Cerberus Daily News/Characters/Citadel Dwellers
Aphin Protretho (The Sarcastic Salarian)
A middle-aged salarian who's lived most of his life behind a badge or a rank, Aphin is an atypical salarian with a combat resume as long as your arm. Despite his skills and experience, he nonetheless seems to get (unwillingly) drawn into one dangerous or hilarious situation after another. Aphin is a former STG infiltrator, C-SEC officer and Troubleshooter, and has (very) recently retired, working now as a barkeep at the aptly-named "Aphin's Place" on the Citadel.
- Action Hero: A slightly more subtle variety, but he goes in with guns blazing in more than one thread on the site.
- Artificial Limbs: His left leg, (blown away by his nemesis, Algar) and his arm (severed at the elbow during the Who Goes There story arc).
- Badass
- Badass Grandpa: Considering he's 30 years old, which is like being middle-aged for a salarian, Aphin qualifies for this.
- The Bartender: His dream retirement job, now a reality.
- Big Damn Heroes: Pulls off a big one at the climax of the Who Goes There? arc.
- Buddy Cop Show: Aphin and Hok before they left the Citadel.
- Celibate Hero: He's a salarian.
- Clint Squint
- Cowboy Cop
- Demonic Possession: By the Eldritch Abomination SAIOCH in the Who Goes There story arc. He got better.
- Determinator: If he's given a goal, he will stop at almost nothing to achieve it.
- Good Is Not Nice: And neither is Aphin, if you cross him.
- I Need a Freaking Drink: Said constantly by this character. CONSTANTLY.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He's quite irritable, but he genuinely cares about his friends.
- Neutral Good
- Never Live It Down: Hellooooo, Aphinjandro.
- Private Detective: Took to the role in stride, during the short time he acted as one.
- Retired Badass: Twice over, now, as of the end of the Who Goes There story arc.
- Turn in Your Badge: Aphin quit C-sec, came back as an instructor, and finally left once more to be reactivated as an STG for one final mission.
- Unusual Euphemism: "Shrell" being the curseword of choice.
- Veteran Instructor
Kenec'Getha vas Luvshakh nar Iblin
A young, barely of age quarian, Kenec is in an astonishingly good mood most of the time and very friendly to most everyone he meets. Recently exiled from the Migrant Fleet.
- Abusive Parents: His father regularly did and said horrible, horrible things to him when he got his first suit, and his mother never seemed to want him in the first place.
- Adorkable
- Artificial Limbs: his left eye and his left arm.
- Beware the Nice Ones: He's a clutz, and generally a nice guy, but ask Goph what happens if you piss him off.
- Big Screwed-Up Family: The Gethas.
- Butt Monkey: Attempted muggings, a failing relationship, slipping into depression, and feels no one really cares about him.
- Deadpan Snarker: Not very good at deadpan, though.
- Genius Ditz: Really quite smart when he wants to be, but this tends to be offset by his general goofiness and innocence.
- Hot-Blooded
- Ho Yay: Most everyone via Accidental Innuendo.
- Literal-Minded
- Nice Guy: Honestly does try to be the nicest person he can be to his friends. This has taken a toll on him emotionally, however.
- Stepford Smiler: Seems happy, joyous, and just generally peppy. Really feels no one loves or cares about him, and that he'll always be alone in life no matter what he does.
- The Movie Buff: Owns every single Dirk Black movie ever made. Along with about threee hundred and fifty movies of dubious quality.
- Took a Level In Badass
- Unfortunate Names: His ship is called the Luvshakh. Think on that for a moment.
- Verbal Tic: Uses less formal language and a lot more cussing whenever he gets angry.
- "Well Done, Son" Guy: Really, a lot of his problems could have been resolved if his father just loved him more and abused him horribly a whole lot less.
Irene Anna Taylor (Irene T 8765309)
A normal Teenage girl that just moved to the Citadel, and that's pretty much it. Her father is a financial consultant, but he also is an information broker on the side, although she's ignorant of this.
- Age-Appropriate Angst: She's a teenager, so it's to be expected. Although this has only happened once so far when she found out her father is starting to date again.
- Berserk Button: Don't say anything bad about her parents.
- Bookworm: She's mentioned that she's reading the Divine Comedy for fun and that she likes reading Shakespeare.
- Daddy's Girl: She's fully aware of this one.
- Despair Event Horizon: The murder of her father in WGT 2.
- Hormone-Addled Teenager: She's invoked this at least once.
- L Is for Dyslexia: Has both dyslexia and discalcula.
- Missing Mom: Her mother died in a traffic accident when she was eleven.
- Ordinary High School Student
Alex Parker (Alex the Supercop)
A 21-year-old man from Earth that gave up a future career in the police force to come live with his family on the Citadel. Dreams of joining C-Sec to continue his career in law enforcement. Near-incapable of being serious, yet nothing is more dear to him than his sister. Heaven help you if you touch her.
- Angst Coma: After All That Remains. He comes out of it to escape from hospital.
- Berserk Button: Messing with his sister doesn't put you in a good place with him.
- Big Brother Instinct: To his sister, Kate.
- Blatant Lies: He's an evil Cerberus AI. Designed by the finest minds of a generation to be the biggest idiot possible.
- Bi the Way: In a possible discussion of the trope he's just as confused as everyone else. May overlap with If It's You It's Okay.
- Breathless Non-Sequitur:
Alex: You know, I think you won the lottery, boyo. Sure wish I had biotics right now. Might help with a couple of things. Am I annoying you? Might be the blood loss. Just a possibility. I am just bleeding everywhere... Could someone get me a towel?
- Casual Danger Dialog: Will not shut up, even in a firefight.
- Chronic Hero Syndrome: Deconstructed to hell and back in and after All That Remains. Reconstructed in Dispossession, where Davril proves to Alex that he does care about his sister, despite Alex's belief that he merely had Hero Syndrome and didn't care about anyone he tried to help.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Acts cavalier about pretty much everything and insists he won't die because of his Nice Hat.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Deconstructor Fleet: His overarching story is mostly about how his character traits have been digging him deeper into despair.
