< Homestuck



It brings a grin to your face and a churn to your seventh bile duct.

Due to the constantly updating nature of Homestuck, all spoilers are left unmarked.

<span style=" color:

  1. a10000;">AA: s0llux i actually w0uld like it if you were happy

<span style=" color:

  1. a1a100;">TA: ok. thank you for 2ayiing 2o.

Good game everybody. That was a lot of fun.

  • Karkat, who lived his entire life with mutant blood, meets Jack and finally finds someone who has the same color blood as him.
  • Karkat explaining love[1] to Vriska was actually kinda sweet. He took material that would have been easy enough to use as another Reason You Suck Speech and presented it as genuine psychological advice.
  • "Everyone does their part and you begin to learn the true meaning of teamwork, as well as this troll disease called friendship."
    • It might have been even better if it was shown how the trolls worked together with each other and Jack to learn about teamwork and friendship, but, understandably, Andrew's in a bit of a hurry to wrap the Troll arc up and get back to the kids.
  • Aradia's reaction to the love-chip.
  • Believe or not? Fly, Pupa!!!!!!!!
  • Tavros deciding against all logic to trust that Vriska's faith in him was sincere and rush headlong into a near hopeless fight with his denizen only to be sent through his second gate instead. Vriska had lead him to her house, where she was waiting for him dressed as a fairy. She's doing it horribly wrong and it's borderline horrible, but given that this is VRISKA of all people, it's rather sweet
  • Karkat really cares a lot about Sollux, and Jack Noir tries to console him. (While Gamzee HoNk's it up in the background.)
    • Gamzee's conversation with Eridan afterwards is also one of these.
  • Not strictly part of the comic but Hussie's response to accusations of trolling the audience with troll romance on his formsping [dead link] is pretty damn nice.

So I think drawing your own horse porn is pretty weird. But who am I to say that's REALLY so terrible? I'm not better than anybody. I'll poke fun at it for a while, but then I'll just roll with horse dicks with a straight face for a while too.

  • Mileage may be variable, but this troper considers this chat between Vriska and Tavros to be pretty darn heartwarming.
  • This troper finds Terezi to be adorable in this page.
  • Karkat and Kanaya's brief exchange of 12 Perigee's Eve memories here.
  • The ending of this log. The Fandom's reaction was somewhere in between Dawwwwwwwwwww and I Knew It!.
    • This Troper saw the last thing CG said and almost burst into tears.
    • Honestly pretty much all of this log qualifies, especially that last "secret". Since it's probably the nicest thing anyone could ever say to Karkat.
  • In between all the revenge-getting in [S Make her pay], there's a few smile-worthy moments, like Tavros riding Horsaroni, or him and Vriska zooming around LOMAT, clearly having a blast.
  • Atta Girl
  • ACT 5 ACT 2. It's genuinely a heartwarming showcase of how John met Jade and John growing up with his Dad. The ending is actually pretty heartwarming too. (Spadewarming?)Seeing Karkat "fall in hate", shall we say, with John, it really sweet.
  • Although Karkat disagrees, it's pretty heartwarming how close the kids and the trolls have apparently become at John's point in the timeline here.
    • Although this conversation (John's first, sometime later on Karkat's timeline) shows that however grudgingly, Karkat has at least some fondness for the kids.
  • Similarly, any of Dave and Terezi's conversations, which also show a degree of friendship between them. Especially when they start drawing comics of each other.
    • Such as this and this. I guess Terezi really does care...

GC: 4ND H4V3 DR34MS 4S SW33T 4S H3 T4ST3S >:]

    • When playing as Terezi in Alterniabound, you can find an empty chest in her lair. Re-examining it in the future yields GIFT ART FROM A COOL FRIEND (a SBaHJ picture). Additionally, the walls in the area have new chalk drawings on them-- one of her and Dave, and one older drawing that's been SBaHJ-ified.
  • John and Dad reuniting on Skaia.
  • Parts of this convo. Whether you're a shipper or just love the friendship the kids have, these two lines will get you:

<span style=" color:

  1. 0715cd;">EB: i'm not your leader, i am your FRIEND, there is a BIG difference!

<span style=" color:

  1. b536de;">TT: Statements like that are also why you're our leader.
    • Called back shortly thereafter by the trolls.

