< Pony POV Series

Pony POV Series/Fridge

Fridge Brilliance:

  • Why does Applejack's Living Lie Detector power make the denizens of Sunny Town have a My God, What Have I Done? reaction in addition to making them see through Gaia's spell when Mitta was the only one in the game itself to realize they'd gotten the fate they deserved? Applejack is forcing them see through their own self-delusion that what they did was justified as well.
  • Fluttercruel got herself and Fluttershy drunk before they left for the Everfree Forest. This explains a bit better why Fluttershy succumbed to the darkness this time because drinking lowers inhibitions and makes one more easily depressed.
  • Fluttershy didn't JUST go Nightmare, she turned into a complete Eldritch Abomination as well. Why? It's revealed she'd obtained a powerful artifact that Luna created called the Elder Horn as well and Fluttershy states she was already a Nightmare when she found it (apparently having already liberated Sunnytown's population before even finding it). Nightmare Whisper was a combination of going Nightmare AND absorbing a powerful Artifact of Doom at the same time, it's only natural the result would be anything but pretty.
  • "It would be rather silly that the Elements needed a pony that held them in their heart to work unless they needed someone's heart to guide them: to show them the difference between the laughter that brings friends together, and the kind that pulls them apart." At first it seems a bit more like this refers to just the element of Laughter in Pinkamina's talk to Pinkie. However, when you take AJ's vision quest into context, you find out that Pinkie Pie was actually something of The Heart in the group, as her death lead to madness, death and despair. Only goes to show how laughter can make a group stand up together.
  • Twilight is the Reincarnation of Minty, Pinkie's best friend from the G3 World, which Pinkie caused to happen personally. Pinkie's GASP! moment when they first met suddenly makes a lot more sense.
  • In Discord:Not One of A Kind, putting aside that Discord is the personification of Chaos and Fluttercruel is more or less his daughter, it makes perfect sense for his healing of her to be a little off. It's the first genuinely nice thing he's ever done in his entire existence: he's not used to doing it.
  • Why did Discord torture Philomena so brutally when most other pets were merely transformed into monsters? She helped Celestia and Luna defeat him three thousand years prior, and, while not mentioned, it's likely he couldn't torture Luna's Windigo, because it was a creature of ice. It may no longer have been nothing, but ice was still impervious to his powers.
  • It certainly seems like Diamond hallucinates seeing Silver while nearing her goal, but it's actually due to the Psychic Link created between her and Sweetie Belle during the Day of Discord, She keeps feeling that Silver is nearby because she is feeling her presence through Sweetie Belle meeting with her.