- Despair Event Horizon: At his lowest point, a mysterious Cerberus operative offered to help him find his sister in exchange for his services. He accepted.
- Determinator: In 'All That Remains' he soldiers on despite a deep talon-slash to the forehead and being winged by a shotgun, unarmoured. He's finally put down by a point-blank shot to the stomach.
- Driven to Suicide: Played for laughs as Kate agrees to go out with Dippy.
- Dumb Struck: In his Heroic BSOD, even during a police interview. He manages to speak to his mother, however.
- Expy: A snarkier version of Brother Nier.
- Epiphany Therapy: Handed out by Davril.
- Fearless Fool: Usually the first to put himself on the line.
- Have I Mentioned I Am Heterosexual Today?: Majorly after Dispossession due to Davril hitting on him. Including a nigh-literal Heroic BSOD.
- Heroic BSOD: A MASSIVE one after All That Remains.
- Played for laughs when he finds out Davril sent him a big bunch of red roses.
- Hilarious in Hindsight: His mild obsession with a Nice Hat he found and desire to be 'fabulous' take on a different meaning given his new boyfriend.
- Indy Ploy: Two in the 'Lost World' storyline. Both resulted in him being injured, but nobody else.
- I Let Gwen Stacy Die: Or rather, I let my little sister get kidnapped by slavers.
- Knight Templar Big Brother: And boy does this bite him in the ass. Another part of his Trauma Conga Line
- Land Down Under: Born in Australia. He's used this fact to compare Tuchanka to Australia. And talk about drop bears.
- Laughing Mad: During his Heroic BSOD. It's unsettling.
- Sad Clown: Oh God yes.
- Self-Deprecation: Pretty quick to admit wrongdoing, and some of his jokes are directed at himself.
- Stepford Smiler: Strong Type A during his Heroic BSOD, though implied to be one generally.
- Straight Gay
- Survival Mantra: 'Can't stop' and 'I promised'.
- Trash Talk: Admonished a merc after being shot in the shoulder because they missed all the important bits.
- Trauma Conga Line: Boy howdy does his life go down the crapper in a relatively short space of time.
- Mistaken for Gay: By Davril. Though actually not so mistaken.
- Motor Mouth: When he gets flustered.
- Nice Hat: Demanded that he receive one before going on Seamus' expedition. Found one on his own while in Nos Astra, somehow.
- My Greatest Failure: Not stopping Kate's rape in time. Or her kidnap by slavers.
- Noodle Incident: Part of his jokes.
Alex: What about the time I took down a mercenary company with a single C-Sec armed response team, maps covering the Citadel wards, a pot of coffee, twelve doughnuts and a fez?
- Wrong Genre Savvy: Used to be hard on the idealist side of the Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism. Used to.
Kate Parker (K_O)
Sister to Alex, three years younger than him. She hates his overbearing protective nature, and it shows.
- Abuse Is Okay When Its Female On Male: The way she treats Alex would be downright despicable were their genders reversed.
- Action Girl/Faux Action Girl: Seems to zig-zag. Ultimately she's closer to a female Action Survivor.
- Ascended Extra: Began as a side character for Alex, but got her own account when he left the Citadel on an expedition.
- Catch Phrase: "Delicious X". Most commonly replace X with 'yaois'.
- Chaotic Good: Upon being told by a C-Sec officer not to take the law into her own hands, her response was 'blow it out your ass'. Said officer was Kyr.
- Damsel in Distress: 'All That Remains' turns her into one of these.
- Deadpan Snarker: Runs in the family.
- Determinator: It takes a lot to put her down.
- Foreshadowing: She often finds herself hungry and has a fast metabolism. She sometimes wakes up to find things in her bedroom have been moved, sometimes violently. And she gets unexplained static shocks. She glows blue at one point, too.
- Hypocritical Humour: Can state two entirely different things, sometimes in the same post.
- The Insomniac: Has trouble sleeping due to recurring nightmares.
- Jerkass Facade: Hoo boy.
- Jerkass Woobie: The way she treats Alex has basically made her a seething mass of self-hatred.
- Kill It with Fire: Her favourite threat.
- Large Ham: Her snarking is often contrasted by SUDDENLY BECOMING VERY DRAMATIC AND ANGRY.
- Made a Slave
- Meganekko
- Rape as Backstory
- Real Women Never Wear Dresses: Averted. She has the hallmarks, but she thinks keepers are adorable and squees madly over My Little Moxie.
- Sanity Slippage: Her sleeping troubles were exacerbated when Alex left on an expedition, and it showed.
- Shout-Out: "Two words; horse porn. All over your omni-tool."
- Single-Issue Psychology: There's the Rape as Backstory, but that's only part of it. The fact that Alex couldn't stop it in time shunted her hard down the Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism, and the way she reinvented herself to deal with what happened caused a rift to grow between the two very quickly over the two years since. She secretly feels horrible for treating him so badly, but Cannot Spit It Out. There's also her recurring PTSD nightmares and probable biotic powers.
- Survival Mantra: 'Don't get scared, get angry.'
- Suspiciously Specific Denial: Her reaction when people started to notice the hats on the Keepers
- Troll: She's actually capable of pulling the trollface in real life!
- Tsundere: She defends Alex, saying he's 'stronger than you think', then says he's a rake with noodle arms in the SAME POST.
- Ugly Cute: Sees Keepers as these. There are records of a C-Sec investigation into someone who tries to put various hats on all the Keepers. She was the prime suspect.
- Yaoi Fangirl: Told Alex she wrote a Shepard/hanar slashfic. She was lying about that, but she's still a fan.
Kril Norlock (chronic_gambler)
The heroic volus merchant with a dark side.
- The Gambling Addict
- Neutral Good
- Split Personality: One personality is Kril Norlock: a nice, kind, altruistic man. The other personality is Sarge: a psychopathic murderer and control freak.
- Corrupt Corporate Executive: Defied, Kril is himself far from corrupt, and holds his executives to high moral standards.
