< Pony POV Series

Pony POV Series/WMG

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Trixie is NOT an Element of Magic

The entire drive behind Trixie's arc thus far is being able to keep herself an individual without isolating herself from the world, and becoming an Element of Magic is something she actively fights against in part 2 of the Gaia arc because she does not want to become a product of the "Friendship is Magic" groupthink, because then she is just one of the herd, and the One and Only Trixie ceases to be. She will have to get over that, compromising complete autonomy to gain strength through others, but as far as being the glue that binds the group together, that's not her. Twilight would walk on water to help her friends, but Trixie would do the work to make the bridge.

Not to say that Trixie wouldn't fight for her friends with every iota of will in her body, but she knows when to fold and ask for help, and she knows when to push even harder than she ever has before. Sort of the Simon to Twilight's Kamina. This may make the case for her being an Element of Magic stronger, but she did tap into her Element as Magic, she would be conditionally choosing it instead of it choosing her.

I may be way off base here or just as conflicted as Trixie, but my guess is that she will eventually come out as the Element of Providence or some derivative thereof. (Hope, Ambition, Insight, et al.) The underlying theme being that she is not what keeps the group together, but what keeps the group going past all since of success and focuses the groups efforts into a defined goal over the Friendship is Magic creed. She's the focus of the group, and when all hope is lost, she's the one exploits Loneliness to give her the insight she needs to get the group back on track.

  • Jossed, she is an Element of Magic, and additional non-duplicate elements are not in play.

Nightmare Whisper is pulling power directly from Discord

We know that Discord has been in play since the blood ritual, and unless something is going on with the narrative timeline, Gaia and Discord are coexisting. Who's to say one doesn't have fingers in the other, mainly the one with fingers.

  • Jossed, Diamond Tiara was still heading to free him when the Gaia arc transpired, and Gaia was powered by the Elder Horn.

Pinkie pie has different reasons for hating that stupid fanfic than one would expect

Rather, she doesn't hate it for the much more dark and twisted elements(her Medium Awareness would tipped her off that Dark Fics are common, and that the story could be much worse.) her reason for hating it? well one or both are these two reasons;

  • the jokes surrounding it are getting annoying for her.
  • most people pulled a Ron the Death Eater on Pinkamena, who despite having to deal with the torment that Pinkie won't face(until her Split Personality Merge, that is), isn't evil, which she didn't find right.

The price of Diamond Tiara's Deal with the Devil...

She breaks him free in order to help her mother. Discord will twist this deal around by:

  • Making Golden Tiara the Only Sane Pony, breaking her already damaged mind and painfully piecing it back together so that she can see his chaotic world in all its insane glory -- and making her fully aware that her daughter ushered all this in for her sake.
    • Semi-confirmed. Golden Tiara is now sane again - with all that entails - but is not aware of Diamond Tiara's recent actions. And seeing that GT passed out about a minute after getting her mind back, she probably won't find out for a while. That being said, the author has stated that now she can't go insane again, and "when Discord turns the whole world crazy, she'll be the odd one out".
  • Rendering Diamond Tiara just as mad so that she truly understands her mother's mindset.
  • Switching their sanities, effectively 'Screwballing' Diamond while sanitizing Golden -- and again, making her aware of what he's done.
  • Create a World Gone Mad that to her, makes sense.
  • Something darker, like turning Diamond Tiara into some twisted entity for example.
    • Got it in one. Diamond Tiara turned into a Nightmare.

Onyx Tiara will have to face his Fantastic Racism firsthand in order to save his daughter.

At first, he'll refuse the help of a bunch of 'Feather Dusters' and 'Narwhals'. He may even choose to turn his back on his daughter entirely when he learns what she's done. This will only fuel her spiraling into Discorded insanity, much to his private dismay -- for despite everything, he loves his family dearly, and has simply struggled to show it after watching his wife go mad, and to see his precious daughter taking the same path will be utterly devastating. Eventually, he'll admit that his daughter means more to him than his pride and prejudices, and ask for the mane cast's help... or, rather, accept that they're already helping to the best of their ability.

  • As of Mind Games Part 2, he has overcome his racism with the help of The Interviewers and Silver Tongue.

Golden Tiara will make a Heroic Sacrifice.

