1943 in music

This is a list of notable events in music that took place in the year 1943.

List of years in music (table)

Specific locations

Specific genres


Albums released

Biggest hit songs

The following songs achieved the highest chart positions in the limited set of charts available for 1943.

# Artist Title Year Country Chart entries
1The Mills BrothersPaper Doll1943US 1940s 1 – Aug 1943, US 1 for 12 weeks Nov 1943, US BB 3 of 1943, Europe 3 of the 1940s, POP 4 of 1943, Global 7 (10 M sold) – 1943, RYM 42 of 1942, RIAA 272, Acclaimed 1486
2Bing CrosbySunday, Monday or Always1943US 1940s 1 – Aug 1943, US 1 for 7 weeks Sep 1943, Europe 13 of the 1940s, US BB 14 of 1943, POP 14 of 1943, RYM 28 of 1943
3Al Dexter & His TroopersPistol Packin' Mama1943US 1940s 1 – Aug 1943, US 1 for 1 weeks Oct 1943, US BB 15 of 1943, POP 15 of 1943, Europe 86 of the 1940s, Acclaimed 1658
4Glenn MillerThat Old Black Magic1943US 1940s 1 – Mar 1943, US 1 for 1 weeks May 1943, US BB 8 of 1943, POP 8 of 1943, RYM 11 of 1943
5Harry JamesI've Heard That Song Before1943US 1940s 1 – Dec 1942, US 1 for 13 weeks Mar 1943, US BB 7 of 1943, POP 7 of 1943, RYM 29 of 1943

Top hit records

Clarinetist and bandleader Benny Goodman in 1943
Trumpeter and bandleader Harry James, 1943

Classical music


Sortable table
Berkeley, LennoxSymphony No. 11943-07-08 London (Proms)London PhilharmonicCameron [1]
Britten, BenjaminPrelude and Fugue for Strings1943-06-23 LondonNeel String OrchestraNeel [2]
Britten, BenjaminSerenade for Tenor, Horn and Strings1943-10-15 LondonPears, Brain / Neel String Orchestra – Britten [3]
Copland, AaronMusic for the Movies1943-02-17 New York CitySaidenberg Little SymphonySaidenberg [4]
Dale, BenjaminThe Flowing Tide1943-08-06 London (Proms)BBC SymphonyBoult [1]
Dunhill, ThomasWaltz Suite1943-08-05 London (Proms)BBC SymphonyDunhill [5]
Dutilleux, HenriMelodies for Voice and Orchestra1943-12-14 ParisPanzera / Paris Conservatory Concert OrchestraTomasi [6]
Feldman, MortonDirge in Memory of Thomas Wolfe1943-04-15 New York CityHSMA Senior Symphony – Feldman [7]
Foss, LukasThe Prairie1946-10-15 BostonBoston Symphony – Koussevitzky [8]
Ginastera, AlbertoDances from Estancia1943-05-12 Buenos AiresTeatro Colón Regular OrchestraCalusio [9]
Gundry, InglisHeyday Freedom, orchestral suite1943-06-26 London (Proms)London PhilharmonicCameron [1]
Hanson, HowardRequiem (Symphony No. 4)1943-12-03 BostonBoston Symphony – Hanson [10]
Harris, RoySymphony No. 51943-02-26 BostonBoston Symphony – Koussevitzky [11]
Jolivet, AndréLes trois complaintes du soldat1943-02-28 ParisBernac / Paris Conservatory Concert OrchestraMunch [12]
Martinu, BohuslavConcerto for Two Pianos1943-11-05 PhiladelphiaLuboshutz, Nemenoff / Philadelphia OrchestraOrmandy [13]
Martinu, BohuslavMemorial to Lidice1943-10-28 New York CityNew York Philharmonic – Rodzinski [14]
Martinu, BohuslavSymphony No. 21943-10-28 ClevelandCleveland OrchestraLeinsdorf [15]
Martinu, BohuslavViolin Concerto No. 21943-12-31 BostonElman / Boston Symphony – Koussevitzky [16]
Messiaen, OlivierVisions de l'Amen1943-05-10 ParisLoriod, Messiaen [17]
Moeran, Ernest JohnRhapsody No. 3, for piano and orchestra1943-08-19 London (Proms)Cohen / BBC SymphonyBoult [18]
Moroi, SaburoSinfonietta for Children1943-11-05 TokyoTokyo Broadcast Orchestra – Moroi [19]
Ponce, ManuelViolin Concerto1943-08-20 México DFSzeryng / Mexico SymphonyChávez [20]
Prokofiev, SergeiFlute Sonata1943-12-07 MoscowKharkovsky, Richter [21]
Prokofiev, SergeiPiano Sonata No. 71943-01-18 MoscowRichter [22]
Prokofiev, SergeiThe Year 19411943-01-21 SverdlovskUSSR Radio SymphonyRabinovich [23]
Rodrigo, JoaquínConcierto heroico1943-04-03 LisbonQuerol / Spanish National OrchestraE. Halffter [24]
Rowley, AlecBurlesque Quadrilles1943-07-13 London (Proms)London PhilharmonicCameron [1]
Rubbra, EdmundSinfonia Concertante for piano and orchestra1943-08-10 London (Proms)Rubbra / BBC SymphonyBoult [1]
Schuman, WilliamSymphony for Strings (Symphony No. 5)1943-11-12 BostonBoston Symphony – Koussevitzky [25]
Shostakovich, DmitriPiano Sonata No. 21943-06-06 MoscowShostakovich [26]
Shostakovich, DmitriSix Romances on Verses by English Poets1943-06-06 MoscowFlachs, Shostakovich [27]
Shostakovich, DmitriSymphony No. 41943-11-04 MoscowUSSR State Symphony – Mravinsky [28]
Strauss, RichardDivertimento after pieces by Couperin1943-01-31 ViennaVienna Philharmonic – Krauss [29][30]
Stravinsky, IgorOde1943-10-08 BostonBoston Symphony – Koussevitzky [31]
Tippett, MichaelBoyhood's End1943-05-24 Morley CollegeUnspecified performers [32]
Tippett, MichaelString Quartet No. 21943-03-27 LondonZorian Quartet [33]
Tubin, EduardSuite on Estonian Dance Tunes1943-10-02 TartuTurgan, Mangre [34]
Vaughan Williams, RalphSymphony No. 51943-06-24 London (Proms)London Philharmonic – Vaughan Williams [35]
Villa Lobos, HeitorString Quartet No. 61943-11-30 Rio de JaneiroQuarteto Haydn [36]
Walton, WilliamViolin Concerto (2nd version)1943-11-30 WolverhamptonRoyal Liverpool Philharmonic – Sargent [37]
Webern, AntonThree Lieder, Op. 231943-12-05 BaselGradmann-Lüscher, Baumgartner [38]
Webern, AntonVariations for Orchestra (1940)1943-03-03 WinterthurStadtorchester WinterthurScherchen [39]
Weisgall, HugoAmerican Comedy 19431943-07-29 London (Proms)BBC Symphony – Weisgall [1]




Musical theater

Musical films







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