< Pony POV Series

Pony POV Series/Heartwarming

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  • Fluttershy's completely nonjudgemental way of dealing with Fluttercruel. She's scared and upset at first, but then realizes being made by an evil person doesn't make Fluttercruel evil. She promptly agrees to let Fluttercruel stay and promises to help her learn to be a better pony before singing her to sleep. The scene is both awesome and completely adorable at the same time!
    • The audio adaptation adds extra cuteness to the scene. Fluttercruel's mind scape is depicted in the mirror with her, which is a scary, reflected version of Fluttershy's cottage. When she is sung to sleep, she goes to sleep hugging a sheathed sword, which is strangely adorable.
    • Also, consider the version of Fluttercruel from the Bad Future. The only words we gets describing her behavior are "You don't want to know what Fluttercruel does." They're just fine telling us the other deeds Discord has done, but apparently Fluttercruel does things so horrible it can't be said. Compare that to the present Fluttercruel, who, while still a bit of a Jerkass, willingly helps Fluttershy talk some sense into Rainbow Dash. It's clear Fluttershy really has made her a better person than she would've been otherwise.
      • It's revealed when we finally see things from Fluttercruel's perspective that she forced her way into control to help calm down Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy didn't let her out or call her to the surface to do it, she did it all by herself!
    • When Fluttercruel gains absolute, unrevokable control of their body for a time, she doesn't really do much evil as opposed to being enthralled with singing and walking around on her own terms. Fluttershy might have made the right call on this one.
    • This approach pays off further when during the battle with Nightmare Whisper, Fluttershy's Super-Powered Evil Side, Fluttercruel cares enough about Fluttershy (whom she now sees as a parent and a true friend) to fight her way out of the afterlife in order to help the others undo the damage she caused. Twilight even notes that Fluttercruel's personality is much different than when she was first created by Discord.
  • Rainbow Dash letting Scootaloo stay with her after finding out about Scootaloo's Parental Abandonment.
    • The audio adaptation makes it even more touching. See the page image above.
    • Rainbow Dash accidentally snaps at Scootaloo and makes her cry. Scootaloo asks if she's going to take her to Cloudsdale to be thrown in the Pegasus Machine and made into rainbow goop. Rainbow Dash replies by revealing to the poor filly it doesn't exist... Then saying even if it did, anyone who tried to get Scootaloo to take her to it would have to go through Rainbow Dash first.
  • The mane cast and Trixie singing the My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic theme song in the penultimate episode. Not only is it sweet to have them singing together, it's sweet to have Trixie singing it alongside the mane cast, showing their new friendship.
  • In Rarity's Reharmonizing, Rarity cames dangerously close to killing Sweetie Belle accidentally in a fit of rage brought on by her Mind Rape induced phobia of gems and is horrified at how close she came to it. Rarity apologizes to her and tells her she's just ashamed she ever saw a gem as the most beautiful thing in the world. Sweetie Belle asks what is the most beautiful thing in the world to her. This is Rarity's reply:

Rarity: You are sweetie, you're the most wonderful and beautiful thing in the world to me. Because you're not a thing. You're my baby sister. There's only one of you. That makes you more precious than a thousand diamonds. And it makes you more special than a million jewels... Jewels can't tell me how much they love me, and they can't listen when I tell them how much I love them. You're the most important thing in the world to me...

  • It's also a massive Tear Jerker, but Fluttercruel being geuninely concerned for Fluttershy definitly counts!
  • Applejack Helping everypony, as far as the ones she saw, recover from Discord. Stand outs include:telling Doctor Whooves he's just like everyone else, telling Applebloom how brave she was for surviving the events of Story of the Blanks, giving Rainbow Dash the forgivness she needed for what happened with Cloudsdale, and telling Derpy and Dinky how strong their bond as mother and daughter is, and that's just for starters...
  • While admittedly very warped, the fact that Fluttershy is still (technically) just as loving and caring even after her Face Heel Turn is oddly comforting.
    • Your Mileage May Vary
  • Rarity's entire relationship with Diamond Tiara. Even if Tiara has Fantastic Racism towards unicorns, Rarity takes her under her wing and gets over her phobia of gems to help her make a gift for her mother. She then proceeds to teach her sowing and do everything she can to help her. Even after Diamond Tiara stabs her and runs off, she's got nothing but concern for the poor girl.
  • It's subtle, but when Pinkie Pie breaks free of Princess Gaia's Lotus Eater Machine, her Imaginary Friends help her do it. The same ones that we last saw getting murdered by Angry Pie. Pinkie Pie is happy to see them alive again and gives them group hug before leaving, telling them she knows they'll always be with her now. They're imaginary, sure, but it's still touching.
  • After Trixie is left badly frightened thanks to her crippling fear of Ursas, Pinkie Pie gives her a nuzzle and takes time to calm her down with a rendition of "Giggle At The Ghosties".
  • While in the Everkind Forest, the group discover the residents of Sunny Town are working for Princess Gaia (it's not revealed rather she broke their curse or not though). Applejack meets Mitta, the pony who had the chance to save Ruby but didn't and was still cursed. Applejack forgives her for what she did and does her best to give her some closure she desprately needs.
    • It turned out that the curse was broken by Princess Gaia, but when the Mane Six defeated her, it was restored... Leading to them being delivered back into their normal condition. All of them. Even poor Mitta, who's still refusing to be forgiven.
      • However, there's a bit of heartwarming still there because Mitta earned her Cutie Mark before being dragged off, and Fluttershy swears she will return to Sunnytown and help guide them to realizing their wrongdoing and breaking the curse for real.
  • One's opinion may differ,but seeing the foalified citizens of Ponyville,even Onyx Tiara and Prince Blueblood having fun together and playing in harmony almost makes the reader forget that it's the work of a Mad Goddess.
    • Don't forget, Celestia herself joined in of her own free will by turning into an Earth Pony filly. Anyone whose seen the series knows how much Celestia wants to have true friendship with her subjects. For just a day, she finally did.
  • The Mane Cast's group hug following Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie freeing themselves from their curse. Even after all she did, the mane cast will always forgive their friend.
  • Throughout the story, the Cutie Mark Crusaders try to get through to Silverspoon and befriend her. During the final chapter, she's the only pony who manages to not only sit through their horrible performance once, but every single time and spends the rest of the celebration with them.
  • Although a massive Tear Jerker as well, Pinkie Pie choosing to bear half of all the pain and suffering in Equestria so Fluttershy won't have to endure it all by herself.