Fridge Horror

  • It's briefly alluded to in the narrative, but nearly all of Ponyville's residents, including its primary healthcare provider, have been turned into foals. What's going to happen if somepony gets hurt or sick, or there's a fire, or some other crisis that Princess Gaia's Knight can't handle alone and Princess Gaia can't get to in time?
    • To be fair, it's likely that if Princess Gaia is to successfully take over the entirety of Equestria, any concepts that go against Gaia's perfect world will no longer exist at all.
    • Additionally, on at least one occasion we see pertinent medical knowledge return to Nurse Redheart. This could be extrapolated, especially since they're still able to do things like set explosives safely...
    • It is implied in Loose Canon that the now-brainwashed mane cast are remotely commanding Princess Gaia's armies, thinking it to be a fun board game. If this is true, it is quite possible that Trixie and Twilight Sparkle are unwittingly providing a front for Princess Gaia to recruit their own mothers as her knights.
    • The fate of the unborn foals of Equestria when Princess Gaia turns everypony into foals, including pregnant mares. Specifically referenced by Princess Celestia later on when giving 'Shy a little talking to. Thankfully, it turned out nothing bad had happened to them, Celestia outright said that she would've done something quite nasty to Fluttershy in a fit of rage if it had.
      • Given the timing of the above, Mrs. Cake was probably among those at risk of losing her foals.
    • Fluttershy-turned-Nightmare Whisper is a Well-Intentioned Extremist who just wants to remove everypony's pain and suffering by absorbing it into herself, and she becomes powerful enough to easily take over much of Equestria in short order. However, since she was Fluttershy, she still has a twisted sense of kindness towards her "subjects" and has no real desire to harm the mane cast (except Applejack). Now think of the opponent the mane cast would have had to face if they hadn't talked down Rainbow Dash.
      • To be fair, it's implied a great deal of Nightmare Whisper's power came from the Elder Horn. She still went Nightmare all on her own, but she was also being powered up by an outside source. Not to say the same couldn't have happened to Rainbow Dash and there's no doubt Nightmare!Rainbow Dash would've likely been far more dangerous regardless simply due to her personality and natural abilities.
      • On another note, the one thing all the ponies who went Nightmare had in common is they were wielders of the Elements Of Harmony. All it'd take for any of the mane cast to turn into a Nightmare is for them to break just right. Of course this is really unlikely, but still a scary thought.
      • Regarding the above note, this troper noticed a slight pattern that suggested a Nightmare is created when an Element bearer becomes convinced that her respective Element is worthless or pointless (ie. Rainbow Dash equating Loyalty with betrayal and Fluttershy learning that Kindness is not natural), though they might have to have been influenced by Discord to some degree as well.
      • Also, it is suggested that the process might have been happening to Twilight after her memory spell backfired during the battle against Nightmare Whisper. At least she was reverting back to her gray, broken state and was starting to turn pitch black, like Fluttershy did when she became a Nightmare. Thankfully, Trixie (and Twilight's own memories) were able to reverse the effect -- I, for one, would not want to see Nightmare Sparkle.
    • At first I thought that Nightmare Granfalloon was just another impossibility alternate world far from main canon. Until one line from the story hit me. "All she knew was that she had worked up the nerve to finally confess her sin to the others today, and there was an EXPLOSION from Sugar Cube Corner or something." The indication being that Pinkie would have gone nightmare if her Battle in the Center of the Mind had failed! If she hadn't made up with Pinkamena, she would have gone nightmare, and lead to the destruction of the cast!
      • Nightmare Granfalloon's line (quoted below) indicates that Pinkie Pie's "Pinkie" personality was strong enough to destroy all of her other personalities by herself! Angry Pie seemed to have no idea what she almost unleashed, and is really lucky that Pinkie listened to Pinkamena and decided to accept/absorb the rest of her personalities instead of doing away with them.

Nightmare Granfalloon: Anger is dead-dead-dead! Pinkamena is dead-dead-dead! Bad foalhood memories are dead-dead-dead! Now there's only happy thoughts!

      • What's even worse? Luna says Nightmares are created when one part of them consumes every other part and Word of God confirms that the Nightmare can be different depending on what part of them that is. If Angry Pie had won, she'd have done just that. If the fun loving, Fun Personified "Pinkie" personality destroying the others created this Granfalloon, just imagine what would've happened if the Ax Crazy, murderous, Sociopathic Angry Pie had been the part that had consumed Pinkie Pie and gone Nightmare!
  • The Bad Future is full of this. The sweet old white mare with the musical cutie mark who took care of Rarigreed? It was Sweetie Belle. And the two potted plants that Twilight has an unnatural obsession with keeping safe? They were her parents.
  • The last we hear of Pandemonium is her alone, with a psychotic and newly near omnipotent Discord who just showed how little his family means to him.
  • In different from everypony else, celestia mentions that if an alicorn is truly given annihilation, that the very concept of an idea would not exist for ponies. If that's true, THEN WHAT IN ALL OF PONY HELL HAPPENED TO THE CONCEPTS OF CELESTIA'S FAMILY AFTER RAGNAROK? Obviously, the alicorns can still remember them, and apply some of their idea, but were the alicorns truly erased in the battle of Alicorns and Draquonuses, and what happened to their concepts if this was the case?
    • It seems Celestia made some kind of distinction between death and annihilation when it comes to Alicorns. She made it clear something more permanent had happened to Cupid than had happened to the other Alicorns, Draconequi, and even Galaxia. She said he was truly no more, emphasizing something different had happened.
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