< Tales of Symphonia

Tales of Symphonia/Characters

The characters from the game Tales of Symphonia.

Lloyd Irving

Voiced by: Katsuyuki Konishi (JP), Scott Menville (EN, Symphonia), Brian Beacock (EN, all other appearances)

"Dwarven Vow #1: Let's all work together for a peaceful world"

A 17-year-old human who was raised by a dwarf, Lloyd leaves his home town of Iselia to follow his childhood friend Colette on her World Regeneration Travel after having been banished from the village, where he's held responsible for the attack they suffered from the Desians. At the beginning of the game, Lloyd is a typical overly idealistic Idiot Hero, but he grows upon discovering the world as it is, making his idealism into a goal to save both worlds and everyone living inside it.

Tropes associated with Lloyd:

  • Accidental Pervert: Lloyd received the title "Peeping Tom" when he caught Zelos (Who ran when the girls heard noises) spying on the girls in the the hot spring scene. Evolves to a sort-of Running Gag in spin-off games: He gets pulled into these situations in Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology as well as in Dawn of the New World.
  • Adorkable
  • Asleep in Class / Good Morning, Crono: Lloyd does this once, notable in that he falls asleep, standing up, while also holding a bucket full of water in each hand. He's woken up when Raine (his teacher) throws an eraser into his face.
  • Badass: Becomes one as the story progresses.
  • Book Dumb: Lloyd is not as stupid as he's generally made out to be.
  • Chaste Hero: Until the sequel.
  • Disappeared Dad: Raised by the dwarf Dirk, whom he grew to call father, but his real father, Kratos, thought he died together with his mother, and never sought him after the incident.
  • The Ditz: Most of the time.
    • Genius Ditz: Is quite skilled and knowledgeable when it comes to using Dwarven technology. He can also do a surprisingly good job unlocking doors or stopping strange devices...
    • Idiot Savant: Although it's clear he isn't able to grasp other studies, he is still quite a skilled artisan, crafting jewelry and, more importantly, key crests for Exspheres, often in less than a day, sometimes against adverse situations, like crafting one already embedded in Presea's body.
  • Does Not Like Tomatoes
  • Dual-Wielding: Done out of a belief that having two swords makes him twice as powerful as if he has one. The fact that dual-wielding is an unusual combat style is lampshaded by Kratos at one point; Lloyd's (rather poorly thought-out) response is the trope's page quote.
  • Elemental Powers: Mostly through altered artes.
  • Expy: Somehow, Lloyd resembles Vash the Stampede in terms of character... And he wears red!
  • Hachimaki: Is that what that utterly ridiculous neck-tie-thing he's always sporting is?
  • Happily Adopted
  • Has Two Fathers: Lloyd has two fathers, Dirk being his adopted father and Kratos being his biological father.
  • Heroes Prefer Swords
  • Heroic BSOD:
    • Suffers one after Colette loses her soul.
    • He also has a brief one after discovering that Kratos is his father.
  • Hostage for Macguffin: Lloyd, of all people, is at one point held hostage so Kratos will give Yuan the Eternal Sword.
  • Idiot Ball: Lloyd will occasionally be handed the intelligence ball that will give him spontaneous moments of insight before he turns back into a moron again. These moments become more common later in the game, such as when after releasing all the seals, he gets the idea to blast the tree with Tethe'alla's summon spirits' energy, and when, shortly thereafter, remembers that Chocolat was taken to Iselia.
  • Idiot Hero: At first. This changes once Character Development settles in and he becomes more of The Messiah and a great leader instead.
  • I Gave My Word: Why he's so dead-set on going back to the Iselia ranch is because he promised to save Chocolat, despite there being somewhat more important matters going on at the time.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Very quick and has good attack power.
  • Likes Older Women: Becomes this in Dawn of the New World, unless you pair him up with Colette. He'll still comment on the attractiveness of older women even if you do, however.
  • Luke, I Am Your Father: Has this pulled on him, though his father himself wasn't responsible for The Reveal. Lloyd even does the "NO!!!" shout.
  • The Messiah
  • Nice Guy
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero
  • No Infantile Amnesia: He reveals in one skit to Kratos that he remembers being held by his father and watching stars together. Since then he always made sure to count stars on the night sky. He was about 3 years old when he lost his parents.
  • Oblivious to Love: Especially where Sheena is concerned. Ultimately, subverting this trope is completely up to the player.
  • Paper Fan of Doom: Can wield twin fans as his Joke Weapon.
  • Power Gives You Wings
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Red to Genis, Kratos and Regal. Empathised with Kratos by obtaining (PlayStation 2 ver only) extra costumes of legendary rivals Musashi and Kojiro
  • Rogue Protagonist: One of the main plots in Dawn of the New World.
  • Scarf of Asskicking
  • Spam Attack: Lloyd has by far the most of these, though they're something of a mixed bag; spam attacks are one of the best ways to get an enemy spellcaster to "flinch" out of their incantation, but enemies that can go into Overlimit do so based on the number of hits they've taken.
  • Standing in the Hall: While not in the hall, he is shown holding buckets of water at the beginning of the game. In fact, the game starts with Lloyd getting an eraser thrown at his head because he fell asleep while doing this. Hilariously enough, he hadn't put the buckets down while he was asleep, either. They were still a good three inches off the ground while he was snoozing.
  • Sword Beam: Demon Fang, his first technique and the one he tends to use in scenes.
  • Tell Me About My Mother
  • This Is Something He's Got to Do Himself: The duel against Kratos.
  • Took a Level in Badass
  • Two Belts, although it's justified in that he carries two swords.
  • The Unchosen One
  • "Well Done, Son" Guy: He doesn't realize that he actually does this by trying to get recognized by Kratos, as Kratos is his father.