Pinkie: I won't let you walk it alone...Auntie...Auntie Pinkie Pie...will be there for you.

    • In an alternate universe where Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie didn't let go, the grateful ponies built them a shrine in honor of their sacrifice.
  • The letter to Celestia at the end of the Princess Gaia Arc, including Trixie and Fluttercruel.
  • Upon seeing the tortured Fluttershy, Trixie, Twilight and Rarity also notice the Elder Horn calling to them enticingly, each of them able to sense great power within. Despite the promise that this power holds, Twilight effortlessly throws the horn away, focusing instead on helping her friend. None of the unicorns ever give the horn a second thought.
  • After Fluttercruel is revealed, the Mane Cast, though reasonably surprised at first, have no real problem accepting her as part of the group.
  • At the end of Pearl Necklace, Princess Celestia revealing how she plans to handle the fallout: by deliberately spreading rumors designed to blame HER for what happened. She knows that some ponies will always believe the worst of her, and willingly exploits that to ensure that Fluttershy's life won't be ruined by her mistakes.
    • Fluttershy actually sheds Tears of Joy that, after all she's done, Celestia is still willing to do something like this for her.
    • This is followed by Celestia comforting Twilight, who was nearly heartbroken by the idea of such things being said about her beloved mentor. Celestia hugs her and tells her that no matter what other ponies say about her, Twilight knows what Celestia is really like and that's all that matters. This is enhanced by the fact that about two scenes earlier, Twilight outright states Celestia is like a mother to her, this scene certainly proves it.
  • After the Elements of Harmony are used to defeat Nightmare Whisper, Fluttercruel appears on the mental plane and begins to fade out of existence. Then, Fluttershy (or at least some part of her) returns, forgives Fluttercruel while acknowledging her own weaknesses, and then saves Fluttercruel -- first preventing her destruction and then convincing her that she truly exists as a separate being. Just seeing Fluttershy back to her kind, forgiving self after everything that has happened to her only makes this more heartwarming. They then go off to help the heroes save the rest of Fluttershy.
  • In the revised version of "Pearl Necklace Part 5", Celestia assumes her Sunny Days disguise and spends the day with Twilight. Knowing how much they both wanted something like this makes it really touching.
  • Rainbow Dash telling Spitfire that she is a hero, because her and the other Wonderbolts inspire her and others to be heroes. Even after Spitfire keeps telling her how the Wonderbolts aren't heroes, Rainbow doesn't see them as Broken Pedestals and still views them as her heroes.
  • Luna's second sidestory reveals a few things about the Flutters that are touching. They put a necklace of flowers around Discord's statue's neck and spent Hearth's Warming Day in Sunnytown, living up to their word that they would not foresake the cursed ponies. Yes, they forgave Discord!
    • Pinkie joining the Flutters for their visits to Sunnytown later on, for no other reason than that the cursed ponies are unhappy and that they should be cheered up after all their suffering. She actually gets some of them to laugh for the first time in a millennium and even hugs them despite the fact that it's painful to do so.
  • Applejack and Orangejack learning that, despite the different choices that they made in life, are very much the same pony. They quickly forgive what the other thought of them and unite to defeat Nightmare Mirror. Also, when they start to awaken from their vision quest, they each make the other promise to value the ponies most important to them (Applejack's friends and Orangejack's family).
  • Nurse Redheart's entire POV chapter is pretty much this. She stays in Ponyville as a nurse because she genuinely cares for the ponies in Ponyville like her own family. She could become a doctor, but doesn't because then Mayor Mare couldn't afford to pay her, all because of how much she cares for the townsponies as well as her younger sister.

