Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff (Webcomic)

"Pfft you don't merely read 'Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff' you have to appreciate it like a fine wine."—Mustang, Penny Arcade forumite
Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff.
(with their token black friend Geromy)
Will get some stuff, and do some things.
With Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff,
the laughs keep happening!
hey dude.
theres this awesome cortoon stripper inside this lameass ham steak (ms paent advenchres), its SWEET BRO AND HELLA JEFF with the new friend........................GEROMY
some may' might say its is an exomple of stylist sock, but its Moe like stylistik AWESUME AM I RIGHT???......... . . . . .. ...... .
clock FOR not awsume page
Er, anyway. Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff is a webcomic which is pretty much the epitome of the Stylistic Suck trope in its medium. Originally spawned by Andrew Hussie from an exchange on the Penny Arcade forums, it was some time thereafter integrated into Homestuck as a Show Within a Show, ostensibly written by Dave Strider. It stars the eponymous Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff, as well as their Black Best Friend Geromy, as they get up to... well, plenty of things, none of which quite make sense. A SBaHJ book is in the works, and it's being co-designed by Hussie, KC Green, and John Keogh.
- Aborted Arc: The Nancho Party, although Dave had already planned on doing so in advance.
- Aerith and Bob: One guy is called Sweet Bro. The other is called Hella... Jeff.
- Alien Lunch: "today i put.............JELLY on this hot god"
- Annoying Laugh: Hella Jeff's "HE HE HE"
- Art Evolution: Hella Jeff's appearance here. Actually, it's more like Art Devolution in this case. In addition, the comic's policy of saving in JPG and copying over parts from previous comics causes artifacts to gradually build up, meaning that each character pose gets worse the more it appears.
- Author Appeal: An in-universe example: Dave clearly emphasises the rumps of characters in SBaHJ. Dave's Bro, whom Dave strives to emulate, appears to have an odd puppet-ass fetish.
- Batman Gambit: The sock ruse was a... DISTACTION
- Beat Panel: Considering how many panels are copied and pasted from earlier in the comic/earlier comics of the series, this can become ridiculous.
- Big Game: Seen here. (its sports)
- Black Best Friend: "intoducing, the new friend..., GEROMY"
- Bold Inflation: Random words are in all caps and/or bigger font. They do not even reflect emphasis in places that would make euphonic sense.
i HAVE the car
- Bond One-Liner: check mate
- Brick Joke: This seems like a cut-off joke... until this happens.
- Towards the end of the Nancho Saga, Hella Jeff takes the nachos into the bathroom... for whatever reason. 27 comics later, when Sweet Bro goes to flush a pawn down the toilet... for whatever reason... the nachos are still there.
- Butt Monkey: Sweet Bro
- Call Back: Sweet Bro here to Hella Jeff here.
- Cartoony Eyes: The eyes of the animals are more human-like than the human characters'.
- Catch Phrase: "And there he goes.....". Usually said by Hella Jeff, and more often than not referring to Sweet Bro.
- Catchphrase Spouting Duo: Everything out of the boys' mouths is some kind of meme. Everything.
- Cerebus Syndrome: MSPA Wiki states that issue 18 was seen as the beginning of this.
- Character Blog: Barack Obana has a Twitter account.
- Christmas Episode: Which was written on May 1st.
- Clueless Aesop: Parodied in strip 19. "he wants that us all to keep it real about............... AIDS"
- Cut and Paste Comic: For Stylistic Suck purposes, of course; chunks of Photoshop windows get caught in the cutting and pasting!
- Dada Comic: As the rest of the page can attest.
- Department of Redundancy Department: SWEET BRO AND HELLA JEFF goes shoping (in "SBahJ go shopping")
- Distracted by the Sexy: ""it was at that point when i got distracted by his moms HOT ASS..."
- Don't Explain the Joke: "THIS IS WHAT THE REFRANCE"
- Dog Pile of Doom: "AHA, the sport pile doesnt stop from getting taller."
- Dramatic Ellipsis: Pretty much everywhere.
- "ERR............... UH BRO....? WHERE ARE YOURE PANTS .. ...?"
- Dream Sequence: Hella Jeff dreams of sports in a fantasy game with The Big Man. Sweet Bro crashes his dream and Hilarity Ensues.
