< Pony POV Series

Pony POV Series/Trivia

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  • Ascended Fanon: Dragon Of Twilght's Coffee Swirl Trilogy and Knight Mysterio's Discorded/Reharmonized Derpy story were both originally simply Recursive Fanfiction but Word of God has sense declared them canon.
    • While the story hasn't be declared yet, Discorded Celestia: Not Loved gave Discord the middle name Apophis and last name Typhon. "Different From Everypony Else" had this made his official full name.
  • Promoted Fanboy: Kendell2 started out as simply a fan, then became a beta reader before actually getting to write some scenes a finally even two chapters. He refers to himself as this trope in the description. He also wrote the original lyrics for the original Reharmonized audio adaptation's theme song, though they were altered somewhat for the final version.
  • Shout-Out: One of the ponies Nightmare Moon tried to recruit for her Quirky Miniboss Squad during her initial rampage was Ruby.
    • A lot of MLP Fanfictions are referred to, existing either as alternate realities, in-fic canon, in-fic ghost stories, or Pinkie Pie telling us to stop talking about that stupid fanfic.
      • In the same story, Pinkie mentions an anime called "Narutrot"
      • Cupcakes is referenced again in the illustrations for the Bad Future's audio adaptation. This time, it's Fluttercruel who's pulling it off.
    • In the "Penultimate Beta 1" Chapter (AKA Fluttercruel POV Black Pearl), one of the tabloid articles Luna mentions claims that Luna was turned into Nightmare Moon because she was infested by an evil mind control slug.
    • During Luna's confrontations with Discord, he says that he had to tell the same lesson to "A bald man," long ago. Doubles as a shout out to the voice actor, but also subtly implies that Discord IS Q.
    • Doctor Whooves' discorded version basically becomes Rassillon.
    • One of Princess Gaia's brainwashing melodies is "Come Little Children" from Hocus Pocus.
    • Upon seeing the Midsummer's Night Sisters' Super Sentai Stance, Twilight mentions it reminded her of something out of Mighty Morphing Pony Rangers. Their name is of course a refrence to A Midsummer Night's Dream.
    • In "Links", Twilight and Trixie are reading Harry Trotter and the Lunar Hollows. Twilight wonders if the writer actually talked to any real magic users for the book.
    • The Side-Story, where Luna is in a play, the story she tells is very clearly The Tale of the Three Brothers, with a horn standing in for the Elder Wand for the eldest brother, wings for the Resurrection Stone, and a horseshoe that would give him invisibility for the third brother's Cloak of Invisibility.
      • turns out, like the Tale of the Three Brothers, this is real. The horn is actually called "The Elder Horn."
    • One young pegasus in "Everkind Forest" is Link, who, in this timeline, has been granted a peaceful, happy life as a pony as a reward for all the battles he's had to fight throughout history. "Pearl Necklace Part 3" introduces his girlfriend, a green pegasus named Saria.
    • The song brainwashed Cherilee sings while battling the heroes, Teacher Teacher, is obviously modeled on Margaret Moonlight's Philistine.
    • Celestia's song that she uses to unbrainwash Princess Gaia/Nightmare Whisper's foals is the G1 My Little Pony theme song.
    • The title of the chapter "The Foal of Omelas" references the story "Those Who Walk Away From Omelas". Nightmare Whisper actually refers to herself as "the Forsaken Foal Of Omelas" at one point, taking the suffering for all of Equestria on herself.
    • In "Pearl Necklace Part 4", Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie make these comments about Trixie and Fluttercruel being Elements of Harmony.

Rainbow Dash: Is this gonna be like buckin' DragonEggs Z where everybody get an Element?!

Pinkie Pie: Nah, pretty sure this is like Pony Rangers RPM, when the two other Rangers shows up and make the team stronger, silly!

    • One of Luna's middle names is Nyx.
      • Alternatively, Nyx is the Ancient Greek Titan of the Night. Additionally, one of Princess Celestia's middle names is Amaterasu, the Shinto goddess of the sun.
      • In a more definite shout out to Past Sins, during Origins Celestia compares Shady's raising of the young amnesiac Discord to a world she saw in the Truth where Twilight did the same for a child born of Nightmare Moon's essence.
    • Discord's brother Anarchy is causing chaos to combat entropy. Sound familiar?
      • Also, this might count as an Actor Allusion, the author gives Anarchy's voice actor as Quinton Flynn, and makes a lot of nods to Kingdom Hearts... though if you aren't familiar with the games, you probably wouldn't notice them...
    • Fluttershy's transformation into Princess Gaia mirror's Sayaka's transformation into a Witch. It helps that both scenes have the horrified bystander screaming out their friend's name as it happens.
      • On a similar note, Nightmare Whisper's goals closely resemble those of Kriemhild Gretchen, Madoka's Witch form, as described in supplementary material.
    • Inverted with Getting Back on Your Hooves, which has Discord's manner of breaking Trixie during his reign be the same as it is in this series as a homage to it.
    • In her second side-story, Luna states that there was an "incident involving some kitchen appliances" drove her catch up on the times.
    • Celestia's speech to Luna before revealing her Orion form is a Shout-Out to the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode "The Way Of The Warrior" when Sisko tells the Klingon fleet how they've had a year to prepare for a Dominion attack and are ready.
    • In "AJ's Dream", many of the Alternate Universes she sees upon looking into herself/the Gate of Truth again are fanfic references.
      • One of the Alternate Universes shows a What If scenario where Pinkie Pie becomes Nightmare Granfalloon. This is immediately followed up with a scene akin to one in Episode 10 of Puella Magi Madoka Magica, wherein Mami/Rarity freaks out at the Awful Truth.
      • One of the Alternate Universes has a pony version of the Final Battle of season 1 of Mighty Morphing Power Rangers, with the mane cast as the rangers and Gilda as Goldar. Incidently, Mighty Morphing Power Ponies is frequently mentioned as a Show Within A Fanfic throughout the fic.
      • Another alternate reality seen has the mane cast becoming Knight Templar dictators of their world using the Elements of harmony where any sign of disharmony or unhappyness is treated with brainwashing and other brutal methiods, a Shout-Out to the Justice Lords. In fact, Word of God has said they originally wanted to call them the Harmony Lords but changed it to Harmony Queens due to gender.
      • A recent edit revealed what AJ ended up becoming the Element of Laughter: G1 AJ.
      • Another Alternate World has Twilight Sparkle facing off with Nyx from Persona 3.
        • Oh, and Nyx uses the same line that she uses before she starts throwing Night Queen around.
    • Trixie makes a joke about Twilight "using a Geass" to make everypony fall in love with her doll at one point. Geasses are mentioned a lot in the series, actually. For example, Fluttershy's stare turns out to be one.
    • What, no mention of this from Rarity's Discording chapter?
    • In "Cruel's Best Pet":

"A beehive!", Shy thought suddenly.

    • In "Generational Transitions"
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