<span style=" color:


<span style=" color:

  1. 008141;">GA: Statements Like That Are Also Why Youre Our Leader
  • The whole sequence showing Bro and baby Dave (starting here.)
  • The sequence of pages starting here straddles the line between this and Crowning Moment of Funny.
  • This page. You can tell it's gonna be heartwarming when you see Rose smiling adorably.
    • Even before that, the reason she gave the laptop to her sprite. Nepeta wanted to talk to him because he reminds her of her lusus. Aww...
    • I love you rose! I always have even when you were a little girl and i was an alive cat.
  • Even though Jade's just been through one hell of a nightmare and can't seem to remember what any of her reminders stood for, she still thinks of trying to save John.
  • John trying to get Rose to stop acting so dark and act the way she used to. The meta bit is that both John and the readers have been worried about her, and we're both relieved. Also on Homestuck/Funny.
  • The first time Jade sees snow. Also serves as Mood Whiplash as it comes immediately after a shot of Jack murdering Dream Karkat face to face.
  • The sight of seeing Jade gain her first level is just so precious when compared to what she's had to deal with recently.
  • The new queen should understand she has friends to help her.
  • A lot of the kids' conversations with Jade qualifies but this one with Dave feels especially heartwarming compared to all the crazy crap that's been dropped left and right.
  • Dave's reaction when he hears that Rose plans on a suicide mission (unaware that she's only going to kill her expendable Dream Self) is at equal times vintage Dave and so heartwarming this troper felt his heart physically warm when he read it. Rose even lampshades how sweet it is, but YMMV on whether or not she's being sarcastic.
  • Jade acts very reasonably when confronted with her Grandpa's proxy killer. She quickly forgives Tavros of his cultural misunderstanding and starts to form a bond. It's pretty nice to see her acting with a Troll in a civilized manner for once.
  • In [S John: Enter village], we see how much of a nice guy John really is.
  • This page. So very, very much.
  • In a twisted train of thought, the flashback of how Vriska ascends to the God Tier has its touching moments. You'd think her playful needling of Tavros while her real self is bleeding out is just her being her usual two-faced self, but when they get to her Quest Bed and she starts encouraging him to kill her, it seems almost genuine. What really seals the deal is her rather forceful reaction to her Exile after s/he suggests Vriska take the reins and do it herself... by writing it in plain sight with Tavros' hand. Yes, folks, the HUGE BITCH herself honestly believes (or really, really hopes she does) her emotional punching bag has the stones to man up and kill her quickly. Considering how Vriska behaves, that's... oddly comforting.
  • Aradia's final goodbye to Sollux.

AA: i wish
AA: i c0uld s0meh0w make that em0tic0n smile
AA: 0u0
AA: n0 that l00ks stupid
AA: 0h well

    • And then it's followed by her giving him a hug, of all things. ;_;
  • As sad as these pages are, it's nice to know that there is a happy afterlife for all those who die in Homestuck.
  • Seeing both Karkat and Jade apologizing to each other and giving each other a second chance.
  • Midway through [S Wake], between the losses of a planet and a favorite character, Aradia ASCENDS. No longer dead, a ghost, a prototyped frog-spirit, or a soulbot, She is now a living, breathing troll, with God Tier time powers that rival Bec Noir's Space powers, as a plus. ...How is THAT not heartwarming??
    • What makes it heartwarming is that she's smiling. This is a character who we've seen smile literally only twice before.
  • The first part of this page, at least. While Terezi is hilariously struggling with trying to help Tavros, Karkat has one of those rare moments of showing something other than RAGE, and it's... well, it definitely belongs here. *sniffle*
  • "Son. If you are reading this, it means you have inherited my wallet. You have truly become an adult man. Wield it with responsibility and integrity. I am so, so proud of you."
  • Karkat apologizes. To John. Doubles as a Tear Jerker.
  • The 2/6 flash update shows just how deeply Equius really cares about Nepeta.
    • How does Equius deal with his grief over losing Aradia? Does he beat up some more robots? Nope. He and Nepeta curl up in a pile and discuss feelings. *sniff*
      • Well, the pile they curled up in was made of decapitated robots, so technically he did both...
    • He roleplays with her. He never roleplays with her. And it's adorable.
    • Above everything else, Equius just wants Nepeta to be safe. And then when they split up, and Eq makes sure to say goodbye...and Nepeta quickly says they'll see each other again...it's all very sweet and sad at same time.
    • The fact that Aradia still wanted to see Equius even after coming back to life. It's a small thing, but it proves that she really does feel something for him and wasn't just using him as a relationship of convenience.
  • This conversation between John and Vriska is a major Pet the Dog moment for the latter. John seems to have taken Kanaya's place as Vriska's Morality Pet.
  • Happy Aradia is back! The smile from her transformation should have given us a hint, but... still, it's nice seeing her back to her pre-death self, all cheerful and fun. She actually sounds like Jade, in a way.
    • Even more so with this page. For having to put up with death and the trauma of sGrub as long as she did, it's nice to see her happy and determined to stay alive.
  • The afterlife is a great place indeed. Makes all these character deaths more bearable. Not to mention, that Aradia's gotten over her nihilistic tendencies.

