< Pony POV Series

Pony POV Series/Awesome

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  • Fluttershy showing Fluttercruel who's boss then singing her to sleep! Fluttercruel was very wrong to call Fluttershy weak.
    • And she keeps Fluttercruel around for rehabilitation. Conquering a foreign personality that stands against everything you represent, and letting her keep her own consciousness to make her a better being is not something just anypony can do. And it works.
      • Works so well, in fact, that Fluttercruel is eventually able to manifest an Element of Kindness. Bonus points to Fluttershy for sowing the seeds of her own salvation by showing kindness to Fluttercruel.
  • Pinkie Pie gets one of her own in her story of the same series by defeating Angry Pie, a fractured part of her psyche representing her unexpressed pain and anger over what Discord put her through, inside her mental plane. How does she do it? By merging with her Pinkamenia personality, and forming Surprise to fend her off, then merging with Angry Pie itself to become a cohesive personality far more stable than anything Pinkie proper has been since the Rainboom.
    • Also counts as one for the author, for making the new more stable Pinkie Pie still... Well Pinkie Pie! She's certainly more stable and sane, but still her zany, Cloudcuckoolander self!
  • Applejack takes the cake in her own story by being able and willing to stare directly into the Well of Forever, a pool of knowledge that tells all uncomfortable truths as a way to cope with her Brutal Honesty issue with Discord. This is quite a feat on its own, but then she tops herself by jamming her hoof into the pool's safety mechanism when her self control starts to waver, and stares down the Truth until she is forcibly cut off, and she's still game for another round. She spends the night at Canterlot Castle to decompress and the very next day, still with a torn up hoof, she takes it upon herself to use her new insight to help everypony she can get to reassert themselves, and hits a half dozen before sundown. Who is best pony?
    • One of the things she sees is what happened if Applebloom hadn't escaped Sunny Town. The alternate Applejack finds out and pretty much goes on a Roaring Rampage of Revenge, destroying the town singlehoofedly. Do not mess with Applejack's little sis!
    • One of the other things she sees is a subtle one. She sees Twilight, during one of the moments that Discord let her remember the past just so she'd suffer more, wrote something down and hide it from him. The next scene has Twilight Tragedy's memories of her past life restored, seemingly without Discord's knowledge, and talking to Applebloom and Octavia's descendents. This implies that Bad Future!Twilight manages to somehow out think Discord using his own trick!
    • Another thing she sees is Future Badass Twilight facing down what's implied to be death!
      • Furthermore, while talking to Nightmare Whisper, Applejack hints that Twilight is possibly the pony destined to defeat Death.
  • Twilight gets one in Trixie's reharmonizing by keeping her wits about her through Loneliness' illusion of an insane asylum and catching the fact she'd said her THREE friends, not SIX had brought her there. Loneliness hadn't mentioned Princess Celestia at all, and both things any real doctor taking care of an insane pony would know about her, but Trixie wouldn't.
  • Trixie gets one by finally breaking free of Loneliness' spell, and coming out of Discord a better pony than when she came in, completely obliterating Loneliness in the process.
  • Luna actually gaining control over her identity as Nightmare Moon when Discord's games threaten to turn her into a Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds. And then it's shown that she sent Twilight's letters, due to her sister being Discorded into a useless child, and floats it right under his nose, because "Why the hell not?"
    • Luna wasn't as lucky as Applejack when she looked in the Well Of Forever, but by taking the full brunt of it and learning the entirety of all Truth and All the Myriad Ways, it's a wonder she's hasn't completely lost it. Consider that she had the entire millennium that she was banished, including the fate of everyone she knew revealed to her in eidetic detail to mull over, and the What Could Have Been. Possibly advance information on Nightmare Moon, depending on how the timeline breaks down.
    • One of the thing she learns is that G1 Mimic threw down with Discord after he broke down the Rainbow of Light into the Elements, and kicked his teeth in. Granted, it was the last thing she ever did as a solid state of matter, but there's a good reason he only has the one fang.
      • This moment was so Badass that a fan saw fit to make fanart of it. The Defiant to the End expression on her face just makes it all the more awesome!
      • The fanfiction version makes it even more epic by explaining that Mimic succeeding in wounding Discord served as a Hope Springs Eternal, inspiring Celestia and Luna as well as awakening the Element Of Magic, setting the stage for Discord's downfall. On top of this, Discord had told her that there's no way she could so much as scratch him. After she does, knowing he's going to kill her regardless, she says this;

Mimic: You lose.

    • We finally see this moment in all its glory in "Origins". Its every bit as epic as it was hinted to be, made even more so because Mimic was Celestia and Luna's mother and she went Mama Bear on his flank. And she gets the satisfaction of not only being the only mortal pony to harm Discord in such a way he couldn't heal from it, she manages to utterly destroy his Smug Snake facade for the entire fight without even touching him:

Mimic: One more thing Discord. I think I should tell you. You know the rainbow that connects this world with the world of humans?
Discord: Oh yes. Lovely place. I intend to visit there after I'm bored with this dump.
Mimic: Don't pack your bags. Megan on her side, and Celestia on our side shattered it. You'll never torture another human again.
Discord: You ...you ... you ...

