< Pony POV Series

Pony POV Series/Headscratchers

  • Where did all the psychiatrists mentioned in the series come from? How did they escape the Day of Discord without seemingly developing any issues, to the point of being able to treat so many patients immediately after? Just what were Dr. Head Scratcher & Dr. Freudian Excuse doing during that day, anyways?
    • A number of them did come from Canterlot to help. And I suppose as professionals who deal with trauma and upset ponies, they probably consulted with each other after that day, and healed relatively fast compared with everypony else.
      • I mean, one of the central themes is how a pep talk and an afternoon off won't heal severe psychological trauma; it took three weeks for Pinkie Pie to even acknowledge that she had an issue. And Pinkie Pie is the only one who is capable of self-reharmonizing, but even that takes three full days. I just can't help but feel that's a sort of Hand Wave, like the psychiatrists are more of a plot device than characters with actual flaws or depth.
      • Maybe it is. Maybe there's just some times when Alexwarlorn feels like getting too in depth would detract from the overall series. I'm guessing that the psychologists came from Canterlot, and they put on a brave face to handle the trauma while applying their professional career to others. After all, from the way the series plays out, there'd be no helping anyone if the only horses to come out without deep scars to actually be able to help others are fluttershy, Luna, Celestia, and Applejack. It probably just is a hand wave.
  • Ok, I can understand Onyx's contempt for unicorns and pegasi because of the whole slave labor thing, but his hatred of Celestia in the latest entry comes completely out of left field. What the hell?
    • He's a Conspiracy Theorist who believes that the alicorns are secretly tyrants oppressing and enslaving the 'superior' Earth Pony race. They are The Mare! (The fact that they wouldn't use their magic to fix his wife's insanity doesn't help, either: he just sees that as further proof of their true nature.)
      • Well, he used to. He's gotten better and seems to have given up on his bigotry, much to the joy of his neighbor Silver Axe.
  • Why is the entire story on Deviant ART? Especially for the mature entries that you would need a DA account to read, like Luna's side story, and the Generational Transitions.
    • Because fanfiction.net won't accept fanfics with songs that are only ponyfied versions of copywrited ones and Equestria daily has yet to accept it.
      • What about Google Docs? Or Fimfiction? The latter being a site created for Pony content with numerous Musical fics which contain ponyfied songs.
      • Talked with the author, he said he's planning to post it on Fimfiction as soon as he's posted the last of the stories leading up to the final arc.
      • You can also read up to Rarity's reharmonizing and download an e-book version here and here.
    • The fact that Equestria Daily won't publish this fic pisses this troper off to no end. What the hell?!?
    • The author is every bit as ticked off as you are.
    • It does make one wonder why they won't publish this. Is it simply because of the typos?
      • Apparently, they think he wrote Applejack's accent as too thick, which is total BS as far as this troper is concerned...
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