Nurse Redheart: If I wasn't here, who would be here for these ponies who had been shuffled aside? Ponyville isn't just a collection of houses, its a family. And it's mine.

  • At the end of Silver Spoon's day with the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Applebloom affirms Spoon's worth as a pony.

Applebloom: "Ah realized it on Family Appreciation Day. When yah were the first pony to start clappin' for Granny Smith, even though Diamond Tiara was still tryin' to hurt me an' her. That's when Ah noticed somethin' about yer Cutie Mark Ah hadn't ever noticed before. There's that little heart right there in the handle of it. How you've been actin' today and at the festival just proved it to me. There's a lot more to you and yer Cutie Mark than Ah thought…Maybe the same thing's true about Diamond Tiara…Anyway, goodnight, Silver Spoon."

  • At the end of the first part of the Mind Games arc, and after an entire chapter of nothing but horrible things happening to her, Diamond Tiara is taken by Fancy Pants and Fleur. The simple fact that this is the ONLY good thing to happen to the poor little filly in months is enough for this troper to place it here.
  • A fan story (though Word of God has stated it is part of the series, just an Alternate Universe like many Applejack has seen) manages to have several despite centering around Discord! Well, an alternate version of him (heavily implied to be Canon!Discord). He projects a part of his spirit and looks into the Truth, seeing Epilogue. He's absolutely horrified by what he became in that universe and realizes what he would've became had he won. He nearly crosses the Despair Event Horizon from this realization, but seeing Twilight Tragedy still hadn't lost all hope restores his own. Then he witnesses what happened to Fluttercruel in the Pony POV Universe, leading to him going to oblivion and rescuing his reality's Fluttercruel. He infused her with his own being to save her life, realizing that being the good guy for a change actually feels good. It ends with Discord basically adopting Fluttercruel as his own and changing his ways.
  • Another Recursive Fanfiction example. The rebirth of Neo Stream, especially after the sheer hell his previous life was.
  • From an officially sanctioned Optional Canon, we get the story of Cadence. Celestia mentions that finding out she was in the universe was "one of the happiest moments of the 1000 years Luna was imprisoned", but what really makes it heartwarming is the letter that Cadence sent to Celestia right after Twilight decided to study friendship in Ponyville.

Cadence: "Dear Aunt Celestia; Zebrafica is lovely this time of year, the diplomatic mission is going well. Thank you for sending Shining Armor to be my bodyguard, it's nice to have a very dear somepony here with me. He's been strangely looking over his shoulder lately but won't tell me why. Do you know? I hear Twilight is staying in Ponyville, that you've given her an assignment studying friendship. To think, that little filly saved the entire world, I'm so proud of her…Twilight studying friendship, are you sure she needs to study it? When I was little, when I didn't have anyone I really connected to except you and my parents…She was the first one I really clicked with. That I really came to think of as my friend. I think she was the one who taught me an important lesson; how it feels to actually form a real friendship…And that's a lesson I use a lot out here on this trips, forming friendships between Equestria and these other places…I owe Twilight a lot… Love, Princess Cadence'."

    • And afterwards we see that Twilight is crying Tears of joy at hearing such warm words, making it even more beautiful.
    • There's also the very touching lullaby Celestia sings to her resurrected little sister, and Luna's tears of joy upon meeting Cadence and realizing that she and Celly aren't alone anymore.
  • Shady: Line of Fate has several, even if it's an Alternate Timeline. A big one being that Luna manages to pull Shady into Good!Discord's nightmare, giving him the resolve to destroy Evil!Discord's spirit instead of being consumed by him, but the big one comes later. Discord, having Evil!Discord's memories, tries to turn himself to stone with the help of a Cockatrice to protect his friends from himself. Shady, however, comes and consoles him. She listens to everything he did before coming to Equestria, all the horrible, monstrous things he did. Discord is sure she'll hate him for it... but she doesn't. She still loves him and accepts him as her son.

Shady: Always remember that you are my son. Nopony can change this, not even Entropy.

    • As an added bonus Luna and Celestia get to keep their memories and Galaxia doesn't die.
  • Mind Games part 5 has a flashback to Shady comforting young Discord after a nightmare, and then them having a conversation about what love is. It's made very clear just how much they cared about each other... unfortunately, that just makes what we know came later more of a Tear Jerker.
    • This chapter also has another Rarity interview, wherein she admits to not thinking she really qualifies as Fluttershy's best friend, only for the Interviewers to empathically assure her that yes she is, reminding her of all she's done to help pull Fluttershy out of her shell.
  • The following chapter has Spike and Silver Spoon bonding while star gazing.
    • Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo comforting each other after a shared nightmare (actually a vision of the Epilogue timeline).
  • The theme song for Reharmonized Ponies, We'll Make It Through. Not only is it just a very uplifting song, there's just something touching about the entire mane cast singing it together, including Trixie and Fluttercruel.
  • Coffee Swirl manages one in his fifth story; calling the three interviewers his friends despite knowing they're something other than ponies and hugging the Earth Pony interviewer because she hadn't gotten one in any of the canon stories.

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