Cerberus Daily News/Characters/Alliance Space Dwellers
Helena Mathioudakis (|Muckracker|)
An investigative journalist working for the Future Content Corporation. Currently she's on the Citadel, and has made her mark interviewing some of the members of CDN's jolly community and is currently dating Vohkaidin Knox against typical reporter etiquette. (Never date the sources)
- Berserk Button: Do not compare her to Westerlund reporters. She hates that.
- Chaotic Good: The government wants to keep it a secret? That's too bad. The people need to know.
- Green Eyes: Often mentioned in her descriptions.
- Heroic BSOD: Goes through one of these early in the WGT 2 arc. Recovers when her boyfriend arrives to give emotional support.
- Goes through another, far more long lasting one during the events that turn her into an Unwitting Pawn, as described below.
- Hot Scoop: She is rather fetching, if her avatar's any indication.
- Intrepid Reporter: She is hell bent on getting a story, no matter the risk to herself.
- Rouge Angles of Satin: Intentional on her part, due to an old nickname.
- Statuesque Stunner: At 5.11, you better believe it.
- Unwitting Pawn: One particular action she takes to gather information in the Who Goes There 2 story arc sets off a chain of events that kill 40 people on the Citadel in one of the most excruciating ways to die.
Phoebe Gardner (MarsGirl2044)
A high school girl from Lowell City, Mars, Phoebe is the child of two intellectuals and she turned to be smart in her own right. She finds her home and life extremely boring, so she channels her need for excitement into her writing. Phoebe recently won an academic contest. She writes plays and is a member of her school's drama club.
- Bookworm: If you can name the book, chances are she's read it or at least has heard of it.
- Daddy's Girl
- Eating Lunch Alone
- Fiery Redhead
- Intelligence Equals Isolation
- Missing Mom - Her mom stuck around only until Phoebe's Dad was able to completely care for her. This was measured in months.
- Small Town Boredom
- Teen Genius
- The Movie Buff: It's hard to name a vid (or play) she hasn't at least heard of.
- Wicked Stepmother: subverted, Adair isn't this, even when Phoebe thinks she is.
- Wide-Eyed Idealist
Job Martins (We_Standalone)
A moderate Terra Firma member and antique store manager. Goes to the Citadel by urging of his grandfather, and everything changes for him.
- "Well Done, Son" Guy: Has spent a good portion of his life like this.
- I Have No Son : Happens to Job after he leaves Terra Firma, and snaps at his father for choosing to let his mom die
- Red Oni, Blue Oni
- Ambiguously Brown
- Stoic Woobie : Tries to hide depression
- Naive Newcomer - Knows very little about other species' cultures.
- Small Town Boredom - Subverted as he now no longer knows where he belongs
- Obfuscating Stupidity - Does this often, despite having views that disagree with many he is bright when he wants to show it.
- Bookworm - Knows many facts about history on Earth, and old antiques but does not like to admit it.
- Dynamic Character: Grows up a little everyday.
- Fantastic Racism
Camille Winston Colter (All_Systems_Green)
A corporate agent from Terra Nova. Formerly high up in the chain of command at Ibanni Incorporated, a weapons design firm on Illium. Was fired after being put in an unpleasant situation involving Sonax. Now has a new job as... Something, at Triton & West, another technology company.
- Adult Child: Is trying to get over it.
- Big Eater: Has a metabolism that would make a salarian proud.
- Canada, Eh?: While he doesn't live on Earth, his family heritage can be traced to the Metis.
- Cool Mask
- Embarrassing First Name: Winston is his middle name. He does his very best to conceal his first name. It's Camille.
- Goggles Do Something Unusual: Boy do they ever. Now featuring: Stat-O-Vision, Night Vision Goggles, Weapon Targetting, and Style!
- The Internet Is Serious Business: To no extreme is Winston a Jerkass, but he is noticably less mature and tactful over the extranet than in person, where he is generally a complete calm, professional person.
- Jack of All Trades: Has a number of diverse skillsets. Specializes in none of them.
- Lawful Good: Starting to show shades of Neutral Good.
- Married to the Job: Well, he was, but then the job asked for a divorce.
- Nice Guy
- Opposites Attract: Winston Colter and Loksha Khaluut. He's a high-society espionage professional. She's an short-fused mercenary. They upgraded. By the way, he's a human and she's a batarian.
- Real Men Wear Pink: Former ballroom dancing champion.
- Sadistic Choice: Desert an operation to defend a colony from slavers? Or stay, pissing off their Mega Corp employers and risk starting a corporation war? He chose the latter, but in the end, the negative outcome was not a war, but his terimation from the company and being blacklisted within the Terminus.
- Sharp-Dressed Man
- Static Character: His ideals and mannerisms are fairly resolved.
Michael Cline (Lode)
A former Alliance Marine, and veteran of the Skylian Blitz. Now works as the Chief Weapon and Vehicle Restorer at the United North American War Museum in Ottawa.
- The Engineer: Served in the Alliance as a Combat Engineer.
- I Call It Vera: VERY attached to his tools, especially his crowbar, which he named Gordon.
- Tank Goodness: Works with tanks on a regular basis as part of his job.
- Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny: Diagnosed with ADHD, somehow trope subverted by also having Asperger's Syndrome.
- Non-Human Sidekick: Either his assistant Fayad'Trodo nar Canton, or his pet varren Urz.
- Canada, Eh?: While born on Mars, both of his parents were born in Ottawa. Hence, he considers himself Canadian by proxy.