Cerberus Daily News/Characters/Order Solutions
Formerly of the Blue Suns, Commander Davril was employed by a volus businessman as the XO for his cruiser. He had the misfortune to be on the ship when it was stormed by an army of krogan, led by Mellas.
Currently the CEO of a small private mercenary outfit, Single Order Solutions, as well as the Commander of the Aspiration.
- The Alcoholic: Claims that it began with simply drowning his sorrows, but the habit stuck.
- An Arm and a Leg: Both were destroyed beyond repair during the attack on the MSS Talis Fia.
- Artificial Limbs
- Electronic Eyes: Got those replaced, too.
- Ascended Extra: Originally existed only so Mellas could toss him around.
- Batman Gambit: Pulled one on Alex in order to snap him out of his Heroic BSOD.
- Big Fancy House: Owns a house on the Presidium.
- Blood Knight: He loves the thrill of taking another sentient life. This and his Lack of Empathy might be related to his time as a...
- Child Soldier Enlisted with the Blue Suns at age fifteen. The mercenary outfit he had been with for the five years prior had been disbanded.
- Creepy Monotone: Invoked. Davril has cultivated an upper-class accent and talks in monotone for the express purpose of unnerving people.
- Domestic Abuser: Responded to Alex`s refusal to move by violently slamming him against a wall and ordering him to leave.
- Emotion Control
- Hired Guns: Specifically a Bounty Hunter and Professional Killer, and currently the head of a Private Military Corporation.
- It's All About Me: Threw Alex out the door as soon as he found his whining more grating than enduring.
- Lack of Empathy: Disempathetic sociopath; only holds empathy for a close circle of friends and family.
- Manipulative Bastard: Helped Alex with his problems solely to amuse himself, an threw him out when he lost interest.
- Morality Pet: His son, Kaneel'Jorash, along with his daughter, Flower.
- Street Urchin: Spent his youth as this.
- Wouldn't Hurt a Child: Shows a conditioned drive that prevents him from harming children or allowing them to come to harm.
Kaneel'Jorash nar Sombrei
A young quarian out on pilgrimage and a student of Davril. Very eager to learn and kick ass and has an ambivalent view of the Migrant Fleet at best.
- Big Fancy House: The apartment he shares with Diplomatic Immunity is more like a mansion.
- Blood Knight: Loves the rush of combat.
- Chaotic Neutral: Has a soft side and moral standards, but enjoys fighting and is far too ambivalent about killing to be good.
- Glass Cannon: Subverted. Can actually take a hit and keep going despite the reputation of quarians.
- Guilty Pleasure: Subverted. Absolutely loves trashy romances, especially Fleet and Flotilla, and is willing to say so proudly.
- Fire-Forged Friends: A few notable ones including Davril, Winston Colter, and Kyr.
- Happily Adopted: By Davril.
- Indy Ploy: Twice, once with grenades and once by dropping a shuttle on a charging adversary.
- Love Makes You Dumb: Decided helping his not-quiet girlfriend who has no combat skills stowaway on a mission to a very dangerous planet in large part to impress her.
- Men Can't Keep House: Totally averted. He's quarian so cleanliness is big with him and he enjoys cooking.
- Only in It For the Money: Somewhat averted, he likes the money but is really in it for the thrill of combat.
- Parental Neglect: One reason he doesn't really like the Fleet.
- Remember When You Blew Up a Sun?: Winston Colter likes to bring up the fact that Kaneel weaponized a shuttle engine.
- The Gambling Addict: To a moderate degree. He's not deeply in debt yet.
- Young Gun: Is 17 and has survived employer betrayal, geth, terrorists,parasite-controlled abominations, and an explosion caused by Arla while fighting said parasites.
Laxine Sebith
A forty-year old female turian pretending to be male, Laxine is violent, temperamental, easily excitable, and otherwise is heavily psychologically damaged.
- Action Girl
- Angst? What Angst?: Mildly.
- Broken Bird
- Berserk Button: Call her a female a few times, she'll forgive you. Continuous teasing, though, might cause her to remove your limbs with your own teeth.
- Chaotic Neutral
- Companion Cube / Security Blanket: Her rifle, named Refuge, which she has owned for twenty four years. If she is forced to stay in a place without it or without easy access to Refuge, she will not sleep or eat until she gets it back.
- Living Emotional Crutch: William Baldwin.
- Madness Mantra: Pitter, patter, pitter, patter, pitter, patter...
- Morality Chain: William Baldwin, once again.
- Running Gag: Sebith, ma'am.
- The Runaway: When she was sixteen.
- Violence Is the Only Option
- Violently Protective Girlfriend: Causing William physical harm around Laxine is one of the easier ways to commit suicide.
William Baldwin
A thirty-four year old human biotic and mercenary, William is a widower, former marine, and a fully realized Bastion. Serving as Commander Davril's second in command.
- And I Must Scream: The Biotic Stasis Field, one of his two specialties, is unpleasant, as Kenec can attest.
- Barrier Warrior: The Bastion is defensively orientated, William's biotic barriers are incredible.
- Berserk Button: Making fun of his dead wife is normally a one-way ticket to meet her in person... unless you're lucky enough to be below his notice.
- Chaotic Good: He is not one for letting the law stand in the way of what's right.
- Drill Sergeant Nasty: Inverted. Operations Chief William Baldwin, Senior Drill Instructor for the Marines. Also a nice guy, great to hang around.
- Interrupted Suicide: Doubles as a Happily-Failed Suicide, went on to get psychological help.
- The Lancer: He's kind, caring, and emotional, to Davril's cold, detached, and logical behaviour.
- Nice Guy: William does everything he can to help and protect people.
- Protectorate: Views Arla'Neeri as like a daughter to him.
- Semper Fi
- Trigger: William's post traumatic stress disorder is triggered variously by having to ride in taxis, shuttles, as well as broken glass.
- There Are No Therapists: Averted. Will has seen, and continues to see, a therapist for his PTSD.