
A popular Japanese (and Korean) character type, the Bishōnen, or "beautiful boy", is a male character that possesses androgynous or 'feminine' physical traits. He is usually tall, slender with almost no fat, usually little to no muscle, and no body or facial hair. Large, expressive eyes are almost a given, though Tsurime Eyes are also common in more serious examples. In anime, many bishōnen have female voice actors, although those that don't get startlingly deep, sexy voices instead. It is not uncommon for those at the more feminine end to be mistaken for women by other characters, or for savvier examples of the type to take advantage of such an assumption.
Bishōnen can be found equally distributed between heroes and villains; bishōnen villains often develop devoted followings among fans. Bishōnen with white hair are almost always villains, no matter how they initially seem.
In the English fandom, the term bishōnen simply connotes "a really, really attractive male", but in its original usage, it refers to a specific type of attractiveness that is found in adolescents. The cutoff for bishōnen in the strict sense is around 20 years old. Beyond this age, the Japanese describe male attractiveness through terms like biseinen/bidanshi ("beautiful man") or ikemen (roughly "good-looking guy"). The affectionate English fandom shorthand "bishie" bypasses the lexical issues somewhat. Examples of both Bishounen and Biseinen should be placed on this page. Likely to have been a cute boy when they were younger, and have at least a Hot Mom or dad where they get their looks from.
The comparable Korean concept is kkot-minam ("flower pretty boy"). The most similar Western type is Pretty Boy.
The appearance and behavior of the archetypal bishōnen is often used to explore sexuality and gender norms. Thus, they are sometimes Yaoi Guys, but not always. And, sometimes, they are crossdressers, but, again, not always.
Originally, bishōnen characters were the province of Shoujo and Boys Love Genres, but since the mid-90s, it has become the default style for teenage boys in pretty much any work looking for a cross-demographic audience. The farther bishōnen characters disseminate from their source genres, the less likely it becomes that there will be in-universe mention of their androgynous looks/attractiveness.
Often comes with the Bishie Sparkle. If all the guys are bishōnen without many women to balance them out, you've got yourself a Cast Full of Pretty Boys.
Related to Rule of Glamorous. The Long-Haired Pretty Boy is a standard bishōnen design.
Contrast Gonk, Hunk, The Grotesque, and Puni Plush. Pretty girls are known as Bishoujo ("beautiful girl"), but the esthetics of bishoujo are different, typically emphasizing cute, petite femininity rather than sleek androgyny. See Bifauxnen for ladies who conform a bit more closely to the bishōnen aesthetic.
This is an East Asian media only trope. For pretty boys in other cultures see Pretty Boy.[1]
Anime and Manga
- Kimi to Boku: All the main boys in the cast as well as Hot Teacher Koichi Azuma & his best friend, Akira.
- +Anima: Husky. He's repeatedly mistaken for a girl.
- Ghost Hunt: almost all of the male characters. Lin, Naru, Bou-san, even John are bishōnens, pretty boys, handsome, etc, watch a video of Ghost Hunt on YouTube, scroll through the comments, and you will find a lot of fangirling female users.
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure features Noriaki Kakyoin, a VERY popular example on pixiv and possible poster child. Not to mention Part 5 and its collection of dangerous pretty boys.
- With the exception of the vampire hunter Toga Yagari, absolutely all the male cast of Vampire Knight are bishōnen.
- Benten from Cyber City Oedo 808. Yes, he does wear lipstick and paint his nails. No, he isn't a Crossdresser.
- Reiji from Kodomo no Jikan, especially in the anime. Of course, he's a seriously fucked up bishonen.
- Harry from Outlaw Star. He even ties his hair with a big, pretty bow. Fred Luo, too.
- Sayonara, Zetsubou-sensei: Nozomu Itoshiki and his brother Mikoto. Also, four of his only known male students: Jun Kudou, Kuniya Kino, Aoyama, and Haga.
- Huey Laforet from Baccano takes this to the point of confusing people in-universe (you know you look girly when the prettiest woman in the series is your nigh-identical adult daughter). Firo, while never being mistaken for a woman like Huey has, has been mocked by a detective in the Light Novels for skewing quite close to the Uke aesthetic. Claire Stanfield, aka. Rail Tracer, also fits. Jacuzzi also fits, although he has that giant tattoo on his face.
- Graham Specter also definitely qualifies, even if he is a total psychopath.
- Christopher Shouldered is noted in the books to be quite pretty—if you can get past the utterly terrifying eyes and teeth.
- Adolf Hitler is drawn this way in the manga version of Mein Kampf. It's hard to tell which is the most absurd; Hitler being portrayed as a Bishōnen, or that there exists a Mein Kampf manga.
- Okane ga Nai: Yukiya Ayase.
- George from Paradise Kiss, among many others.
- Takaya Ohgi and Nobutsuna Naoe in Mirage of Blaze.
- Toji, Kairi, Jigoro, and Ryo from Peach Girl.
- Rei from Urusei Yatsura is a tall, stoic, green-haired space bishōnen who drives men to despair and women to squees.
- Full Metal Panic! brings us Kurz, who was even a former model. Then, we've got White-Haired Pretty Boy Leonardo. And, of course, Sousuke, in an Unkempt Beauty sort of way.
- Kouichi Hayama, from Moonlight Lady, falls into this description perfectly. Lampshaded with Io Azuma, his wife-to-be's cousin; Suzuna was hoping that Io would grow to be this (partially because of an Arranged Marriage to him). Ultimately averted, as Io grew to be a limp-wristed, wide-eyed, Ambiguously Gay "pretty boy".
- Otani, Kohori, Suzuki, Haruka, and, without a doubt, Maitake and Seiko from Lovely Complex.
- Kisaragi Shun in Koko wa Greenwood (aka This is Greenwood).
- Just about every male character from Fushigi Yuugi. Most of their brothers from other Yuu Watase manga are bishies as well. It's Yuu Watase, what do you expect?
- Dilandau in Vision of Escaflowne (who is later revealed to have been a magically disguised and brainwashed girl). Let's just say that most of the male cast is bishōnen, especially Allen and Van. Just look at the opening, for God's sakes!
- The Shitennou in the first season of Sailor Moon, Mamoru Chiba, Ali of the Doom Tree arc, Prince Diamond and Sapphire in Sailor Moon R, the Amazon Trio in Super S, and the Sailor Starlights...sort of. In the manga, even one of the cats qualifies for this with his long haired, midriff exposing human form. The cat in question (Artemis) is even named for a goddess.