'I'm sorry, Dad...'

Colette Brunel

Voiced by: Nana Mizuki (JP), Heather Hogan-Watson (EN)

"Even if I lose my body, my heart will still be free"

Lloyd's childhood friend was raised with the knowledge that she was The Chosen One, and, when the time came, she'd go on "a journey to regenerate the world," where humans are often treated by cattle by the Desians, an organization comprising mostly half-elves. She's a naive, sweet, cheerful girl with an incredibly large martyr complex: regenerating the world implies becoming an angel, and "becoming an angel" means "dying by inches."

She originally tries to dissuade Lloyd from following her, then hides the truth from him as long as she can, but he manages to change her mind when he prevents her from dying, and then reprimands her on her acceptance of her fate. From this moment on, Colette is Lloyd's most constant support.

Tropes associated with Colette:

Lloyd - Colette, need cure for poison...
Colette - I'm FINE. I'm not poisoned.
Lloyd - No, I mean, ME...

Tenebrae: "Am I really that much of a stick in the mud?"
Colette: "I honestly don't see any mud on you. But, what's wrong with mud anyway? Everyone gets a little dirty now and again."
Marta: "I don't think he meant that sort of mud."
Colette: "Well then, what sort of mud did he mean?"
Emil: "No, listen. There was never any mud to begin with."
Colette: "Oh, so it was more of a muck? Or maybe a slime?"

Genius/Genis Sage

Voiced by: Ai Orikasa (JP), Colleen O Shaughnessy (EN, Symphonia), Tara Sands (EN, Dawn of the New World)

Lloyd's other childhood friend, Genis is a young elven boy who was raised by his sister. The ambient racism against half-elves forced them to hide their half-elf nature and pretend to be pure-blooded elves. Genis is the first to break the law in order to help a human from a Desian human ranch, which resulted in Iselia being attacked and Lloyd and he being exiled as a punishment. He's extremely clever, making him often quite sarcastic and arrogant toward Lloyd, and later Zelos, but he also starts out just as idealistic as his best friend.