Neil DeVore
A Systems Alliance security guard working at Alliance Tower on the Citadel
- A Little Something We Call "Rock and Roll": Neil is a musician, and likes earth music, and will if needed share it with the gallaxy.
- Dark Is Not Evil: Neil likes wearing black. Is there a problem with that?
- Hallucinations: Neil has been diagnosed with paraphrenia which is exasperated if he drinks, in which case he sees dead people. (Along with people he had connections with in the past and present.)
- I Know Karate: Neil has been training in martial arts since he was a child. Specifically self-defense classes. He used what he learned to fend off against a beserking turian serial killer. It served him well.
- Knight Templar Big Brother: When cultists attacked his little sister, he didn't just find the men who hurt her. He systematically dismantled the cult and forced a confession out of the cult leader.
- Made of Iron: Half gutted and still managed to survive against a rampant serial killer and take down a blood cult.
- Neutral Good
- Nice Guy: At his core Neil is a kind and moral guy.
- Non-Idle Rich: Neil grew up with money, he became a soldier because he wanted to protect others.
- Promotion to Parent: After their parents died in the Battle of the Citadel Neil has had to take care of his little sister.
- Properly Paranoid: Neil dismantled a blood cult in a roaring rampage of revenge for hurting his sister...
but some of them are still out there, and they are out to get him.The surviving cultists were killed by a merc under Neil's employ.
Elcor investment banker who lives on the Citadel. Formerly known as pro wrestler "The Iron Elcor".
- Beehive Barrier: His tie-shield. Also a case of Awesome but Impractical, as activating the shield leaves him essentially stuck in a kinetic hamster ball.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Very pleasant and mild-mannered, but also quite capable of throwing people around if he absolutely has to.
- Butt Monkey
- Conspiracy Theorist
- Department of Redundancy Department: "Businesslike: This is my business tie. I wear it when I am doing business."
- Dull Surprise
- The Heart
- Hollywood Tone Deaf
- I Was Young and Needed the Money: His rationale for the pro wrestling. Tuition didn't pay for itself.
- Lawful Good
- Lemon Wacky Hello: When afflicted by hallucinogens.
- The Pollyanna: Except when it comes to...
- Single-Issue Wonk: ...THE KEEPERS.
- That Makes Me Feel Angry
- Wrestler in All of Us
Fadil Mahd (All My Fornax)
An, *ahem* "Executive assistant" to Zoftan. Bit of a flirt.
- Addiction Displacement - Used to be addicted to red sand, now drinks like a fish and engages in promiscuous behavior when he can get away with it.
- Animals Hate Him - Seriously, they really do. Probably because he is yellow.
- Be All My Sins Remembered
- Beneath the Mask
- Bookworm - Fadil loves books, but doesn't necessarily read a lot; he more or less collects books because they're a novelty.
- Character Tics - Rubs his birthmark, folds his hands in front of his face, adjusts his clothes.
- I Am What I Am
- Nice to the Waiter
- Real Men Eat Meat - Fadil will pretty much eat anything in front of him, as long as he won't be killed by consuming it.
- Simpleminded Wisdom
- The Dandy - He isn't intensely flamboyant, but very concerned about his presentation, no matter where he's going.
Master Sylvion
Leader of a Tayseri Ward-based gang of young thieves called the Cobalt Cutthroats. It's made up of mostly duct rats, ranging in ages from eight to eighteen.
- The Artful Dodger: Also describes Sylvie’s fighting style.
- Combat Pragmatist: Though he still gets annoyed when others are just as willing to tip the playing field to their advantage.
- Conveniently an Orphan
- Damn, It Feels Good to Be a Gangster!: His outward attitude about his lifestyle.
- Five-Finger Discount
- Honor Among Thieves: He cares for his gang more than he initially lets on.
- Just Like Robin Hood: His targets don’t always entirely deserve it, but he will still insist that his group needs the credits more than the targets did.
- Loveable Rogue
- Only Known by Their Nickname: He intentionally keeps tight control over who knows who he really is, only giving out that information to his most trusted allies.
- Satisfied Duct Rat
- Sympathetic Criminal
- Tattooed Crook: Subverted. Though he is a turian, he doesn’t even have colony markings on his face.
A krogan merc/criminal who moved to the citadel illegally. "Mostly" reformed, now lives with a quarian and a raloi in Tayseri Ward as a club bouncer. Young for a krogan, (121 years) He spent a century on Tuchanka followed by another 20 on Omega.
- Big Brother Instinct: While not brothers, he's hunted down and hurt/killed almost everyone that has damaged any member of his Krantt.
- Boisterous Bruiser: Only so because he has a tendency to break things, or blow up things accidentally. Also very loud.
- Gentle Giant: One of the friendlier krogans you'll meet.
- The Big Guy: Class 3. He is a krogan, after all.
- Odd Friendship: Krantt consists of a raloi, human, and quarian.
Sanjin Challos (SkyEye)
A twenty-odd year old Drell, Sanjin became an air traffic controller after being rejected for the compact. She attempted to join a independent drell colony but was forced to return to the Citadel-with a thirteen year old orphan in tow. Generally outgoing, but reluctant so show weakness, even in her closest relationships.
- Cool Big Sis-especially with Kayanna, with whom she was Promoted to Parent.
- Deadpan Snarker: With a penchant for self-deprecation.
- Green-Skinned Space Babe
- Hot for Preacher: And got him, too. Her relationship is a little complicated.
- Ill Girl: Sanjin has early stage Kepral's Syndrome.
- May-December Romance: Diocese, again.
- Photographic Memory: Standard package for drell.
Kira Aganorisis
A nine year old salarian attending a college on the Citadel's outer Kithoi ward, he is currently studying to become a history major.
- Apologises a Lot: His highly critical view of his own work leads this to often occur alongside It's All My Fault.
- Asexuality: Naturally for a salarian, save for the asari, something that disturbs him. He tries to suppress this as much as possible.
- The Gadfly: Sometimes tries to be the Socratic flavor in debates when bored, but often just ends up making arguments for inherently ridiculous ideas for the hell of it.