- The character designer of Neon Genesis Evangelion wrote that he designed Shinji to be a delicate/vulnerable-looking bishonen. Kaworu is a bishonen and White-Haired Pretty Boy of legendary proportions.
- Eyes Rutherford in Spiral.
- The entire male cast of Simoun. The younger men—who were girls until age 17—even still have breasts that haven't been reabsorbed yet (especially the hunky chief mechanic Wapourif), and all of them are voiced by female voice actors.
- Maximilian Jenius from Super Dimension Fortress Macross and Macross 7. Also, Linn Kaifun and Conda Bromco from the first series. Justified and repeatedly lampshaded in Macross Frontier with Alto Saotome, who is frequently remarked on for his resemblance to a woman (much to his annoyance). He, and his father, were Kabuki actors who specialised in female performances. Particularly obvious lampshade hanging is his nickname of 'Hime' or 'princess' cause he is just so darn pretty.
- Solomon Goldsmith from Blood Plus. Can't forget tall, dark, and handsome Haji.
- Ren from Karin, a White-Haired Pretty Boy who fits the mold on the surface, but who ultimately manages to have a redeeming feature or two.
- Kyuzo in Samurai 7 is tall, slender, and androgynously beautiful; his voice, however, is very male. Shichiroji, too, and Katsushiro is close. Then there is when Gorobei, Heihachi, and Rikichi have to make it to Kanna disguise.
- Keiki in The Twelve Kingdoms is an extremely rare (in that we have an entire trope that says it is impossible) good Bishōnen with white hair, who acts as Youko's Mysterious Protector.
- Kousaka from Genshiken. The most feminine-looking male club member, he is the only one with a girlfriend in the beginning, let alone a sex life.
- Basically, all male characters from Ouran High School Host Club, and one of the females. Tamaki (see picture) slightly subverts the usual cool-headed bishie stereotype by being a blithering (but lovable) idiot, and manages to be the male lead and comic relief both at once.
- Many a Tokyo Mew Mew character, covering types from Stalker with a Crush to Jerk with a Heart of Gold to Mysterious Protector (who wins).
- A number of male characters from Inuyasha, including Sesshoumaru, Naraku, etc.
- Fruits Basket:
- Yuki, and all of the male Sohmas.
- Particularly Momiji, Ritsu, and Ayame. The first wears the girls' school uniform (albeit not with a skirt) because "it looks cuter on him", while the second presents himself as a woman because of an inferiority complex the size of Antarctica. Ayame, on the other hand, is...just special. Akito also qualifies in the anime, although manga Akito is a different story altogether.
- The lead, Tohru Honda, remarks that the Sohmas are a family of "princes". And towards the end of the manga's run, even Momiji graduates to pure Bishonen status with a growth spurt and switch to the boy's uniforms.
- Gundam has its fair share of bishie boys.
- Gundam Wing, in particular, was full of them. And among the Gundam Wing bishie brigade, Quatre Winner deserves special mention. A slim, platinum-blond Berber. Needless to say, you can find a fairly large amount of fanart of him.
- Mobile Fighter G Gundam has George De Sand from Neo France, operator of Gundam Rose.
- Kamille Bidan, the main protagonist of Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam.
- Almost all of the male cast in Mobile Suit Gundam SEED and Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny.
- Gundam 00, oh ho ho. Apparently, every male under the age of 35 will be absolutely gorgeous in the 24th century, in addition to shrinking their shirts in the dryer to show off their buff figures. Then again, this was pretty well predicted the second they announced that Yun Koga would be designing 00's cast.
- We also need to mention Turn a Gundam's Loran, who was quite possibly one editorial mandate away from being a full-blown woman.
- While he's too old to count as a bishōnen, Char Aznable looks far more prettyboy-ish than he did in earlier series
- Even in the original Mobile Suit Gundam, Char stands out as a pretty boy, notable because the art style of the time rendered almost every other character Gonk. The only character to rival his bishounen-ness is Garma.
- Griffith from Berserk is explicitly labeled as "too beautiful to be a man" in about a dozen separate chapters by different characters! He even wears lipstick after transforming into Femto.
- Katori, Dom, and the nameless terrorist from the second episode (who is mentioned because his prettiness is a plot point) from Irresponsible Captain Tylor .
- A good third of the male cast on Yu Yu Hakusho.
- Both Ishida Yamato and Ichijouji Ken of Digimon Adventure and Digimon Adventure 02 fall into this category. Their actual looks are never commented upon, but one figures that this is at least partially why they are fangirl bait, both in and out of the show. Also lampshaded in an Audio Drama.
- Well, there was that page in the translation of the 02 manga where Daemon calls Ken "the pretty one" (if you're thinking that's too creepy for words, then you're probably still sane).
- In one episode of zero two, Gabumon lampshades this by saying "Yamato isn't the only heartthrob here", while Ken was hit on by a very young girl.
- Yamato, notably, had a...considerably older woman try to pick him up when he was eleven.
- To a lesser extent, Takeru, Yamato's little brother, seems to gain some level of bishōnen in him when he turned eleven himself. An episode of Digimon Adventure 02 showed a fair number of girls--Hikari among them—practically swooning over him when he was showing off his basketball skills.
- Most of the male characters in GetBackers, but Kazuki takes it to almost painful levels.
- Both Toboe and Kiba from Wolf's Rain look like Bishōnen most of the time, but are actually wolves in disguise. To go further, numerous viewers have mistaken both for girls.
- Mikagami Tokiya from Flame of Recca. He doesn't like being mistaken for a girl, though.
- Death Note
- Light Yagami.
- Mello, Near, Mikami, Matsuda Gevanni, Matt, and Namikawa.
- What with the odd mannerisms and dark bags under his eyes, L was intended to be an inversion or aversion of this trope. The legions of fangirls he has don't see it that way, though...
- Kyo Kara Maoh
- Wolfram is very pretty (he looks almost exactly like his mother), a definite bishōnen. In fact, Yuuri's immediate reaction upon seeing him for the first time is simply to stare in awe and call him exactly that.
- Also, Saralegui.
- Then there's every guy in Yuuri's "harem", plus Yuuri himself.
- Johan from Monster. It's especially noticeable when you realize that the anime is one of the few that steers entirely out of the way of Generic Cuteness.
- It's even more noticeable when Johan dresses up like his sister and nobody can tell the difference, to the extent of making a male, heterosexual policeman infatuated with him. If all it takes for you to go from a good-looking man to a beautiful woman is a wig and a dress, odds are good that you fit this trope very well.
- He is even explicitly stated to be beautiful by a few people. Even Tenma comments on how he has beautiful eyes.
- Michio in MW.
- Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
- While the series is generally remembered for its more MANLY characters, after the Time Skip, Rossiu and Simon are undeniably quite bishonen.
- Cytomander is arguably a Bishonen as well, depending on who you talk to.
- What about Viral?
- Kamina is a more masculine version than the standard issue bishonen, but he is undeniably pretty.
- The Bishonen archetype in Shojo is parodied quite a few times on cover flaps of Fullmetal Alchemist (more often than not with Roy as the target) and through Mei Chan's daydreams about Ed, and then Al, as knights in shiny armours.
- Quite a few of Miyazaki's male characters, such as Haku in Spirited Away and Howl in Howl's Moving Castle.
- Red River: there are about four male characters in the entire series that don't fit this trope. The artwork is Viewer Gender Confusion incarnate.
- Chrono Crusade has a few examples:
- Joshua Christopher is the most obvious example from the series—he's quite thin (even implied to look underweight at one point), has pale blond hair and blue eyes, and looks quite a bit like his sister.
- Aion is a bit more borderline—he's actually quite muscular when he takes off his Badass Longcoat, but his long, white hair does a lot to give him an edge of androgynous beauty. He's maybe a bit more of a biseinen.
- Chrono is a tricky one. In his true form, he's a bit rough around the edges and his outfit goes out of the way to highlight his muscular chest, but in his Sleep Mode Size, he's got longer hair and looks much younger (and thus cuter). However, he still has moments of looking quite pretty in his true form, and a flashback in the manga shows him with long hair, which definitely qualifies him.
- Bleach:
- Ayasegawa Yumichika is not only very bishōnen, but is obsessed with it. He even accepted a lower rank in his squad than he had to because he thought that, in kanji, the number 5 was more "beautiful" than 4.
- Byakuya Kuchiki is also very bishonen, with a much prettier face, smaller hands, a long floaty scarf that costs a fortune, and a sword that turns into flowers.
- Arguably, Ishida Uryuu. He's very slender and has more delicate features than most other males, especially in the later volumes. Too bad that normally he's such a dork that it encompasses his physical traits.
- And Aizen.
- And now, in chapter 409, we have Tensa Zangetsu in Ichigo's Inner World, who really looks like a mix between Rukia, Byakuya, and Ulquiorra. Yes, even Zangetsu didn't escape.
- Ichigo counts as a pretty-boy himself, especially when his hair starts growing.
- Also, Szayel Aporro Granz.
- Shukuro Tsukishima.
- Gin. Yes, that Gin. Kubo's goal may have been to make him creepy, but he still manages to get lots of fangirls. However, once he opens his blue eyes and wipes off that wide smile from his face, Kubo's intentions become even harder to take seriously.
- Muramasa, the Big Bad of the Zanpakuto Strange Tales Arc.
- Ouko Yushima from the Invading Army Arc.
- Itsuki Koizumi in Suzumiya Haruhi. That is, in a Brigade of crazy people, with a cynical Deadpan Snarker who constantly tells him that no one cares about him. He probably just appears to be one, but he sure seems to make most women blush. As Kyon puts it, 'A face I wouldn't introduce to my girlfriend'.
- Il Palazzo of Excel Saga is very pretty and has long, silver hair.
- In just about every Shojo manga and whatnot, Bishies are everywhere, or, at the very least, there is guaranteed to be at least one bishie main character since the male lead is 99.9% assured to be one.
- Hakuoh of Duel Masters has to be one of the bishiest, with his slender build and long, flowing, silvery-blue hair.
- Ayato Kamina from RahXephon is pretty enough that he'd probably not look out of place in a dress. There's also Dr. Itsuki (who bears a suspicious resemblance to the above-mentioned Rossiu) and Souichi Yagumo (who bears a suspicious resemblance to his own girlfriend, Kim).
- General Rivan of Nora, and probably Kazuma to certain readers.
- The four older knights in Prétear are examples of this trope, particularly Kei. Goh is borderline, but he makes up for it by baring his midriff in his knight outfit.
- Mytho in Princess Tutu has eyelashes thicker than his girlfriend's. Femio is also an over-the-top parody of this type. Ironic in that Vic Mignogna plays an only slightly toned-down version of Femio in Ouran High. Even better there because, no matter how cheesy he is, the girls there actually fall for it.
- Several characters in Yu-Gi-Oh!, including at least Yami Yugi, Seto Kaiba, Malik Ishtar (and how!), Ryou Bakura, Yami Bakura, Pegasus, Ryuji Otogi, and a number of minor supporting characters.
- Yu-Gi-Oh! takes this trope to such ridiculous extents that, chances are, if you're a major villain, you're probably going to be very feminine in appearance! Not to mention, its successors both have this trope in spades as well.
- The Abridged Series is loaded with jokes about this.
Marik: Do I look like an [EFF]'ing fangirl to you?!
Florence: You really don't want me to answer that.
- Fubuki (for starters), in Yu-Gi-Oh! GX. Most if not all of the male characters can be called bishies, really.
- Plus most of the male cast from Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's
- Mahou Sensei Negima gives Negi some magic age-up pills, turning him into one of these. He's also a dead ringer for his father, who was also a bishonen. Albireo Imma probably counts too. Teenage Kotaro definitely counts as well.
- Then there's teenage Fate...
- And Dynamis Yes, really.
- Future Trunks, Zarbon, and Android 17 of Dragonball Z
- Kind of subverted with Zarbon a little later in that his true form is not pretty at all. It actually wastes his powers to keep up the pretty boy appearance.
- Yamcha, especially when he first arrives to fight the Saiyans.
- All of the main characters in Princess Princess. Yuujirou, Mikoto, and Tooru being bishies is basically the whole point of the anime. They're princesses because they're bishies.
- Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha may be directed toward a Seinen demographic, with a Fundamentally Female Cast, but even it has its share of bishies, such as Yuuno Scrya and Verossa Acous. Yuuno, in particular, was mistaken for a girl by many viewers when he first appeared.
- In Mahou Senki Lyrical Nanoha Force, we can add former Cheerful Child Erio to that list. Seriously.
- Zen from the manga Blank Slate. He's so bishounen, even his blind love interest can tell he's handsome just from touching his face.
- Canute from Vinland Saga, so Bishonen they needed a girl to be a convincing double.
- Although Eyeshield 21 has a good amount of beefcakes, there's also Kisaragi, Kakei, Mizumachi, Akaba, Sakuraba, Harao, and maybe even Taka.
- Weiss Kreuz gets points for admitting it. Youji calls Omi "bishounen" to his face in one episode, but he ain't the only one.
- Allen from D.Gray-man definitely fits here, seeing as he's prettier than a lot of the girls in the series. Lavi, Tyki, and Kanda fit as well.
