< Homestuck

Homestuck/Nightmare Fuel

"'Let'S bE TAngLe bUdDiES...


This has got to be the stupidest thing you've ever done! You're never going to get to sleep now! Say, wasn't that doll a few feet to the left a minute ago...?

Due to the constantly updating nature of Homestuck, all spoilers are left unmarked.

Remember, this page is for describing general sources of Nightmare Fuel.

Now being divided into helpful categories. Never before has organization been terrifying.

Jack Noir

  • In the act 4 finale, right after Jack started his rampage, there is one moment, just one moment, when he looks absolutely terrifying. Well hello there.
  • Also in the Act 4 Finale, when Dream Jade is flying over to Dream John's tower, Dream Jade sees the shadow of Jack flying over Prospit. Not only would that be a little creepy, it is horrifying to readers who know what's going to happen next.
  • WV has a nightmare where he is visited by a familar-looking animal spirit and watches in terror as he appears to become Jack Noir and slaughters dozens of carapace people as the Prospitian moon descends onto the battlefield.
  • To go from a calm dinner to being stalked by Jack Noir without seeing what happens next is terrifying. It's probably no coincidence that the wine stains look like blood stains... Next time they're shown, they're dead.
  • Bec Noir's entire MO--a random teleport murderer who warps about at utter random and kills for no reason.
  • The part in [S] Jack: Ascend where the Black Queen's finger is seen twitching on the ground AFTER her body had been destroyed.
  • Jack's Red Miles attack, which is reminiscent of blood, and can be seen as the universe itself succumbing to cancer.
  • The closeups of Jack's face in the EoA5 video. [1]
  • Spades Slick is still alive... and now he comes equipped with super-fast robotic stabbin' arms. Great. Because what Paradox Space needs is another super-powered Jack Noir running around.
  • The scene in the EOA5 flash in which Spades Slick shoots Snowman through the heart. Said heart is seen in excruciating detail shortly after. This happens about six minutes in.
  • If the faux Jailbreak adventure is anything to go by, Jack's first thought is to stab everyone, even if it isn't necessary and if he's trying to keep them alive.

Gamzee Makara

You have never been so scared in your entire life.

  • Although Terezi crying over Tavros is sad enough, it gets worse. That little purple text at the bottom of the page....
  • The clouds show an image of Gamzee's flashing eye.
  • GC: honk.
  • The 2/6 flash. It starts funny, but soon turns absolutely terrifying.
  • Gamzee: Subjugglate.
  • Gamzee reacts to Nepeta's attack by snatching her out of the air, breaking her wrist, and slowly dragging her claws across his own face. While grinning maniacally.
  • Gamzee's ancestor is revealed. What seems like paint splattered on the wall behind him is actually troll blood.
  • The Homestuck Album, Alterniabound, while undeniably awesome, has managed to make the song "Blackest Heart" even more disturbing and creepy than it originally was. What did they do? Added a dissonant symphony of honks and a deep, warped voice snarling out the word "miracles" OVER AND OVER AND OVER. Sweet dreams, kids.
  • Terezi comes and finds a note with Nepeta's stolen claw and decides to check it. It's a trap. She's in Gamzee's clutches now.
    • And then she just keeps screwing around in that Trickster Room while Gamzee instantaneously repositions Lil' Cal at various moments. Then she finds her Neophyte Redglare costume and happily reunites with her favorite dragon plush: "It has been too long, old friend. You vow never to let him out of your scent agai-" And Gamzee switches the dragon with Cal.
  • So Gamzee and Dave finally talk. It's disturbing for a number of reasons. First, the image of Gamzee flashstepping as he moves around Tavros' corpse, with his blood around his mouth, heavily implying he's tasting it and/or making out with it. Second, Dave is now partly responsible for Gamzee sobering up, thanks to making him doubt his religion when linking him to the Miracles music video. Funny Aneurysm Moment, much? Third, it's revealed that Gamzee is responsible for Dave's nightmares of Lil' Cal and John's writing on the wall, adding a touch of Paranoia Fuel to the situation. For bonus points Gamzee claims that Lil' Cal is telling him to kill everyone and is his only friend now that Tavros is dead. Finally, the "inside source" that Dave claims sent him the ICP video ahead of time? It's Betty Crocker, who according to Nannasprite is a Humanoid Abomination. And that's just the tip of the iceberg here.
  • A healthy helping of Paranoia Fuel with these lines during one of Karkat's memo sessions, right as he's nearly breaking down at Past Eridan (who's just absconded after killing Feferi).