Of the party, Genis is the one who struggles the most with racism. Rejected and reviled by both humans and elves, he sympathizes the most with the Big Bad's goal. However, he never crosses the line, and chooses to trust Lloyd with building a world where everyone will be treated equally.

Tropes associated with Genis:

Refill/Raine Sage

Voiced by: Yumi Touma (JP), Kari Wahlgren (EN, Symphonia), Tara Platt (EN, all other appearances)

Genis' older sister who took care of him after they were abandoned by their mother. Raine is Iselia's schoolteacher, and she leaves to accompany Colette on her journey before Lloyd and Genis do. She starts off as very cynical, but over the course of the game, she trusts Lloyd more and more to achieve his idealistic world.

It's later revealed that Raine and Genis were born in Tethe'alla. Their parents abandoned them at the Otherworldly Gate; one of the two poles between the two worlds, when Genis was an infant. And optional event has them reunite with their mother, who has gone mad with grief. Through her diary, they leave the experience with the knowledge that their parents did love them, and were trying to save them from the persecution faced by half-elves in Tethe'alla.

Tropes associated with Raine:

  • Adventurer Archaeologist: Averted; although she gets incredibly excited about ancient ruins, she usually insists on their preservation.
  • Agent Scully: A minor example, but she is very skeptical when Sheena first explains she is from Tethe'alla, even though Sheena possesses the lost summoning arts.
  • Angst Coma: In the anime. Kind of handwaved as being from illness, but the timing was very conveniently at a properly angsty moment.
  • Badass Bookworm
  • Berserk Button: People trying to do harm to ruins will regret it very soon...
  • Bunny Ears Lawyer: Loves technology and ancient artifacts a little too much at times...
  • Character Filibuster:
    • Casually belittling historical events is practically begging for lecture.
    • During one scene she starts a long-winded lecture about an ancient site. After a few sentences the game lets you wander around while she continues. Her lecture doesn't stop until you stumble upon some guys trying to blow the site up, even if you reach the end of it... because Colette asks her to repeat it.
  • Combat Medic: To some extent. She's very poor in physical combat, but her Photon and Ray spells (especially Ray) have very good offensive capabilities.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Not a physical fighter, but Raine certainly has the right mindset. To increase her Relationship Values, you must make pragmatic choices, such as saying that Sheena's an enemy, or the journey of regeneration takes precedence over freeing the prisoners at the Palmacosta ranch
  • Cool Big Sis
  • Defrosting Ice Queen
  • Detached Sleeves: In her "Maiden" outfit.
  • Elemental Powers:
    • Light'Em Up: Her three attack spells: Photon, Ray, and Holy Lance.
  • Freudian Excuse: Her fascination on old ruins and civilizations? One skit after the reunion scene in Exire theorizes that she was trying to find the Otherworldly Gate, and by extension, her parents.
  • Half-Human Hybrid
  • Hello, Nurse!: Less than Sheena, but Raine gets this attention at times, and had a fanclub in Iselia. Overlaps with Sexy Mentor.
    • She has a fanclub in Asgard too.
  • Lethal Chef: Because she always experiments by adding bizarre ingredients; lampshaded in-game when she earns the "Passable Chef?" title for maxing out her cooking skill. Part of her problem is that she tries to invent new ways to cook or different dishes, such as chocolate-covered lemons.
  • The Medic: Kratos, Zelos, and Regal all also have healing abilities, but Raine is The Medic of the lot. Subverts the pacifism aspect of the trope, being one of the more cold and pragmatic members of the party. Notably, the teens have to do some arm-twisting before she is willing to heal an apparent enemy ( Sheena).
  • Missing Mom
  • Nature Adores a Virgin: Averted. In the quest where the heroes must choose a pure maiden to make contact with a submerged unicorn, she says she can't do it herself and either Sheena or Colette must do so. When pressed on the issue, she merely replies "I'm an adult," leading Lloyd and Genis to stare at each other in utter confusion with comically blank looks on their faces. Though it could just be because of her dislike of water, rather than the obvious implication.
  • Odd Friendship: With Sheena. At first the two come off as Headbutting Heroes, but they eventually become a lot closer and supportive, such as Sheena rushing to help save Raine and Genis in Tethe'alla, and when Raine attempts to calm Sheena down in the temple of lightning.
  • Parental Abandonment: Her father is dead and her mother lives, but has since forgotten that she's older than an infant after abandoning her to protect her from the Imperial Research Academy.
  • Promotion to Parent
  • The Smart Girl
  • Stern Teacher: She is noted for being cool, strict, and practical, and even smacking her students around when they're being particularly stupid. Which makes it a very sweet moment when, late in the game, she admits that she's so hard on the hero in particular because she knows he's strong enough to handle it, and wants to see him grow up strong.
  • Tall, White-Haired, and Bishoujo: She's easily one of the prettiest characters in the game.
  • Team Mom: not a leader in any sense, but she's the most likely to get on people's cases for messing around too much. She and Regal are also the ones who have the private conversation about how Lloyd must succeed, even if it requires some Heroic Sacrifices along the way...
  • White-Haired Pretty Girl
  • Why Did It Have To Be Water?: She... really doesn't do very well around water. Ironically, the sequel made this her elemental affinity.

