Rui'an dialect

Ruian dialect (Chinese: 瑞安話; pronounced [zʉ˦ø˧ɦo˨] in the Rui'an dialect; standard pinyin: Ruì'ān yǔ) is a dialect of Wu Chinese spoken in Ruian. It belongs to the Oujiang sub-group of Wu Chinese dialects. It is closely related to Pingyang dialect and Lucheng dialect, generally referred as Wenzhounese.

Ruian dialect
Native toChina
RegionWenzhou prefecture, Zhejiang province
Native speakers
1 million (2011)
Language codes
ISO 639-3



  Labial Labialdental Dental Palatal Velar Glottal
Nasal tenuis ʔm 猫 ʔn 嬭 ʔȵ 蛲 ʔŋ  
voiced m n ȵ ŋ  
Plosive aspirated
tenuis p t k ʔ
voiced b d ɡ
Affricate aspirated tsʰ tɕʰ  
tenuis ts  
voiced dz  
Fricative voiceless f s ɕ h
voiced v z   ɦ
Approximant tenuis ʔw ʔʋ ʔl 拉 ʔj  
voiced w l j


There are the following finals:

[m], 兒 [ŋ]

[a], 好 [ɛ], 包 [ɔ]

[e̝], 先 [i], 思 [ɿ]

[o̝], 布 [ʉ] ~ 圖 [ɘʉ] ~ 水 [ʮ]

[y], 安 [ø], 歌 [ʋ̩ʷ]

[ɐi], 走 [ɐu̜]

[ei], 六 [əu̜]

[iɛ], 關 [uɔ], 花 [uo̝]

[ɐŋ], 聽 [əŋ], 公 [oŋ].

Additional finals for older accent including:

[ie̝], 橋 [yø], 頭 [iəu̜]


In Ruian dialect, a monosyllabic word can have one of the eight tones, but there are only four phonetically distinguished tones, divided into high (陰) and low (陽)categories. In combination with another tone, it can change depending on Tone Sandhi system.

Yin Ping 陰平 [˦] 44 江天飛三

Yang Ping 陽平 [˧˩] 31 來同魚球

Yin Shang 陰上 [˧˥] 35 懂紙古本

Yang Shang 陽上 [˨˦] 24 近淡厚似

Yin Qu 陰去 [˥˨] 52 對去貨歲

Yang Qu 陽去 [˨] 22 外地路住

Yin Ru 陰入 [˧˨˧] 323 七博塔各

Yang Ru 陽入 [˨˩˨] 212 六肉白石

Tone Sandhi

In bisyllabic words, there are phonetically only six tones, high flat ˦, middle flat ˧, rising ˨˦, departing ˦˨, entering ˨˩˨ and short ˨. We'll now use A, B, C, D, E, and 0 for these six tones.

tones 陰平 陰上 陰去 陰入 陽平 陽上 陽去 陽入
陰平 0A AC ED AE AD Example Example Example
陰上 AB 0C D0 AE D0 Example Example Example
陰去 Example Example Example D0 Example 0C Example Example
陰入 Example Example E0 Example Example Example Example E0
陽平 AE Example 0C Example Example Example Example Example
陽上 Example Example Example Example Example Example Example Example
陽去 0A Example C0 Example Example Example C0 Example
陽入 0A 0C Example Example Example Example Example Example


Sentence Structure




Ruian dialect



1st person sing.ŋ˧˦
2nd person sing.ȵi˧˦
3rd person sing.ɡe̝˧˩渠/佢
reflexive sing.zɿ˨
1st person plur.ŋ˨˦ le̝˨, ŋ˨˦ la˨吾俚, 吾啦
2nd person plur.ȵi˨˦ le̝˨, ȵi˨˦ la˨爾俚, 爾啦
3rd person plur.ɡe̝˦˨ le̝˨, ɡe̝˦˨ la˨渠/佢俚,渠/佢啦
reflexive plur.zɿ˧ le̝˨, zɿ˧ la˨自俚, 自啦


0ləŋ˧˩, dø˧˦零, 斷1
1ʔja˧˨˧, i˧˨˧1 2
2ŋ˨, la˧˦二, 兩1
30sɔ˧ za˧三十
100i˨ pa˧˨˧一百
1000i˨ tɕʰi˧一千
10.000i˨ mɔ˧一萬
1 the first three lectures are used when are alone or follow 第 to form

ordinal numerals, and the later three lectures are cardinal numerals and are generally followed by a classifier.

2 the first lecture is considered literal, the second colloquial.


Below is a list of the most common vocabulary in Ruian dialect.

MeaningIPATranscriptionMandarin equivalent
to see, to look[tsʰɿ˥˨]
to hear, to listen[tʰəŋ˦]
to ask[mɐŋ˨]
to look for[zɐŋ˧˩]找, 尋找
to smell[hoŋ˥˨]
to know[sei˧˨˧]認識
to say, to speak[ko̝˧˥]
to curse[kɐŋ˥˨]
to eat[tɕʰi˧˨˧]
to drink[hɔ˧˨˧]
to stand[ɡe̝˧˦]
salted vegetables[tsʰe̝˨˩˨ ɦɔ˨]菜鹹鹹菜
chopping block[pɔ˧ tsɐŋ˨˦]板砧砧板
icing sugar[do̝˨ ɕo̝˧]糖霜糖霜
thing, object[ʔmʉ˦ zɿ˧]物事東西
rice spoon[vɔ˦ tɕiɛ˧]飯槳飯勺
radish[tsʰe̝˨˩˨ dəu̜˨]菜頭蘿蔔
trouble[sa˦ zəu̜˨˦]生受麻煩
doctor[i˧ sɿ˧]醫師醫生
blind[ʔmo̝˨˩˨ do̝˨]盲瞊瞎子
wife[lɛ˦ ʔø˧]老安老婆
unfamiliar[ta˦ sa˧]打生陌生
eagle[ta˧ ʔjɐŋ˧]咄鷹貓頭鷹
mole cricket[tʰɘʉ˦ kɐu̜˨˦]土狗蝼蛄
bicycle[dɔ˨ tɕɔ˦ tsʰo̝˧]踏腳車自行车
instrument[ko̝˨ sa˦ fʋ̩ʷ˨˦]家生货家具
young, teenager[ɦɐu̜˧ sa˨˩˨ ŋ˨]後生兒年輕人
serious, powerful[dəu̜˦ bei˨ tɕiɛ˧]肚皮掌厲害


Like other Wu dialects, in Ruian dialect a Chinese character can have more than one reading, divided in vernacular readings (白讀)and literary readings (文讀), in comparison with other Wu dialects, Ruian dialect has relatively few multiple readings. Below are some samples.

Hanzi Vernacular Literary
reading transcription meaning reading transcription meaning
sɐŋ ȵɐŋ 新人 bride koŋ zɐŋ 工人 worker
ne̝ tsɿ 日子 day za dʑi 日期 date
mɐŋ ɦɛ 問號 question mark vɐŋ dei 問題 question
ŋ tɔ 無膽 despondent vʋ̩ʷ jo̝ 無用 useless
tsei lo̝ 紙龍 kite kʰoŋ loŋ 恐龍 dinosaur
na ŋ 女兒 daughter ȵy zɿ 女士 lady
gollark: You should probably first ask them to just not try and attack people because of that sort of thing.
gollark: Oh dear.
gollark: Go on, then.
gollark: Regulatory capture-type things are bad, we know that already.
gollark: Plus this way the military technology can get to civilians faster. There are lots of useful spinoffs.

See also


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