AA: i am very much alive
AA: and i intend to stay that way :)

  • Dad and Mom continue with their lovely tea party in the middle of the battlefield. The ground shakes a bit due to John using the Windy Thing as a drill to excise the Tumor, causing Dad to accidentally spill a little wine on Mom's lab coat. Mom does not mind at all. They have a moment.

The man and the woman are at ease. They have everything because they have each other. They know that together they can make it through anything, whether trouble brings a bit of spilled wine on a chic lab coat, or reduces the very castle beneath their feet to ruins.

  • Kanaya is BACK. Clearly foreshadowed or not, if you didn't squee (and laugh) a little at this, YOU HAVE NO SOUL.
  • Lil Cal fans take note: Despite his current holder hating everything, he will always keep Cal by his side as a good friend. Aww.
    • Doesn't stop him from using Lil Cal as a weapon in the future. An act that temporarily damages the puppet.
  • You could not do it. You could not kill the girl.
    • On a related note, this as well. Bec's love for Jade is strong indeed. That and the image is just pure D'AWWWWW.
    • [S] Seer: Descend has Jack slashing the tapestries that have the kids' god tier symbols on them… except Jade's. Judging by the bloody footprints, he gave it a wide berth.
  • Aradia watching herself get a hat.
  • Doc Scratch is a courteous host. He prepared a bowl of candy for his guest, Spades Slick.
  • CD gives his clubs patch to the bunny after she loses her eye. Awww.
  • [S] Seer: Descend was the source of a lot of emotion, most of it soul-crushingly sorrowful, but there was one small bright spot amongst it all: we have, for the very first time, a real life, face-to-face, conscious meeting of two of the kids. Even though you know what lies in the future, seeing John and Rose interact (no matter how limited) is heart-meltingly sweet. What's more, for all her grim-darkness and garbled language, it still seems that the old Rose is somewhere in there.Sadly this just heightens the dread of what's to come next...
  • A meta example; Andrew's comments on the two year anniversary. Sometimes he makes his readers wonder if he appreciates us. Now is not one of those times.
  • Terezi: Hug Pyralspite.
  • Terezi letting Vriska go, even after she won their bet to decide Vriska's fate.
    • Wait, NO!
  • Even though it's also a huge Tear Jerker, Terezi and Karkat being Together in Death. ; __ ;
    • Vriska's reaction is truly one also, she looks ENRAGED that Jack killed them.
  • In the Alpha Timeline, Karkat receives a note from Gamzee telling him to go onto the roof. The writing itself is made to mimic Terezi's typing quirk, and Karkat already thinks that Terezi might be dead. When they see each other, this happens. Awwwwwwwwww!
  • In the next panel, you see that Sollux, having lost his old glasses, is now wearing Feferi's goggles instead.
  • Vriska talking to the then unable to answer John, stating that one big reason she is afraid of fighting Bec Noir is she wants to someday meet John in person, and hopes that he will, despite the fact that she is an alien, look past the terrible things she has done and go on a date with her. Also a bit of a tearjerker when you remember she was just killed
  • YMMV given that it is a black romance, but Slick and Snowman's little scene in the banner can be heartwarming in context, especially considering she just murdered another member of her gang to keep Slick safe. Timeline preservation or not, they still engage in Sloppy Makeouts afterwards.
  • Still a Tear Jerker but Karkat admitting that Gamzee was his best friend, and he actually liked him, fist in this category for this Troper.
  • And now we have our second 2XCORPSESMOOCH COMBO with Rose and Dave, kissed by John and Jade respectively, who wake up on Derse as a result. In Jade's case, Bec Noir, despite turning Dave into Swiss cheese with Jade's bullets, looks at her like a sad dog.
  • Two examples from the clippings of Scratch's ruined scrapbook: Jadesprite and Davesprite finally meet, and Nepeta talks with Jaspersprite.
    • Its also a good CMOA on hussies part in the former. Why? THE FUJKIN ART IS SICK!
  • John and Vriska go on a d8.
    • It manages to be a bit bittersweet, given that this version of John never befriended Vriska, and can't really remember a thing about her, but it's still primarily heartwarming. Early in the sequence, John lends Vriska a spare jacket because she looks cold. Later, as they leave that memory, it gets warmer.