Kratos Aurion

Voiced by: Fumihiko Tachiki (JP), Cam Clarke (EN)

A stoic mercenary who just happens to be passing through the vicinity to save the Chosen's life and be offered the job of protecting her during her journey. Kratos speaks little, smiles less, and gets angry once every blue moon; this, combined with his superb swordsmanship, makes him the epitome of Badass according to Genis, but a perpetual thorn in Lloyd's side, who tries his best to earn the older man's respect.

When it looks like he finally has it, of course, Kratos betrays you and hands over Colette to the Big Bad. Turns out he was working for him all along and is really an angel, none of which explains why he spends the second part of the game cryptically helping the party out.

He's finally revealed to be Lloyd's father, who Lloyd has to duel in order to release Origin's Seal, after he admits to having been helping the heroes so he could atone for his sins; more precisely, going back to the Big Bad after being forced to kill his wife who had been turned into a monster.

Tropes associated with Kratos:

Sheena Fujibayashi

Voiced by: Akemi Okamura (JP), Jennifer Hale (EN, Symphonia), Megan Hollingshead (EN, Dawn of the New World)

Sheena starts as a sympathetic antagonist; her first attempt to kill Colette fails due to her own clumsiness, and subsequent meetings highlight her niceness and sincerity as a person. It comes as no surprise when she joins the party after discovering what's going on in Sylvarant human farms. Later, she reveals she comes from the ninja village of Mizuho, from the parallel world of Tethe'alla; in spite of her attachment to her world and her village, she consistently picks the 'right' choice over blindly following her orders, even when she knows she will be punished for it. Her powers as a Summoner are essential to the second half of the game.

She's easily one of the most idealistic characters of the game, and one of Lloyd's staunchest supporters. However, it's revealed that she has a particularly angsty backstory - feeling responsible for the death of about a quarter of her village when she couldn't make a pact with the Spirit of Lightning, at age nine. Most people in the village blame her for this, including one of her childhood friends who then tries to kill her. This resulted in almost crippling lack of confidence and guilt, but she eventually manages to overcome them, helped mostly by Lloyd, Colette, Zelos and the choice her village made to trust her.

She has feelings for Lloyd, but he doesn't get it. Her interactions with Zelos imply that there's also something going on between them and they've clearly known each other for quite some time, though whether they used to just be good friends when they were younger or even dated at one point is never actually stated in the game.

Tropes associated with Sheena:

"A title given by a friend during the journey. It's not a name given out of spite."

