< Tales of Symphonia

Tales of Symphonia/Fridge

Fridge Brilliance

  • Noishe, while only IDed as a "dog" or "protozoa" in game, quite clearly fits the description of a Cu Sith (pronounced "coo shee" of Scottish Mythology. In case you don't get it, it's supposed to rhyme (the English version of the game screwed it up.).
  • The end sequence music is the same tune used in the end sequence of Tales of Phantasia
    • This also happens with one of the battle themes as well. Fighting of the Spirit plays in this game and it's sequel Tales of Phantasia whenever you fight a summon spirit.
  • When you go to the night-time area of Altamira, you can see a stage play being performed by the Katz. For people who didn't get the joke, Cats is an Andrew Lloyd Webber musical.

Fridge Horror

Fridge Logic

  • When you find Aska first and go to the tower of Mana, you can't fight it if you didn't make a pact with the other summoned spirits. If you go to the temple of darkness and go to the seal afterwards, the characters will talk about Aska and how he is not in the tower of mana anymore even though he is!
  • How the hell does Regal fly a Rheaird with his hands tied together? Hell, how does Regal cook with his hands in shackles? I think the answer is that he's just gotten used to it.
    • For rheairds: We have no idea how these things are operated. For all we know, the handles are just to help you keep your balance and they're operated with your feet or even your mind. Also, seatbelts. For cooking, his hands are tied in front. He wouldn't be able to spread them very far and he'd have to be very very careful to avoid burning, but otherwise I don't see the problem. The only thing he'd need another hand for is steadying things, and he could probably get around that by holding it between his knees or getting Genis to hold it for him or something.
  • How is it that the Chosen are born holding a Cruxis Crystal? Don't you need a human sacrifice to make those things? Besides, how did they get the crystal in there (if you get me)?
    • That was stated by Colette herself as "People say I was born with that in my hand", in the same scene where Remiel is rumored to be Colette's father, which turned out to be false. Perhaps either 1) Cruxis started these rumors to make the Chosen One seem more mystical, or 2) these rumors began out of hearsay and speculation among the people themselves. Either way, it's probably best not to take it literally.
  • Where did Lloyd's last name (Irving) come from? His mother only told Dirk his first name, and his biological father's last name is different unless he lied. Regardless, Dirk had no way of knowing their last names.
    • Three theories: one, it's Dirk's last name, two, Kratos's family's last name has evolved in the last four thousand years and Kratos gave Lloyd the more modern version, or three, Dirk met someone else who knew the family and thus Lloyd's last name (which could have come from either of Lloyd's parents).
  • How is Tales of Phantasia the future of Tales of Symphonia? For one, we don't see Yuan or have any evidence of Kratos appearing at all. Yuan has no reason to die and would probably make a request to Lloyd to allow his Cruxis Crystal to remain intact, to remain as the guardian of the tree, as it's own spirit is a convergence of Martel and all the other Chosen who failed the journey. Kratos is busy destroying all the Exspheres on the planet and he's the only one ON said planet. How would someone else get on there, much less travel to Aselia? Second, Exire is apparently stuck below a mountain range. How did it get up into the sky and then end up underground later? I doubt the passage of time would have done this. not to mention the fact that the city looks a bit better than it did in Tales of Symphonia, without all the damage it seems to have taken there. Three, and correct me if I'm wrong, the Mana cannon was being MADE in Tales of Phantasia. In Symphonia, it was explicitly said that Rodyle was aiming to 'revive the mana cannon'. Not build, 'revive'.

Fridge Brilliance/Horror:

  • In the manga version of Zelos' backstory, when his mother is killed, the manga seems to draw it so it looks like his mother is Taking the Bullet for him. If you didn't already know what she was going to say next, this makes her Famous Last Words even more shocking and horrifying than they already were, since it looks like she's taken the bullet for Zelos, only for her to suddenly tell him "You should never have been born". THAT'S the Fridge Horror. The Brilliance is that, while Zelos' mother is saying her last words, she's smiling, although it's not a very pleasant one. It appears Zelos wasn't the only Stepford Smiler in the family...
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