporary, team leader. He could have been distressed as being almost openly aggressive towards one of the Light.
    • When Aqualad said that he was confident none of the Team were traitors, and that he trusted them all, Robin slid down in his seat with a dejected expression suspiciously like guilt.
      • The alternative is that Robin already knows who the mole is, but is on strict orders from Batman not to let anyone know, so as to not tip off the Mole. That is why he was sulking: he KNOWS that there is a mole where Aqualad believes there is none. However, it is likely that Robin does not know why Batman left the Mole on the team, so when the truth finally comes out, and...(insert scenario here)...Robin is set on the path to becoming Nightwing.
    • Not for "The Light", but for Batman.

The team is equal parts genuine sidekicks and moles.

The classic Power Trio of Robin/Superboy/Kid Flash are the real heroes, and Miss Martian, Aqualad, and Artemis are all moles, albeit potentially Manchurian sleeper agents in the case of the former two.

Aqualad is the mole and will be the character to die.

Artemis is hinted to be The Mole but that's too obvious, so the creators are going to shock us by having Aqualad be The Mole. It makes sense when you see that Black Manta (aka Aqualad's father) is working for The Light. And when Aqualad is discovered to be The Mole some time in season one, he'll be killed. Aqualad would be the easiest to kill off seeing as the creators completely made him up for the show, rather than use an established character. Aqualad's death would put Robin as team leader, and Aqualad could even be replaced by Garth after his death.

Artemis will turn out to be a mole for the other side.

  • Artemis is Artemis Crock, the daughter of the former hero Tigress who turned villain. She will be a spy inside the Justice League's black ops type unit, Young Justice, and the finale will reveal her true colors. The audience may or may not be informed of this before the team is.
    • Artemis's father is the Sportsmaster, who appears in the third episode working for the Light.
      • The episode that introduces her is called "Infiltrator," and ends with the Light saying they have a mole in the team.

Artemis is The Mole, and it will be executed as a sort of Untwist.

So, here's the audience, looking over Artemis and the Light's words and thinking, "No way, too obvious, gotta be a Red Herring!" So, they carry on watching, picking up on the more subtly hints dropped that another char is The Mole. Then, at the last moment, once the audience is sure that Robin/M'gann/Conner/etc. is The Mole, the infiltrator is revealed to be...Artemis.

Cue the fans who previously thought themselves so smart left slightly dumbstruck, and the creators laughing at themselves from the safety of their studios.

If Artemis is The Mole, Batman on purposely planted her there.

After Artemis is ousted as The Light's mole within Young Justice, it will be revealed that Batman knew all along that she was working for The Light and allowed her membership into Young Justice as part of a bigger Xanatos Gambit to capture all the members of The Light and destroy the organization in one huge, gigantic swoop. Green Arrow may or may not be in on it.

There is NO Mole.

Sportsmaster just told the Light his daughter was a mole to get on their good side. She has no idea what he's doing.

    • And then he decided to tell Aqualad that had one in the team to get them to turn on her.
      • And having spent four episodes still building it up? Seems like a bit of a Writer Cop Out to me if this is true.
    • Confirmed: Red Arrow is the mole (for the Justice League) as revealed in "Usual Suspects".


Nobody ever targets him- watch the one with the killer plants, and Bereft- both times bad guys have a chance to kill him and they choose to either attack someone else or take him alive. And he's probably the most trustworthy person on the team apart from Kid Flash. And Cadmus could easily be mind controlling him after they captured him in first episode, where he'd be the obvious choice for mind controlling because of his links to Batman who basically runs all the League computers. Also there are tons of Robins, so if they kill him off they could just bring in another one.

  • Also worth noting that in "Secrets", after Aqualad says "None of them is a traitor." Robin looks down. His expression isn't certain but it looks to me like shame. Why would Robin feel shame after Aqualad has just said that none of them are traitors? Because he knows that Aqualad is wrong and he feels bad about it.
  • In Bereft, the soldiers shout that "her Majesty" wants him alive. Hm...
    • Alternatively, issue #11 of the tie-in comics reveals that Ra's and Talia al Ghul know Robin's secret identity. Issue #6 establishes that Dick Grayson has an uncle who survived the accident that killed his parents, aunt, and cousin. If Ra's, one of the top seven of The Light, wanted to blackmail Robin either by threatening to reveal his ID, threatening to reveal Batman's ID, killing his uncle, or even healing him, he could. Considering that this uncle is a creation of the series and not usually present in other Batman or DC adaptations, the Law of Conservation of Detail suggests that something is going to be done with him.
  • For that matter, Robin is the team member who'd have the easiest time being a mole. He's sneaky, deceptive, intelligent, and according to Red Arrow, entirely above suspicion. He's already learned from the best.

Every member of the main YJ team (+ Red Arrow + Zatanna) is a mole.

And none of them know the others are moles.


  • Except for Artemis. She's perfectly legit. Just for irony factor.
  • For added fun, each member of the Light has their own mole, and doesn't realize any of the others do. In retrospect, they should have compared notes better.

"So wait, we've just been spying on OURSELVES this whole time?!"

Robin is the mole but not to the villains

Robin is Batman's mole on the team, there to keep tabs on them secretly.

  • This would be a very interesting concept. For one, Robin is rather good at knowing just about everything that's going on in the Justice League. He most definitely knows more about what's going on than any other member of The Team. Two, with Ra's Al Ghul as a member of The Light, it would make sense that they might except him. Ra's has always been interesting in bringing members of the Bat Family into the league of shadows.