Zelos Wilder

Voiced by: Masaya Onosaka (JP), Shiloh Strong (EN, Symphonia), Christopher Corey Smith (EN, Dawn of the New World)

"Whatever will be will be"

Tethe'alla's 21-year-old Chosen One, Zelos has all the appearance of Handsome Lech, and provides much of the comic relief in the second part of the game, and is generally the party's Butt Monkey. Among the aristocracy of Tethe'alla, he's extremely popular and a regular Casanova, and retains the common prejudice against Half Elves. However, he also proves his practical nature by discarding said prejudice, based upon his own experience with the party; in the moments when he is serious, he regularly shows himself to be the most cynical member of the party, and one of the most observant, especially towards Sheena, whom it's implied he may have feelings for.

Later, it's revealed that Zelos' behavior is mostly an act to cover an extreme self-loathing that stems from a horrific backstory: He was abandoned by his father at a young age and his mother was killed in front of him while she tried to protect him from a murder attempt, and her last words to him was that he never should have been born. Zelos' hatred for his position as the Chosen leads him to betray the party, hoping to gain a better life for his sister (in fact his half-sister, daughter of the woman who'd killed his mother, strictly guarded by the Church) and being done with his life (either by losing the title of the Chosen or by dying, he's not picky); whether the party fights him and kill him or doesn't depends on story choices.

If you choose to fight him, he is slain in the battle and Kratos rejoins your party in his stead. If he doesn't die, he rejoins the party after saving each member from their Heroic Sacrifice and reveals his betrayal was part of his plan to obtain the aionis Lloyd needed to wield the Eternal Sword. From that moment on, he enjoys the party's full trust. He is alive and present for the sequel, revealing that this choice was canonical.

Tropes associated with Zelos:

Regal: "When I was in prison, I would hear about the Chosen's debauchery. Apparently your exploits made you quite the man about town."

Presea Combatir

Voiced by: Houko Kuwashima (JP), Tara Strong (EN, Symphonia), Janice Kawaye (EN, DotNW)

A 12-year-old Tethe'allan lumberjack, Presea seems entirely devoid of emotions when the party meets her. It's quickly discovered that her emotionlessness results from the Cruxis Crystal experiments that where conducted on her; the party makes it their goal to cure her, since anyway the process can't be much different from the one employed to cure Colette.

Once she regains her personality, she tells her story to the party: her mother had died when she was little, and her father, a lumberjack, had taken ill, so Presea had agreed to become an Exsphere carrier in order to earn money for herself and her younger sister. Shortly after that, her sister Alicia had found employment as a maid and had left, but when the party tries to find Alicia, they discover she was killed by her master. Presea then swears to avenge her sister. Her plan is derailed when the party learns that Regal was Alicia's master - and lover - who had had no other choice but to kill her when she'd been turned into a monster as a result of the Exsphere experiments.

This revelation seals Presea's decision to keep on helping the party getting the world rid of the Desians and the Cruxis, once she accepts Regal is not responsible for what happened to her sister.

Tropes associated with Presea:

Regal Bryant

Voiced by: Akio Ohtsuka (JP), Crispin Freeman (EN, Symphonia)

A mysterious convict who is first sent after the party but defects to join them once he catches sight of Presea, Regal is extremely discreet about his past and refuses to take off his shackles - they are the symbol of the sin he committed and which he has to atone for. He killed his lover, Presea's sister, when she was turned into a monster by the Exphere experiments that Cruxis performed on her, and cannot forgive himself.

Regal is able to focus his efforts towards the fight against the Desians and the Cruxis after his centric sidequest, in which Alicia, whose soul was retained in the Exsphere Regal had been unable to discard, is finally able to tell him she doesn't hold him responsible for what happened to her. However, he retains his peculiar fighting style, refusing to kill anyone with the hands that have already done so much harm.