Giving up her sanity or her life in order to save her daughter. This will lead to Diamond completely breaking down, and a Bittersweet Ending where Onyx Tiara stands by his child rather than trying to ignore it or brush it under the rug, the way he tried to cope with his wife's insanity by not coping. Thus, the overall theme of facing reality no matter how painful or difficult it is will be carried through to the end.

Fluttercruel will Call The Old Man Out

It's all in the foreshadowing.

  • In addition, will be killed by Discord when he loses his temper.

Other elements of harmony

Ok, this is crazy, but it said in the main page that the author already has an ending in mind, but I have a theory. The author will never stop writing until he's able to flesh out one last plot point: the idea of other elements of Harmony. This is also a forum for people to guess who might have a different way of expressing the elements.

  • Magic: Trixie. How it's expressed: While twilight was the awkward glue that held the others together, Trixie is the brash yet curious learner who pushes them to do better. (Confirmed)
  • Kindness: Fluttercruel. How it's expressed: while "Shy" is unassuming kindness though pure gentleness and care, "Cruel" is a kind of Cruel to Be Kind, doing what's necessary in order to have others grow or be saved from themselves. (Confirmed)
  • Honesty: Luna. How it's expressed: Brutal Honesty, not censoring one's thoughts even while aware they might hurt others... and also by being fully aware of one's own flaws and failings. This was demonstrated in her handling of Fluttershy, and her honest dealings with Celestia on wanted to be forgiven, not excused. Being able to admit and face your weaknesses, as well as facing the full consequences of your own actions and mistakes. After all, she too looked into truth like Applejack.
  • Laughter: Celestia. How it's Expressed: The fact that her discorded persona was stripped of maturity makes an important distinction in how Celestia expresses herself when compared to Pinkie, in that Celestia is more refined and controlled in her expression, and being the rock that everypony turns to comfort when things get pear shaped.
  • Generosity: Sweetie Belle. How it's expressed: Showing generosity to those who may not be your friends, but need it the most. That was the lesson Rarity taught her and she's been trying to do it with Silver Spoon.
    • Alternatively, Applebloom. After she realized that she could have become no better than a bully after seeing The Truth, she now seeks generous redemption for others, whether they be friendly or hostile, giving her time and wisdom.
  • Loyalty: Silver Spoon. How it's expressed: While Dash is brash, straightforward and a fighter, she shows the quieter side of loyalty, by still considering Diamond Tiara her friend even while being ignored and shunted aside. Her desire to stand by her best friend and remain true despite Diamond not acting like much of a friend in return will show the importance of faith and trying to do what little you can for the sake of those you care about, even if you're not a fighter and can't 'save' them from themselves.
    • Alternatively, Scootaloo. As mentioned in the edit for RD reharmonizing, Scoots was the one mare who never gave up on believing Dash was a hero, always believed in her steadfastness, and kept devoted to her, despite the disdain Rainbow initially showed her. A loyalty no matter the ickiness that you go through is something similar to what Rainbow Dash has, though perhaps Scootaloo is better at showing it through an unquestioned loyalty to someone she considers her superior rather than an equal like Rainbow does with her friends.
    • Another possibility is Ditzy Doo. During the Princess Gaia incident, she never left Dinky and fought for her throughout the entire incident, even when tempted to be Gaia's knight. She'd certainly fit.
  • Golden Tiara with Joy/Laughter. Just because.

Nightmares and their characteristics

Theory: We will eventually see another Nightmare character in the story and in story canon. This is for people to give their ideas on who's going to become the nightmare and what their purpose and reason for being there is.

  • We kinda sorta see one here.
  • Diamond Tiara: Considering how Discord's already twisted her desire to 'save' her mother to suit his own ends, a full-fledged Nightmare Diamant could easily be unleashed. Driven by a single-minded need to protect Golden Tiara at all costs, with a heart hardened against stupid ponies who just don't understand how important she is...
  • i get some hints about the Nightmares and the Alicorns, this is how i think it works:
    • Nigthmare's are born from ponies who used the Elements of Harmony and became obsesed over a part of her personality -Anger, Rage, Fear, Love, etc-, overloading her-his element.
    • But as Star-catcher/Celestia used the Rainbow of Ligth she only became a "Proto-Nigthmare", a shadow mode she could give up anytime -She just need to cool of, or something-
    • Also, The nightmare's are like the "corrupt" evolution -Think of Skullgreymon- , and the correct one should be the Alicorns, even though its much more difficult to get the correct one -like, only if you were an alicorn in your past live, like Celestia just did, or if you have the sheer will to go through the process, like Twilight could hope to do in a distant future

The Last story of the Reharmonized Pony POV Series will be...