Beast Boy will end up being the/a mole

We've seen Brain and Mala, and Beast Boy is confirmed to appear later in the series. Since the Doom Patrol has a tendency of dieing in the comics it wouldn't be to farfetched to say they're dead in-series. Beast Boy has been manipulated, mind controlled, and posessed in the comics. I wouldn't be suprised if Brain kept him alive in order to infiltrate the team. But Beast Boy being Beastboy, he'll end up bonding with a member of The Team and end up saving them in the end. You know, if he isn't being mind controlled.

Aqualad is an indirect mole

He was secretly planted a bug that gives out information, without even himself being known about it!

The mole Sportsmaster was refering too

was Artemis. However, there was never even a mole to begin with. Sportsmaster is just screwing with the team up, especially in trying to get Artemis kicked out. not to mention that Artemis is his daughter, so he wants to get her to his side.

There is no mole... But there is a leak: Paula Crock

Just a guess, but Paula never turned over a new leaf. Sportsmaster noticed that Artemis is unwilling to be an assassin while training her, but rather than force her down a path she'd fight tooth and nail he'd arrange things to push her into heroisim. He gets a hold of Paula before she gets out of jail and talks her into pretending she's gone straight for her daughter's sake while making him leave, creating the circumstances needed for her to become a hero. His plan hinges that, sooner or later, she'll be noticed by the Justice Leauge and become affilated with them.

After the events of the 6th Comic/Schooled things go even better than he expected; she winds up on the team that had, until then, caused the Light so much trouble. And given how close Artemis is to her mother she's liable to talk a lot about what's going on, who's strong at what, who's weak at what, routines, even where they're based at or the identities some of the heroes... And Paula passes them off to Sportsmaster while she's away at school.

M'gan will be a scapegoat for the mole

In "Image" a member of the Light started blackmailing M'gan so we safely assume she is (or at least wasn't) the mole, but now the light has a backup in case the team starts taking the mole seriously again.

  • Or maybe she had been considered a mole from the start? Psimon did see inside M'gann's mind, how else would he know her secret? And reported to the Light about a potential mole in the future. Cue the Sportsmaster on the next episode saying they had a mole on their team.

Sportsmaster's "reveal" of a mole was step one of a plan to falsely incriminate someone on the Young Justice team.

  • Sportsmaster has to know that Aqualad wouldn't take his information at face value. The point of the reveal was merely to put the idea of a mole in Aqualad's head prior to carrying out phase two of the plan: arrange some disaster to befall the team that could only be plausibly explained by the existence of a traitor. Phase two was supposed to happen during "Homefront": hostile androids somehow know where the team's base is located and attack everyone present. Unfortunately for Sportsmaster (if this theory is true), things went wrong. Red Tornado should have been present at the base. The enemy Reds should have been able to use the other members of the team to force Tornado to cooperate with them. Robin and Artemis should have avoided being attack by arriving after the three androids left the base. The android attack should have created a situation where the base was attacked directly, and two members of the team were oh-so-conviently absent during the danger. Instead of being present at the base to watch over the team, though, Red Tornado was covering for Green Arrow during his date. As a result, the android attack is still happening when Robin and Artemis arrive. Every member of the team save Artemis is nearly killed by the Reds, and Artemis saves everyone's lives. Worse still, Red Tornado shows up after the fight,reactivates the team's attackers and willingly leaves with them, inadverdantly implicating himself in the assault that almost killed the entire team.

The Mole isn't on the Team...

...he or she is actually a part of the Justice League itself. Tell me, where was it ever insinuated by anyone that the Team itself had a traitor? Sportsmaster only mentions "an inside source," and the Shadows merely mention that they have an "operative" without explaining where that operative is located.

The Light is wrong about there being a mole.

As outlined above, pretty much every member has a possible reason as being a mole in the future, and that could be all they are going off of. They might THINK the member will betray the team, but he/she won't.

There is no single Mole.

As evidenced from all the previous episodes, the Light has proven to be nefarious enough to have multiple threads in their plans to make sure they win at every turn, this including the planting of multiple moles on the Team. The big assumption is that there is only ONE mole, but there may be in fact SEVERAL. The most likely culprit and first mole is Cheshire's Mask Wally keeps as a souvenoir, him unwittingly planting the first mole as it would have a camera equipped inside it. The second mole would be Superboy with the many, MANY theories about there being some kind of hidden genetic programming or even an implant not even he knows about, passively sending out all of his sensory information straight to the Light. Sportmaster talk about there being a mole is probably a boast to psyche out Aqualad and sow distrust among the team, completely unaware of his employers having already having a pair of moles in the team in actuality. Sportsmaster then decides to follow up on his previous boast by blackmailing Artemis, but, once again, has no idea that Queen B beat him to it with Mass Martian. However, Queen B herself would be completely ignorant of Superboy and Cheshire's mask, and the only members of the Light that do not know of all of the moles are Queen B, Ocean Master, and the Brain.

The one to reveal all of the Team's secrets in Usual Suspects will be.........

Klarion. Reason: LORD OF CHAOS. Most likely because it would be fun seeing the Team completely shatter right after gaining a new member, and maybe because he was ordered to by Vandal Savage, revealing him and Klarion actually go way back.

There was a Mole before there was an actual Mole.

Who was the person who told Kaldur (and to an extent the League) there was a mole? Red Arrow. Who did Red Arrow hear about the mole from? Sportsmaster. Roy walked right into The Light's plan when he brought up the mole, but he didn't become part of it until "Insecurity" where there was that moment when Cheshire had Red Arrow on the ground and was kissing him while he had this kind of shocked look on his face. It was at that moment he became the mole as Cheshire put one of the mind controlling cells into his body. After all, right in the next episode he's suddenly telling Artemis that he believes she nor the others are the moles anymore.

  • Jossed. Red Arrow was under mental conditioning from Cadmus, but not Starro-tech.
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