Cerberus Daily News/Characters/Freelancers
Vrael Seleukos (Tamerlane)
A turian warlord operating in the Terminus System.
- Affably Evil: Tamerlane is always courteous, polite and self-effacing - even to his enemies.
- The Caligula: A mild version. He is mostly rational and humble, but he privately entertains large delusions of grandeur; he believes himself to be a modern-day conqueror in the mould of his pseudonym, and has adjusted his behaviour to correspond to this idea. Hence the throne room and the extravagant dress sense.
- Even Evil Has Standards: He spoke poorly of Caldus Discori and stated that he was glad that he was dead.
- Names to Run Away From: He's called Tamerlane. Y'know, after this guy.
- Only Known by Their Nickname: He refers to himself - and is referred to by everyone else as - Tamerlane, rather than his turian name.
- Wicked Cultured: He is named after an ancient conqueror, and he frequently makes references to the classical world in his speech and in his dress.
Michael Thompson (mikemerc)
A veteran mercenary now working as a freelancer.
- Artificial Limbs: Has two cybernetic fingers on his right hand.
- And now his entire left arm is cybernetic after a harvester ate the real one
- Blasting It Out of Their Hands: Someone attempting this is why he has the aforementioned cybernetic fingers.
- Embarrassing Middle Name: It's Cornelius.
- I Call It Vera: Named his customized Kovalyov rifle "Laika"
- Sole Survivor: Mike was one of the few survivors of his first mission.
- We Have Reserves: His Berserk Button, he considers it to be a Moral Event Horizon.
A rare case among the elcor, Kojet is a freelance mercenary residing in the Terminus Systems. He's quite arrogant, but he is, by no means, a pushover. Kojet is essentially a tank on legs, carrying enough strength and firepower to wipe out a platoon.
- Boisterous Bruiser: In fact, he's a bit too boisterous for his own good.
- Dull Surprise
- Jerkass
- Lightning Bruiser: If you see Kojet in action, you'll never assume that elcor are naturally slow ever again.
Modulator_Demodulator: Elcor can be fast when they need to be.
- Only in It For the Money
- Single-Issue Wonk: Just mention Arbitrary, and his confidence will disappear almost immediately.
Kojet: With dawning horror: No. That's not you. It can't be you. I thought I...Terrified beyond all rational thought: Meep.
- Stone Wall: He's an elcor. They can take a lot of punishment.
- That Makes Me Feel Angry
- True Neutral: Type 13.
- Wrestler in All of Us
Matthew Jamison (DunwichHorror117)
A young human freelancer who left Earth after a major spat with his parents. Spends time in between Omega and the Citadel, doing odd jobs and even had a stint as a babysitter for the child of an Omega crime boss.
- Abusive Parents: He hates his parents, and gladly left Earth after he voiced his desires to leave Earth and "see the galaxy".
- A Little Something Called Rock And Roll: has a very large collection of rock music from the 21st century up to the First Contact War.
- Beware the Nice Ones
- Bounty Hunter: Works as one part-time.
- Blood Knight: Matt finds that he enjoys combat, but he is slightly sickened by it nonetheless.
- Combat Pragmatist
- Defector From Decadence: One of the biggest reasons he left Earth is because of his parent's greed and xenophobia.
- Hand Cannon: Has a S-5c Phalanx, and uses it quite a bit.
- Neutral Good
- Noodle Incident: Matt goes out for a night on the town, and wakes up with a woman he doesn't know in his bed, and a krogan under his couch, not to mention an OSD of nervstim Ultra Deluxe 2185 Edition. Then he finds out that the krogan, Martug Shankos, has a very large bounty on his head.
- Obfusticating Stupidity: Acts like an idiot most of the time, but is
- Raised Catholic: Was raised in an ultraconservative family who don't like aliens.
Everett Maliszewski (Son_of_Orion)
An Alliance combat engineer turned C-SEC officer turned elite Hammer operative turned mercenary. Everett has a strong sense of justice, and he is convinced that he can help make the galaxy a little safer for law-abiding citizens. Nowadays he worked freelance with Elara T'Meyra until WHO GOES THERE 2 came around...
- Attack Drone: He can summon one, though it can also function as a Surveillance Drone if stealth is required.
- By-The-Book Cop: Was this when he worked for C-sec.
- Cluster F-Bomb: Is prone to this when he's stressed enough.
- Deadpan Snarker
- I Call It Vera: Sky-Eye, his Attack Drone. (Not to be confused with the member known as SkyEye.)
- Lawful Good
- Manly Tears: He shed a few when the Hammers rescued dozens of civilians from a buried bomb shelter on Taetrus.