  • An epilogue tale, saying how the cast grew in friendship and love, and how Ponyville and Equestria grew from the whole experience.
  • A Grand Finale where Discord is defeated by Every pony in equestria summoning a reflection of the elements of harmony, leading to Discord not being Taken for Granite, but evaporating to the wind, stopping him once and for all.
  • A Bittersweet Ending where a mane cast member sacrifices his or herself in order to stop discord once again.
  • The Reveal of who the interviewers really are.
  • A Bittersweet Ending where Discord has been stopped, but because the story has been taken to a logical conclusion, the shadows that watch come to destroy the world, and instead of fighting it, the ponies have one last party celebrating how they've grown, and then are erased from existence.
  • A Bittersweet Ending where instead of ending in peace, the people of the world fight to the end to preserve their world, ending in victory, but ultimately a hollow one where the world is now scarred beyond repair due to the cost of fighting the shadows off.
  • A Happily Ever After ending where the reharmonized series ends as season 2 ends: with the wedding of Cadence and Shining Armor. Cadence will reveal to have survived her battle with Havoc, and has been hiding incognito within the POV series for some time, trying to learn about what it's like to have emotions and be like Celestia and Luna. However, after Discord's defeat, she decided it was time to go public and reveal to Equestria the existence of another Alicorn, and she decided to do that by marrying the Unicorn captain who charmed her: Shining Armor. Thus not only will the final story have the customary Wedding episode, but have a family reunion of alicorns as the world move on to Happily Ever After.

Ponies, deleted when the previous world was erased, actually are alive but not in this timeline

  • I have such a guess that probably all recycled ponies were actually used again but just in different timelines. For example, Starsong could be alive again in the same timeline as Orangejack thought probably under a different name and with different or not very different *hinthintApplejackhint* appearance.

Razzaroo's book, and possibly the G3 world's destruction will be a Chekhov's Gun

Pinkie said that her story of the end of the G3 world had absolutely nothing to do with the plot. The interviewers promptly ask her about Diamond Tiara, who's absence is of huge importence to the plot. The interviewers' questions often result in influencing ponies and revealing hidden clues, this is probably no different.

There will be an Eleventh-Hour Ranger to face Discord

It's a given that most of the major players of the series will be there (the Mane 6, Fluttercruel, Celestia and Luna), but here's a place to guess if anyone else will arrive to save the day.

  • Shining Armor and the soldiers of Canterlot
  • Cadence
  • Other Alicorns of Celestia's family
  • Trixie
  • Onyx Tiara
  • The Cutie Mark Crusaders w/Spike and Spoon.
  • The Pets (All of them)
  • Screwball / Golden Tiara
  • Optimus Prime!
  • Some or all of the above
  • Shady

The "Magician" Alicorn

The author has revealed names and corresponding tarot cards for every alicorn... except Card 1, "The Magician". Personal PM enquiries led to the author's response that any intel on him/her would be "a big spoiler". My personal theory: Twilight Sparkle is either the Magician Alicorn as an Amnesiac God, or is somehow his/her reincarnation. Magic is, after all, her special talent, she carries the Harmony Element of Magic, and she has clearly demonstrated incredible magical power.

  • Wouldn't that make this an homage to the Pony Psychology series where Twilight was the magician and immortal due to being magic incarnate?
  • The latest chapter seems to imply the interviewers, or at least the filly one, are actually Twilight...somehow, and it's been established that they're something not exactly normal.

Unicron is behind all of this


Twilight will be killed by Discord during the Finale Arc, only to come Back from the Dead after a battle with Celestia's brother Mortis.

Think about it -- it's been stated several times throughout the story (including by Mortis himself) that there is only "one destined to defeat death". Plus, one of the visions Applejack had the first time she looked into the Truth was of Twilight far outliving everyone else, with only the barest signs of aging, which implies that she's the one who'll defeat Mortis at some point, and be granted immortality as a reward. Therefore, unless the author is going to intentionally ignore all this foreshadowing, it seems that Twilight will die at some point during the story, confront Mortis in the afterlife/spirit realm/whatever, refuse to move on, defeat him, and be returned to life as a result of it. And the Final Battle with Discord seems the most likely time for all this to happen, as you've got to figure she's the one Discord will want dead most (being the leader of the Elements).

