< Pony POV Series

Pony POV Series/Characters

These are the characters involved in the fanfiction Pony POV Series. You may want to check out the character sheets of My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic for much more information pertaining to the canon characters. This page also covers the audio adaptation.

The Mane Cast

Twilight Sparkle

Voiced by Mewsel

  • Big Sister Mentor: To Trixie.
  • Can't Hold Her Liquor: Apparently, she's quite a lightweight when it comes to drinking.
  • Composite Character: Is literally the fusion of G1 Twilight and G3 Minty.
  • Future Badass: Pretty much every future version of her we've seen.
  • Heroic BSOD: Suffers from one during the battle against Nightmare Whisper, because she cannot bear to see how much Fluttershy is suffering. She breaks out of it by the end, though.
  • Legacy Character: Is implied to be descended from the G1 Twilight, who's family line also helped Celestia and Luna during Discord's reign.
  • Ludicrous Precision: Twilight is able to time events to the point second in her head. She explains that some of the more complicated spells require that kind of mental precision in order to cast.
  • Mega Manning: A specific power of her Element Of Magic, which allows her to copy spells with a great deal of ease.
  • My Own Grandma: She was created by the fusion of the G1 Twilight's shadow of existence and G3 Minty's soul. She's also implied to be biologically descended from the G1 Twilight, so she's descended from one of the beings she's a Composite Character of.
  • Power Incontinence: She normally has no problem with this...except if she gets drunk. Last time she did, she lost control of her powers and Ponyville had to be reassured that Discord hadn't returned.
  • Super OCD: Its revealed to be due to being G3 Minty's Reincarnation.
  • The Hero
  • World of Cardboard Speech: Delivers one to Nightmare Whisper upon coming to a realization of the nature of friendship. This realization then allows her to summon the Element of Magic.


Voiced by Robotbutterfly

  • Alone in a Crowd: When the cast is brainwashed by Princess Gaia, she's the only one that can see through it.
  • The Confidant: Learns a lot of ponies problems inflicted on them by Discord's Mind Rape by looking into the Truth, but can be trusted to only use them to help them. This is especially true when it comes to Rainbow Dash having faked being Discorded.
  • Legacy Character: Is the descendant of the G1 Applejack, and is apparently the "fifth of the fifth line", presumably meaning she's the fifth Applejack of the fifth family line descended from the original Applejack.
  • Life Isn't Fair: Applejack learns that this is one of the most fundamental, yet painful Truths. It's her realization of this, and her decision not to be afraid of it anymore, that allows Applejack to overcome Discord's taint.
  • Living Lie Detector:
    • After looking into the Truth, she gains the ability to see the truth, or through lies, in a person's eyes. If they're lying, this causes them discomfort. While she can see through Princess Gaia's Lotus Eater Machine, she was fooled by Gaia herself until she saw that there wasn't any truth in her eyes either.
    • Turns out that, had action not been taking, if the Pony POV universe split off from the main timeline (due to something happening in the show that CAN'T work with the fic's canon), she'd have been driven mad and become her Super-Powered Evil Side. So she had to go on a journey, team up with five of her alternate reality selves to kick Nightmare Mirror's flank. This act not only stopped her from going insane, but gave her full control over this ability.
  • Ripple-Effect-Proof Memory: Her Living Lie Detector powers came with this. It would've drove her insane and turned her into Nightmare Mirror had measures not been taken.
  • Super-Powered Evil Side: Nightmare Mirror, but this Applejack never became her at all. The entire point of the sidestory was to stop her from becoming Nightmare Mirror. In fact, Applejack is noteworthy in that she actually fought her Super-Powered Evil Side.
  • Team Mom
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Gives one to Rainbow Dash in response to the Mysterious Mare-Do-Well incident.

Pinkamenia "Pinkie" Diane Pie

Voiced by Wollffeey

  • The Ageless: Used to be this in the G3 timeline, as all ponies were effectively immortal. Its safe to assume that she's lost it since then, however.
  • The Assimilator: Pinkie's Angry Pie personality wanted to devour the other parts of Pinkie's consciousness. Inverted when Surprise!Pinkie absorbs Angry Pie during the Split Personality Merge.
  • Berserk Button: Mentioning a certain fanfic tends to be this for her.
  • Better Than New: After her Split Personality Merge, Pinkie is able to think more clearly, argue points more intelligently, use her gifts to solve specific problems, utilize her medium awareness more effectively and recall her own past with more clarity.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Even after her Split Personality Merge. Justified as she is from another world, the G3 one to be exact.
  • Composite Character: Is literally a fusion of her G3 self, G1 Surprise, and a touch of G3 Rarity.
  • Hidden Depths: Well for starters she's literally the G3 Pinkie Pie and everything she's capable of doing is due to the fact she's from a timeline that was erased from existence. Oh and she's only alive because one of her friends performed a Heroic Sacrifice to preserve her right to exist.
  • Last of Her Kind: According to a very Loose Canon story, she is the last of the G3.5 ponies left unchanged after a Cosmic Retcon needed to save the universe. This is why she's more cartoony than the rest of the universe. Anarchy even refers to her as the last of her specific type of pony, which was his justification for leaving her (mostly) the same (in truth, he just screwed up and did a Ret-Gone to the wrong pony.
    • There Is Another: Princess Celestia eventually reveals she's G3 Star Catcher, or her reincarnation, giving Pinkie at least one other pony who shares her past.
  • Let Me Tell You a Story: Makes use of this quite often.
  • Living Relic: Is the only (mortal) pony to have lived in and remember the G3 universe. She has no Fish Out of Temporal Water issues because she still has memories of this world as well, but still has quite a few interesting traits because of this.
  • Look What I Can Do Now!: Namely, weaponized Medium Awareness after her Split Personality Merge.
  • Medium Awareness: Is well aware she's a fictional character, to the point of being able to weaponize it. Revealed to be a side effect of the fact she's literally not supposed to exist and she discovered it shortly after Anarchy spared her life.
  • Meaningful Rename: While she still goes by Pinkie Pie, she starts going more by her full name or just Pinkie Diane after her Split Personality Merge to symbolize she's now ALL of her.
  • My Own Grandma: G1 Surprise merged with her during the end of the G3 timeline, but it's also implied Surprise is also her ancestor.
  • Offscreen Teleportation: Now one of the weapons in Pinkie's arsenal.
  • One-Winged Angel: A mental version at least. During Pinkie's Battle in the Center of the Mind, Pinkie Pie and Pinkamena merge to become Surprise, a being far more powerful than Angry Pie.
  • Please Wake Up: When Minty died in the G3 timeline. Honestly one of the most crushing scenes in the fic, and that's saying a lot!
  • Really Seven Hundred Years Old: She's been around since gen 3.5. Even older considering its explained the ponies in the universe were immortal and so old they didn't remember how old they were.
  • Ripple-Effect-Proof Memory: Has this thanks to the fact she's not supposed to exist.
  • Sanity Slippage: Gets hit with this when she realizes the Pony POV Verse has broken its connection with the heart world. In her mind, she felt it'd be the end of the world all over again and it drives her nearly insane. Princess Celestia helps with that.
  • Screw Destiny: Pinkie Pie is pretty much walking proof of this. She's not supposed to even exist, but one of her friends in the G3 universe performed a Heroic Sacrifice and got erased instead. Pinkie then defied what amounts to a goddess to save Minty from the same fate, and succeeds. Sure, Minty dies, but that's better than "erased from existence". Oh, and it's implied her fight with Luna is why ponies can still spontaneously burst into song, as Luna pretty much says that was supposed to be erased but Pinkie and Minty proved it's value to her..
  • Spanner in the Works: Manages to be this to every villain in the entire show/fic! Back in the G3 universe during its end, she merges the spirit of her dead friend Minty with the spirit of the G1 Twilight, having no idea what would happen. The result? Twilight Sparkle! This may have something to do with the fact she's literally not supposed to even exist in the G4 timeline, making it rather impossible to effectively plan for her.
  • Spider Sense: After Pinkie's Split Personality Merge, her Pinkie Sense has manifested less often, but she seems to be able to control it and uses it to help guide Twilight during the battle against Nightmare Whisper.
  • Split Personality: Had five of them. Then performed a Split Personality Merge and recombined them all into one.
  • Split Personality Merge
  • Super-Powered Evil Side: Nightmare Granfalloon. She never becomes this in the POV timeline, but in an alternate timeline and is ultimately given a Mercy Kill by an alternate Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash

Voiced by Robotbutterfly


Voiced by Robotbutterfly

  • Cool Big Sis: To Sweetie Belle and Diamond Tiara, even if the latter isn't actually her sister.
  • Gagging on Your Words: Until she conquers her Mind Rape induced fear of gems, she has great difficulty saying the word diamond or other such words.
  • Healing Factor: Seems to be an ability of her Element Of Generosity when it's activated. Unfortunately, she still can't use this on anypony else.
  • Mama Bear: Do not threaten Sweetie Belle, she will end you!
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Has this reaction after coming dangerously close to killing Sweetie Belle in a fit of rage.
  • Why Did It Have To Be Gems?: Thanks to Discord's Mind Rape, she spent a few weeks with a phobia of gems that prevented her from working on her dresses. But she gets over this.


Voiced by Mewsel

  • Anthropomorphic Personification: According to Word of God, her Alicorn self represents Organic Life and Mercy.
  • The Atoner: After reverting from Princess Gaia. She even outright says there are things she'll never forgive herself for.
    • Deconstructed as well, as she gets so depressed, she nearly allows herself to be raped by some ponies her actions harmed as repentance, only being saved by Coffee Swirl. He manages to convince her she's taking it too far and it won't settle anything. Though this is Loose Canon, the events have been mentioned vaguely.
  • Be All My Sins Remembered:After her stint as a Big Bad, she outright says she'll let everypony judge her for the right and wrong she did, she knows she deserves it either way. And they have been, some ponies adore her, some hate her, and she's willing to live with it.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: As always and even more so.
  • Can't Hold Her Liquor: Due to rarely drinking, just a sip of anything with salt in it is enough to get her buzzed. Getting completely drunk thanks to Fluttercruel has a hoof in her going insane and turning into Princess Gaia/Nightmare Whisper.
  • Clones Are Ponies Too: Feels this way about Fluttercruel. She eventually convinces her to feel the same.
  • Death Glare: The Stare
  • Friend to All Living Things
  • Fallen Heroine: As Princess Gaia/Nightmare Whisper. She gets better.
  • Face Heel Turn: When she becomes Princess Gaia. She gets better.
  • Good Parents: Tries her hardest to be this to Fluttercruel.
  • Heroic BSOD: After reverting from Nightmare Whisper, she refuses to defend herself at all against ponies attacking her for revenge for her actions to the point she almost allowed herself to be raped by several ponies before Coffee Swirl saved her. He manages to break her out of it with a What the Hell, Hero?
  • Heroic Sacrifice: As both Nightmare Whisper and herself afterwards, Fluttershy was willing to shoulder all the pain and suffering in Equestria so that nopony else had to feel it. Nightmare Whisper admitted that the burden had killed her twice already. Ultimately subverted, as her friends were able to convince Fluttershy that it was better to release suffering back into the world, rather than numbing everypony to it.
  • Mama Bear: As usual, but especially towards her "daughter" Fluttercruel. Subverted later when she becomes so caught up in her "New Fluttershy" persona that she gives her a Hannibal Lecture as well, which she's extremely guilty for afterwards.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Well more like My God, What Did I Nearly Do? but she has this reaction to realizing that her actions as Nightmare Whisper nearly killed forty-two million unborn foals. Even after she's told she did't, she needs a bit more consoling to recover from it.
  • Out of Focus: In a way, as she's about the only character to not really get a first person chapter, but on the other hoof, that makes sense considering personality, and she has gotten tons of focus otherwise.
  • Physical Goddess: Became one when she turned into Nightmare Whisper. It's been implied she may somehow still have access to the power even after her defeat, but is afraid to use it. It's later confirmed that the Elements don't revert a Nightmare to pony form, but complete the Alicornification, Fluttershy just instinctively reverts to her normal form as opposed to her Alicorn one.
  • Shapeshifter Default Form: The Interviewers reveal that the Elements essentially completed her Alicorn transformation, but she instinctively reverted to her mortal form after being defeated.
  • Split Personality Merge: No, not with Fluttercruel. Flutterrage is a seperate personality who Shy kepy alienated from her main one since she was a filly. In her section of "Butterflies" she learns to accept she needs anger and they fuse back together.
  • Super-Powered Evil Side: Princess Gaia/Nightmare Whisper. At present, the only one to transform into this in the main Pony POV Series timeline.
  • Sharing a Body: With Fluttercruel.
  • Tarot Motifs: Queen of Cups, making her the only Alicorn thus far based in the Minor Arcana instead of the Major Arcana.


Voiced by TBA

  • Jerkass: Is a bit mean towards Trixie when she's staying with Twilight at first. But he gets better.
  • Legacy Character: According to Word of God, he's the descendant of the G1 Spike. And it's also revealed that the Reincarnation of the G3 one is his ancestor as well. Not only that, every member of his family has essentially been partners with the world's heroes' of that age. Spike the Fifth even fight Discord one on one and managed to outmatch him in physical combat. Twilight telling him about this linage averts the events of "Dragon Quest" by giving him a family line he's proud of (the interviewers plan to give him Peewee anyway).
  • Out of Focus: The focus of his POV tale is correcting it. He succeeds.

Trixie Mid-summernight (The One And Only Trixie)