- Creed from Black Cat. There is also Train, Lin Shaolee, and Jenos.
- Mizuho in Otome wa Boku ni Koishiteru. Of course. That being said, he is quite pretty even when not dressing as a girl.
- Kei, Michael (anime-only characters), Yuu, Satoshi, and arguably Ginta in Marmalade Boy.
- Akito and Naozumi from Kodomo no Omocha.
- Leon Oswald and Yuri Killian in Kaleido Star.
- Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch provides plenty of bishounen fanservice. The fact that practically every day is a Beach Episode helps.
- Even Claymore manages to have one of these in the cast: Isley of the North.
- Many of the characters from Rurouni Kenshin, especially the titular character, Mr. Pretty Boy Swordsman himself. Depending on the quality of the animation in an episode of the anime, particularly in the later episodes of the series, and you know, just about all the time in the manga, Kenshin is very pretty despite the fact that he's a terrifyingly powerful swordsman who even the manliest of men are afraid of. It doesn't help that, towards the end of the manga and in most of the official artwork, his hair always looks extremely long and flows like a bunch of ribbons. Just look at these pictures: , , , . I rest my case. And even more so in the Trust & Betrayal and Reflections OVAS. And then, you know, there's Soujiro, Aoshi, Sanosuke, and, heck, even Hiko qualifies, although he's pretty manly. Observe: .
- A good amount of the male characters from Black Butler. Except for Baron Kelvin, who realizes this and is obsessed with "becoming beautiful", Georg von Siemens, Jumbo, Lord Arthur Randall, Azzurro Vanel, Fred Aberline, Damian, and Doctor.
- Kantarou Ichinomiya from Tactics is a white/very light brown? haired bishie, who is annoying and greedy, but overall a good person. He is so young looking, nobody really knows his age. It is implied that he is much older than he appears.
- Paragon of Hot-Blooded manliness he may be, but Gai Shishio is still too pretty to be male.
- Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple has Christopher Eclair, a French Assassin. It's also revealed that Kensei Ma used to be one.
- Tamamo from Hell Teacher Nube gets away with lots of things that Nube is beaten up for just because he's a White-Haired Pretty Boy.
- One Piece:
- Sanji recently has been beating people pretty. His first victim, a hideous Wanze, was rapidly kicked across the face until he became (to his horror) this trope. Later, Sanji, fighting his bounty poster look-alike, does this again, much to his foe's joy.
- Played for Laughs in Boa Hancock's romantic fantasies about the Normal-Looking main character Luffy - she sees him as typical Bishonen with a full Bishie Sparkle and brown eyes, as well as speaking with a more mature voice than he actually speaks with.
- Every single male main character in post-Art Evolution Katekyo Hitman Reborn, plus 99% of the villains and side cast. This is the most common trope on the character page.
- Natsume, Tanuma, Natori, Nishimura - in fact, most of the male cast of Natsume Yuujinchou qualify as Bishonen.
- The human forms of the Weasel Mascots in Yes! Pretty Cure 5 are this. Coco and Nuts take it to truly extraordinary levels. GoGo! also brings us cute little boy Syrup [dead link] .
- This is the entire point of Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge.
- Almost every male character in Saiyuki. The four main characters are these, of course, but also Kougaiji, Dokugakuji, Hazel, Koumyu, and Ni Jian-Yi/Ukoku.
- Gakuen Heaven. Just...GakuenHeaven.
- Depending on who you ask, a good number of the male cast in Naruto could qualify as Bishonen. Notable examples include Haku (to Dude Looks Like a Lady levels), Benten (Filler Villain to Dude Looks Like a Lady levels), Sasuke, Itachi, Kakashi, Deidara, Sasori, Neji, Suigetsu, Kimimaro, (arguably) Orochimaru, Kabuto, Sai, Gaara, Utakata, and the titular character himself. Naruto definitely counts, considering that he has his mom's AND his his dad's looks, though this trope is mostly appropriate only after the time skip. Also, the Fourth Hokage, aka Naruto's dad.
- The Legend of Koizumi gives us Pietro, the white knight serving under the pope. He comes complete with accompanying Bishie Sparkles when he first appears.
- Student Council's Discretion gives us Ken Sugisaki and especially Nakameguro.
- Every single male character in Papa to Kiss in the Dark.
- Durarara gives us Kasuka, Shizuo, Izaya, and Shinra. And then Mikado, Kida, Aoba, Seiji, Tanaka Tom, Walker, Chikage and...Nasujima-sensei. Unfortunately.
- There's also minor character Ryo Takigutchi. Seriously, just look at him!
- Every male character in Black Bird, but especially Kyo, whom Misao mistakes for a pretty girl upon seeing him as an adult.
- Psyren: Oboro, Haruhiko, Junas, Miroku, Shiner, and Shao as an adult.
- 07-Ghost: Teito, Castor, Frau, Labrador, Ayanami, Mikage...Maybe almost all of the male characters of the entire story.
- Baskerville and Alternate in Et Cetera are quite pretty, helped by Basky's long blond hair and Alternate's slim figure and monocle.
- Many characters of MAR, on both sides of the good/evil divide. Alvis [dead link] and Nanashi [dead link] are this, combined with the headband of eyecovering. Every once-in-a-while, they even comment on it in-universe.
- In Akira, there's Kai, aka Kaisuke, who's short, slim, well-dressed, girlishly faced, and can knock a guy through a window. Being relatively sensitive and apparently crushing on Kaneda in the manga and Yamagata in the anime, he's often perceived as a young homosexual.
- Rosario Plus Vampire has Ginei, Hokuto, Kiria, Fong-Fong, and, after Art Evolution, Tsukune.
- Karate Shoukoushi Kohinata Minoru has the pretty boy protagonist, Minoru.
- Saint Seiya. From Shun to Virgo to Pisces [dead link] , the place is a bishounen gold mine. See Viewer Gender Confusion for more details.
- Every main male character in Beauty Pop.
- Every male character in Miki Aihara's mangas tend to be Bishonen.
- Ichise and Touyama in Texhnolyze.
- Takuma and Hamaji from H2O: Footprints in the Sand.
- The titular Yakumo from Psychic Detective Yakumo fits this trope to a T. Haruka even thinks he's a "beautiful person" when she first meets him. Also, a good amount of male college students who pop up.
- Special A: you'd think a beauty contest was part of the Special A qualifying exam, looking at the male cast. The girls, too, unsurprisingly, since a beauty exam is almost mandatory to be part of most Shoujo casts.