- The Mole: Subverted. At the end of WHO GOES THERE Chapter 1, it's revealed that Everett was ordered by Maximillian van der Trask to copy the contents of Mor Ortlo's OSD onto his omni-tool and hand the information over to him. However, he stopped himself at the last second, since he was in the freaking salarian embassy at the time, and he'd be betraying Aphin by doing so.
- Rouge Angles of Satin: Suffers from this in "So a Krogan Walks Into a Bar..." when he attempts to contact Asharia via text after drinking two shots of batarian ale and eating krogan food.
Everett: ashria/sick/tuhaka's deligt/zakra ward/hlep
- Shell-Shocked Veteran: He fought in the Eden Prime War. Everett's case isn't as severe as some other veterans, but bringing up the war around him can some bad memories to resurface, dragging down his mood in an instant.
- The Engineer: Covers variants 1 and 2.
- Theme Naming: Everett's callsign was Anvil.
- This Is Unforgivable!: He despises slavery. Orion is completely unsympathetic to any slaver, regardless of their intentions.
- Turn in Your Badge: Though he wasn't fired from C-SEC; he quit, after his superior condoned the usage of torture as a means to extract information from a suspect.
Nathaniel "Nate" Letho (Shadow Nate)
A human biotic slaver. Little about him is known so far apart from the fact that he was able to operate on the Citadel unnoticed.
- Affably Evil: Apart from some cockiness he's really rather polite.
- Authority Equals Asskicking: He's the leader of a slaver ring. He's also a biotic Vanguard.
- Crazy Prepared: Has enough fallbacks and tricks to keep the heroes off his back for most of 'All That Remains'. Even so, he would've lost had it not been for Alex's intervention.
- Cassandra Truth: When he mentions Kate's biotics both Alex and Davril assume he's lying to jack up the price.
- Eye Scream: Had his right eye shot out by Alex.
- Eyepatch of Power: After the aforementioned Eye Scream.
- That Man Is Dead: After he finds his old dog-tags.
- Master of Disguise: During 'All That Remains' he manages to point the heroes in the wrong direction, disguised as a blind beggar. He even gets Thel's credit chit!
- Mind Over Matter: Again, he's a biotic vanguard.
- Neutral Evil
- Nietzsche Wannabe
- You Have Failed Me...: Defied. When the underling in question expects it after a slave nearly escapes Nate points out it wasn't his fault in the first place and lets him off the hook.
Jack Napier (Infinite Monkeys)
A satire author with a dark and mysterious past, he decides to go once more into the mercenary business in order to escape from whatever is chasing him.
- Cold Sniper
- Hong Kong Dub: His words don't sync up with his mouth as a result of him speaking Hebrew.
- No Social Skills: Has a crippling phobia of physical contact with other people.
- "Well Done, Son" Guy: Both of his parents were only proud of him when he decided to go into military school. They almost disowned him after he went to college afterward.
- Uncanny Valley: As described in one thread, "His limbs are just a bit too long, his neck just a bit too short, and his eyes just a bit too wide".
- True Neutral
- You Have to Have Jews
Gideon Archer (Custodian)
An aging veteran commanding a mercenary battlecruiser and former officer within the Alliance navy. Having lost his commission and much of his original crew in the Skyllian Blitz he holds a serious grudge against the Batarians. He’s best known for defending new colonies in the hopes slavers will turn up for him to fight.
- Authority Equals Asskicking: Despite preferring to stay on the bridge of his ship and deal with things from there he proves to be very competent in a face to face battle.
- Badass Grandpa
- Badass Normal
- The Captain
- Death From Above: “You can keep your ground battles, I’ll stick to vaporising bastards from my chair with a fifty megaton cannon.”
- Fighting For a Homeland: Usually being paid to do this for someone else.
- Good Is Not Nice: While he has a moral code and frequently defends new colonies against threats, Archer never works for free and it's been hinted one of the reasons he fights slavers is to specifically kill Batarians.
- The only exception to this was the battle in New Cairo. Which he got involved with to cripple a number of Eclipse ships to prevent them expanding their influence into systems with potential clients.
- Good Scars, Evil Scars
- I Did What I Had to Do: Frequently his defence for losing his ship in the Skyllian Blitz, ramming it into a cruiser because it was the only way any of his crew might survive.
- Killer Rabbit: Archer's ship, the Keeper of Heaven. Every aspect of it has been made to look like it's a cruiser sized non-combat ship with limited defences. It's in fact bristling with hidden short range weapons systems and an anti-capital ship weapon.
- Noble Bigot: Towards most Batarians, bordering upon Fantastic Racism.
- Noodle Incident: Most of his career, but he specifically notes he’s done little to earn any real glory save for what his crew did on Iridan. What he did is never explained.
- Taken Up to Eleven with this.
- Old Soldier
- Private Military Contractor
- Properly Paranoid: When he considers something to have been too easy, he’s frequently right.
- Ramming Always Works: How he lost his original ship.