GT: guess i'll take my coat off.
GT: i can take yours back, if you want.
AG: No thanks. I think I'll keep it on.

  • "EB: but it's okay. i will be your matt mcconaughey."
  • When dead Dave and Aradia meet, she walks him through what happened and then takes him to her hive. While this is nice enough, then she says he has a visitor. What happens? Tavros says he admires Dave and the two fall into their old wordplay games. Accidental innuendos aside, it's kind of nice to see they won't be alone.

TG: its my eternal punishment to have shitty rapoffs with this tool forever is that it
AA: yes you figured out the mystery!

  • This conversation between Dave and Rose.

<span style=" color:

  1. b536de;">TT: I am the pilot. That's all there is to say on the matter.

TG: but i dont want you to die
<span style=" color:

  1. b536de;">TT: Help John and Jade.

TG: this isnt right

    • Also, Dave not missing a beat once he realizes his sister is in danger. He grabs his sword and flies for the moon about two seconds after waking up.
  • "fedorafreak: @pipefan413, friend."
    • Also, Nannasprite telling him a story to comfort him as he dies, plus his reaction of "@pipefan413's kindly mother: ty".
  • Karkat gives John a heads up before having his first conversation with him from his perspective.


  • This page reveals that the pre-Scratch version of the trolls got a chance to live normal lives on a peaceful Alternia, and that trolls aren't inherently evil.
  • The Dolorosa gave up her job of caring for mother grubs, fled to the surface, and committed an unthinkable act of acting as the Sufferer's lusus. Why? She saw he was special, and knew he would have nearly no chance for survival otherwise.
  • As much of a little thing it is, this troper found Vriska's ecstatic reaction to John instinctively using her little typing quirk in this chat very adorable.
  • Weirdest possible context ever, but Andrew Hussie himself coming to save the Handmaid from Doc Scratch. It doesn't work, but it just makes Andrew seem like such a nice guy.

Andrew: See? Even that little girl has had enough of your shit. Run, Aradia's ancestor! Run!!!! You have locked up your last asian schoolgirl, you sick fuck.

  • Karkat and Gamzee officially dubbed as moirails after the former calms down the latter with shoosh paps.
    • I think the absolute heartwarming of this needs to be put into perspective, for the past few months, we've had nothing but tragic events and character deaths, all just making the story we've been invested in seem pointless. And then, just when it seems the darkest, Karkat solves this problem without anyone dying.
  • I'm surprised no-one seems to have mentioned Terezi telling Tavros not to let anyone tell him rufio isn't real.
  • In the days leading up to the Act 5 EOA flash, some of the usual advertisements on the site changed into something Homestuck themed.
  • In [s] Cascade, Bec Noir sorrowfully brings Jade's body to her Quest Bed so that she may ascend to God Tier. Good doggy.
    • Actually, he doesn't bring her to the bed to reach God Tier. As far as he knows, Dream Jade is already dead, crushed by a meteor. He was sad because he thought Jade was gone for good, and placed her on the Quest Bed as a way of laying her to rest. Good thing he did, but still...
    • Also in [S] Cascade, the WQ and WK's reunion after 413 years (413 million, for WK) of being separated. It promptly turns into Tear Jerker.
    • Dave and Rose's ascension. After worrying during the scrapbook intermission that either one or both of them are going to die, their ascension, combined with the music accompanying it, is both awesome and a relief.
    • The look on dog-tier Jade's face after she ascends and starts saving the hell out of freaking everything. She's just...full of joy and resolve unlike her sprite self. It's like she took Davesprite's words to heart and was telling herself, "I don't have to cry and worry any more. I can do this. I will do this!"
  • Jane reminisces about her favorite hat.
  • The introduction of UU. With the Alpha Universe looking more and more like a Villain World, it's nice that there's someone who genuinely seems to want to help.
  • Alpha!Bro Strider talking so affectionately and proudly about Alpha!Dave is immensly satisfying for some reason.
  • "Who am I kidding. Even using my super-fast robotic Author Avatar, I barely have time to do anything. Maybe I'll just level up these kids before they go, and that's it. They've earned it after all, don't you think?"
  • Right before PM and Jack are about to face off, the reader sees a heart over Jack's head, and a spade over PM's. It's kind of heartwarming, but also a bit strange for the situation...
  • .--. .-.. . .- ... . (...) .... . .-.. .--. .... .. -- [3]
  • The humans and trolls finally meet in person, shortly after Sollux's final death.
  • John refuses to leave Jade behind to take the long route when she gives him the option.