- Dynamic Entry: BAOOOAM!!!
- Eldritch Abomination: According to the wiki, stairs are all of the evil in this world.
- Expanded Universe: There are a number of fanmade comics. Some are even placed on the Homestuck site.
- Everything Is Racist: 'fuck, who would even make these... conksuck boots anyway..? IMIGRANTS?'
- Eye Awaken: Here.
- Fan Disservice: If it's even vaguely intended to be sexual, it's this in spades; sexualising anything with this much Stylistic Suck makes it infintely more disturbing to regard. Even stuff that isn't presented in a sexual light but is nonetheless emphasised is this; we're talking a comic which put heavy focus on an elelephant's HUGE BUTT and GREY MUTANT PENIS.
- And issue 44 features a close up on a bull's ass. Then it takes a shit.
- Funny Animals: The boys become these here.
- SB donf lik to be SEEN as furbeh, those. f YOU Look at the boffom of thE paig, the cOMic name i bube just no???
- Fonts: It's lettered in Comic Sans.
- Fountain of Memes: In-Universe. The whole reason it was brought into Homestuck was to provide a source of memes that would be original to the comic and exclusive to the characters. (It's also one in real life, of course.)
- Gag Penis: The elelephant, with its GREY MUTANT PENIS.
- Gambit Roulette: "the short... GLOWNS IN THE DARK / the short acutally DOES NOT GLOWN IN THE DARK / too find out watch thing is true...... BUY THE SHIRT????" The first run did not glow in the dark. The second run did. Then the same thing happened again with the second and third S Ba HJ shirts.
"... The thing is, some of those new shirts got mixed in the the old ones. So I guess if you order one there is still a CHANCE you will get one that doesn't glow in the dark? So really the offer stands as the wild card originally advertised."
- Halloween Episode: Which was written on Christmas Day.
- Heterosexual Life Partners
- Helicopter Blender: Played spectacularly straight for laughs in a Crosses the Line Twice kind of way, after Sweet Bro litfofs into a whirlybird.
- bbthb...
- Hot Mom: "it was at that point when i got distracted by his moms HOT ASS...
- I Banged Your Mom: The very first comic to be made (but the second in the archives) has this.
- I'd Tell You, But Then I'd Have To Kill You: GOD DAAAAAAMMNN
- I Fell for Hours: The nanchos, and apparently Sweet Bro on the stairs.
- In a Single Bound: "im telling you...air like that is UNREAL, it doens't even HAPPEN. most of the time"
- "and there he goe's...WE HAVE. LIFDOFF"
- Karma Houdini: Hella Jeff. He steals the car, bangs Sweet Bro's mother[1], and is all around a total douchebag.
- Lampshade Hanging: There's now a space for advertisements on SBaHJ, which feature the remark below "(i hope the ad is for some ponography!", seemingly hanging a lampshade on the fact that most of the ads on MS Paint Adventures proper end up being for porn comics.
- Living Prop: Geromy, despite getting a formal introduction in big letters. He doesn't even move.
- Long Pants: Hella Jeff and Geromy are always wearing these. Sweet Bro actually had differentiated pants at first, but is now always drawn with these.
- Loophole Abuse: After being corrected during a chess game, Sweet Bro throws a pawn in the toilet and declares checkmate.
- Ludicrous Gibs / Gorn: PHHPPPBBBbbthb
- Male Gaze: "dufe, are you SCOPING this bipches CHOICE ASS.."
- Malevolent Architecture: Sweet Bro just can't stop falling down stairs.
- Man Hug: The boys do possibly the most dramatic man hug ever in the fifth comic.
- Marijuana Is LSD: SUDDENLY WEED DREAMS. poof!
- Mind Your Step / Staircase Tumble: "FUCK IM FALLING DOWN ALL THESE STAIRS"
- Minimalism: "that's the comic fuckmunch, its't just a wall."
- Misaimed Fandom: In-universe- Dave mentions he has tons of fans who think the comic is hilarious and played totally straight, when it's meant to be ironic. However, that's just the way he likes it.
- Missing Episode: The first comic Dave made with the SBAHJifier was never uploaded to the SBaHJ page.
- More Dakka: Sweet Bro kills vampire Jeff with "deudly firearms".