Tropes associated with Regal:

  • Armed Legs
  • The Atoner: Almost an Exaggerated Trope. Once you get to the flashbacks, you find out that Alicia, in her few lucid moments post-transformation, begged him to kill her. While the obvious emotional trauma of having to kill your girlfriend should not be discounted, boyfriend-assisted suicide is a slightly different case than murder. Possibly deconstructed, in that his personal flaw that he must come to terms with in Welgaia is being weighed down by his feelings of guilt.
  • Bare-Fisted Monk
  • Blue Oni: To Lloyd's red.
  • Big Brother Mentor: Lampshaded when Lloyd and Regal state their bond is like that of siblings, with Regal in particular having come to view Lloyd as a younger brother.
  • Chained by Fashion
  • Chef of Iron
  • Combat Medic: Is an inversion, being a primarily melee fighter with some healing capabilities.
  • The Comically Serious
  • Cooking Duel: In a side quest, to unlock a secret outfit.
  • Cool Old Guy
  • Elemental Powers: All of them learned through altered artes.
  • Extremity Extremist
  • Genius Bruiser
  • Heartbroken Badass
  • Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: The huge guy of his association with Presea.
  • I Am Not Left-Handed Or rather, I do not specialize in foot-based martial arts.
  • Kamehame Hadoken: Used only in a cutscene (rightfully so! It looks like it would be a real Game Breaker). The in-universe explanation is that he used to specialize in fighting with his hands, to the point where they grew so powerful that, once augmented with an Exsphere, he could unleash their physical hitting-things power as a beam, but after that, his Freudian Excuse happened and he vowed never to use his hands for violence again. He makes an exception for the one scene where he uses it because he's not hurting anybody, unless it turns out those jail cells were sentient. Gotta hand it to the guy, at least he keeps his word.
  • Lolicon: Got labelled as this thanks to the game not being clear on how old he and Alicia actually were when they fell in love... and the fact that certain fans like to ship with with Presea. Not helped by the fact that she is technically in her twenties. One can even label Regal a Lolicon if you choose the right answer when asked about his tastes in women.
    • Zelos points this out in a OVA bonus, which earns Regal the group's disapproval until Lloyd defuses the situation. This one's Played for Laughs, however, as that very same OVA also cleared up the confusion.
  • May–December Romance: The game was very, very vague on the age difference between himself and Alicia, leading most fans to conclude this. The animated adaptation confirmed it, but to a lesser extent: Regal was nineteen and Alicia somewhere in her mid-teens. Of course, having Alicia characterized with a faux-child voice and Regal played by the deep-voiced, ultra-manly Akio Ohtsuka doesn't help things.
  • Out of Focus: Regal is the only party member (except for Zelos) the player can go the entire game without using and who has no Unison attacks until the PS2 version, makes nothing more then a few token lines after visiting the rooftop grave.
  • Pink Girl, Blue Boy: In regards to hair colors, with Presea.
  • Rated "M" for Manly: Lampshaded and Played for Laughs with his "Testosterone" title.
  • Real Men Wear Pink: Can tear enemies apart using nothing but his FEET and is the team's best chef. Oh, and he wears a belly shirt.
  • Supreme Chef / Team Chef: Along with Genis.
  • Team Dad: After Kratos leaves the group.
  • Technical Pacifist
  • Unequal Pairing: With Alicia, his servant, which may be why George had them separated.
  • Use Your Head: In the 5th OVA bonus, Regal decides not to fight with his legs anymore, instead using his head, because he blames himself for the death of Corrine. He promptly and randomly skull bashes Zelos.
  • Willfully Weak
  • With My Hands Tied: Regal's fighting style is based around using his feet only, since he killed his lover with his hands and therefore vowed never to kill with his hands again.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair
  • You Shall Not Pass: Said word for word.


A dog-like companion of Lloyd.