- Ditzy Genius
- Muggles: Compared to a good number of the board's other members.
- Nakama: Considers his close friends this, and his desire for this is one of the integral aspects of his personality.
- Neutral Good
- Omniglot: Kira's familiarity with different languages required for his work sometimes leads others to see him as this.
- Renaissance Man: Kira has a wide range of interests, though he would claim that he's not very proficient in any of them.
- Terse Talker: Kira's writing style is this, but his actual speech is more fluid.
- We Are as Mayflies: Again, naturally for a salarian. The prospect of this scares him at times.
An elderly salarian woman who works full-time as a knowledge broker, Salandria's history is that of a distinguished, matronly figure, the salarian having been selected as a possible dalatrass candidate, but ended up turning them down. After putting her time as a merc and a tech expert behind her, Salandria now resides on the Citadel, running a small antiques shop which is a front for a respectable information buying-and-selling business.
- Blind Seer: She's implied that she has ways of seeing the world, despite her current blindness.
- Cool Old Lady: Likes to think of herself as one.
- Knowledge Broker
- Old Master
- Prophet Eyes
- The Engineer: Used to dabble heavily in tech skills when she was a merc, in her youthful times.
- True Neutral
- Vague Age
- When I Was Your Age: Invokes this sometimes in arguments with the intention of getting her opponents so bored they'll leave.
Joel Newman
A human film director taking up residence within the Citadel's Kithoi Ward.
- Doing It for the Art: Views his films as such.
- Happily Married: With two daughters
- Lawful Good
- Le Film Artistique: His first film "Upon a Golden Sea" which won him an award was produced on a low budget.
- The Movie Buff: He graduated with a degree in film studies.
- Sweet Home Alabama: Was born and raised in Texas, and is very proud of his heritage.
Aaron Wilts (Human C-Sec Officer)
A human, originally from Earth, who came to the Citadel for a vacation. After meeting an upper-ranked officer in C-Sec and having a few drinks he decided to remain on the station and become an officer of the law. Currently living by himself in Tayseri Ward.
- Author Avatar: Aaron shares not only some of the same beliefs, preferences and hobbies as his player, but even bears a passing resmemblance and shares the same name! However, this is because the player originally belonged to another Mass Effect roleplaying group, where he essentially "played himself" (as his own character). When Aaron (the player) found the CDN, he decided to use Aaron (the character) as the character didn't conflict with any parts of established canon in any way. Aware of the risks of the character becoming a Mary Sue or a mouthpiece, the player takes special care to seperate himself from his character.
- Always Second Best: Played semi-straight; Aaron perceives himself as second best in comparison to his fellow officers, which is technically true. However, this has developed into something resembling an inferiority complex, wherein, in order to compensate for his perceived "weakness" he works himself longer, and harder, than his comrades. This is often to the detriment of his physical and mental health.
- Badass Normal: Came into C-Sec with just a college degree and an extremely basic understanding of the use of pistols. After a grueling series of months in the Academy and over a year or so of work as an officer, he is now a competant and reliable cop.
- By-The-Book Cop: He follows former Executor Pallin's example of maintaining an adherence to the letter (and spirit) of the law.
- Chivalrous Pervert: Aaron doesn't hide the fact that he's attracted to (older) men, and turians in-particular, but doesn't flaunt it either. His flirtations usually remain tactful and he prefers to be friends first. Still, he doesn't mind the occasional bit of eye-candy and oogling, when he can get away with it.
- Interspecies Romance: Was dating Davril. A discussion regarding their relationship resulted in a mutual break-up which Aaron refuses to go into detail to, even if pressed. Currently has a profile site up. Got a hit from a Krogan, which didn't pan out. Is still on the open market at the moment though his interesting is passing at best.
- Jack of All Trades: Has a fairly decent set of skills as an officer: marksmanship, hand-to-hand combat, and some minor expertise with electronics and hacking. While not as skilled as any of the more seasoned or experienced officers, his well-roundness earns him respect in the office. Sadly, this does little to take away from his feelings of inferiority
- Lawful Good
- Nice Guy
- Ridiculously Average Guy: Compared to a fair bit of the cast, Aaron is remarkably average in almost every way. Even his childhood is average. Of course, he's aware of this and takes full advantage of it, especially when working in the field. Was also designed this way by the player to alleviate some of the Author Avatar status.
- Took a Level In Badass: Aaron's progression from ordinary human to C-Sec officer can basically be described as this.
David Lawrence (Meshakhad)
A human marine-turned-CSEC. Lives and works in the Zakera Ward.
- Doomed Hometown: Originally from Mindoir.
- Lawful Good
- Mind Over Matter: A skilled biotic.
- Victorious Childhood Friend: Happily Married to his childhood friend Sakura.
Emon Spiza
Very neurotic salarian engineer. Lived on Illium for three years as an indentured servant before transferring over to the Citadel's Kithoi Ward. Currently works as a technician and secretary for the equally odd raloi Grackel.
- Amusing Alien
- Back Stab: Proceeds to do this to Asharia at the GWO Ball, while under the possession of an Overmind from the Who Goes There story arc. It doesn't end well for him.
- Body Horror: Becomes one during Who Goes There, Chapter 3. He got better.
- Butt Monkey
- Cosmic Plaything: Exacerbated by his being able to hear the Lemony Narrator.
- Character Tic: Half of his mouth is perpetually contorted into a pseudo-smile; it often begins twitching when he's under stress.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass
- Gadgeteer Genius
- Made An Indentured Servant
- Momma's Boy: To the point that his Inner Child, "The Spizzlet," takes over when in close proximity to her.
- No Fourth Wall: To the point where Spiza actually manages to break the monitor with one of the forum's Quote boxes.
- Noodle Incident: How he became an indentured servant, though he has made passing remarks about "a meal that changed his life".
- Ridiculously Successful Future Self: In an Elseworlds thread, he's finally made it big as a movie star after turning his misadventures into television gold. Too bad it ends in death by piano.