<span style=" color:

  1. 2b0057;">FTC: HONK.

<span style=" color:


<span style=" color:

  1. 2b0057;">FTC: i'm in your future, best friend.

<span style=" color:


<span style=" color:

  1. 2b0057;">FTC: and what you'll motherfuckin do.

  • Terezi's behavior in her live-action role playing is pretty chilling. She casually knifes one of the toys she claims to be her friends, and has hung dozens more of them out her windows and around her hive. Worse is that, apparently, that's pretty much how the real Alternian law enforcement system works.
  • Tavros eventually gets robotic legs that let him walk! And to get them, he just needed to have his legs chainsawed off without anasthetic, while he was asleep. And with the would-be builder of said legs just standing there and watching... from what's been shown, that's potentially even creepier.
  • As of these updates from here on, Vriska. What's scarier than setting up an unwinnable game of extreme live-action roleplay, taunting Tavros for not being able to get out of her constructed death trap, then using mind control to brainwash him into jumping off a cliff to his doom, all the while laughing maniacally?
  • Vriska's lusus. She eats trolls, and forces Vriska to become a serial killer in order to feed her, lest Vriska be eaten herself.
  • Feferi's lusus is a literal Cosmic Horror that eats other lusii. Her voice itself kills trolls and if she ever preformed her "Vast Glub", every troll below Feferi on the hemospectrum would die. She does.
  • The Imperial Drones, who collect filial pails from the trolls, and kill them if they can't provide.
  • Vriska at the beginning of [S Make her pay.] She's missing an eye and an arm, the stump for said arm is visibly dripping blood, and she is pissed the fuck off.
    • And then Aradia actually kills Vriska later.
  • Feferi's Nightmare Face in this panel.
  • Vriska mind-controlling Tavros to write messages. In her own blood. Commanding him to kill her.
  • Kanaya was a big fan of 'rainbow drinkers.' When Terezi found Feferi's body, she also found two new wounds in her neck... fang marks. And Kanaya's body is gone. Oh Crap.
  • From this page onward, all the writing on the walls.
  • Sollux's eyes destroyed when Eridan hit him in the face with his 'wwhite science'.

<span style=" color:

  1. a1a100;">TA: /R0LLING MY EYES.

<span style=" color:

  1. a1a100;">TA: is what i w0uld be d0ing if that were p0ssible.
  • His Honorable Tyranny. To quote a member of the forums, "It seems that His Honorable Tyranny is the lovechild of the Balrog and Giygas."
  • In [S Flip], Terezi passes by the decapitated bodies of Eridan, Equius, Nepeta, Feferi and Tavros all suspended in tubes. Gamzee has their heads sitting on a table while he acts as a judge.
    • Not to mention the creepy glitching present in that flash.
  • The fate of the Ψiioniic. He's sold into slavery to the Empress, wired into her flagship, and used as a living battery.
  • All of Mindfang's trial, where she uses her mind control powers to get the audience to lynch Redglare.
  • Meenah wants to kill Roxy just for the hell of it.
    • She also comes this close to killing John (and the fact that he was pushing Roxy out of the way meant that it would've counted as a heroic, and thus permanent, death).