Tropes associated with Noishe:

  • All Animals Are Dogs: Noishe acts like a ordinary dog, but he's not. Through a number of skits and one side-quest, you find out that Noishe is actually a creature known as a Protozoan, supposedly the first creature to have been born on the planet. It evolves during the course of its own life, starting off as a single-celled organism, then a fish, then a bird, then the dog-like form, then 'another' form, then finally a human that fights evil. It is also said that Noishe himself (possibly in his previous form) accompanied Mithos and Co. on their journey 4000 years ago.
  • Expy: A monster wolf called Orion in Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World greatly resembles Noishe.
  • Heroic Dog: Subverted in that he's not really a dog despite acting like one, but Noishe fit this trope when he protected Lloyd when his mother-turned monster attacked him.
  • Stealth Pun: Noishe matches the physical description of a Scottish mythological Cu Sith, which is pronounced Cu Shee.
    • For those not familiar with the name, it's feline counterpart is Cait Sith, which was a puppet and party member in Final Fantasy VII.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: Noishe is played up as a major character in the beginning, even appearing in several skits and being the one thing Lloyd has that came from this dead/estranged parents, but is dropped roughly the time that the team makes it into Tethe'alla. He still appears occasionally (in stables, when the whole team is split up). His one useful ability, using Long-Range Mode, was also overshadowed greatly by the Rheairds before the end of the first disk, though the game does actually go into a little more detail about him.

Mithos Yggdrasill

Voiced by: Hideyuki Tanaka (JP), James Arnold Taylor (EN)

Yggdrasill is the leader of Cruxis and the Desians, a self-righteous antagonist who has the world under his spell. But he's also Mithos, the young half-elf the heroes "rescued" from a burning village - who becomes Genis' first half-elf friend, who worries for Raine when she looks tired, who makes jokes at Zelos' expense like everybody else... until he reveals himself to the party when one of his most trusted lieutenants, one of his companions from 4000 years sooner, proves himself to be a traitor.

4000 years before Lloyd swore he would save both worlds, a young half-elf named Mithos stopped the war and watched his sister Martel be killed by a human. He managed to keep her soul from disappearing, keeping it in the Seed of the Giant Tree, source of all mana, and swore to fulfill her dream: a world without discrimination. An admirable goal, but his plan to do such a thing involved forcing millions of people to suffer and die to create Exspheres, which he would then use to turn everybody into a lifeless being, with the justification that if everyone were the same, discrimination would stop. While he was doing this, he also tried to breed a vessel with the same Mana signature as Martel to resurrect her by creating the Chosen Ones and arranging marriages to selectively for the best possible match to Martel's mana signature. Until the age free of discrimination could come, he separated the world in two, allowing them to both survive without the Giant Kharlan Tree providing mana, and preventing Magitek technology from coming into being to preserve mana.

By the end of the game, he's been betrayed by all and rebuked by the soul of Martel herself. His final decision is to be destroyed rather than suffer the same fate as other exsphere victims; his final words are that, if given the choice, he would follow the same path as he did.

Tropes associated with him:

"Farewell, my shadow, you who stand at the end of the path I chose not to follow."

The Five Grand Cardinals

The five leaders of the Desians.

Tropes associated with the Grand Cardinals:


The leader of the Five Grand Cardinals and Yggdrassil's right hand.

Tropes associated with Pronyma:


The Grand Cardinal in charge of the Iselia Ranch

Tropes associated with Forcystus:


The leader of the Palmacosta Ranch.

Tropes associated with Magnius:



The leader of the Asgard Ranch

Tropes associated with Kvar


The leader of the Remote Island Ranch and one of the main Desian researchers.

Yuan Ka-Fei

The leader of the Renegades, a group of half-elves who oppose the Desians. Both cynical and ruthless, he was one of Mithos' companions and is currently one of the Seraphim of Cruxis, although he is no longer loyal to Mithos.

Tropes associated with Yuan:


A strange girl who lives with Altessa and assists him. She speaks in a robotic voice. She's a robot girl who was built to be Martel's new body rather than trying to breed a compatible Chosen One, but Martel's soul seemed to be incompatible with her. In the end, it turns out that the 'incompatibility' was just Martel's refusal to return to life, and Tabatha becomes the vessel for the spirit Martel who guards the revived Mana Tree.

Tropes associated with Tabatha:

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