- Strange Syntax Speaker: Dropped articles, possessives, prepositions, conjunctions in speech frequently. Lampshaded constantly, and abandoned after his involvement in the Who Goes There story arc. It's Handwaved as a translation issue.
- True Neutral: He just wants to be left alone, in a cozy job that uses his expertise. Instead, he's a perpetually-unemployed, temp-seeking momma's boy.
- Wham Line
The Overmind: We shall be controlling the narrative now, we think.
Goph (Just An Author)
A salarian childrens' author, his books have been cherished by children galaxy-wide. Good qualities aside, Goph is a cynical, clinically depressed and otherwise jerkish person. Suicidal to an almost comical level, his attempts to end it all never seem to work.
- Asshole Victim: No one will miss him. If anything, his death will be a great thing.
- Bungled Suicide: To the point he should enter for the world record of most failed suicides.
- Cluster F-Bomb
- Deadpan Snarker
- Interrupted Suicide: It's happened twice since he's been on the boards. Presumably happened many more times before.
- Jerkass: And how.
- Kick the Dog
- Nietzsche Wannabe: A nihilist, if there ever was one.
Kyr (Kyman201)
An elcor ex-mercenary and former soldier. Has recently joined up with C-Sec
- Badass: He took on a krogan battlemaster, and won.
- In addition to that 'got into a fistfight with a krogan battlemaster' thing, he accentuated his punches with blasts from gauntlet-mounted shotguns.
- Berserk Button: Despite being rather even-tempered, Kyr seems to get annoyed when things go poorly, and when people mess with his guns. Not so much due to personal attachment, but because recalibration and repair can be tough.
- Big Freaking Gun: He's mentioned with pride that one of his favorite weapons is a scavanged forward cannon from a turian fighter.
- Good Old Fisticuffs: Kyr, to date, has been a part of three minor plotlines that have involved combat. And every single one has involved him punching a krogan.
- Mighty Glacier: He's an elcor. It comes with the territory.
- Nice Guy: He may be able to break you in half with a gesture, but he's a laid back and relaxed sort out of combat.
- Real Men Wear Pink: Despite being able to fight off a krogan battlemaster, Kyr has mentioned that he collects plushies.
- Remember When You Took On A Krogan Battlemaster?: Even joining C-Sec hasn't let this event fade, as apparently some of the other officers heard about it, and one asked Kyr point-blank about it.
- That Makes Me Feel Angry
- The Big Guy: Class 2. A generally friendly guy, but he IS a cop
Lokkor (LKOR)
An elcor...disc jockey. Has a predilection for electronica until his attempted assassination, after which he turns to black metal.
- Art Shift: Going from electronica to death metal.
- Conspicuously Public Assassination: At the GWO Ball. Twice. He survives.
- Jive Turkey, Get a Load of That Square: Invoked - He's an elcor DJ.
LKOR: Growling: I will unite everyone under a banner of metal, Urrrrrraaaaaaaaaaah.
- The Woobie: Post-assassination.
Rabbi Simon Goldberg (Rasbai)
A human rabbi living on the Citadel.
Corvidian Venturus (Venturi_Investigations)
A turian private investigator living and working on the Citadel's Zakera Ward.
- Drink Order: Parthian brandy. Almost to The Alcoholic levels.
- Dead Little Sister: Hasn't been quite the same since his son died.
- Good Is Not Nice: Not especially pleasant to the Citadel's criminals.
- I Need a Freaking Drink: Constantly.
- Noble Bigot with a Badge: He's a good person most of the time, but he can't stand krogan.
- Noodle Incident: While working on Ilium, he managed to anger the krogan mob, a Corrupt Corporate Executive and a serial killer all at once.
- Private Detective: His job and, by now, his obsession.
Flower (Wild Flower)
A thirteen-year-old human duct rat. Also a biotic.
- Fantastic Racism: Sort of. She has a phobia of asari, but refuses to explain more than the fact that one hurt her once.
- The Runaway: She first became a duct rat after running away from what she claims was an abusive foster home.
- Street Urchin: She's been a duct rat since she was six years old.
- Happily Adopted: Her turian guardian made his parental figure status official.
- The Woobie: Dear Lord, yes.
- Heartwarming Orphan: Warning: exposure to WildFlower will melt your heart, no exceptions. Only a Complete Monster would dare hurt her!
- Younger Than They Look: She looks like she's eleven due to years of malnutrition.
- Little Stowaway: With Davril.
- Snooping Little Kid: She was the "navigator" for her former group of duct rats, and she knows the ducts better than anyone. She also snoopsed for an information broker for cash for a little while.
- Badass Adorable: Her biotics ain't just for show... This was proven when she sent a full grown turian flying with a biotic push only three days after getting her implants.
Sicues Nyenax
A barefaced gang leader in Tayseri. He wants Flower in his gang, badly.
- An Arm and a Leg: Davril didn't take shit from him at all.
- Complete Monster: To say the least...
- How much of a Complete Monster? Enough that the writer portraying Sicues said "Now I need to go take a shower. And then go pray."
- Street Urchin: He grew up as a duct rat, and returned to his old ward to become a crime lord.
- Would Hurt a Child: Flower claims to have seen him beating the children in his gang. And what he's recently done to her...
- The Caligula: Very rich, and very violent. If you're going to tell him no or make him mad, make sure you're at a safe distance.
- Loan Shark: How he got to be very rich.
- Abduction Is Love: Shooting a priest in the back during said abduction, however...
- Even Evil Has Standards: Played with - Sicues doesn't allow his organization to deal hard drugs, but he does force dealers to pay his group protection money in exchange for... not dying.
- Tattooed Crook: Sicues makes his mark on all his men.
- Moral Event Horizon: Crossed in this post.
Mekan (Depressed Batarian)
An extremely friendly and nerdy batarian hacker who was raised on Omega, and has since moved to the Citadel. He runs a one-man cybersecurity business out of his home on the Citadel but occasionally abandons the business to go on wacky and/or awesome adventures.
