< Pony POV Series

Pony POV Series/YMMV

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YMMV Tropes In This Fan Fiction Include:

  • Anvilicious: This series is very keen on hammering it that Dark Fics are bad.
  • Alas, Poor Scrappy: The Cosmic Retcon that the G3.5 world was put through, seen from Pinkie's POV. Despite all the hate that particular gen, most readers have admitted feeling sad for their fate. This was pretty much the author's intent.
  • Alas, Poor Villain: Destruction. Despite being literally addicted to destruction, he was also the most sympathetic of them, as he hated his addiction and wished he didn't have it at all. His desire in the war was to cause so much destruction he'd finally be rid of it once and for all. Him being killed and eaten by his own brother is extremely tragic.
  • Alternative Character Interpretation:
    • Invoked by Word of God with Loneliness. Her backstory was intentionally left vague as to promote this. Did she really love Trixie? Or was she just using a pretense of love to manipulate her? Is she just a creation of Trixie's twisted psyche or an evil entity that came from somewhere else?
    • Another one is provided by "AJ's Dream". She may be Trixie's Nightmare that was trying to come to the surface.
    • Luna's punishment of Fluttershy has been seen as warranted, a Moral Event Horizon, or even as too light by different groups of fans (and ponies, In-Universe). Likewise, whether or not Fluttershy has earned redemption for what she did or not is this, also both In-Universe and out. Even Fluttershy herself isn't sure, but she says she will always regret what she did and resolves to become a better pony from the experience.
    • Turns out that Fluttershy's punishment was largely Luna's reaction to Princess Gaia trying to take Pipsqueak from her, and seemed more about vengeance than justice. This over-protectiveness of Pip figures prominently in Luna's nightmare and develops her character during her sidestory.
  • Award Snub: The fic is actively insulted on Equestria Daily because they think Applejack's accent is too thick. Seriously. They did accept the Audio Adaptation, however.
  • Base Breaker: Both Princesses' What the Hell, Hero? moments to Fluttershy have gotten this, some saying it's justified, others saying they crossed the Moral Event Horizon, and even some saying that only one of them was justified, while the other wasn't.
  • Cerebus Retcon:
    • According to a Loose Canon story, the reason Pinkie has Medium Awareness is because she's the same Pinkie from G3. Why? To prevent the universe from collapsing, some alicorns and Draconequi (think Discord, only a lot less evil) essentially rewrote reality into G4, and Pinkie was the only leftover (although her brain was rewritten to fit the change) because StarSong sacrificed herself so she was erased instead of Pinkie! Harsh....
    • Remember the Parasprites? They're what Discord turned at least some of the Flutterponies into!
    • Twilight is actually a fusion of the G1 Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie's best friend Minty, and is that way because Minty died right in front of Pinkie and had her spirit transfered into the G1 Twilight by Pinkie.
  • Complete Monster:
    • Discord. Not only did he do the canon stuff, the canon stuff is portrayed as Mind Rape and what he does to Trixie is just... Brutal. On top of that, he's also responsible for at least three genocides, neither of which he really seems to give a darn about. Word of God refers to Discord as an "egotistical, sadistic hedonist". That probably tells you a good bit of how monstrous this guy is. It doesn't help that Discord's Mind Rape is actually described almost as if it's real rape, including one of the Wonderbolts stating she feels "violated" by what he did to her. And Discord does this for fun! To sum up, as opposed to the more canonical view of him being a more malicious Equestrian Loki, this universe has him portrayed as a more whimsical Equestrian Satan. In fact, the actual Equestrian Satan was his Evil Mentor!
    • Loneliness:
      • She gleefully uses images of Trixie's own mother to Mind Rape her into catatonia, and tries to outright murder her and Twilight several times.
      • While Loneliness seems to love Trixie, Word of God intentionally left it vague as to if it was genuine or if she's like the Other Mother and just manipulating her cruelly to get what she wants.
