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Cerberus Daily News/Characters/Clear Sky Crew
Anistasy'Reyna vas Clear Skies (Arbitrary)
An exiled quarian who turned to mercenary work. Anistasy is no stranger to trauma or hardship having lost her hands and various other parts, and had a relationship turned sour with Dr. Ana'Therion vas Nedas. She hired Thel'Adean as her navigator and mechanic.
- Artificial Limbs
- Ax Crazy: When she's really angry.
- Berserk Button: Don't insult or hurt her friends. She will kill you for it.
- Bi the Way: As Anistasy.
- Blade Below the Shoulder: Dual wields these rigged to retract with very specific movements.
- Broken Bird
- Cold Sniper
- Complete Monster: When in Arbit-mode.
- Crazy Prepared: To the point where she has explosives rigged across her entire apartment in case she needs to pack up and move.
- Depraved Bisexual: As Arbitrary.
- Only in It For the Money
- Split Personality
- The Captain: Of the Clear Skies.
- The Exile
- The Unfettered
- Torture Technician: She loves finding new and exciting ways to hurt and kill people.
- Tranquil Fury: When she's angry.
- Turncoat: She did this to Kojet five years ago.
- White Mask of Doom: She customized her helmet to have a white skull light up inside of it to intimidate her foes, ala Ghost.
- Would Hurt a Child
Johnny (Some_Random_Merc)
Needs description.
- Cool Ship: The Bangalore is a turian frigate with hidden floor panels for smuggling, and a lounge in place of the CIC.
- Even Evil Has Standards: Will not smuggle slaves or Red Sand. Period.
- Expy: Of a certain Merc With a Mouth.
- Has Two Mommies: Was Raised by an asari couple.
- I Call It Vera: He calls his A-61 gunship Ardat-Yakshi, much to his 'mother's' chagrin.
- Let's Play: Johnny's an avid player of a game called Alliance Corsair.
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