- Id is the very definition of this trope. Men and women alike fawn over his beauty, though, more often than not, people initially thinks that he is a woman.
- Gankutsuou: Franz, Albert, and especially Andrea.
- The Breaker: Hyuk So Chun.
- Black And White adds Cilan, who was being subject to Ouran comparisons before Hilarious in Hindsight kicked in.
- Instead of name-dropping a million more series in existence, let's just say that nearly every shoujo series will have a cast primarily composed of Bishonen.
- Joey from Heroman...well, let's just say that just about everyone mistook him for a girl at first. Psy, too.
- Every male character in Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru.
- Many of the male characters in Chibisan Date.
- There is a lot of focus on people's looks in Jyu-Oh-Sei, despite the action being set mostly on a jungle planet with vicious plants and a murderous climate that's used as a prison for criminals. All of the male characters are exceptionally [dead link] pretty.
- Miki Kaoru from Revolutionary Girl Utena is mentioned to be one by Utena in the preview of the episode of his first appeareance. Also, practically every guy in the cast.
- Aburatsubo from Magic Users Club. He's tall, has long red hair, and is gorgeous...with the requisite legion of fan-girls expected for any bishonen. The only problem for said fangirls is that he's gay and in love with the main character, Takeo.
- Star Driver's Takuto Tsunashi. "Galactic Bishonen" isn't a nickname; it's his official title as the Chosen One
- Litchi Hikari Club has a Cast Full of Pretty Boys - with a strong lack of fanservice.
- The Cast Full of Pretty Boys that is Pandora Hearts. Especially Jack, Vincent, Gilbert, and Break.
- Most other young-ish male characters also count, like Oz and Leo. Not to mention Elliot.
- A notable example is Liam; the fact that no male or female pronouns were ever used to refer to him for some time didn't help. They fixed this in the anime, however, giving him less feminine features and a decidedly male voice.
- Kusuriuri/the Medicine Seller from Mononoke. Even his manner of dress combines gender conventions, and characters in the series make note of how attractive he is.
- Most of the guys from Monochrome Factor, especially Shirogane, Akira, and Kou.
- Brief is one of these, once his Bangs are slicked back.
- Most of the males in Shugo Chara are known for their Bishieness.
- Nagihiko Fujisaki takes the Bishie Ribbon in the world of Shugo Chara. When Hinamori first meets Nagihiko, he is actually posing as his female alter ego, Nadeshiko. Why is this boy posing as a girl? The Fujisaki family tradition is for the males to pose as females to learn the ways of Japanese Dancing.
- During the series, Nadeshiko tells Amu that 'she' and Nagihiko are twins (the rest of the Guardians know about Nagi & Nade, but Amu Hinamori doesn't). It's not until late in the series that Nagi reveals the truth to Amu.
- Nagihiko: . Nadeshiko: .
- Nagihiko even has a female Shugo Chara named Temari, which he can Character Transform into Yamato Maihime: .
- Most of the male characters in Tenshi ni Narumon, but especially Mikael.
- Kantarou Ichinomiya and many other guys in Tactics.
- Many male characters are this in Starry Sky.
- A good amount of the male characters in Sukisho, especially Sunao.
- Just about every male in Togainu no Chi, especially Rin and Akira.
- Kimi ni Todoke: Kazehaya, and the female side of the school is very aware of this. Ryu and Kento also count.
- Corsair: all the men are very pretty, except Barbossa.
- Trigun: Vash, Legato, and Knives.
- Skip Beat!: Shoutarou "Shou" Fuwa and Ren Tsuruga.
- Mei from Arashi no Yoru ni manages to be this even though he's a non-anthro goat.
- A majority of the male cast from Angel Beats.
- Kaichou wa Maid-sama:
- Usui, when he makes the effort, and his half brother, Gerard Walker, who looks like an older and more polished version of him. One could also make a case for Tora Igarashi and Kuuga.
- Soichiro Kanou, too, if he had any confidence in himself, could likely pull this off. Also: a number of fangirls consider The Idiot Trio to be this, on the rare occasions when they're drawn normally.
- Karakuridouji Ultimo: most of the doji. Also, Murayama and Rune.
- Otomen: the main male characters, especially Asuka, Juta, and Tonomine, whose looks are often commented on. Even Kurokawa can count, if his eyes showed up a lot more.
- Though the artist's style is such all the male characters in The Secret Agreement look pretty good, in-story, Iori is singled out as being an incredible beauty for a man.
- Sougo Okita, Kotarou Katsura, and Kamui of Gintama.
- Ren, Rito, and Zastin of To LOVE-Ru.
- Barnaby from Tiger and Bunny (when he's out of his battle suit and with glasses on, of course).
- A majority of the male cast of Prince of Tennis, but especially Seiichi Yukimura, Rikkaidai's Knight Templar Magnificent Bastard once ill captain.
- Hana no Kishi: Ibara, Saiki, Houjou, and Midori.
- A good portion of the cast of Kaze to Ki no Uta, but Gilbert and Rosemarine deserve special mention.
- Hellsing: appearance-wise, Luke is a sophisticated prettyboy. Also, Schrodinger and young Walter.
- Game X Rush: Memori and Yuuki.
- Just about every male character in Mayu Shinjo's works.
- Nurarihyon no Mago has lots of Bishonen. Night Rikuo, Young Nurarihyon, Rihan, Kurotabou, Kuromaru, Tosakamaru, Keikain Mamiru, Shoukera, Yanagida, Kubinashi, and revived Seimei.
- Every guy from Gravitation, especially Yuki and Shuichi.
- Elfen Lied: Nousou. Kurama is a borderline example, but is an older man and later grows a Beard of Sorrow.
- Barajou no Kiss: most of the male characters.
- Nezumi and Shion from No. 6, especially Nezumi, who even dresses up as a girl in episode 5 and is rather convincing, too.
- Hunter X Hunter: Hisoka, despite also being a Monster Clown. Less unusually, Kurapika and Shaiapouf.
- Noblesse: Rai, Franken, Shinwoo, M-21, and Takeo.
- Black Lagoon:
- Rotton the Wizard, to an extent. He basically exists just to look cool and talk fancy. Revy even asks him if he's a man whore.
- Though still a kid, Garcia's beginning to grow into a handsome young man.
- Hansel also shows signs of this. Unfortunately, he didn't live long enough to grow into an adult.
- And in an Omake, we see that Sgt. Boris used to look like this; he joined the Army to toughen up. All the "de-aged" girl characters wail that he should stay this way.
- Kaguyahime: many, if not most of the male cast; in particular, Yui and movie star Brett Miller. Nobuo is a very notable aversion.