- Action Survivor: He's not trained in combat, and as of the time of this writing, has survived two major combat situations where he contributed to the team's overall victory.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Despite being friendly and generally non-prejudiced, he has a breaking point. When you reach it, you'll know.
- Chronic Hero Syndrome: This is his primary reason for ever getting involved in something related to being shot at, or shooting at people. Plus, he's just so gosh-darn helpful in normal situations.
- Crowning Moment of Awesome: He tackled and temporarily pinned a teammate that was possessed and strength-boosted by an Eldritch Abomination after nearly getting shot to death. His opponent had managed to resist a krogan's efforts to disarm him just moments beforehand.
- Heroic BSOD: Had a pretty serious one following Operation Down With Discord. He was never psychologically prepared for combat, but participated in the assault on Discord's base anyway.
- Large Ham: When Mekan was fighting on the Pequod in the endgame of Who Goes There 2, he had some pretty serious emotional reactions to the fighting. This manifested as Mekan breaking out the ham. He attributes this to adrenaline rushes in combat.
- Made of Iron: During the boarding action on the Pequod at the end of Who Goes There 2, he manages to get near-fatally shot and then almost crushed to death on top of that by the local cosmic horror. He keeps going for the rest of the mission, only realizing he'd been shot by the time the boarding party's gotten away from danger.
- No Last Name Given: He's never mentioned his last name for some reason.
- My Species Doth Protest Too Much: Mekan hates the batarian trade and tradition of slavery. He happens to be batarian.
- Non-Action Guy: Started out as this, but has grown to be prefer being on crazy adventures.
- Playful Hacker: Mekan generally doesn't go out of his way to cause real damage or harm with his hacking talents, unless someone really pisses him off.
- Sitcom Arch Nemesis: Has possibly acquired one in the form of the Volus hacker Terrorbyte.
- The Engineer: Takes on this role during combat.
- Took a Level In Badass: With the conclusion of Who Goes There 2, he's shown he can be pretty badass.
Halley Lacaille (Celestial Palette)
A 27-year-old human biotic artist/bartender who recently moved to the Citadel from Amaterasu.
- Alliance Brat: her father's been an officer with the Alliance Marines since before she was born. In the Blood, apparently.
- Badass Damsel
- The Bartender: claims its a hobby with a steady paycheck
- Biotic Bartending: highly skilled in flair bartending - with a biotic twist.
- Combat Stilettos: Upon realizing she's being attacked, her first reaction is to kick her attacker between the legs while wearing high heels
- The Confidant: mostly to her patrons, but also to her friends
- Daddy's Girl: Only child, and very close with her (overprotective) father.
- Ethical Slut
- Everything Sounds Sexier in French
- Fake Memories: In the Biotic Salvation arc, the Big Bad hypnotises Halley and gives her one of these
- Fiery Redhead
- Heroes Want Redheads: Apparently.
- The First Cut Is the Deepest: Alluded to
- Like Brother and Sister: Her and her patron's nephew, Atem
- Cool Big Sis: To Atem
- Obfuscating Stupidity: graduated magna cum laude with a degree in Psychology...yet you'd almost never know it
- Plucky Girl
- Power Perversion Potential
- Starving Artist: averted
- Unresolved Sexual Tension: with Gunny Tritt
- Romance Ensues: inevitably
Kolya Wright (Human Quarian)
A 'culturally confused' twenty year old human who grew up on the Citadel and has now returned after spending two years travelling around human colonies in a effort to get to know his species better.
- Gene Hunting: Subverted in that while he's currently trying to track down his Missing Mom, he isn't hoping for a family reunion and just wants to know why she sent him away when he was six.
- Had Two Daddies: Technically it was more like 'one daddy and one uncle and it was only for four years of his life, but it still counts.
- Interspecies Adoption: His uncle may not have offically adopted him but to all intents and purposes it still qualifies.
- Mr. Fixit : His uncle was a quarian. Said quarian regarded the ability to repair pretty much anything as a life essential and ensured that Kolya had it.
- Pardon My Quarian: He was mostly raised by his father's quarian flatmate. This has had a number of effects, the most obvious one being that the words 'bosh'tet' and 'keelah' have become permenantly embeded in his vocabulary.
- Parental Abandonment: His mother handed him over to his dad when he was six and he hasn't heard from her since then. His dad went off to play merc when he was ten and never came back. Thankfully he had an Honorary Uncle to act as a Parental Substitute.
- The Nondescript: Is actually described as such, a fact which he's used to his advantage at least once.
Vohkaidin Knox (Vohkaidin)
A former human slave that has started a new life on the Citadel. After being liberated by a turian assault squad, he spent nearly four years in an Alliance ward, being educated and otherwise prepared for the galaxy at large. He's out now, taking one step at a time in the greater universe.
- Badass: Proved to be this in WGT 2, where he killed a group of Qoro Q infested quarian infants trying to kill Aphin Protretho with his bare hands. Unfortunetly, this lead to him being Demonically Possessed ...
- Black Eyes: Along with his scars, they make him look rather intense.
- Berserk Button: Slavery, and and slavers in general. Also, don't threaten Helena Mathioudakis, or anyone else he cares about.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Vohkaidin's a very friendly guy, but he's had some minor training in self defense, and when he's in a dangerous situation, he's proven he can be lethal.
- Dark and Troubled Past: His past as a slave clearly. Recently, he's revealed a bit more of his time in bondage. Up until he was fourteen, he lived on Camala, one of the industrialized batarian colonies. Then he spent six years on Logasiri, a world with the highest known death toll for slaves in the Hegemony, to the point that one of overlords there used the burned up remains of several hundred slaves as compost for his private gardens. Vohkaidin does not like to speak of his time there.
- Dead Guy, Junior: A sort of self-inflicted version of the trope. He didn't have a name prior to being liberated (he found out his surname via a gene scan) and later named himself 'Vohkaidin' in honour of a turian who'd been part of the assult squad and befriended him, only to die when the Citadel was attacked.