Discord's plan is to rewrite history so he never lost 3000 years ago

One of his replies, when mocked about losing to Mimic, was he'd already gotten the last laugh on those who beat him in the past. His goal is to somehow alter history so he never lost.

Diamond Tiara will have to be put out of her misery

Considering how Princess Celestia has talked about how Rarity and Rainbow Dash are willing to kill, it will most likely lead to them planning on putting Diamond Tiara out of her misery by Rarity calming her down and trying to bide some time for Rainbow Dash to make her final strike on to Diamond Tiara in Nightmare Form, using, a Sonic Rainboom and then all of the Mane Six will have a Roaring Rampage of Revenge against Discord and finally seal him away for good. All leading to a Bittersweet Ending with Golden Tiara sane, but Diamond Tiara died for it.

Shady will appear again in the finale arc

And she'll give the truth on the relationship between Nightmare Shadow, Discord, Golden Tiara, and little Nightmare... Diamant? Anthracite? Ash?

Interviewer WMG's

The mysterious interviewer is... the author himself

To me, it makes sense, considering he is the one putting out these stories... though this is only speculation.

  • maybe Jossed. There are in fact 3 interviewers, and they are a pegasus, a unicorn, and an earth pony. Maybe dead spirits?

The Interviewers are future / AU versions of Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, & Sweetie Belle

They've been revealed to be one earth-pony, one pegasus, and one unicorn, they speak of various Mane Cast members as if they know/knew them personally, and they're heavily hinted (confirmed?) to all be female. If there's further evidence that I've missed, please add it here.

  • I don't know if it came up in earlier chapters, but Mind Games part 5 has the earth pony interviewer speaking with the same accent as the Apples, and the pegasus has the same type of attitude as Scootaloo, which would seem to further back this theory.
  • But, in Mind Games Part 4, the interviewers are described as, "three ponies, one my age, a mare, and a really old unicorn". In addition, when questioned about the interviewers in part 5, Rarity says, "Do I look like I have a purple coat to you?" This indicates that...

The interviewers are the dead helping the living

More specifically, Older Applejack, Firefly and one certain purple unicorn are stepping in to change this world for good.

The interviewers are sisters of Celestia and Luna

Key facts about the interviewers:

  • Discord recognizes the little filly interviewer, and tells her to run off to her sisters in MG3.
  • In MG2, the youngest & oldest interviewers assign a special meaning to "starting over".
  • Also in MG2, the eldest interviewer mentions humans in the G2 era, and claims to know even more about them than just that.

So who's who? Based on the above evidence:

  • Earth Pony Filly: Cadence, the youngest of the sisters as an interviewer and in true form.
  • Aged Unicorn Mare: Galaxia, the eldest of the sisters, and participated in the Cosmic Retcon of G3 along with Cadence.

Which leaves the middle-aged mare and 5 sisters: Justita, Rota Fortuna, Venus, Imperatrix, Abbatissa. Depending on how Queen Chrysalis is treated, it might be possible to remove Venus from the list.

The Interviewers are actually Celestia's sister Rota Fortuna doing a Hecate Sisters/Hive Mind thing.

When Rota Fortuna showed up during Origins, she was shown shifting between three ages -- young, adult, and old, just like the interviewers. It's possible she came to Equestria and somehow split herself in three in order to blend in. As for the interviewers' ability to be wherever something important is happening, she is the Alicorn representing the Wheel of Fate/Fortune tarot, which -- going by comments made by Celestia -- implies that she's omniscient, so it fits with this scenario.

The Interviewers are Twilight Sparkle from the future

In the latest installment, Different From Everypony Else, Princess Celestia says that if she exploded, it would produce three separate beings; an Earth Pony, a Pegasus and a Unicorn. We also see the interviewers have purple fue and the Earth Pony filly had a Smart Pants doll. Therefore, in the future, Twilight will undergo Alicornification and split into three beings, possibly during the fight with Death.

Given that the Earth Pony interviewer slips into an accent, the Pegasus interviewer is impolite, and the Unicorn interviewer calls Celestia her teacher, they seem to act like Liarjack, Fluttercruel, and Twilight Tragedy, respectively. However, two things that don't add up is why they call each other sisters, and why they appear to be different ages.

  • There's also the fact that according to "Different From Everypony Else", they're all purple.
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