- Ask Dr. Rin: Tokiwa, Eddy, and Banri.
- Kare Kano: Hideaki Asaba and Soichiro Arima.
- Kämpfer: Natsuru Senou in his male form.
- Most of the male cast of Ikoku Irokoi Romantan.
- Zeref from Fairy Tail is revealed to be this after they spend 200 chapters building him up as some great ancient evil. Expecting Someone Taller, or at least older looking, is in full swing here.
- D from Vampire Hunter D, Even the Guys Want Him.
- Pretty much the entire male cast of Uta no Prince-sama.
- Ghost Hound: the entire male cast for the most part, especially Tarou, who is downright Moe.
- Akira from Ai Ore Love is so bishonen he can pass as a girl, and Even the Guys Want Him. A majority of the men in the series are bishonen.
- Almost everyone in the Castlevania series for a while now.
- Ai no Kusabi: everyone but a few minor characters, especially Riki.
- Most of the guys in Yami no Matsuei.
- In Tsukigasa, Azuma is none too happy about being treated like a girl because of his looks, particularly because he was raped due to his resemblance to his mother.
- Hakuouki is full of effeminate pretty-boys. The entire series is basically a reverse harem, and is guaranteed to make anyone's inner fangirl squee in joy.
- Let Dai: Jaehee is explicitly stated in-series to be very literally a "pretty boy", and the artwork makes that abundantly clear. It's one of the reasons that so many girls tend to go after him.
- Quite a few males in Marchen Awakens Romance are quite Bishonen. Take Alviss, for example.
- Most of the male characters in D.N.Angel.
- Numerous male characters in Half Prince.
- Shoei and Hinata from Desire Climax are both very pretty.
- Karneval: most of the guys introduced.
- Nabari no Ou: most of the guys under 30 are Bishonen.
- Loki, Caesar, Cain, and Adel of Reimei no Arcana.
- Akiyoshi of Kawaii Akuma (and its sequels) is often told that he is "cute" or "pretty", and this caused him to develop an inferiority complex. Naruse is also incredibly Bishonen, to the point of being a Dude Looks Like a Lady.
- Death the Kid, Gopher, and Kishin Asura from Soul Eater.
- Urusei Yatsura: Rei, Lum's former fiance, draws squees from every female who sees him. Mendou also qualifies, which is basically his most obvious difference from Ataru.
- Several male characters in Axis Powers Hetalia, especially after Art Evolution. China is especially girly looking to the point of being a Dude Looks Like a Lady.
- Lancer of Fate/Zero (aka Diarmuid o'Dyna) takes prettiness up to the realm of being a superpower - literally. Unfortunately, supernatural levels of beauty does not mix well with jealous lords and their smitten fiances.
- A good amount of the male characters in Loveless. Ritsuka is even stated to be very pretty, like a girl.
- Peacemaker Kurogane: 99% of the characters are Bishonen.
- K-On!: There are actually some fairly good looking male background characters, considering the cute art style.
- Inukami!: Keita and Hake, as well as most other male characters who isn't macho or Gonk.
- Just about every male character in the OVA for Angels Feather.
- Mirai Nikki: Yuki and Akise.
- Yamada Taro Monogatari: Taro, which is a large reason why everyone thinks he's Prince Charming. Also, Suguira, who initially views Taro as a rival of beauty.
- Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle gives us Fai D. Fluorite and Syaoran, especially when he's aged up a bit, and has quite a few famous bishonen from other CLAMP series pop up as cameos, such as Subaru, Kamui, Yasha, Yukito, and Watanuki, to name a few.
- Quite a few characters in Prince Charming.
- Kamisama Kiss has quite a few. To start off you have Kurama along with Tomoe and Mizuki (who get bonus points for being White Haired Pretty Boys.)
- Mawaru Penguindrum: Most of the guys. Main character Shouma is even one of these despite being teased by others that he's plain looking.
- Mamotte Shugogetten: Izumo and Tasuke. Arguably Takashi as well.
- How about the five male leads from Hiiro no Kakera?
- Genji in Cloud of Sparrows, who is described as 'too pretty for a man' -- as is the character's Older Than Print namesake, Hikaru Genji in the Tale of Genji.
- Eclipse Hunter gives us Daren Solaris, who is so pretty that the series' resident Tsundere bishoujo Action Girl goes into a mad rage when she sees that he normally wears glasses that disguise his prettiness, going as far as to tear his glasses off of his face and grind them into dust. LITERALLY.
Manhwa and Manhua
- Shichan from Aflame Inferno who models on the side.
- Yoo-min from Cutie Boy.
- Duo Xi from Divine Melody.
- Since the vast majority of the characters in Half Prince are made in a video game they're all gorgeous (as players often make their characters so). The titular character is noted for being the most good-looking character, since they turned the pretty effect as high as it could possibly go.
- Woojae from One has the nickname "Prince Charming" due to his good looks.
- Dong-whi from Nineteen Twenty One.
- Armand from Priest.
- Kyu Ra from Rure which fits with his "prince charming" image.
- Rai, Frank, Shinwoo, M-21 and Takeo from Noblesse.
- Id from Id is the very definition of this trope. Men and women alike fawn over his beauty. Though more often than not, every person he's met has initially thought him a woman.
- Magical JxR has a lot of these.
- Junho from The Three Times.
- Gackt is a living breathing example of this. Even he admits it. In nine* nine, Gackt is shown some pictures of himself when he was younger, to which he responds, "I was a total bishonen back then...But now I'm a biseinen." The difference being that bishonen technicality applies to only boys in their teens but biseinen applies to adults.
- The record label Johnny's entertainment is famous in Japan and the rest of Asia for its many all bishonen/biseinen boy bands
- Since Takarazuka in Japan is composed entirely of female actors playing both male and female roles, it's no surprise that male roles often look a little Bishonen. Case in point, Wao Youka as the Phantom of the Opera, or Shizuka Asato (Zunko) as Der Tod from Elisabeth.
Video Games
- Final Fantasy series: any of the main male characters, at least once graphics became advanced enough to portray it; the official character art shows that the older ones actually were this, too, when not depicted with blocky, low-resolution sprites. Specifically:
- Final Fantasy I: Warrior of Light, Final Fantasy II: Firion, Final Fantasy III: Luneth, Final Fantasy IV: Cecil, Final Fantasy V: Bartz, Final Fantasy VII: Cloud, Final Fantasy VIII: Squall, Final Fantasy IX: Zidane, Final Fantasy X: Tidus, Final Fantasy XII: Vaan, and Final Fantasy Versus XIII: Noctis. That is every leading male protagonist to date. And the Dissidia series includes all of them (except Noctis...and Luneth).