Voiced by Mewsel


Voiced by Mewsel

  • Adult Child: Justified, as she is quite literally a newborn with the body of an adult.
  • Anti-Hero
  • The Atoner: Fights her way back from the afterlife and nearly performs a Heroic Sacrifice out of guilt for causing Fluttershy's Face Heel Turn in the first place.
  • Bizarre Taste in Food: Well, for one, that she likes hamburgers, which most of Ponyville considers extremely strange. In addition, she loves extremely bitter foods, which includes having Coffee Swirl make her as bitter coffee as he can.
  • Break the Haughty: The Princess Gaia Arc pretty much did this.
  • Brick Joke: She still wants that hamburger. Too bad she ate a veggieburger and Fluttershy ate the hamburger instead.
  • Can't Hold Her Liquor: Due to Sharing a Body with Fluttershy, she can't drink much without getting drunk.
  • Child by Rape: Discord's Mind Rape is described extremely close to actual rape, and that's how Fluttercruel was "born"...
    • Several chapters imply she's at least partially aware of this, and not very happy about it.
  • Cloning Blues: While not a "clone" so to speak, it still causes her a bit of pain that she's a "copy" of Fluttershy. Fluttershy eventually convinces her that Clones Are People, Too.
  • Clones Are People, Too: Eventually comes to believe this, thanks to Fluttershy. Of note, when Luna brings up the possibility Fluttercruel may simply be a Mind Raped Fluttershy and "Fluttershy" is the clone, created by Twilight's Memory Spell, Fluttercruel responds by saying that it doesn't matter, they're both real. Celestia also later confirms that she has her own soul, seperate from Fluttershy's, as well.
  • Cruel to Be Kind: Starts becoming this after her Heel Face Turn. Is ultimately revealed to pretty much be this incarnate.
  • Cute Bruiser: Despite Sharing a Body with Fluttershy, she's noted as being physically stronger than her (likely because she's less reserved than Fluttershy), and studied self defense books. She also broke one of the interviewers nose for asking a question she found offensive.
    • Case in point, Roid Rage made Fluttershy, and Fluttercruel, angry with some insensitive comments about the mental patients at the asylum and Fluttershy for being Princess Gaia. Fluttershy held Fluttercruel back to protect him from her!
  • Cute Little Fangs: The illustrations for the audio adaptation depict her with these.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Fluttershy realized that despite being Discord's "daughter" and spawned from his evil magic, that didn't make her evil. She proves this by eventually becoming an Element of Kindness!
  • Death Glare: Same as Fluttershy. Even in ghost form. However, she states in "New Game Plus" that she can't do it on demand either.
  • Defeat Means Friendship: Started out as a Harmless Villain who Fluttershy defeated and decided to raise as her child.
  • Drink Order: In the Recursive Fanfiction surrounding Coffee Swirl (though Word of God has declared it Loose Canon, which is why it's here), Fluttercruel always orders as bitter coffee as Coffee Swirl can make. Coffee Swirl comments how strange this is.
  • Foil: To herself. The Epilogue version of her is a Complete Monster of the highest order, which serves to show just how much of one the real Fluttercruel isn't.
  • Girl with Psycho Weapon: In the audio adaptation, the reflected version of Fluttershy's room shown in the mirror with her has a battle ax and she goes to sleep hugging a sheathed sword like a teddy bear. This does not change the fact she looks like Fluttershy and her hugging said sword is strangely adorable.
  • Harmless Villain: Before her Heel Face Turn.
  • Heel Face Turn
  • Hellish Pupils: Downplayed Trope example. The artist for the audio adaptation gave Fluttercruel slightly more snake-like pupils than Fluttershy to make her look more dangerous. They're not that noticeable, however.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: She nearly does this to save Fluttershy, then Nightmare Whisper, knowing full well that using the Elements Of Harmony would destroy a being created from Disharmony like her. Fluttershy thankfully saves her.
  • Hypocritical Heartwarming: She's the only one who gets to hit Fluttershy were it hurts!
  • It's All My Fault: Blames herself for everything Fluttershy did. Celestia outright says that this is the reason she told only Fluttershy about what Nightmare Whisper's plan nearly caused in regards to all of Equestria's unborn foals, she blames herself for enough already. It isn't until "New Game Plus" that she's convinced to finally let go of this.
  • Jerkass: At first, before becoming a...
  • Like a Badass Out of Hell: Fights her way back from oblivion to take part in the final battle with Nightmare Whisper. She's got the scars to prove it too.
  • Love Redeems: Well, a variation. It's in a large part thanks Fluttershy's parental love and attention that Fluttercruel undergoes her Heel Face Turn.
  • Meaningful Name
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Her reaction to Fluttershy to realizing she's triggered Fluttershy's Super-Powered Evil Side.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Her attempt to show Fluttershy the crueler parts of nature results in the Princess Gaia arc.
    • Later, she ends up causing this dimension's version of the New Fluttershy incident.
  • Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant: Well, for one, Cupcakes and several other Grimdark stories were her dreams if that's any indication. Yes, dreams, not nightmares, dreams (though she doesn't really want them to happen or think they would, she just seems to genuinely enjoy stories like that). Taken Up to Eleven in the audio adaptation, where her "world", apparently inside their head, is depicted as something you'd expect to find in a dungeon. She falls asleep hugging a sword (sheathed of course) like it's a doll!
  • Pony Mom, Non Pony Dad: Discord is her "father" and Fluttershy her "mother", at least she and Fluttershy consider it that way.
  • Scars Are Forever: She bares scars from fighting her way out of limbo to save Fluttershy, which appear both in her mental form and when she's in control of their body.
  • Sharing a Body: With Fluttershy. Princess Celestia eventually allows them to switch at will and change how their body looks to match Fluttercruel.
  • Sir Swearsalot: While most of them are Unusual Euphemisms, she cusses quite a bit, though Fluttershy does her best to curb this habit, especially if children are present.
  • Sixth Ranger: A unique case, as only Fluttershy knew she existed before "Pearl Necklace".

The Princesses

Princess Celestia/Sunny Days/Star Catcher

Voiced by TBA

Celestia: Of course, I had chosen that moment to take a drink of my coffee, which I promptly spat in a random direction.

  • Super Mode: Orion, though this may or may not actually exist.
  • Super-Powered Evil Side: Nightmare Genesis, a form she assumed briefly to try and stop the end of the G3 world when she was Star Catcher.
  • Tarot Motifs: 19, the Concept of the Sun.
  • The Power of the Sun
  • There Is Another: According to a Loose Canon story, she's G3 Star Catcher (or at least her reincarnation), making her the only other known survivor of that gen alongside Pinkie Pie, or at least one of the only ponies who can remember that "lost age".
  • Trickster Mentor
  • War Is Hell: At least in her opinion, which is why ponies know next to nothing about it. This stems from the horrors she experienced in the Alicorn/Draconequi War.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Gives one to Fluttershy, though hers is considerably less brutal than her sister's and has a good intention.
  • Who Wants to Live Forever?: Knows just how much being immortal can suck, and tries to instruct Luna on this so she understands what will happen to Pip.
    • It gets worse with the reveal that due to her immortality (which in the G3.5 verse was a universal fact about ponies) caused her to watch her mother grow old and die while she stayed young due to her birth breaking the spell on her mother.
  • You Are Not Alone: Reveals the fact she's G3 Star Catcher to Pinkie Pie, letting her know there's at least one other pony out there who knows just how she feels.
  • Your Approval Fills Me with Shame:
    • When Discord thanks her for helping him discover his sadistic nature, she's genuninely horrified.
    • While nothing is said, Discord approving of her plan to release what would become known as the Windigos on Equestria is a pretty clear sign that its going to end badly for all involved.
    • Happens again when Discord congradulates her on accidentally sparking the Alicorn and Draconequi war. Celestia is so stunned and devastated that she nearly allows Strife to kill her in the fight.
  • Zero-Approval Gambit: Princess Celestia manipulates the media into redirecting most of the public's anger over Princess Gaia to herself, allowing Fluttershy to move on after her recovery. Twilight and Applejack don't like this move, but Celestia explains that it's not much of a risk, as it will have no measurable effect on her image in the long-run.

Princess Luna/Moonlight

Voiced by TBA

  • Adorkable: During her night out with Pip and somewhat as Moonlight she slips into this, despite overall being more serious in this universe as a whole.
  • A God I Am: Unlike Celestia, she is much less opposed to announcing their status as deities.
    • She used to be quite a bit worse before Strife arranged for Pinkie Pie and Minty to take her down a few pegs back in the G3 timeline.
  • Anti-Hero
  • Break the Haughty: Got one thanks to Strife, Pinkie Pie, and Minty back in the G3 timeline. She ends up being humiliated by the latter two after the former removes the majority of her powers to make the fight fair. In the end, they defeat her ultimate attack with a musical number (which she just deemed pointless), causing her to breakdown. Pinkie, future Element of Laughter, helps her learn from the experience. Its somewhat implied by her words that Strife wanted to happen.
  • Cool Pets: We finally see what she has for pets. And what are they? Windigos!
    • It turns out she "only" has one, which she got at the same time as Celestia got Philomena. It was used in the showdown she and Celestia had with Discord.
  • Dark Is Not Evil
  • Face Heel Turn: In her vision of a Bad Future, she does this and tries to kill Celestia when denied the right to make Pip immortal. Thankfully, it was All Just a Dream.
  • Heel Realization: Has this after seeing where her obcession with Pip could lead, realizing she's been acting very selfishly, not considering what he wants.
  • Jerkass: Was this in G3, willingly unleashing the Windigos with no regard for the mortal ponies' safety, and actually getting offended that her father actually cares about mortals.
  • Lunacy
  • Mama Bear: Towards Pip.
  • Morality Chain: Pip, his death in a vision of a Bad Future ultimately leads to her attempting to kill Celestia and take over.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Helpping Celestia get to Earth with the Windigos, knowing it would probably end badly but caring too much about her twin to fight her. Her father calls her out on it.
  • Physical Goddess: And not afraid to announce it.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Red to Celestia's Blue.
  • Secret Identity: Moonlight, a filly. She uses this to be able to be friends with Pip without anypony knowing.
  • Tarot Motifs: 18, Concept of the Moon.
  • Villain Protagonist: In "Luna's Nightmare" after her Face Heel Turn. But it was All Just a Dream in the end.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Gives a rather brutal one to Fluttershy in "Pearl Necklace", which was partly driven by her Mama Bear protectiveness of Pip.