    • It's implied Fluttercruel and Angry Pie fit this in the Bad Future, Fluttercruel doing things so horrific that "Twilight Tragedy" refuses to tell us (of note, she has no problem informing us of every horrific detail of Discord's reign except this) and Angry Pie has apparently been known to murder anyone she thinks is laughing at her. She even attacked 'the Master' [Discord] at one point for laughing in her presence, which went as well as you'd think. In Fluttercruel's case, it serves to highlight how different the version of her in the timeline proper is from what she would have become. With Angry Pie, it shows just how horrible it'd probably be if she'd succeeded with her Split Personality Takeover.
    • Celestia's brother Morning Star was implied to be every bit as vile as Discord is, as Celestia describes Discord's soulless eyes as being exactly like his. In fact, Morning Star was Discord's mentor!
  • Crack Pairing: Averted between Winona and Big Mac, much to Winona's chagrin.
  • Crazy Awesome:
    • Pinkie Pie. Even more so after her Split Personality Merge.
    • Screwball/Golden Tiara, who breaks out from the asylum by being too crazy and to be stopped by obstacles like hoof-cuffs, numerous security staff, reinforced doors, electric fences, or a cockatrice attack. The next we see of her, she's stealthed her way to Canterlot, at least partially by relying on a drainage system, which she fit through by dislocating her own bones, which is also how she managed to escape the asylum. Did we mention she can dislocate and re-set her bones? Because she can, and she refuses to let a little thing like pain that would knock a normal/sane pony unconscious stop her from saving her daughter.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: The music for the audio adaptation certainly qualifies.
  • Family Unfriendly Moral: For this story it's "all stories that are Darker and Edgier are bad, the people who write them should feel bad that they wrote them, and the people who enjoy them should feel bad for enjoying them."
  • Flanderization:
    • An in-universe example: Pinkie Pie tries to repair the damage Discord caused to the other ponies (and especially herself) by taking her normal personality and cranking it Up to Eleven, partying continuously without sleep for almost three weeks. During her Battle in the Center of the Mind, Pinkamena helps her realize that she has been essentially flanderizing herself since she got her cutie mark by splitting off those parts of her personality she didn't want to deal with. Upon realizing this and under attack by her own anger, Pinkie performs a Split Personality Merge and finally frees herself from Discord's influence.
    • Another in-universe example: in the "AJ's Dream" chapter, Luna explains that ponies turn into Nightmares when they allow one facet of their personality to consume them completely.
  • Funny Aneurysm Moment: At its time, Pinkie's joke about how "Rainbow Dash always dresses in style!" is hilarious. Then we discover exactly why she would know this.
    • Another moment that ties into the same discovery: in "Links," shortly before Pinkie Pie escapes from Princess Gaia's Lotus Eater Machine, she says she had simply assumed that "reality had been rewritten again and we had moved onto generation five of the franchise." It's just Pinkie being Pinkie, right? ...Until later, when we learn that she had witnessed the Cosmic Retcon that gave birth to G4 from G3.5's ashes firsthand.
  • Genius Bonus: You're going to need a cheat sheet when you get deep into the G3-G4 Generation Transition POV, as the level of Mind Screw is up there with Primer in the amount of things you need to hold onto at any given time.
  • Harsher in Hindsight:
    • In the "Fluttercruel - Black Pearl" chapter, Fluttercruel asks Fluttershy if she'd like to make Rainbow Dash like an infant again, Fluttershy is horrified by the idea. Next chapter, Fluttershy goes Super-Powered Evil Side and turns into Princess Gaia, who refers to everyone she's brainwashed as "her foals" and treats them like a mother caring for her children.
    • Onyx has racism towards the other two races of pony. "Hearth's Warming Eve" gave a valid explaination for why he might.
    • Pinkie's line "and that's how Equestria was made" from "Cutie Mark Chronicles". She does know, and its extremely tragic.
  • Jerkass Woobie:
    • Trixie is revealed to be one. Having Middle Filly Syndrome due to not being able to stand out among her identical looking siblings or excel at any type of magic, she acted like a jerk to stand out and constantly wanted to be special. Then Discord gives her a horrific Mind Rape, leaving her mind at the mercy of Loneliness. After a horrible fight, she finally gets free, only to try and keep herself separate from the group out of fear of losing her individuality. Oh, and to make matters worse, she's a victim of Fantastic Racism due to her father not being a unicorn.
    • Fluttercruel. Yes, she's a Jerkass, but the way she described Fluttershy coming back into control and her being crushed up inside her and what it feels like for her to be the one whose stuck inside makes it nearly impossible not to feel sorry for her. The poor girl doesn't even consider herself alive, just a copy of Fluttershy...
    • Diamond tiara is the poster filly of this trope... just as much of a bitch as her canon counterpart, yet it's hard not to feel bad for with her relationship with her mother.
    • Filthy Rich/Onyx Tiara. Think about it. If you were aware of how pegasi and Unicorns once used your sun-species as effective slave labor, and how no one else of your sub species seems to care and in fact have friendships with them despite all that you and your kin endured because of them, wouldn't you be a little bitter?
    • Coffee Swirl.
  • Marey-Sue: Invoked in universe by Pinkie Pie {{spoiler|when considering how to "fix reality." She comments on how now that she's Sane and can still go Breaking the Fourth Wall with her antics, perhaps she's become a Game Breaker and too perfect.
    • The members of the pantheon, especially the draconequi members, are all poorly written and unlikable Sues, and do terrible things and get away with them due to a combanation of the author's delusions and this story series readers being chock-full of Fan Dumb.
  • Memetic Molester: In-Universe and Deconstructed Trope. Celestia gets a lot of crap from the tabloids, most of it she just laughs off and in some cases exploits. The rumor they spread about her being a molester is the only one that truly seems to hurt her.
  • Moral Event Horizon: "Origins", being a prequel explaining Discord's Start of Darkness, gives several equally horrific options for Discord, but thus far, the most obvious is rubbing it in Celestia's face how her actions lead to the Draconequi and Alicorn War and stated he gladly takes the credit for his own role in it and enjoys the result. Made even worse is Word of God has heavilly implied that Discord did this entirely to twist the knife of Celestia's guilt for his own enjoyment.
    • And then there's eating his own brother and father (well, his avatar, but still), and feeling absolutely no remorse for it. In-Universe, the Paradise Estate ponies decide he's crossed this after his genocide of the Sea Ponies and Flutterponies.
    • Forcing Diamond Tiara to relive the moment when her mother went insane and tried to strangle her to death, a memory she repressed due to just how painful it was. He then rubs salt in the wound by telling her that it was all her fault her mother went insane in the first place! Just when you thought he was out of lines to cross!
  • Nightmare Fuel: Has it's own page.
  • Plot Tumor: The whole "Apocalypse of G3" arc and all the other cosmic sidestories spun off from it.
    • However, it doesn't really affect the main story line that much, outside of a few character's back-stories and setting up the Origins Arc.
  • Rescued from the Scrappy Heap: The fic gives this treatment to the entire G3 world. G3 is hated by a vast majority of fans, Gen 3.5 even more so.
  • Squick: Golden Tiara (a.k.a. "Screwball") can squeeze through tight spaces with ease, like slipping through cell-bars or squeezing her way through drainage systems. How does she do this? Why, by voluntarily dislocating her own bones.

Golden Tiara: "Ya disconnect this bone connected to the hip bone, you disconnect this bone connected to the shoulder bone, you disconnect this bone connected to the neck bone, wait, better not touch that one on second thought. Fold myself up, if I try really hard I'm sure I could fit into a soup can. Really scared the hay out of an orderly one time, you'd think they'd never saw a mare hiding in a box half her size before! Took a while to get out, especially since he fainted on top of me."

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