Armor (World of Tyrus Supplement)

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No one that encounters prosperity does not also encounter danger.
—Empire of Kor Field Chief, Moe Yunox
Table: Armor and Shields
Shield Bonus
Dex Bonus
Armor Check
Arcane Spell
Failure Chance
(30 ft.)(20 ft.)
Light Armor
Padded5 gp+1+805%30 ft.20 ft.10 lb.
Leather10 gp+2+6010%30 ft.20 ft.15 lb.
Studded leather25 gp+3+5–115%30 ft.20 ft.20 lb.
Chain shirt100 gp+4+4–220%30 ft.20 ft.25 lb.
Brigandine50 gp+3+6–220%30 ft.20 ft.20 lb.
Medium Armor
Hide15 gp+3+4–320%20 ft.15 ft.25 lb.
Scale mail50 gp+4+3–425%20 ft.15 ft.30 lb.
Chainmail150 gp+5+2–530%20 ft.15 ft.40 lb.
Breastplate200 gp+5+3–425%20 ft.15 ft.30 lb.
Lamellar Armor100 gp+4+4–425%20 ft.15 ft.35 lb.
Heavy Armor
Splint mail200 gp+6+0–740%20 ft.215 ft.245 lb.
Banded mail250 gp+6+1–635%20 ft.215 ft.235 lb.
Half-plate600 gp+7+0–740%20 ft.215 ft.250 lb.
Full plate1,500 gp+8+1–635%20 ft.215 ft.250 lb.
Buckler15 gp+1–15%5 lb.
Shield, light wooden3 gp+1–15%5 lb.
Shield, light steel9 gp+1–15%6 lb.
Shield, heavy wooden7 gp+2–215%10 lb.
Shield, heavy steel20 gp+2–215%15 lb.
Shield, tower30 gp+43+2–1050%45 lb.
Armor spikes+50 gp+10 lb.
Gauntlet, locked8 gpSpecial4+5 lb.
Shield Spikes, Light or Heavy+10 gp+5 lb.
  1. Weight figures are for armor sized to fit Medium characters. Armor fitted for Small characters weighs half as much, and armor fitted for Large characters weighs twice as much.
  2. When running in heavy armor, you move only triple your speed, not quadruple.
  3. A tower shield can instead grant you cover. See the description.
  4. Hand not free to cast spells.

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