Princess Cadence:

-- Voiced by Jaime Hathaway

  • Adaptational Badass: While the present one can't remember it, Cadence, at full power, managed to take out Havoc's Avatar in a one on one fight. How she did it, not even she knows.
  • Amnesiac Goddess: According to Loose Canon, Celestia's niece Cadence is actually her sister as well, she just can't remember it. Or how she survived her climatic battle with Havoc.
  • Big Sister Mentor: After Twilight came to live at the castle as Celestia's apprentice, Celestia arranged for her to train Twilight in some spells. It turns out she's the one who taught her the Memory Spell, as it's related to her signature spell.
  • Cool Big Sis
  • The Ghost: Thus far, despite being mentioned several times, has never appeared in person, only in flashbacks. Loose Canon reveals she's a dignitary who travels to other nations. This is because Celestia was protecting her from threats who would take advantage of her young age to do her harm.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Pulled a You Shall Not Pass against Havoc to let Celestia, Luna, and Galaxia escape. Subverted in that she survived it, but can't remember.
  • Love Goddess: Sort of. She can't make ponies fall in love, only repair the bonds between them, which isn't limited to love. The real Love Goddess among the Alicorns is Venus.
  • Magikarp Power: Is presently, by Alicorn standards, rather young, thus why she doesn't have her aunts level of power. While she can't remember it, at full power she's managed to mortally wound Havoc, though it was only an Avatar with a faction of his power.
  • My Own Great Aunt: Far less squicky than most examples. She's the sister of her mortal parents' ancestor, Galaxia, making her her own many times great aunt.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Celestia tells Twilight an incident from Cadence's foalhood revealing that she spiked punch at a royal event with Love Poison in a misguided attempt to spread love. She was punished for it and seems to have learned her lesson.
  • Physical Goddess
  • Reassigned to Antarctica: What the tabloids thought Celestia, who they paint as a tyrant, was going to do to her. While Cadence did end up a traveling dignitary, she seems to genuinely enjoy it and Celestia mainly did it to protect her from threats who would take advantage of her young age (by Alicorn standards) to harm her.
  • Take a Third Option: When Celestia tried to bring what would become known as the Windigos to Equestria, instead of fighting her like her siblings or aiding her like Luna, she simply left all together because she couldn't bare to harm her own family.
  • Tarot Motifs: 14, Temperance.
  • Victory-Guided Amnesia: Defeated Havoc, but somehow ended up in Equestria afterwards, being born through a mortal mother, which leaves her incapable of remembering her past life either. Interestingly, this is played as a good thing, since she also forgot the war that wiped out her family, and is permitted to live a normal life on Earth.
  • You Shall Not Pass: Pulls this against Havoc. Loose Canon reveals she survived it, and won, but no one, even she, knows what really happened.



