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Pony POV Series/Funny

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Pinkie Pie: Maybe I can ask the pegasi to make it rain chocolate milk with cotton candy clouds on my next birthday! I asked Twilight if we could have that all the time, but she said the crops wouldn't like that, and that included wheat which means she said there wouldn't be any flour and that would mean no cupcakes and-- WOULD YOU SHUT UP ABOUT THAT STUPID FANFIC ALREADY-?!

    • Becomes a Brick Joke when she gets stuck in Princess Gaia's Lotus Eater Machine. Part of her ideal world is having that fic pretty much erased from existence.
    • The entire scene where she's reunited with the Mane Cast after her week long slumber and Split Personality Merge. Especially the mass Jaw Drop in response to her not wanting to throw a party and then her explanation of how her Split Personality Merge happened.
  • A bit morbid as far as CMOF's go, but Doctor Whooves reenacting his bout as Time Lord Victorious with a bed sheet cape is just funny enough to offset the inherent if Nightmare Fuel involved.
  • This conversation between Fluttershy and Fluttercruel:

Fluttercruel: Shut up shut up! You don't know anything so stop spewing dragon fewmets like you know me or someone you met twice!

Fluttershy: Oh my my my, such language. We're going to have to clean that mouth out.

Fluttercruel: YOU WOULDN'T!

    • Even funnier, Fluttershy actually carries through with her threat. It's never really explained how one manages to wash out the mouth of their own Split Personality, but Word of God says she washed out her own mouth and forced Fluttercruel to feel it, which is a pretty funny image in and of itself.
  • Fluttercruel taking over should be cause for concern...until her first action is to sing.
    • And the reason she actually takes over to begin with? Just so she can go get a burger.
      • Well, cows are shown to be self-aware in this world, so it's a little nightmare fuel-ish, but not as much as some of the other stuff.
      • Maybe it's made of Everfree nonsentient animals? Of course, to Fluttershy herself, even that would be Nightmare Fuel, seeing how she reacts to Fluttercruel's lesson.
    • Don't forget that the song is a reprise of Fluttershy's "I Love Everything" song. And not even really a Dark Reprise either. Plus, given how much her character has changed, Fluttercruel doesn't do much worse than Poke the Poodle.
  • The introduction of Trixie's sisters, the Mid Summer-Night Sisters. Complete with Super Sentai Stance and rolecall. It would seem Trixie's Large Ham tendencies are a family trait.
  • Twilight and Trixie's conversation on the events of "Lesson Zero":

Trixie: And you used a GEASS to make the entire town fall in love with your doll?!
Twilight: I just meant it to happen to three little innocent fillies who I was then going to remove the spell right after...
Trixie: Maybe the one and only Trixie should consider this sweet blackmail material.
Twilight: Trixie. I was inside your head. I saw every last trauma and embarrassing secret in there.
Trixie: Prove it.

Twilight: Princess Star Flower.

Luna: Wait a minute. Written by SUNNY DAY-!? CELLY! That's one of your alias'!"
Celestia: *chuckles* So it is.

    • Even funnier, her words imply she fools around with the tabloids like this on a regular basis.
    • The not so subtle Take That to the Ron the Death Eater treatment Celestia goes through; she's described as shuddering when she remembers the "Molestia" rumors that apparently started circulating after she took Twilight in as her student.
  • Alright, it was followed by a major Tear Jerker, but 95% of what Fluttercruel does during her day in control. Including getting drunk on salt water! Ok, at first that's not so funny, then you imagine Fluttershy of all ponies doing all of this and it becomes pretty dang funny!
  • Filly Celestia. That is all.
  • How Pinkie Pie and The One and Only Trixie break out of Princess Gaia's Lotus Eater Machine. The former bites her own leg -- then screams bloody murder and decides she should have just imagined plunging into ice water or something, while the latter takes a mallet to the head from her Imaginary Friend.
  • Filly Zecora manages to be hilarious, adorable, and somewhat creepy all at the same time.

Pinkie Pie: SO CUTE!

  • Rainbow Dash's reaction to the Everkind Forest's Tastes Like Diabetes nature in general. Also, her reaction to a doll of her G3 counterpart. Pinkie Pie's Breaking the Fourth Wall by refrencing the commercial makes it even funnier.

Pinkie Pie: Oh look! Rainbow Dash always dresses in style!
Rarity: (Laughing) I must say, this is an improvement for you dear!
Rainbow Dash: (Thinking) If this wasn't Fluttershy, I'd hoof her in the face for this!

  • In "Playtime", Celestia is unbrainwashing and distracting the foals that used to be Ponyville's population disguised as an earth pony filly named Sunny Day. What is Luna doing? Drinking her morning (well, for her, since she's nocternal) coffee while babysitting a group of guards turned into foals, apparently on Celestia's orders. She's not happy about it either.

Princess Luna: Celly, you die for this.

    • And then in a later chapter, Luna shows up and we see two of her Night Guard watching over the foal-ified Day Guard in Canterlot. It's going about as well as you'd expect. And what are the Night Guards thinking?