you are my friend and also my sorta-sister, and we just met for the first time ever a few minutes ago... i'm not going to be like, welp! see ya in three years jade!

  • Jade, John and Davesprite all interacting is possibly the cutest thing ever. It shows what good friends they are.
    • Especially considering that Davesprite came from a future where John died and Jade never made it to the Medium, and now they'll have plenty of time to spend together.
  • Rose asking Kanaya to come along with them.
  • Karkat desperately trying to stop Kanaya from going clown hunting.
  • [S Roxy: Sleepwalk] shows that Nepeta and Equius have found peace in the afterlife.
  • This page shows that Cal is more than a Demonic Dummy (at least from Dirk's standpoint).
    • Yeah...still pretty creepy though.
  • A more subtle example is how willing Roxy is to support Dirk and Jane when it comes to Jake, despite the fact that she herself has a bit of a thing for him (and Dirk) at the same time.
  • Roxy refusing to shoot the Dersites because she knows they're just looking for food.
  • Andrew's taking care of Spades Slick, even tolerating his stabs and stubbornness.
  • The fandom seems to be reacting this way towards Karkat typing in his candy-red blood color.
  • Karkat expresses his true feelings about the dead trolls:


  • Wayward Vagabond has been healed by a godtier Feferi. Cue international sigh of relief.
    • And now the guy is back to his Adult Child / Cloudcuckoolander roots, building and drawing a new town with Terezi and Dave.
      • Better yet, Dave has referred to WV saying, "the mayor rules hes like my best fucking friend"
  • John refering and thinking of Davesprite as just "Dave", especially when he didn't take him seriously as "a" Dave a year ago.
  • Also John's hints at a Relationship Upgrade between Jade and Davesprite. Waiting to die on Skia together seems to have brought them very close.
  • It's only a small thing but, John hasn't forgotten Vriska after all.
  • John shoves Roxy out of the way from Meenah's trident, even though he doesn't know her.
  • Knowing that Terezi still cared about Vriska, even though she had to kill her - and that she wants to apologise.
  • Terezi telling Aranea that she sounds like she would have been a good friend.
  • During Jane's exploration of The Land of Crypts and Helium, she comes across some little balloons with tablets attached that are said to grant a wish should the floating balloon make it to Skia. So she carves a picture of Jake's face on one. Daaaawwww.
  • There is something bizarrely heartwarming about Tavros thanking Vriska for how good her self esteem felt while they were fused. Also how he immediately forgives her for killing him.
    • For that matter, Vriska is apologizing to him for killing him, and then makes it her mission to a) make them both relevant, and b) help him get genuine self-confidence.
  • A minor one, but if Jane refuses to buy an olive Love Potion, the usually-greedy Gamzee notices she could use one, and offers her one for free.
  • The reason Roxy keeps appearifying pumpkins.

TT: She tries to feed the hungry neighbors whatever she can scrounge up.
This revelation is especially heartwarming with the associated panel. Dawwww.

  • He stands like Bro.
  • The fact that, despite all his efforts, Doc Scratch couldn't remove love from troll society. He could hide it as pity or weakness, and he could twist their reproduction to move away from it, but it was still there. Love survives.

Meta & Fan Content

You know, this whole Homestuck fiasco, is one of the most unique and strange things that has happend to me. One, I’ve never read anything remotely close to this, I’ve never read a webcomic in my life. Also, I’ve never read anything with a couple thousand people kind of guiding me along the way, this whole experience is mind blowing! I mean the author greeted me on the screen and entering this whole world that I had no idea even existed a few days ago feels like stepping into a new dimension, and with tumblr, I can feel you guys all here with me… I don’t know, it’s late, I’m tired, my mind is tired… I’m Homestuck.

