Katsuyuki Konishi
Listen Tetsuya, don't forget... Believe in you who believes in yourself!
Describe Katsuyuki Konishi he--
Katsuyuki Konishi is one hell of a seiyuu. Unlike many seiyuu who get typecast as stock characters, he has pulled off stoic, reserved adult men, Bishonen, laid-back male roles, jokesters, and one epic Boisterous Large Ham. On a whim. Sometimes all at once! While his fanbase started out small, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann vaulted him to 'instant legend' status as Kamina. However, he does have quite a few roles where he is either a big brother or big brother figure to one of the younger characters. Hell, he has even voiced the freaking United States of America.
His voice talents extend beyond humans as well - he has voiced several Pokémon, from Snorlax to Blaziken to Rayquaza. However, as of Best Wishes he has not had any new roles, so it has been assumed that he left the series.
Relationship Voice Actor with Nobuyuki Hiyama.
- Kamina in Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, his Star-Making Role
- Altair in Assassin's Creed ("WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK I A-- *attracts crowd* ... wait, hold up... Who the hell do you think I am... SLIT.")
- America and Canada in Axis Powers Hetalia
- A prime example of his adaptability, as America and Canada were required to sound alike but still distinct.
- Tooya in Ayashi no Ceres
- Toraji Ishida in Bamboo Blade
- Tatsumi Oga in Beelzebub
- Shuhei Hisagi and Keigo Asano in Bleach
- Haji in Blood Plus
- Cat in the Japanese dub of CatDog (WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK I AM?)
- Wataru Kurozuma in A Certain Scientific Railgun.
- Komui Lee in D.Gray-man
- Captain Ginyu in Dragon Ball Kai.
- Laxus in Fairy Tail
- Kuchen Baum in Galaxy Angel Rune
- Volfogg in GaoGaiGar
- The nameless match announcer in Hajime no Ippo.
- Blood Dupree in Heart no Kuni no Alice
- Kenshiro in Hokuto Musou
- As if he needed to be more epicly badass!
- Jonathan Joestar in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood
- Ren Marker in Karin
- Maxima in King of Fighters
- Kyoshiro Ayanokouji in Kyoshiro to Towa no Sora
- Soubi Agatsuma in Loveless
- Ozma Lee in Macross Frontier
- Johann Trinity in Mobile Suit Gundam 00
- Raymond Slug in Mobile Suit Gundam MS IGLOO 2: The Gravity Front
- Shuten Douji in Musou Orochi 2
- Henry in No More Heroes
- Ryuuji Keikain in Nurarihyon no Mago Sennen Makyou
- Genzo (wait, what?!), Knees, and Kazuki Nakashima (portrayed as a Kamina expy) in Oh! Edo Rocket
- Miyuki Washiu in Ookamikakushi
- Several roles in Pokémon:
- Notably Ash's Snorlax, Heracross, Corphish, Tauros, Glalie, Gliscor, and Staraptor, Brock's Croagunk, and May's Blaziken.
- Rayquaza in Destiny Deoxys
- Mewtwo in The Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon
- Phoenix Ikki in Saint Seiya Hades Chapters (succeeding Hideyuki Hori)
- Kyoshiro Mibu/Demon Eyes Kyo in Samurai Deeper Kyo
- Maeda Toshiie in Samurai Warriors
- Amidamaru in Shaman King
- Viktor in Suikoden Radio Drama
- Lloyd Irving in Tales of Symphonia
- Largo Lloyd in Tegami Bachi and Tegami Bachi Reverse
- GoseiKnight in Tensou Sentai Goseiger
- Spike Witwicky and the Angry Archer in the Japanese dub of Transformers Animated.
- Grand Convoy and Overdrive (Optimus Prime and Cliffjumper to Americans) in Transformers Energon
- Mudflap in the Japanese dub of Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen