Greg Weisman

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    The creator of Gargoyles and a scriptwriter for series such as WITCH and Kim Possible. He was the supervising producer for The Spectacular Spider-Man until its cancellation, and is now producing the Young Justice cartoon. He also had a good run in the 1980s with his Comic Book revival and update of Captain Atom.

    Tropes used in Greg Weisman include:
    • All There in the Manual: Weisman has an extensive online encyclopedia of the Gargoyles universe:
    • Author Catchphrase: If someone's been reduced to just their head, expect him to be taunted "What are you going to do, bite my kneecaps off?" (Appears in Gargoyles and Spider-Man) Likewise, references to "beating up a beach" are favored when fighting sand villains (Gargoyles, Spider-Man, and WITCH).
    • Canon Discontinuity: Weisman has disowned the entire Gargoyles: The Goliath Chronicles series except for the premiere episode, "The Journey".
      • Weisman has now disowned the televised version of "The Journey" as well, since he retold the story in comicbook form and corrected a few errors.
    • Crossover: He likes to cross Gargoyles with other shows he's worked on. He wrote up a non-canon one with The Spectacular Spider-Man, and also planned one for Team Atlantis before it became a Stillborn Franchise (but he's declared it still canon in Broad Strokes).
    • Deadpan Snarker: In some of his responses to his erstwhile fanbase.
    • Gambit Index: If he's involved in a work, chances are one of these tropes will show up eventually. Not surprising since he did create Xanatos.
    • Idiosyncratic Episode Naming: He seems to do this with the episode titles of most of his major works:
      • His personal episode titles for Gargoyles were almost always one word long.
      • Every episode of Max Steel's first season started with the letter S.
      • His WITCH episodes were all stylized "___ Is For ____", with blank 1 being a letter of the alphabet and the second blank being a word starting with that letter.
      • The Spectacular Spider-Man titles tended to reference academic concepts, with overall arc titles various "courses" such as Biology 101 to emphasize "The Education of Peter Parker" as a series theme.
    • Old Shame: If he has a regret about Garyogles (other than the third season) it's how much he jerked around Brooklyn romantically.
    • One of Us: Loves his Shakespeare and Whedon.
    • Painful Transformation: If you're going to turn into something in a Greg Weisman show, particularly if you're the bad guy, odds are it won't be pleasant.
    • Race Lift: He's very big on this, with some extremely pronounced examples in The Spectacular Spider-Man and Young Justice.
    • Screwed by the Network: His shows seem to have trouble with their third seasons.
      • Gargoyles third season was subject to Executive Meddling that killed the show.
        • There were only two DVD releases for Gargoyles; the third one that would've finished the (canonical) run was quietly dumped.
        • The comic book replacement for the third season suffered from chronic Schedule Slip and ended when Disney raised the licensing fees.
      • After the lackluster first season of WITCH, Greg Weisman was hired to head the second season. The show grew a beard and Greg had plans for more seasons. It was not to be.
      • When Disney bought Marvel, Sony gave up the TV rights to Spider-Man in order to keep the movie rights from falling into Marvel Studios' hands, preempting any third season of The Spectacular Spider-Man. This one is a case of Screwed by the Lawyers however. Kids WB ending to make way for 4kids didn't help either(Only Johnny Test survived the end of Kids WB).
      • Young Justice aired only 9 episodes before going on hiatus between March and September 2011. Now there's been no new episodes aired in December, and it's not even on the schedule for January, despite the second season being due to premiere in March. For those of you keeping track at home, it's taking Cartoon Network over a year (from the initial November 2010 preview) to air a 26 episode season. This in spite of the fact that the show's won an Emmy and already started work on a second season.
        • However, Young Justice is the main selling point of Cartoon Network's heavily promoted DC Nation block, so it seems to be relatively safe.
    • Shout-Out/To Shakespeare: Gargoyles had a ton of these, some of which were not mere Shout Outs but plot-relevant. Spectacular Spider-Man also featured Shakespeare in Season 2's school play subplot.
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