- Final Fantasy VII: Sephiroth. In the original cut of the scene with Sephiroth frozen in crystalized Mako, he was to have feminine curves to allude back to Jenova. Things were scaled back there for the same reason Squall in VIII was made to look more masculine.
- Now, now, let's not forget our Memetic Sex God Zack Fair.
- Dirge of Cerberus: Vincent Valentine.
- As for Kuja from Final Fantasy IX, he reaches truly Dude Looks Like a Lady proportions. This is even Lampshaded by Queen Brahne, who outright calls him a "girly-man". To be fair, though, he calls her "elephant-lady".
- Dissidia Final Fantasy: Penelo, in the in-game manual:
Penelo: Personally? I don't believe that boys should be prettier than I am.
- Final Fantasy II: Emperor Palamecia, anyone?
- If you look past the non-human features, Seymour from Final Fantasy X can fit the bill as well.
- Tetsuya Nomura, the designer for many of these characters, is a real-life Bishonen (see his page picture). A 40-year old Bishonen.
- Hope Estheim from the XIII-universe also counts, especially in the sequel.
- A surprisingly large number of The King of Fighters' main male characters are like this, with Ash Crimson pushing the androgyny to ridiculous levels.
- chaos (no capitalization) from Xenosaga is an example of a Bishounen with white hair that's most definitely not evil. Then again, he has dark skin, which makes him immune to that aspect of the trope.
- Okami has Waka, who FLIES seemingly by virtue of sheer Bishie Sparkle and his improbable headdress.
- Link from The Legend of Zelda. Comedy Central did base Xandir on him, after all. One gay magazine voted him "hottest game character", to the endlessly amusing horror of the teenage males in the fanbase.
- There is an image on the Internet of Link as a girl. Despite his (ahem) additions, he looks exactly the same.
- Kafei from The Legend of Zelda Majoras Mask is a young version of this.
- Demon Lord Ghirahim from The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword.
- Kristoph Gavin and his brother, Klavier Gavin, from the Ace Attorney series. Max Galactica and Matt Engarde in Justice For All, as well.
- Most notably, the effeminate Max Galactica, with his flamboyance, camp, and pure fabulousness. (Because you, too, have stolen one of Max Galactica's many, many hearts.)
- And let's not forget our magenta-clad prosecutor Miles Edgeworth. He's so pretty that about five girls during the series get crushes on him...not that he notices.
- Raiden in Metal Gear Solid 2. He was designed as an androgynously alluring blank slate for the player to project themself onto. There's a scene where another character makes a grab for his groin, and is surprised to find he is male. And you have to play as him naked. No, we are not making that up. He was widely reviled for this, among other reasons.
- Naturally, also his thinly-veiled parody in Metal Gear Solid 3, Raikov. Except the fangirls actually like this one.
- Kojima eventually admitted that Raiden's looks were an attempt to attract more young women to the games. You'll also notice on Deviant ART that Raiden has tons and tons of fan art, a good 95% of it from women.
- Because of its Final Fantasy influences, Kingdom Hearts not only features bishonen leads from that series, but its original characters effectively form a Cast Full of Pretty Boys.
- Magna Carta: Tears of Blood kicks the Bishonen up to 11, making its main lead, Calintz, and his apprentice, Azel, almost entirely unrecognizable as male. Chris Arcway manages to dodge the bullet with his open button-up shirt and cocky womanizing attitude, but even Raul, the tall, masculine, goateed swordsman who appears a few times in the game, gets a touch of Bishie thanks to the artstyle (no matter how impossible it seems to be Bishie with a goatee).
- A few characters in the Disgaea, including (but not limited to) Mid-boss, Seraph Lamington, Fukubei, Lord Bigstar, and Tink.
- During the intro narration of Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten, a portrait of Tyrant Valvatorez drawn in a much more semi-realistic, shoujo-esque style than the simpler, more stylized art of the games is shown. This is the portrait in question.
- Mitsumoto and Abyss in Izuna 2: The Unemployed Ninja Returns.
- Ramirez from Skies of Arcadia seems to rock the "pretty but misunderstood" vibe as hard as he possibly can. Enrique is pretty much his good counterpart. A number of recruitable crew members further the bishounen appeal, particularly Lawrence and Ilchymis.
- Zelos from Tales of Symphonia. Yggdrasil, too. Some fans would argue that Kratos is one as well. The game is ripe with bishies. Kratos is a good example of a biseinen, or 'beautiful man' - what a bishounen becomes when he grows up.
- Several of the guys in Tales of Vesperia: particularly Yuri, who can be mistaken for a woman until he opens his mouth.
- The Tales (series): although having more of a fairly (and by that, we mean in the smallest margin, as the game models differ slightly from the official art) masculine face than some other Tales (series) Bishonen, Richard from Tales of Graces certainly fits the role, having traditional elements including medium-length blond hair, fancy frilly clothes, and immense popularity throughout the kingdom (in one skit, he mentions his "dilemma" with the sale of Richard-themed items). His seiyuu is even the same as a certain other Bishonen of Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle, and he even sports Zelos Wilder's costume as DLC. Doesn't help that his younger self can be seriously mistaken for a girl.
- Teddie's human form from Persona 4 was clearly designed with this in mind. He makes extensive use of the Bishie Sparkle to manipulate women that he comes across. Not to mention, during the crossdressing scene, he was the only one able to pull off looking like a girl. One male commentator even exclaiming "I'd hit that."
- Akihiko from Persona 3 certainly qualifies, being quite the Chick Magnet and having white hair.
- In a less obvious manner, the main character (or Minato) may also qualify, having a very slender figure, subtle facial features, and pretty eyes. He's also frequently described as a "pretty boy" or "handsome", to the point where a certain Corrupt Corporate Executive tried to exploit him.
- From Persona 2: Innocent Sin, we have Jun, a character so pretty that many female characters look upon him in envy.
- Naoto Shirogane, also of Persona 4, appears to be one of these...but in a rare subversion, he is actually a she.
- It was an old joke in the fandom that those not familiar with the Mega Man X series would think that Zero was actually a girl, thanks to his Rapunzel Hair and what fans like to call the Booblights. This was even Lampshaded by Bass of the original series, when, upon seeing Zero's blueprints, scoffs at Zero's appearance, thinking that he was "too girly" to be the strongest robot, like Dr. Wily, Zero's creator, claimed. And he seems to be quite a Chick Magnet, too; for both fellow Reploids and one human. What was Dr. Wily thinking when he created Zero and came up with that design, anyway? So much for being a threat to civilization...