Voiced by Draginite

  • Amnesiac Dissonance: His amnesiac self really fears all those dreams/memories of what he might have done in, essentially, a past life.
  • And I Must Scream: Shares the same fate as his canon self. Ironically, being Taken for Granite is normally a subversion in this universe. It's actually just being in a calm, peaceful, perfectly sane zen-like state the entire time. It's only this for Discord because he can't stand being sane and peaceful, so it's torture for him.
  • Ax Crazy
  • Berserk Button:
    • Being Out-Gambitted tends to send him into a rage. So does actually being hurt.
    • Diamond Tiara seeing the memories of his good self tends to send him into a violent rage.
  • Body Surf: The reason Celestia didn't just shatter his statue when he was defeated originally. If you destroy his statue, or actually kill him, his spirit is free to possess somepony elses, as Galaxy or Wind Whistler (Celestia refuses to tell Twilight for fear that it'd taint their memory by association with Discord, found out the hard way after Celestia's aunt Galaxia makes the mistake of shattering his statue. He then proceeds to twist her body into a copy of his own.
  • But for Me It Was Tuesday: Part of what makes this incarnation of him so vile and evil is just how lighthearted he takes all of his horrific actions, up to and including multiple genocides.
    • He justified his genocide of the Hippocampi with the excuse that his card game was running on long.
  • Big Bad: Of the Disharmonized series and the finale arc. He's also the Big Bad of Origins, being a prequel explaining his Start of Darkness.
    • Bigger Bad: Of most of the series, as even though he spends most of it Sealed Evil in a Can, the series revolves around recovering from what he did.
      • It turns out that quite a few of the G1 villains were his "toys", Arabus, Squirk, Catrina, and Somnambula were apparently all some of his pawns, though Squirk was given the Flashstone by Strife, Discord just helpped him retrieve it.
  • Cannibalism Superpower: He's as powerful as he is because he ate his own brother! And the avatar of his father, but that one is only slightly less horrific because Havoc told him to do it.
  • Create Your Own Villain: Inverted, literally! His actions directly lead to Twilight Sparkle even existing in the first place! Also, he literally created Fluttercruel himself, who he'll have to contend with now that she's an Element of Harmony.
    • It turns out he's an example for Celestia. He uses this as part of a Hannibal Lecture to Luna as he was defeated.
  • Dystopia Justifies the Means: Even worse than the canon version, his actions are portrayed a lot worse.
  • Evil Is Hammy: Is it ever.
  • God of Evil
  • Eldritch Abomination: Is treated as such by the story. His advent in the MLP: FIM verse is described here like something out of a Cosmic Horror story. He's not the only one of his kind, but he's the worst of them.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: Outright stated by Twilight as his main weakness. Its stated in "Origins" that he's the only Draconequi completely incapable of comprehending love, even his father Havoc can.
    • Shady turning on him is also the same way. He believed she'd never turn on him because she loved him as her son, giving him a truly loyal Dragon. In the end, he pushes this too far and she decides to stop him because she loves him but refuses to let her family blight the world any long. He doesn't take this well.
    • In "Mind Games Part 2", he outright tells Diamond Tiara there's something in everypony else's eyes he simply is incapable of comprehending no matter how hard he tries. So he decided to just ignore it and continue playing his games.
    • "Mind Games Part 5" reveals that, at the very least, Good!Discord comprehended love, and thus Discord might, but he outright refuses to accept the fact he does, because if he did, he'd be forced to face how wrong his actions towards those who genuinely loved him were, something he refuses to do.
  • Evil Mentor: To Diamond Tiara. He also had one in the form of Morning Star.
  • Evil Overlord: Especially in "Epilogue"
  • Face Heel Turn: He was still a psychopath, but he used to work with the other Draconequi and Alicorns in maintaining the universe. Then he discovered he was a sadist and that's when things went south. Then he was reborn on earth and the personality born as a result was a good guy and friend of the G1 ponies...until Evil!Discord reawakened, ate his good self, and began his thousand year reign of chaos and suffering.
  • For the Evulz: Pretty much the only reason he does anything.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: By deity standards as it were. He went a Bratty Half-Pint who was last seen being dragged away by the ear to his parents by Luna (though he was still a psychopath, even then) during the Cosmic Retcon of the G3 world to an Evil Overlord ruling Equestria with an iron fist who's outright stated as at least partly responsible for the near extinction of the Alicorns, a race supposedly equal to the Draconequi.
  • Hell of a Heaven: Being Taken for Granite is actually surprisingly pleasent for the average person, you just peacefully contemplate your place in the universe, mentally compose poetry, and generally remain in a peaceful, zen-like state and aren't even trumatized when you're freed. But because Discord hates all of that, it's an And I Must Scream fate for him.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: Tends to do this to himself a lot.
    • One deserves mention for how extremely long it took to come back and bite him in the tail. He saved Pinkie Pie and Minty in the G3 world from Princess Luna so he could "play" with them more (and because of how outright chaotic Pinkie is). Pinkie, of course, became the Element of Laughter, but Minty ends up dying of blood loss. Pinkie then merges her spirit with that of the G1 Twilight, giving birth to Twilight Sparkle. It took several thousand years to come back and bite him in the tail, but boy did it ever!
    • Giving Shady, who he believed was his loyal Dragon who'd never turn on him because she loved him as her son, an Element Of Chaos, Despair. In the final battle of "Origins" when she performs a Heel Face Turn, that same Element makes her impervious to his magic because despair is the abscence of hope, something draconequi magic can't effect.
  • Kill It with Ice: One of his few real weaknesses. Draconequi can't effect ice directly because its created by taking away heat and their magic doesn't work on something born from the abscence of something.
  • Last of His Kind: At least the last one that's a threat to anyone, it's not been revealed if he's literally the last of the Draconequi or simply the only truly evil one around.
  • Love Redeems: Subverted hard. Celestia's romantic love and Shady's maternal love both fails to redeem him.
  • Luke, I Am Your Father: Reveals to Diamond Tiara that she's descended from Shady's family, making him her very distant uncle.
  • Names to Run Away From Really Fast: As if his normal name wasn't bad enough, his full name is revealed to be Discordance Apophis Typhon, as in the God of Darkness and Chaos from Egyptian Mythology and the "Father of All Monsters" from Greek Mythology.
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: His actions have actually healed some pre-existing problems characters had. It's also revealed that he destroyed the Rainbow Of Light, creating the Elements Of Harmony, the only thing capable of defeating him.
    • Turns out he was Dangerously Genre Savvy enough to erase part of it, the Element Of Trust, to prevent it from being used against him. Unfortunately for him, that merely allowed Celestia and Luna to combine it with The Power of Friendship to create the Elements, but that's another trope.
    • In the Epilogue timeline, it's implied that the memory games he plays with Twilight will eventually allow Twilight Tragedy to learn how to overthrow him.
    • Oh, it gets better. Back during the end of the G3 world, he decides to save Pinkie Pie and Minty from Luna's wraith, sparing their existence. Pinkie Pie goes on to become an Element Of Laughter in the new timeline. Minty? She dies and Pinkie merges her spirit with that of the G1 Twilight, creating our Twilight!
  • Nigh Invulnerable: It took getting kicked in the face several thousand times at the speed of sound just to bust out his tooth. However, it seems he's not as invulnerable as his species CAN be, as his siblings Destruction and Strife are much more durable and Strife displayed a massive Healing Factor Discord doesn't seem to have. The reason for this has yet to be seen.
  • Nothing Can Stop Us Now: Has a bad habit of declaring victory before he's actually won and believing he's invulnerable. This lead to his defeat on multiple levels. He'd believed he'd already driven Luna mad and turned her back into Nightmare Moon. This allowed her to easily manipulate things to defeat him without him knowing. Probably also counts in the Epilogue timeline, where he technically has won, but his games with Twilight are implied to ultimately be his undoing because he things the only way she can possibly get free of his control is if he wills it.
  • Oh Crap: Back in the G3 universe when Luna told him that she was going to tell the Elders what he'd been doing, including his father, Havoc. Considering his father is an Eldritch Abomination and Anthropomorphic Personification of Mass Destruction whose tooth is twice the size of Discord, its no wonder he was scared.
  • Pet the Dog: Played with and possibly Subverted. He saved Pinkie and Minty back in the G3 universe, but he justifies it by saying she was just so chaoic he couldn't resist keeping her around to play with a bit and Minty was just saved so he could play with her because she was on the "delete" list.
    • One of the few things that was clearly a Pet the Dog moment was hypnotising Surprise to get out of the area before he began his reign, though considering he'd just completed his Split Personality Takeover, it may simply have been what was left of the good personality doing its last good deed before vanishing.
    • To the surprise of many, one of his first acts upon being freed is to fufill his promise to Diamond Tiara and restore Screwball's sanity. Though once more, it's hard to assume he's doing this out of true compassion, since he pretty much says he's only keeping his word because he swore to his Elders he would, and as we've seen before, it's not a good idea to tick his Mother off.
  • Psycho for Hire: According to very Loose Canon, the Draconequi were basically the Shiva of the multiverse, destroying things to permit a Cosmic Retcon in the event the universe is dying. The others at least had some degree of empathy for the ponies in that world and didn't like it, for various reasons. Even Destruction didn't like it and apologized to a pony for what he had to do. Discord? He was having the time of his life doing whatever he pleased because the timeline was doomed anyway.
  • Raise Him Right This Time: Shady raising him is a rather painful subversion. Even though she wasn't aware she was raising a Complete Monster, it looked like she'd actually make him good. Unfortunately, it failed...
  • Reality Warper
  • Satan: Pretty much the pony equalvalent. Turns out he learned his Manipulative Bastard skills under Morning Star, a Fallen Alicorn who represents the Devil Tarot.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: Is sealed away in stone at the beginning of the Reharmonized Series.
  • Sealed Inside a Person-Shaped Can: When he arrived in Equestria, he was born through G1 Shady, and spent several decades suppressed inside his own mind while a much nicer Discord was in control. He finally got out by eating his good personality.
  • The Sociopath: Displays some...TroublingUnchildLikeBehavior when he was young such as turning Flutterponies into Parasprites so he could make them eat each other. Though by his species standards, this may be closer to the "torturing small animals" stage. Its explained in "Origins" that while the other Draconequi, even his father Havoc, are capable of one way or another comprehending love, Discord is incapable of comprehending it.
  • Split Personality Takeover: How he entered the world, through being born by a moral mare, resulted in a kindhearted, split personality who was genuinely kind. Unfortunately, the real Discord's personality won out in the end...
  • The Bad Guy Wins: In the Epilogue timeline, though it's implied in Applejack's Reharmonizing that he eventually gets defeated by Twilight, who used his own games to Out Gambit him.
  • Troubling Unchildlike Behavior: He was a child during the end of the G3 universe. Taking part in a Cosmic Retcon is apparently a perfectly acceptible thing for a Draconequi child to do, but enjoying it is not. In fact, he's the only member of his species or the Alicorns that actually like it. And his response to feeling bad about realizing Luna will never accept him? Go find some more Flutterponies to turn into Parasprites so he can make them eat each other! Though it should be noted, by Draconequi standards, its the fact he does this solely For the Evulz than the act itself.
  • True Final Boss
  • Unskilled but Strong: Is a nigh omnipotent Reality Warper, but due to that, never bothered to really learn a thing about hand to hand combat.
  • Villainous Breakdown: Went completely berserk when Mimic knocked out his tooth in the past.
    • Turns out the real breakdown began just before that when she revealed the bridge between Ponyland and Earth has been destroyed, foiling his plans to head to the human world once he's bored with Equestria. He's reduced to babbling for a few moments and is left so furious the rest of the battle that he can't fight effectively. He also has a breakdown when Shady pulls a Heel Face Turn and turns against him, unable to understand why she is.
  • Villains Never Lie: He actually does fufill his end of the bargain with Diamond Tiara (namely, curing her mother) once he's freed. Though it seems he originally wasn't intending to, but because he swore to the Elders he had to keep his end of the deal.
  • Villain Song: Gets one in "Origins", a version of You're Only Second Rate he sings while overpowering and killing Galaxia.
  • We Used to Be Friends: He and Celestia were once friends, then Discord discovered his sadistic pleasure in others' misery. By the time of the Alicorn and Draconequi War, Discord had become sadistic monster with absolutely no regard for life, Celestia, or even his own race.
  • Why Don't You Just Shoot Him?: Despite otherwise being willing to ruin ponies' lives in all kinds of horribly sadistic ways and is near omnipotent, Word of God has confirmed Discord tends not to actually kill ponies. Not because killing is beneath him, it certain isn't, and he does actually kill several ponies personally or indirectly, he prefers keeping them alive so he can "play" with them longer.
  • Would Hurt a Child: Even children weren't spared his cruelty. In "Epilogue", he has absolutely no qualms about sending his Dragon to kill a bunch of foals.
  • You Killed My Father: Is heavily implied to be the reason Luna and Celestia are the Last Of Their Kind.
    • Turns out he's not entirely responsible, but is more than happy to take credit for it. He did kill their earthly mother and what they believed was the last surviving member of their race, however.

Morgan (Fake)/Loneliness

Voiced by Pauline Snell
Psychotherapist form voiced by Louis Badalament

Princess Gaia/Nightmare Whisper, The Kindest Of Lies

Voiced by Mewsel

  • Affably Evil
  • Anti-Villain: To the point where Princess Celestia states that, as Princess Gaia is an extension of Fluttershy, her powers could not kill any living being, even accidentially.
  • Big Bad: Of her self titled arc.
  • Breath Weapon: Nightmare Whisper can emit a beam of pure suffering from her mouth, which she uses on Rainbow Dash, essentially Invoking Despair Event Horizon.
  • Chained by Fashion: Has spiked shackles on her fore and hind legs and around her neck. The spikes point inward and connect to her open CHEST.
  • Disk Two Final Boss
  • Eldritch Abomination: Her true form, Nightmare Whisper, the Kindest Of Lies. A permanently tearful pony the size of a Ursa Minor with a vaguely draconic body and claws covered in sweat with a spiral horn bleeding out of her forehead. She has inverted spike shackles around her neck and ankles, all connecting to a perpetually burning and blackened portion of her open chest which houses in a red orb an undead foal version of Fluttershy.
  • Evil Diva: Her songs can hypnotise ponies, both her own voice and through her birds.
  • Fallen Heroine: Is a post Face Heel Turn Fluttershy.
  • Fountain of Youth: Tries to turn everypony into foals as part of her attempted utopia.
  • Ironic Echo: Many ponies still refer to Fluttershy as Princess Gaia after her Heel Face Turn, but in this case their admiration is genuine and they honestly love her.
  • Irony: The one suggestion her friends gave which she refused to accept? Applejack's suggestion to tell her followers the truth about her utopia. We see a universe where she and the Princesses actually rule a true utopia together and she's truly Princess Gaia, not Nightmare Whisper. What's the difference? She listened to Applejack and her follower's support of her allowered her to slowly conquer the suffering she'd sealed away...
  • Lotus Eater Machine: Her first attempt at her utopia.
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: Granted, she intended to do good, but the good she actually did had nothing to do with her motivations. Turns out a day of painless foalhood was just what the doctor ordered for a lot of ponies.
  • One-Winged Angel: Nightmare Whisper.
  • Powered by a Forsaken Child: She is the child, having sucked the entire world's sins into herself.
  • Super-Powered Evil Side: Of Fluttershy. Though her power is boosted even further by the Elder Horn.
  • Thou Shalt Not Kill: Even as a Nightmare, Fluttershy is too kind to murder someone, even indirectly. She even says that she'll heal up everypony once she's finished removing Applejack's Living Lie Detector ability. Celestia actually points this out, as of all the Nightmares that she's aware of, in this universe or any other, Nightmare Whisper is the only one who won't kill.
  • Utopia Justifies the Means: Wants to create a utopia no matter what the cost.
  • Villain Song: Gets two. The first one is a ponified version of "Come Little Children" from Hocus Pocus. The second (two versions) is a Dark Reprise of Fluttershy's "So Many Wonders" song about means justifying utopia. Both serve the purpose of hypnotising her targets.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: Her goals are good, her methods and ultimate ends are not.

Nightmare Mirror the Cruelest of Truths/Alternate Applejack

  • Alternate Self: Is an alternate Applejack.
  • The Assimilator: Nightmare Mirror seeks to absorb all the "imperfect" Applejacks, so that she may manifest in reality.
  • Catch Phrase: "Absurd."
  • Eldritch Abomination: More so than other Nightmares, as she's an attempted Multiversal Conqueror.
  • Eyes Do Not Belong There: She has eyes on her wings! Lots of them!
  • Evil Eye: Nightmare Mirror can look into somepony's eyes and force them to realize the worst truths about themselves, driving them into despair. She apparently uses this power to force various Applejacks to join her. She uses this ability on Orangejack, but Applejack is fortunately able to snap her out of it.
  • Freudian Excuse: It's implied she went Nightmare as a result of living in a timeline where Applebloom didn't escape the events of Story of the Blanks, or at least one Applejack composing her did.
  • Oh Crap: Gets this directly before getting blasted with the Elements of Harmony, wielded by six alternate Applejacks.
  • Knight Templar: Her goal was to wipe out dishonesty across the entire multiverse, but as two of her other alternate selves pointed out, this was a rather unwise idea.
  • Multiversal Conqueror: States to have already succeeded 42 times before Applejack and Orangejack manage to take her down.
  • Physical Goddess: Strangely, she actually reverts back not into Applejack, but into an Alicorn versions of her. Turns out, as revealed later, the Elements complete Alicornification on a Nightmare born from a normal pony.
  • Super-Powered Evil Side: Of Applejack, but not from the Pony POV universe. The entire side story was devoted to stopping her from becoming this.
  • Villainous Breakdown: Speaks calmly with no trace of accent, but the more things begin to fall apart, the more she begins to slip.


Voiced by Dana Detrick

  • Anthropomorphic Personification: Of Natural Selection, conflict, and survival of the fittest.
  • Blood Knight: She is the personfication of conflict after all. A surprisingly mild example, while she clearly enjoys fighting, she never outright fights solely to fight and all of her actions have some logic behind them.
  • Dark Is Evil: Subverted, she only pretends to be evil while she's actually an example of Dark Is Not Evil.
  • Darwinist: Naturally, she is the Anthropomorphic Personification of Natural Selection. Which is actually portrayed rather realistically.
  • Didn't See That Coming: The only successful attacks done to her are ones where she expected one thing only to be attacked in a completely different manner. Unfortunately, the one time they got a chance to One Hit KO her with the Rainbow Of Light, they didn't do this and she makes note they might have actually won if they had.
  • Final Boss: For the G3 timeline. Portrays herself as this and takes many cues from video game boss battles.
  • Good All Along: She had good reasons for what she did, or is at least implied to.
  • Hero Antagonist: Seemingly Invoked. Her last words to Celestia imply she played the bad guy so the survivors of the G3 world could at least fight for their own survival instead of simply fading away without any chance to defend their right to exist.
  • Hopeless Boss Fight: The only reason the heroes could even hurt her is because she held back. She had no intention of letting them win, implying she only let them fight her at all so they'd at least go down fighting for their own survival as opposed to fading away into nothing. Once they actually manage to truly hurt her, she pulls out all the stops and kills everyone but Star Catcher/Celestia in short order.
  • Manipulative Bitch
  • Nigh Invulnerable: Case in point; Thistle Whistle shatters every bone in her body and kills herself ramming her full speed, Strife just gets disrupted enough to cancle her attack. Also, she's capable of healing pretty much anything by erasing the damage from existence.
  • Physical Goddess
  • Reality Warper: She is Discord's sister after all.
  • Spanner in the Works: Her actions indirectly lead to the creation of Twilight Sparkle and allowed Pinkie Pie to survive her fight with Luna, eventually leading to her brother Discord's defeat. But given she had the foresight to realize Luna would eventually succumb to her anger and regret it the rest of her life, she may have had more control over events than is made apparent.
  • Taken for Granite: Narrowly avoids the fate that ultimately befalls her brother Discord when Star Catcher uses the Rainbow Of Light against her. Her hand even gets turned to stone, something she outright says she can't just reverse like she did everything else.
  • Trickster Mentor: To Princess Luna and possibly Celestia.

Epilogue Timeline Mane Cast

Twilight Tragedy

Voiced by Mewsel

  • The Dragon: To Discord
  • Heel Face Turn: Manages to Out-Gambitted Discord and restore her memories, allowing her to begin sewing the seeds of his defeat.
  • The Hero: After her Heel Face Turn.
  • Note to Self:: How she manages to Out-Gambitted Discord, by writing down something and hiding it while free from his control during one of his "games".
  • Number One Dime: A particularly chilling subversion; she notes having a strange obsession with a pair of potted plants, always feeling that it's of utmost importance to keep them watered and in the sun at all times. Why is this? Because they used to be her parents.
  • Out-Gambitted: Does this to Discord by sending a message to herself when he let her out of his control to torture her.
  • Would Hurt a Child: Has no problems killing fillies if Discord wills it. Before her Heel Face Turn.


Voiced by Robotbutterfly

  • Bad Liar: Subverted, she's actually got better at it.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Notably, Liarjack is actually kind and comforting to the others. And is apparently a new Element Of Kindness.
  • Heel Face Turn: While not seen, it's implied by the fact she appears to help the other versions of AJ defeat Nightmare Mirror.
  • Token Good Teammate: Seems to be the least evil of the six, as we've not actually ever seen her do anything other than comfort Twilight Tragedy.

Angry Pie

Voiced by Wollfferry

Traitor Dash

Voiced by Robotbutterfly


Voiced by Robotbutterfly

Fluttercruel (Epilogue)


The Tiara Family and "Friends"

Diamond Tiara

Voiced by: Wollffeey

Onyx Tiara

Voiced by: Louis Badalament

  • The Atoner: After he overcomes his Fantastic Racism and accepts responsibility for his actions causing his wife and daughter's Sanity Slippage.
  • Berserk Button: Don't bring up Golden Tiara's Sanity Slippage or speak ill of her. A pony said an insensitive comment about it when they thought he wasn't listening and ended up hurled out a second story window.
  • Conspiracy Theorist: Believes that Celestia and Luna are tyrannical rulers who have oppressed the 'naturally superior Earth Ponies' for generations, that cutie marks are 'the mark of Cain'.
    • He's also convinced that everyday luxuries such as tooth brushes and doorknobs are part of a secret narwhal plot.
    • He finally realized the error of his ways in "Mind Games Part 2" with help from the interviewers. In part 4 he outright laughs at how stupid some of his theories were.
  • Despair Event Horizon: Came very close to crossing this in "Mind Games Part 2" to the point he was at least partially Discorded. The interviewers timely intervention manages to pull him back.
  • Driven to Suicide: After what Discord did, he was nearly driven to this. He only didn't die thanks to a unicorn maid saving his life.
  • Fantastic Racist: Against 'featherdusters' (pegasi) and 'narwhals' (unicorns).
    • As of "Mind Games Part 2", he's no longer one.
  • Meaningful Rename: Though born "Filthy Rich", he prefers the more pretigious-sounding "Onyx Tiara". Turns out he did this out of guilt because he failed to stop Golden from going insane and blamed himself.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: When he recovered from his Discording and realized he'd rejected his wife. Unfortunately, denial turns this into an Ignored Epiphany.
    • Then he realizes he really did do it, and it actually at least partially Discorded him from depression. However, the interviewers intervene and manage to pull him back. After that the epiphany finally sticks and he changes his ways.
  • Oh My Gods: Because he uses Cadence as opposed to Celestia and Luna, likely because she tried to cure Golden, even though it didn't succeed.
  • Papa Wolf: He's genuinely protective of his daughter. So much so that when his now insane wife tried to strangle Diamond, Onyx tackled Screwball so hard she went straight through a coach and embedded in the bookshelf behind it.
  • Unreliable Narrator: In his "Butterflies" entry.

Golden Tiara/Golden Skates/Screwball

Voiced by Beccy Henderson

  • Action Mom: She didn't let being a mother stop her from staying in shape and being able to kick flank. Once she regains enough sanity to realize Diamond Tiara is in danger, she really shows this off in a Sarah Connor like fashion.
  • Badass Normal
  • Blithe Spirit
  • Corrupt the Cutie: Struggling to survive in an unforgiving, cutthroat high society turned her into a Control Freak.
  • Control Freak
  • The Determinator: She is going to find and rescue her daughter, and nothing is going to stop her.
  • Feel No Pain: At the very least, her pain tolerance is high enough that she can easily fit through tight spaces by voluntarily disclocating her bones. Apparently, suffering a rather ugly accident as a child and then having the resulting damage fixed without anesthetic is responsible for her absurd pain tolerance.
  • Funny Schizophrenia: Averted. It's not funny, and it's actually Receptive Aphasia.
  • Mama Bear: Even after going insane, she's fiercely protective of Diamond.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: After Discord restores her sanity, she remembers she tried to kill Diamond and has a rather nasty one of these, including saying this practically word for word.

"Dear Cadence, what did I do?! WHAT DID I DO?! If Filthy hadn't stopped me... WHAT WOULD I HAVE DONE TO MY BABY?!"

Silver Spoon

  • Body Horror: Her Discording involved being turned into what amounted to tinfoil and having her glasses turned into her eyes.
  • Break the Haughty: Her father nearly killing her while Discorded and then Diamond Tiara giving her a brutal "The Reason You Suck" Speech and turning her flank on her did this to her.
  • Broken Bird: For a time, after being nearly murdered by her Discorded father and then Diamond Tiara turned on her.
  • Heel Face Turn
  • Heel Realization: Had one when Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle stood up to her in Apple Bloom's defense.
  • Sixth Ranger: For the Cutie Mark Crusaders.
  • True Companions: Was genuinely Diamond Tiara's friend and cared for her. Unfortunately, Tiara never realized it until she'd already broken their friendship up herself. The Cutie Mark Crusaders manage to become this for her afterwards, however.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: After Discord's reign, she was scared of her own glasses and absolutely terrified of her father. The former she managed to get over, but the latter took a long time to heal.

Silver Tongue

  • Doting Parent: Once he gets his act together.
  • Fantastic Racist
    • Or not. "Mind Games Pt. 2" reveals he was just playing along in order to keep his long friendship with Onyx Tiara going. When Onyx, in that chapter, states that he feels he may have been wrong all this time in terms of his opinions of the other races and the Princesses, Silver Tongue is damn-near elated.
  • Meaningful Rename: Born "Silver Axe", changed it to "Silver Tongue" due to what he did while Discorded.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Had this reaction after his Discording was reversed and he realized he'd nearly killed his own daughter with his namesake.

Silver Platter

  • Fantastic Racist
    • No longer as of "Mind Games Pt. 2", according to her husband Silver Tongue.
  • Hearth Warming's Eve Cake: Narrowly avoided becoming this, and talks about how important it is to avoid such a fate. She was also convinced that her husband loved her solely for her looks and would leave her when she lost them.
    • She finally got the help she needed and as of "Mind Games Pt. 2" she figured out that her husband loves her, not just her beauty.
  • Stepford Smiler
  • Toxic Friend Influence: Had a very negative effect on Golden Tiara.

G3 Universe

Unmarked spoilers here! You've been warned!


Thistle Whistle


Princess Rarity:

Voiced by: Azure

Sky Wishes

Kenbroath Gillspotten Hearthspike "Spike"

Star Catcher

Other Characters


Sweetie Belle


  • Future Badass: In the Epilogue timeline, she's the leader of the resistance and a complete badass able to keep up with the corrupted, and immortal Rainbow Dash.

Ditzy Doo

  • Good Parents: She may be a little awkward, but she's an excellent mother to Dinky. Princess Luna even rewarded her for being a mother.
  • Mama Bear: Do not harm her little "muffins", she will kick your flank.



Unmarked spoilers here! You've been warned!


Voiced by Adam Ferguson


Voiced by: Heather Gold

  • Abusive Parents: Routinely imprisoned Destruction in a black hole just to build his addiction to destruction to it's breaking point. Though truth be told, it isn't really her fault, nothing really has any value to her due to what she personifies.
  • Anthropomorphic Personification: Of Heat Death and nothingness.
  • Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: She's described as being so huge, the pupil of her eye dwarfs Celestia.
  • Didn't See That Coming: Due to being...well, an Eldritch Abomination, she didn't consider the Windigos would be destroyed, harming her in the process.
  • Dimension Lord: Of oblivion, basically. Her domain is inhabited by those who have been erased from existence.
  • The Dreaded: The only beings that don't fear her are the other Elders, who are the only ones as powerful as she is.
  • Eldritch Abomination: Remember the Windigos? They're tiny pieces of her!
  • The Evils of Free Will: While she doesn't really do anything about it, she believes beings with freewill will inevitably destroy themselves. The fact life keeps proving her wrong is one of the few things that annoys her.
  • Ice Queen: Considering what she embodies, it's pretty reasonable.
  • Manipulative Bitch: Is implied to have manipulated things to lead to the Alicorn/Draconequi War in order to bring on the end of the universe sooner.
  • Omnicidal Maniac: Unlike most examples, this is literally her job as the Anthropomorphic Personification of the end of the universe.
  • Names to Run Away From Really Fast: Both her real name and most of her titles. Especially "She Who Is The End Of All Things" and the "Queen of Oblivion".
  • Power of the Void
  • Ret-Gone: Has the terrifying ability to erase beings from existence. Neo Stream was one of her victims, but even Alicorns aren't immune. She can erase Havoc, but he just wills himself back into it.

Fauna Luster

Voiced by: Beth Mayoh

  • Anthropomorphic Personification: Of Existence, though also of Empathy. According to Celestia, the Elements of Harmony are infused with her power through the bearer's bond (thus why they're more powerful than the Rainbow of Light) and the Fires of Friendship was also a faction of her power.
  • Divine Intervention: It's stated that she Fires of Friendship used to defeat the Windigos WAS her power granted to Clover the Clever and company, but it was still a major feet on their part to access her power in the first place. Pretty much using Friendship to power the Elements calls on her power and combines it with the Rainbow of Light.
  • Dimension Lord: Word of God has confirmed all the Elders are this, but not specified what hers is.
  • Eldritch Abomination: A benevolent version. She's every bit as indescribable and incomprehensible as Havoc and Entropy, but loves all living things and her presence is described as extremely pleasant.
  • Goddess of Good: Is described as being the perfect empathy and loving all things.
  • Good Parents: Clearly loves her children dearly (and all of existence), and is a pretty fair mother from what we see.
  • The Evils of Free Will: Inverted. She's a strong supporter of freewill. Life has proved to support her viewpoint more than it does Entropy.
  • Significant Anagram: Her name is an anagram of Lauren Faust.

Father of All Alicorns

Voiced by: TBA









Rota Fortuna




Morning Star


Voiced by: Godzillawolf




  • Anthropomorphic Personification: Of Imagination, pretty much. This includes creativity and hallucinations, which is probably why she tends to accidentally drive ponies mad.
  • Big Sister Instinct: When she saw Discord seriously hurt in the war, she went berserk to protect him.
  • I Have Many Names: Desire and Pandora are her alternate names.
  • Pet the Dog: Promises Story Belle that none of her stories will be forgotten.
  • Token Good Teammate: Seems to be the most genuinely good Draconequi. She has a habit of driving ponies insane trying to inspire them, but that frustrates her to no end.


  • Anthropomorphic Personification: Of mass destruction.
  • Killed Off for Real: Was killed and eaten by Discord, along with his power, making him the only one of the gods that's confirmed to be dead.
  • Power Incontinence: He literally can't control his urge to destroy things, if he doesn't do it, it builds until he goes berserk and destroys everything in his path to state it. This can result in it building until he can destroy a black hole.
  • Psychopathic Manchild: Is more childishly destructive than anything else.
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: Literally. He doesn't want to destroy things, something is wrong with him that makes him need to destroy things, and he hates it. Oh, and Discord killed and ate him!



See "Villains" section.


Expanded Universe Characters

This section is for characters who appear in Recursive Fanfiction and Loose Canon stories written by other authors besides Alexwarlorn.

Coffee Swirl

  • Ascended Fanon: In addition to being declared Loose Canon, he's also been mentioned in the main story by name.
  • Bad Dreams: Has had recurring nightmares after the events of Discord's reign and Princess Gaia
  • Big Damn Heroes: While mostly accidental, he managed to save Fluttershy from being raped by several ponies seeking revenge for what she did as Princess Gaia.
  • Driven to Suicide: Admits at first to be seriously considering it and even refers to himself as suicidal. Fluttershy and Fluttercruel both help him get over some of his issues in the end. Not all, but some.
  • Fire-Forged Friends: While he is more neutral now in his opinion, he's at least become close to a friend with Fluttershy and Fluttercruel through all they've been through. At least they consider him a friend and he's not completely opposed to the idea anymore.
  • Innocent Bystander: Pretty much just a normal pony who has gotten caught up in the chaos of the past Big Bads, the emotional pain of which nearly drives him insane. In fact, he's so normal, he's about the only one the Interviewers let their knowledge leak to.
  • Only Sane Stallion: How he sees himself after the Princess Gaia incident.
  • Revenge: Subverted, while he refuses to forgive Fluttershy and (at first) hates her, he outright states he's not going to try and take revenge on her.
  • Secret Keeper: Ultimately becomes one for the Interviewers, but is free to let the information go after the next near end of Equestria event if he so pleases.
  • She Is Not My Girlfriend: His reaction when the interviewers ask him if he's attracted to Fluttercruel.
  • Ship Tease: In "New Game Plus", Fluttershy suggests him to Fluttercruel as a possibility for a boyfriend for her. It's left up in the air if anything will come of it.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Gives one to Fluttershy when she almost lets herself get raped by three stallions she hurt while Princess Gaia.

Neo Stream


  • Cool Pet: He has a pet dragonfly who appears to be the new timeline version of Story Bell's pet dragonfly.
  • Intrepid Reporter: Sort of. After Applejack helps him conquer his demons, he starts tagging along with the interviewers to interview the cast as the subject of his newest book.
  • Reincarnation: It turns out that he's actually the G4 version of G3 Story Belle, or at least she's a part of him. He doesn't know it, however, but Pinkie has figured it out.
  • Reincarnation Friendship: He became fast friends with the mane cast due to some of the ponies who ended up a part of them were Story Belle's friends, who was a part of him.
  • Sherlock Scan: It's his special talent. Though he mainly uses it for his writing.
  • Something Only They Would Say: Pinkie Pie first realizes he has Story Belle's light of existence when he ends his story the same way she would. He later confirms it by telling the same story she told Pinkie and her friends in G3.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Developed a phobia of books after the Day of Chaos, where Discord brought them to life to try and kill him. Applejack helps him get over it though.
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