- Demonically Possessed: Was briefly infected by QoroQ during the endgame of WGT 2. During this, he exhibited superhuman strength, and managed to physically send a batarian, human, and krogan, all in hardsuits, flying off of him. He was able to briefly break the possession when Helena Mathioudakis, his lover, broke through QoroQ's domination. This gave the others the opportunity to inject the vaccine.
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: He bears a distincive group of scars running across his right eye. Has yet to reveal how he recieved them, except that it was during his time on Logasiri.
- Missing Mom: Was taken from his mother and sold when he was two. He hasn't seen her since but he still wonders about her.
- Neutral Good: Help C-Sec stop a terrorist attack? Yep. Help your girlfriend uncover a government conspiracy? Yeah, he qualifies for this trope.
- Shoot the Dog: His Demonic Possession via QoroQ's infection gave him first hand knowledge of its plans to consume all organic life. So when its primary intelligence held a hundred quarian infants hostage to force the heroes to leave, he was the one who stepped up and said that allowing it to live would simply doom the galaxy to a worse fate. The children were killed as result. Vohkaidin himself believes he's a Complete Monster because of this, but saw no other way around the issue.
Sergeant Alexis Thorpe (Protect_and_Serve)
A C-SEC Special Response Unit officer (Think SWAT IN SPACE) who's based on Zakera Ward. She's a biotic and served a few tours in the Alliance Marine Corps, with the training and experience to match.
- Badass Abnormal: She's just a biotic with Marine training, yet she pulped a terrorist's skull with her fist once.
- Bi the Way: Is Happily Bonded to an asari named Leana who she met on the job for quite some time now, and isn't shy about her preferences either.
- Dark and Troubled Past: The ascension project was about as bad for her as it was for the rest of the subjects.
- Deadpan Snarker: Mild example, she's not all smiles and rainbows after all.
- Fair Cop: She's no fashion model cum Supercop, but she's still got her lovely charms.
- Humble Hero: Hilariously enough, she's incredibly shy when it comes to praise. It's not uncommon to hear her say "Think Nothing of It" when she's being praised.
- Lawful Good: She joined C-Sec to protect and help the innocent, not that she's soft and indecisive about it either.
- Police Are Useless: Takes steps to avoid this sort of thing, and considers it a Berserk Button when people imply it about C-SEC.
- Semper Fi: She did Force Recon in the Alliance Marine Corps, and retains her healthy respect of the corps.
- Sergeant Rock: She's tough as nails in a fight, but she genuinely cares for her comrades and civvies alike.
- The Ladette: Partially Subverted, she's usually one of the guys but isn't part of the Real Women Never Wear Dresses crowd per say.
Juhani Alavirta (hammers-sickles)
Earthborn university student, who later moved onto Citadel after getting a job as paid intern at Systems Alliance embassy (and got fired from it after attempting a defection t othe Hierarchy). Likes aliens. A lot. Enough so to woo Veneta Ragum, turian Hot Librarian into a relationship and move in with her back to Hierarchy proper.
- Anything That Moves: Slept with Thel'Adean once, as well as a turian and a krogan. (Long Story)
- Bi the Way: His new girlfriend hasn't slowed down his adventures with krogan and turians at all. In fact, she encourages Juhani to do it!
- Let's Play: Is doing one himself on an Ace Combat expy.
- Finns With Fearsome Forests: Comes with Juhani being a Finn. Back on Earth, he has served in the Home Guards too!
- Men Don't Cry: Averted. He lets those tears come alright after being mauled in the hospital with Kate witnessing them.
- Turncoat: Ended up playing for the turian side after being approached by Alliance intelligence while on an embassy job. As expected, made him lose his job.
Stezenyn (kahjeforeternity)
A hanar shopkeeper who's currently living on the Citadel. Is quite curious about other species.
- Nice Hat: Has at least two of them, the usual one being a top hat, despite being a hanar and therefore lacking what most species would consider a head.
- So far he has had avatars of him wearing a top hat and a military cap. He has also worn a monocle, a cowboy hat, and a wizard's hat.
- The Reveal: He revealed his Soul Name to Allison Drew.
Rala'Zarun nar Torva
A twenty-three year old Quarian pilgrim who joined the site during an unplanned stopover on Omega (due to engine trouble in her poorly-maintained shuttle). After Techie generously repaired the shuttle for free, she travelled to Illium, where she worked for a time as a driver/pilot for a vehicle-hire firm. Recently moved to the Citadel to start her own transport business.
(Trope examples will be added soon.)
Reverend Rakho Shaval (Four-Eyed Freedom Fighter)
A batarian slaver-turned-preacher and abolitionist. Also the leader of the White Cloaks, a band of former slaves turned religious warriors who rescue slaves.
- The Atoner: Used to be a slaver.
- Badass Preacher
- Catch Phrase: "DELIVERANCE is at hand!"
- Can have a double meaning, as his ship is called the Deliverance.
- Expy: Basically the batarian version of John Newton.
- Good Colors, Evil Colors: Rakho's White Cloaks. Guess what their uniform consists of.
- Heel Faith Turn: Big time.
- The Heretic: Rakho espouses Rel'Phar, a heretical sect of Kal'Phar, the official religion of the Batarian Hegemony.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Rakho uses a batarian slaver ship (designed for capturing slaves) in order to free them.
- Large Ham: Oh yes.
- My Species Doth Protest Too Much: A batarian abolitionist.
- Ragtag Bunch of Misfits: The White Cloaks are generally lacking in discipline or combat training, being mostly ex-slaves. They do, however, have a clear motivation, a charismatic leader, and a lot of guns.
Lynn Conway (Lynn o Cymru)
A C-Sec Enforcement grunt currently based on Bachjret Ward. After serving several years with the UK Royal Military Police on Earth, Lynn was accepted into C-Sec to help fill the manpower shortage following the geth attack.
- Action Girl: Is capable of holding her own in a fight, if the raid on Prometheus Pharma was any indication.
- Deadpan Snarker: Not as much compared to the others, but she does have her moments.
- Last-Name Basis: As a formality issue, she chiefly refers to others, aside from her friends, by their last name and honorific.