    • Dante embracing the comic as much as he is. He actually shows a genuine interest in reading, and it just warms one's heart to think that famous people also like Homestuck.
    • And really, just the adorable way he blogs his thoughts about the comic. It definitely brings the "awws" to a not-insignificant amount of his followers.

> Go back

  1. or as close as trolls get to it
  2. "The two year anniversary of HS has come and gone. Not as much fanfare in-story about it as I'd hoped, but at least it got a nod. Remember when games came on multiple disks? You always were asked to swap during a kind of peculiar and underwhelming moment, like walking through a thing, or talking to a guy. Sometimes it was shortly after you got an airship, or something. I had plans to do something a little more mesmerizing, like last year, but started running out of time. So I revised the plans, then ran out of time for THOSE too. And so on, til I said screw it. Disc 1 probably wouldn't have been able to fit another hefty animation in it anyway. Those discs are only like what, 700 MB?? It takes a lot to meet a deadline coming up fast, when the thing you are planning is meant to be a BIG DEAL, by definition. First you must come up with an animation idea, and that itself will take a long time to make. Then you must move the story along to the exact precipice of that moment, which also takes time, and must do so with enough time left to animate! Plenty of ways to blow it. Making this story on the fly requires not just a lot of drawing and writing, but the sensibilities of a producer. Knowing when to appropriate large amounts of effort for what purposes given various time constraints. I make adjustments to plans all the time, just like I did with the last 4/13 milestone (was originally scheduling end of act 4 for that). Hence this milestone was less jaw dropping, but then if you recall, the original 4/13 celebration was pretty underwhelming too. What will next 4/13 bring? Guess we'll see. If I'm taking the time to reflect on two years of Homestuck as an achievement I'll do so here only as a gesture of gratitude to the steadfast readers, new and old. I am humbled by your devotion. This is not any sort of platitude to be dismissed as quasi-sincere acceptance speech fodder, or a dispatch from my PR department because sometimes you guys give me money for stuff. This is sincerely true. I look around and still cannot quite believe the magnitude of the enthusiasm that surrounds this story. I stopped being able to keep track of all the fan art for it more than a year ago, and even then there were thousands of fan-made images I would diligently attempt to pore through. I have honestly never seen so much fan art created for anything, anywhere, ever. Even things which have millions of dollars backing their production budgets. Maybe Harry Potter has more? (Alright let's get real. HS fan art is probably just now beginning to approach the subset of drawings that involve Harry being naked with somebody.) Greater and greater hordes of troll cosplayers can be spotted taking over the floors of conventions. You could have pressed me on the subject, but I never would have guessed anyone could be quite so tickled to be slathered in messy gray makeup and crowned by a homemade pair of horns. There is this seething passion for HS that is a self-organizing, autonomous entity unto itself, which is practically inaccessible to my understanding or involvement, even though I'm responsible for the content driving it. I've kept Homestuck's fire hot; its gaping furnace was hungry for coal so I got goddamn shoveling. But you have been responsible for breathing life into this monstrous organism which surrounds me, and now in its breadth transcends my work entirely. To thank you as a whole for this phenomenon almost doesn't sound rational. It's like thanking a furious thunderstorm for the deluge of rain it gave to your thirsty little box of poseys. My paltry utterance dissipates in the far deep rumbling. The clouds don't even notice I'm there because they're too busy swapping fan fiction. Maybe instead I'll offer something more significant than gratitude. Something more personal and experiential. I'll submit my amazement. You can't see me now, but it is a look of wonder and discovery. A boyish look of astonishment at something remarkable beyond words, like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon, but on a more cosmic scale and more viscerally shocking. Like a squealing horrorterror's gruesome Cesarean birth. That is the look I have every time I disrupt the tunnel vision that keeps the work's bright sun searing my eyes. When they adjust to the dark, I see the silhouette in soft black focus of the young planet sized monster, chirping its affections. I offer it this look because it is all I have to give, with the exception of the tears streaming down my face. Its hunger is piqued at the fluid and my only regret is I can never possibly provide enough to nourish the orphan, now that it can never know the taste of its dead mother's heinous teatbrine. Or... Or I could just say thanks guys. LET'S SEE WHAT HAPPENS IN YEAR THREE!!!!!!!!"
  3. Please... Help him
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