    • Meanwhile, during her reign with Celestia, Luna bests a resurrected Tirek on her own for the position of "Bringer of Night and Moon" and claimed his demonic chariot as spoils of war, the one she used to crash Nightmare Night in Ponyville. And it's used for joyriding.
  • Fluttercruel and Pinkie Pie subduing and calming down the berserk Rainbow Dash. Even more impressive is that Fluttercruel manages to do it non-violently! Well, non-violent for Fluttercruel, anyway. Pinkie Pie's profound yet still in character story is also a big moment for her.
  • Zecora is the only pony known to shake off Discord's influence under her own self control, and the Manes have to hold her to going to a doctor because she doesn't want them to spend time on her when there are other ponies worse off.
  • alexwarlorn, the author, rewrote the opening of the Fluttercruel Reprise chapter to canonize with Luna Eclipse in a matter of hours.
    • And rewrote four chapters to fit the reveals of "Sisterhooves Social"!
  • The mane cast and Trixie singing the show's theme song in the penultimate chapter is easily one of the most awesome moments of the fanfic. It's also a Crowning Moment of Heartwarming. Now if only one of the fan music composures or fandubbers would get their hands on this...
  • Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Trixie breaking themselves out of Princess Gaia's mind control without magical aid.
    • How they do it is particularly awesome and perfectly in character: Applejack allows her knowledge of the pool of truth to snap her out immediately, as well as use the truth to fight the illusions. Pinkie Pie uses her Medium Awareness and memories of her Battle in the Center of the Mind to remind herself that something was wrong, and that no matter what, her memories of the best times is enough. And Trixie, well, she gets a little intervention from her Imaginary Friend. "What's with the mallet? What Do you mean you're sorry?" WHAM!
  • Ditzy Doo (Derpy Hooves) going Mama Bear on Princess Gaia's birds to protect Dinky, using a mop as a quarterstaff! Do not touch her little "Muffin" if you know what's good for you!
    • And she NEVER gives in to Gaia. This display of motherly determination and protection causes Luna to publically give her the title of "'Greatest Mother and Strongest Willed Pony In Equestria'".
    • And Pipsqueak being unaffected by the birds because it's implied Luna kept sending creatures of the nights (an owl, a swarm of bats and some nightcrawling insects) to drive the birds away from her first post-moon friend. She also keeps him safe from the brainwashing fog by having a legion of spiders barricade his door with webs. And even before that, she has given nightmares to his bullies.
      • It is also implied that Luna may have poured a bit of herself into Pipsqueak, which means he may actually have done all that himself!
  • The entire fight with Princess Gaia's Knight Cheerilee. Especially when Trixie goes Guile Heroine and Rarity going Mama Bear.
  • The various allies of the Mane Cast doing their best to fend off Princess Gaia's animal army. This includes highlights such as the Wonderbolts managing to take out a full grown dragon and Trixie's mother Morgan taking part in the defense of her hometown.
    • Especially of note is Philomena as the One-Man Army in protecting Canterlot by incinerating anything that gets close. The royal guards are stunned in fear and awe.
  • StarSong fighting Anarchy in Pinkie's defense. Especially that she's willing to be erased from existence to protect her friend.
  • A group of fans assembling to do an audio version of the fanfic!
    • Worth noting especially is Fluttershy's voice actress, who manages to do her Discording point in such a way that it's both absolutely chilling and completely heartwrenching without overselling it. She also deserves props for being able to deliever Fluttershy and Fluttercruel with the same voice but managing to make them sound like completely different characters based entirely on how their lines are given.
  • The whole Boss Battle against Nightmare Whisper. If NW wants to destroy Applejack, she'll have to get through everypony else first. And the others won't give up in their attempt to save Fluttershy, regardless of how much pain or injury they suffer. Especially Rarity, who fights half the battle using telekinesis to move her own broken legs!
    • The mane cast end it by summoning the Elements of Harmony? Awesome. Summoning them WITHOUT the Elements themselves?! EPIC!
    • There's also Pinkie weaponizing her Medium Awareness! First in an Offscreen Teleportation kick and then using a Hard Work Montage to tie up Nightmare Whisper.
    • Not to mention Pinkie guiding Twilight to Nightmare Whisper by using her Pinkie Sense to tell her where the Nightmare's attacks are going to strike, allowing Twilight to dodge them by moving in a set pattern using the floorstones as a grid.
      • On top of that, Pinkie intentionally screws up one of her directions for a moment, because if Twilight had gone there immediately, she would have been hit.
    • Twilight finally breaking out of her Heroic BSOD with an epic World of Cardboard Speech. Followed by the rest of the mane cast (minus Trixie) and Fluttercruel giving equally as awesome ones and summoning the Elements of Harmony.
  • Fluttercruel's return from the Void. She severs herself from Nightmare Whisper, gains her cutie mark, and is revealed, to everypony's surprise, to be a second Element of Kindness. And after Nightmare Whisper tells her that, as a being created by Dissonance, she's likely to be destroyed by being a part of the Element's purification technique she says one thing:

Fluttercruel: At least I can say I went out with a bang.