Night Guard: Your Nightjesty, you die for this.

Twilight: "But Fluttershy, you haven't answered the most important questions."
Rainbow Dash: "Yeah! Can I have Cloudsdale renamed in my honor?"
Twilight: "That wasn't the question, Rainbow."
Rainbow Dash: "Oh."

  • Trixie getting drunk after hearing she's been hired to do a magic act at the celebration.
  • The Sea Serpent's reaction to Everkind Forest turning back into Everfree Forest.

Sea Serpent: That's it, I'm moving.

  • As Celestia is discussing the Mane Cast to show Trixie that she can be an Element Of Harmony and part of a group without surrendering what makes her her, she has this to say about Pinkie Pie:

Princess Celestia: And Pinkie Pie . . . I shall say only that she has a uniqueness that shall never be emulated within the lifetime of this universe.
Pinkie Pie: ^_^

Trixie: And that is how I defeated twenty Ursa Majors In D Minor with my horns tied behind my back and my hoof shinning as brightly as Princess Luna's sun!

  • When Rainbow Dash is visited by Spitfire, Spitfire asks to come in. In response, Dash does her best twilight impression.

Rainbow Dash: "YES YES YES YES YES!"

Applejack: Spike, for the last time, gettin' bucked by by Big Mac again isn't gonna impress Rarity!

Spike: It might.

Apple Family: (Group Face Hoof)

    • From Fluttercruel's when she's talking to the interviewers:

Fluttercruel: You know, it's crazy here I am my own pony as a person, yet I'd feel incomplete without 'Shy around. Huh? So it's like being married? Do I do WHAT in bed?!
Fluttercruel: Pst. I didn't buck'er that hard. Don't overact so much. I'm sure they'll wake up in a bit. Naw, see? The bleeding's already stopped on its own.

  • A substantial fraction of Fluttercruel's Cute-CeaƱera.
    • L118 Party Howitzer (with balloon mushroom cloud). It's dismantled and disposed of with a petrol fire.
    • Hoof-wrestling is Serious Business. To the point that Spike and Twilight have both read books on it, and Rarity's father gave her special training.
    • Fluttershy getting an Imagine Spot of 'cruel mixed up with reality.
    • Another Imagine Spot of 'cruel's, the idea that Rarity would respond to an invading alien army (of Blood Ravens from Warhammer 40,000) by critiquing their style choices and offering them better uniforms.
    • 'cruel retreating into her own mind to escape Pinkie's singing - apparently it involved hard bass, dramatic chords, a rap section, backmasked messages, cannon, chimes and brass fanfare. It was the original version of the song for Baby Cakes.
    • Pin the Tail on the Pony. With a nail gun. Blindfolded.


    • Fluttercruel discovers her tolerance for spicy food is much higher than 'shy's. By letting her take back control after having enough for her.
  • While not actually a part of the fic, this "ad" calling for help with the audio adaptation certainly has its moments.
  • From "New Game Plus":

Fluttercruel: "I understand because my 'dad's' a sick brat with the world's worst sense of humor and my 'mom' is a shrinking violet still scared of her own shadow!" 'No offense, 'Shy.

Fluttershy: 'None taken. It follows me.'

Fluttercruel: Oy. (mental Face Hoof)

  • Applejack taking advantage of Pinkie Pie's hypnotic ability to make somepony want to eat a food just by describing it to make Apple Bloom eat her asparagus.

Apple Bloom: (as she's scarfing her asparagus, which she hates) "Why can't I stop?!"

  • The Reveal (via Dramatic Irony) that Trixie is also an Element of Harmony, just after they wrap around the fact Fluttercruel is one as well.

Rarity: (Faints)
Fluttershy/Fluttercruel: You just couldn't let us have our big moment could you?
Pinkie Pie: Humph! About time. (Beat) Don't tell me you guys didn't figure it out? You didn't see all the foreshadowing?

Rainbow Dash: YOU'VE GOTTA BE BUCKING ME! Is this gonna be like buckin' DragonEggs Z where everybody gets an Element?!

Pinkie Pie: Nah, pretty sure this is like Pony Rangers RPM, when the two other Rangers shows up and make the team stronger, silly!

Leo: Who's your daddy?
Discord: HIM!


Discord: (hits Leo with something unspecified)

Leo: I can't believe I fell for that!

    • Made even funnier by the fact they're in a plain of existence Leo knows Havoc is physically incapable of manifesting in.
  • Even though it's probably not that funny, the fact that Doctor Hoof Wave managed to come up with an accurate picture of Discord's family life only a few seconds after he rolled in was kinda funny, especially since Discord responds to the diagnosis with Bad Bad Acting.
  • In New Game Plus, Pinkie Pie complains about not being able to find a copy of the script for "A Canterlot Wedding". It becomes a Brick Joke in "Different From Everypony Else", where it's shown that she at least got her hooves on the script for "MMMystery on the Friendship Express" (Celestia has it burned as soon as Pinkie's done with it).
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