- Interspecies Romance: Is in a relationship with the turian Callius Nerva, himself a C-Sec officer working for their Network Division.
- Land of My Fathers and Their Sheep: Was born and raised in Wales.
- Politeness Judo: Her chief tactic when debating on the boards.
Unknown (Three Headed Dog)
A gun for hire who has seen himself working under a variety of stuff under Ceberus as a 2-bit mercenary. He serves as a runner for a variety of organizations but is more bent on being pro-citadel and has a less than high opinion of Non-citadel races.
- Fantastic Racism: HATES Non-citadel races with a passion
- Mind Wipe: Due to the nature of his missions, some of the stuff he was part of had him being mind wiped by the local cells after completion of a successful mission. Often waking up naked with a credit chit on the table.
- Psycho for Hire: Especially in taking down Quarians and Batarians.
Nikolai Aleksanders (Mr_Sandman)
A friendly and polite businessman from Earth, he's a relative newcomer to CDN. Oh, and he also happens to be evil.
- Bi the Way: Had relationships with men and women. Actually a surprisingly nice and caring partner.
- Complete Monster: No morals, no ethics, no conscience.
- Corrupt Corporate Executive: Has no issues making shady, under the table weapons deals with slavers and known gang leaders. Also uses slaves as test subjects for experimental gene therapies and cybernetic enhancements.
- Disproportionate Retribution: Preferred method of dealing with threats.
- Faux Affably Evil: Nice and polite at dinner. Nice and polite at work. Nice and polite while torturing you to death...
- From Nobody to Nightmare: Went from a kid growing up in the slums of Chicago to a CEO with enough power to conquer worlds.
- Glasgow Grin: Was on the receiving end of one in his teens.
- Lack of Empathy
- Man of Wealth and Taste: Almost always in an expensive and fashionable suit.
- Mega Corp: Owns one.
- One Nation Under Copyright: His ultimate goal is to create one of these.
- Pay Evil Unto Evil: The gang member who gave his the aforementioned smile? He lured him and his entire gang to their warehouse headquarters, sealed all the doors, and torched the place.
- Self-Made Orphan: Killed his abusive father and stepmother several days before his eighteenth birthday, then staged it to look like a drug overdose. Killed his birthmother several years later. Staged it to look like a murder-suicide between her and his half-brother.
- Wicked Cultured: Prides himself on being polite and well mannered in all situations.
Velte'sen Nar Liead (Velte)
A quarian infiltration expert and mercenary who survived the Fall of Omega. Currently employed by Nikolai Aleksander as an in house troubleshooter (Hehe) for Titan, and rooming with Nakmor Grenok, a fellow Omega refugee.
- Cold Sniper / Friendly Sniper: Depending on who she's dealing with.
- Deadpan Snarker: As per usual on these boards
- The Exile: By choice. Hearing about the Flotilla calling back pilgrims, Velte promptly looked the other way and instead took a job as a corporate killer.
- Invisibility Cloak: One of her most used omni tool apps.
- Professional Killer: Did the occaisonal assassination job on Omega, and one or two on the Citadel for Nikolai.
- Sitcom Arch Nemesis: Nakmor Grenok, her Krogan roommate.
- Undying Loyalty: To Nikolai, the first job she's managed to wrangle since Omega. As he has pointed out to another member, she would not hesitate even to kill another Quarian if there was an order from him.
- What Did I Do Last Night?: After finishing one job, she proceeded to get drunk and ended up in bed with a Turian on shore leave. The next morning she ended up stumbling through the wards attempting to find a hospital. Hillarity Ensued
Urdnot Gokanong
A formerly retired Krogan mercenary now working for Nikolai as a part of his commando unit.
- An Arm and a Leg: Has a synthetic replacement for his lower left arm and extensive skin weaves, some of the many battle scars he received before his retirement.
- Badass: Has a reputation for being this before his retirement. Proves he is again by taking out a Krogan before his vorcha even have a chance to realize he's being attacked.
- Badass Normal: Doesn't have any biotic potential and relies solely on his strength, cunning and experience to kill his enemies.
- Badass Grandpa: While not too old in Krogan terms, he had three hundred years of fighting under his belt, which is a lot by anyone but the asari or the krogan's standards.
- Berserk Button: Do not call him old, mess with his ship, or insult his friends.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Is an incredibly polite krogan, but he spent the last 300 years of his life killing in the name of whoever paid him.
- Chaotic Neutral: Will take the side with the most benefits, but doesn't sell out his employers.
- Curb Stomp Battle: Does this with the child of one of his Krantt, shooting him before beating him into humility.
- Disproportionate Retribution: Shoots a krogan and performs the previously mentioned Curb Stomp Battle because he called him old and insulted one of his Krantt. Then again, he also tried to take his ship by force...
Prof. Mirala T'Narf (Almost-Matriarch)
An asari professor of xenoliterature recently shifted into the matriarch stage of her life. Mother of both Linya and Emile's wife Zelana.
- Amazingly Embarrassing Parents: Linya's new catchphrase is "MOTHER" for a reason...
- Awakening the Sleeping Giant (on a small scale): She involved herself in the Biotic Salvation arc's rescue mission even after Emile was returned simply because they hurt her little girl.
- Badass Grandma
- Blue Skinned Space Babe: though she's getting on a bit now.
- Game Breaker: She's a very powerful biotic, mitigated mainly by preferring not to fight, and being severely outnumbered when she eventually gets in on the action.
- I Want Grandkids: and she's finally getting one!
- Mama Bear
- May-December Romance: With Everett Maliezewski - she's easily more than twenty times his age.
- My Species Doth Protest Too Much: Not happy with her fellow matriarchs' insistence on dragging their feet in the face of the Reaper threat.
- Name's the Same: As Morinth's given name. The author swears blind this was accidental.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: Bang on 700, actually.
- Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness: Complete with relatively antiquated grammar.
- Try to Fit That on A Business Card: "Professor Matriarch Mirala'Kortl M'Tanis T'Narf nar Thessia" - due to her habit of keeping her ex-bondmates' names.