  • In the last part of "Pearl Necklace", Fluttershy manages to stand in front of a huge crowd and give a speech. As if that weren't impressive enough for a shy pegasus like her, somepony who still holds a grudge on her throws a rock, nailing her in the head. It takes both of the Flutters to manage it, but they barely flinch and continue the speech.
  • Alright, it was All Just a Dream, but seeing Celestia use her full-power to defend her subjects from the now evil Luna and winning was pretty awesome, even if she was the Hero Antagonist at the time.

Princess Celestia: I have had a thousand years to prepare for another rogue Alicorn little sister. I hoped and prayed it would not be you. But I am more than ready. ORION!

  • Applejack and Orangejack growing to accept their differences, realizing that their similarities are more important than those differences, and standing united to battle Nightmare Mirror. Bonus points to Orangejack for calming herself down, fighting with her head, and trading verbal jabs with Mirror, despite never being in actual battle before, let alone versus a Nighmare. Then it turns out that Orangejack can bear the Element of Generosity.
    • Applejack calling alternate versions of herself that can bear the Elements of Loyalty, Magic, Laughter, and Kindness and thus invoking the Elements to defeat Nightmare Mirror counts as well.
    • And who is Kindness? Liarjack!.
    • Even more impressive? Luna, and quite a bit of Nightmare Mirror's own words, imply Applejack saved multiple worlds, or at least multiple versions of herself, from Nightmare Mirror by defeating her.
  • Easy to miss, but We see Twilight Tragedy manage to get through to Greedity and make her perform a Heel Face Turn.
  • This absolutely epic piece of fanart for Trixie's Discording. It was also used for the Audio Adaptation.
  • Sweetie Belle telling off Silverspoon's mother for calling the Cutie Mark Crusaders urchins and considering them too lowly to be Silverspoon's friends. She tops it off by ending it on a completely polite note.

Sweetie Belle: My big sister owns Carousel Boutique, we sell to Canterlot and super-stars! Applebloom's family founded Ponyville! Scootaloo is apprentice to Best Young Flyers' Reigning Champion and world record holder for Sonic Rainbooms! (forces Scootaloo and Applebloom to bow along with her) Madam!

    • The Cutie Mark Crusaders, Spike, and Silverspoon managing to travel through time. Keep in mind this is a group of fillies and a baby dragon who manage to do travel through time on accident.
  • Golden Tiara/Screwball's escape attempt, including effortlessly circumventing the security system including two electric fences, making the orderlies and doctors look like fools. Also she beats a Cockatrice so easily it seems like she's planned it out ahead of time: 1 Closes her eyes. 2 Runs AT it. It's not used to that. 3 Grabbed it's neck and head. 4 Ran for a river, which she could hear even with her eyes closed. 5 Faced it down towards the water and forced its' eyelids open. It is promptly Taken for Granite.
  • While "Generational Transitions" has quite a few, one impressive one is Pinkie fusing the spirit of her deceased best friend Minty with G1 Twilight, creating Twilight Sparkle. Let's put this in perspective, Pinkie, intentionally or not, is personally responsible for The Hero!
    • The survivors vs Strife.
    • Strife vs Celestia.
  • From the Optional Canon, we get Cadence. You know how Cadence is a Badass Princess in Canon? Well, in this universe, she defeated Havoc, a GOD of Social Fears (well his avatar) all on her own. The indication from Celestia being that this was the only plausible explanation on how she managed to be reborn into the POV Universe.
    • Worth noting is that this carries off of Origins, where Cadence performed a You Shall Not Pass on Havoc to allow her three sisters to escape to Equestria.
  • It's an Alternate Timeline, but Shady: Line of Fate has Luna managing to pull Shady into Discord's nightmare as a result of Surprise accidentally triggering her magic falling on her in her sleep. Thanks to Shady's intervention, Good!Discord is able to summon Destruction's power, supercharged with his memories of his friends and family, against Evil!Discord using Havoc's avatar's power. It's outright stated that Havoc's power should have still won out against Destruction's, but Good!Discord's bond with his family made it powerful enough for the two to cancel each other out instead, taking Evil!Discord with them.
  • It's a minor example and nothing comes of it, but one has to give credit to Dr. Hoof Wave in "Different From Everypony Else", where it's shown that within minutes of encountering Discord, he managed to accurately deduce his family situation and diagnose it as the cause of his insanity and cruelty. And this is after it was shown that his colleagues have no real respect for his methods, proving that he's a bit of a Bunny Ears Doctor. Of course, Discord being Discord, afterwards he immediately discords the unfortunate Hoof Wave into a nihilist who doesn't even believe that rational thought exists.
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