- The Moive: In Homestuck's Alpha universe, starring Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson.
- A "movie" actually exists in real life. It's ostensibly this, but it's more of a Title Theme Tune.
- Ms. Fanservice: Sweet Bro's mom and the beautiful wonan.
- Name and Name
- Nutty Squirrel: "ahahahahahaha, WHERE do you even get a nut thats that big..."
- chech out this fuckin squirrelt!
- I'm giving him my momey.
- Pants-Free: The second comic.
- Parental Incest: The punchline of the second comic (which was actually the first one made). The psychological repercussions are not explored.
- Poe's Law: An in-universe example: in Homestuck, it's described as "a webcomic ironically maintained through a satirical cipher" with "legions of devoted fans, most of whom are totally convinced" of Dave's sockpuppet persona's sincerity.
- Then you realise that SBaHJ really does have large numbers of devoted fans and is arguably more well-known than Homestuck...
- Punch Line: They're there occasionally, usually complete non-sequiturs or orphaned.
- Rage Quit: checkmate
- Reality Is Unrealistic: Quoth Andrew Hussie:
AH: Ironically, I couldn't make it anywhere near as terrible looking if I used Paint.
- Rouge Angles of Satin: Intentionally. It's very common, but fanwork has a tendency to flanderize it to near-unintelligible levels.
- Rule 34: Tongue-in-cheek, thank gog.
- Satire, Parody, Pastiche
- Sensory Abuse: Arguably the entire point of the comic, but the theme song in particular stands out.
- Shout-Out: To Chorlie Brown.
- Show Within a Show
- Surprise Incest: HE HE HE
- Surreal Humor
- The Stoner: Sweet Bro is so HIGH, he puts JELLY on this hot god.
- Everybody was high when the nancho party went down. EVERYBODY
- Stylistic Suck: It's the usual poster boy for the trope.
- Take That: The comic started as a lighthearted one from this thread in the Penny Arcade forums. The first comic appears in this post. [dead link]
- The banner ad block is somewhat less lighthearted, riffing on the number of advertisements for porn comics which are an inexplicable regular feature on the main MS Paint Adventures website (well, and Oglaf...).
- Take Our Word for It: AHAHAHA omfg i cant BELIEVE what he made take place
- Team Pet: "staring the 'newd dog'..... peaches"
- The Klutz: Besides falling down stairs, Sweet Bro has been seen failing various tasks like holding a ruler the right way, putting a spoon in the drawer, pouring milk or putting on boots.
- Those Two Guys: You'll never guess.
- Toilet Humor: Sweet Bro gets shat upon by a bull in issue 44.
- Token Minority: Geromy (despite being the third black character to be introduced, after Barack Obana and The Big Man).
- Totally Radical: A substantial portion of their speech is a rather garbled version of this, as do some of their activities of choice, particularly Bro being god's gift to grinds.
- Two Gamers on a Couch: It initially sells itself as such, but quickly descends into madness. Very few comics have to do with video games, and even then only tangentially, and the only comic where Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff are actually on a couch playing video games quickly turns to... something else.
- Unsound Effect: Griiiiinb
- Very Special Episode: Strip 19. "he wants that us all to keep it real about............... AIDS"
- What Could Have Been: Dave originally planned to make Cool Dude and Stoner Lou despite regretting the fact that it looked too much like his brother's stuff. As part of her trolling and a stable time loop, Terezi's artwork inspires him to make SB&HJ.
- What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?: Virtually everything the boys do.
- What Do You Mean It Wasn't Made on Drugs?: In-universe example, which actually arose out of someone asking Hussie this very question on the Penny Arcade forums:
Sweet Bro: today i put.... JELLY on this hot god.
Hella Jeff: AHAHAHAHAHAHA just how HIGH do you even have to BE to DO something like that...
- The Wiki Rule: True to the SBaHJ tradition.
- Winged Humanoid: time to fly up away to the sun you fucknig piece of gargbage
- Word Salad Humor: "WHAT'S IS that guys even his PROBLEM? is like heg got BROAD SIDE SCHOOL FED up the BONE BULGE"
dufe, are you SCOPING this arpicles CHOICE ASS..
- ↑ something Sweet Bro has also done