- Harvest Moon:
- Julius, Jamie, Tim/Trent, Alex, and Skye from Harvest Moon are bishonen.
- Will from Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands bears more than a passing resemblance to the above-pictured Tamaki.
- It's easier to name guys that aren't bishonen in more recent games.
- Similarly, many of the young males in the spinoff series Rune Factory are bishonen. The newest protagonist barely looks male, which, what with the Hello, Insert Name Here nature of the game, can lead to some unintentionally hilarious moments:
"Sophie? What a fine, manly name!"
- Time Crisis's newer protagonists.
- Sengoku Basara:
- Uesugi Kenshin takes this far enough that fans seriously doubt he's really male. Granted, the games also have Motonari, Keiji, Mitsuhide, and Hanbe, but Kenshin is still the reigning king.
- Keiji is a strange case, as he has a muscular figure but a very pretty face and long, silky hair. And Yukimura also seems to become more feminine looking with each new installment.
- Dynasty Warriors has its fair share, with Jin (Sima Yi, Sima Shi, Sima Zhao, Zhong Hui, Xiahou Ba) being a certified Cast Full of Pretty Boys. The other kingdoms don't fail to deliver however with Shu (Zhao Yun, Jiang Wei, Guan Suo), Wu (Zhou Yu, Lu Xun), and especially Wei (Zhang He) hosting some impressive examples.
- Samurai Warriors: we have Mitsuhide, Hanbei, Ranmaru, Kiyomasa, Motochika, and Kojiro.
- Testament of Guilty Gear, who, in addition to his long black hair and androgynous face, has an outfit consisting of a man-bra and a skirt that shows a decent amount of leg. And that's not going anywhere near Bridget. There's also Ky.
- Fire Emblem:
- Lucius, the amazingly feminine featured pretty boy monk with long blond hair. Of course, he defends the fact that he is male when confronted by Serra.
- A typical Fire Emblem game will have several bishonen, at least a couple of rugged manly men, a few good looking grandpas, and a Gonk or two. Few are as bafflingly pretty as Lucius, though.
- When Super Smash Bros. first showed off Marth, most western players were intially quite confused as to whether Marth was a girl or not. His voice actor cleared this up a bit, though.
- Taichi in CROSS†CHANNEL has a rather androgynous but attractive appearance. He, on the other hand, is convinced he is horribly ugly for reasons that are never really revealed.
- Pretty much any guy from the NeoRomance series (Angelique, Harukanaru Toki no Naka de, La Corda d'Oro). Eisen of Haruka proved to be pretty enough to disguise himself as a girl on one occasion; even the Emperor is bishounen, though he has the excuse of being Eisen's half-brother. In the La Corda d'Oro anime, one character (Kenichi Shimizu) actually gets called a bishounen by the lead girl when she first meets him.
- Among the attractive male characters in Infinite Space, a few of them fall into bishonen/biseinen category. Lord Roth is arguably the best example, with his waist-length lavender hair and feminine face. Main character Yuri is quite pretty himself.
- Pokémon Black and White has N, as well as Cilan, Chili, and Cress. Cheren also.
- Dragon Quest has two bishonen: Psaro the Manslayer (Human form) and Angelo.
- Alucard is one of the quintessential White Haired Pretty Boys. Mistaking him for a girl is not likely to be a problem, though, given the loving attention put into his sprite and the fact that his VA has a very, very deep voice. Several other protagonists in later Castlevania titles, such as Juste Belmont and Soma, are this, often overlapping with White-Haired Pretty Boy.
- Yuuto is the only male in Eien no Aselia that could really be described as pretty. On the other hand, he's also pretty muscular by the end, so despite the face, he isn't exactly girly.
- Joshua from The World Ends With You.
- Street Fighter:
- Vega, the Spanish ninja. It's even part of his character. Vega is a narcissist who believes his face to be extremely beautiful, and cannot stand the ugly. Part of it comes from traumatization as a child when his ugly father killed his beautiful mother. He also wears a mask, not to hide his identity, but to prevent his face from being scarred. Remy in Street Fighter III is even more of one (though he's not narcissistic like Vega).
- In the Alpha series, Ken becomes one of these, with long, flowing hair in a ponytail and a younger face (some pieces of art [dead link] for the game even show him with pronounced lips, a rarity for Street Fighter characters). However, the other games show him looking older and more muscular, with Perma-Stubble.
- Prince Peasley from Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga, who makes the whole screen gleam - literally - when he tosses his hair.
- The main character of Shadow of the Colossus.
- Bushido Blade 1 and 2 have Katze.
- Also, Kaun.
- The Suikoden series of games have, quite literally, dozens of bishonen among the ranks of the Stars of Destiny (108 per game!). Notable ones include and are not limited to: every main protagonist, Flik, Luc and Sasarai, and Yuber.
Visual Novels
- Higurashi no Naku Koro ni's Keiichi is noticeably pretty, and even sparkles a couple of times, as well as Satoshi, who is a more extreme example than Keiichi and is even voiced by a female.
- Umineko no Naku Koro ni has the absolutely adorable Kanon, not to mention Battler and George.
- Yukito from AIR. As well as a Silver-Haired Tall, Dark and Snarky Ineffectual Loner, he later shares some traits with The Doctor himself!
- Yo-Jin-Bo is a Cast Full of Pretty Boys. Since it's a Romance Game, it's kind of expected. Bo is considered so pretty he's practically female by the other characters; he's annoyed when a crossdresser hits on him, but plays this to his advantage and says he should be allowed to guard the Princess during her bath because he "looks androgynous" with his long hair and wouldn't disturb her as much as the other guys.
- Heinz Heger in Shikkoku no Sharnoth.
- In Maji De Watashi Ni Koi Shinasai Touma is the most notable contender, but Cap also fits, both of them with fan clubs.
- El Goonish Shive has this comic. "Get out of here, you blonde androgynous interloper! Go play Final Fantasy X or something!" Or, in Noah's own words, "makes straight guys see rainbows". Of course, he probably have a good reason to be like this, given that he isn't too different from his Alternate Universe counterpart - a Half-Human Hybrid (or rather 2/4) who happens to be "nonsexual", i.e. while his anatomy (except antennae) resembles that of a male human, his psychophysiology is inherited from sexless alien species, thus hormonal status is likely to have little in common with any human baseline.
- Manly Guys Doing Manly Things has this interview. And then, of course, It Got Worse. It's a debilitating disease called "Nomura Syndrome" (the outbreak starts here).
- ↑ The difference is primarily cultural, but for convience's sake, let's just put the Eastern ones here and the Western ones there.