Eldritch Abominations (Horrorterrors, Lord English, Doc Scratch, etc

B2 World

  • When Jane checks her instant messenger, R0LLING, which spams her desktop with Betty Crocker ads. Each of them flashes for a split second, each of them saying things like 'OBEY', 'CEASE REPRODUCTION', 'SUBMIT', 'STAY ASLEEP', and 'CONSUME'. God, Jane, what the hell is this program?!
    • Betty Crocker's ads may be more fundamental to this timeline than just words. Consider for a minute what we appear to know about Jane, Dirk, Jake and Roxy.
  • Not only Jake share a last name with Lord English, there's hints of him everywhere.
    • Then there was THIS lovely change. The readers have all known for a while now, but the ever-present threat of it is so paranoia-inducing.
  • The B2 World in general has been super creepy. Nothing has happened, everything's happy... but there's something VERY WRONG just under the surface. The biggest source of anxiety is waiting for the other shoe to drop, so to speak. When's it gonna happen? When's the shit gonna hit the fan? When is the warm comfortable blanket of lies going to be ripped aside for this innocent girl, exposing her to the mind-shattering horror of reality? Hussie is proving himself an absolute master of Dramatic Irony.
  • John's corpse is stuffed and in front of the fireplace. Sure, other dead people got the treatment as well, but this is John. An alternate reality John, but John all the same.
    • And then Jane accidentally tears his arm off, then later he's decapitated by the bunny Bro built for Jane. And it wasn't so much the fact that his stuffed body is getting more and more mutilated that's creepy. What is creepy is just how the actual decapitation plays out. At first, Poppop's body just simply begins to shake slightly, which isn't too creepy. Then his neck bulges up and outward, his head now slightly lopsided. Then, the bunny's blade emerges from his neck, and he manages to take it off with one clean slice! To top it off, the thing was actually sleeping inside of his body.
    • Add in the realization that he is now missing one arm, and has a slice/scar going vertically across his eye... the exact same mutilated features as B1's harlequin.
  • Jake wasn't kidding about the frightening fauna.
  • Brobot's goat imitation.
  • Jane is about to get the mail when it explodes in her face. While her father was watching.
  • As awesome as [S] Prince of Heart: Rise Up is, the shot where Brobot punches Jake and his glasses go flying is freaky. Not only do his glasses fly off, but his eyes too, giving Jake an Eyeless Face! It's a humorous Lampshade Hanging of Eye Glasses, but the creepy factor is still there.
  • The A-R's line in this pester log is just unsettling.
  • G-Cat traps Roxy in the void. Just how terrifyingly stupid and/or evil is this cat? Even if Dirk plugs that window back in, she could break through on the other side and wind up surrounded by the Dersites again. Either choice is terrifying: to be threatened by horrorterrors or by an angry, starving mob that probably feeds on cats.
    • Turns out there's no horrorterrors. Something else is there. And what a "something else" she is.
  • As soon as Dirk attempts to contact Roxy wondering what a random fenestrated plane is doing in his apartment, he gets this guy jeering him...with this introduction:


uu: VERY uSEFuL.

  • The Condesce's utter devastation of Earth, turning it into a flooded wasteland.
  • Absolutely everything about the Land of Crypts and Helium. It used to be lush and filled with consorts... until their holy writings suddenly changed to reflect that their heroes would all sacrifice themselves and their "lights would be snuffed out" save for one, after which the Salamanders stopped farming and instead started digging their own graves.
    • One tablet, carved by a Salamander, details how, because of his obsessive optimism, he thought the idea of building his own mausoleum and slowly starving to death sounded like "a blast" to him.
  • Jane gets a message from Jake that gets interrupted because his skull computer "ceased functioning due to a severe blow to the head." After that, there's a puzzle involving four lanterns, each representing one of the Alpha kids. Jake's isn't lit.
    • Thankfully, one of the salamander texts reveals that the "lantern of Hope" flickered out long before Jane showed up in the Land, which means it probably only refers to Jake's dreamself.
  • Everything about the Earth after the Batterwitch takes over. She tries to make human society more like troll society, in the process wreaking havoc so devastating that Dirk and Roxy are the only humans left alive.
  • The B2 incarnation of Rose kills Guy Fieri by stabbing him in the eyes with knitting needles. She then rides his body down a waterfall of blood.
  • After receiving the Black Queen's unprototyped ring, DD leaves us in suspense for days over what exactly he plans to do with it. And then, very casually... Red Miles. No one can escape the Miles.
    • Not even those outside the Incipisphere, apparently. Unless those are actually Bec Noir's, implying they affect both timelines.


  • There's a good reason why Lil' Cal is the header picture for the Demonic Dummy page, and used to also be on the Webcomics sub-page of Nightmare Fuel. As one person on the forums described, marionettes are already creepy, firmly in the Uncanny Valley. Lil' Cal lives in the Uncanny Laurentian Abyss (animated GIF link for reference). Hussie took this to eleven by making Lord English basically a giant demonic Cal.
  • Just about the entirety of Dave's Bro's room, what with Li'l Cal moving around seemingly on his own, Bro's comic crossing Muppet Babies with Saw, and the "Grisly puppet snuff film" going on.
  • Jade's Grandpa is finally introduced... only it's not him, but his stuffed corpse. Jade rather cheerfully acts like he's still alive. Even worse, the fan theory that Jade was the one who stuffed him has been confirmed.
  • Dave walks into his room and finds his own brutally murdered corpse. and then casually tosses it out the window . . . And then spends a good ten minutes staring at the blood on his hands.
  • Bro using Li'l Cal to feed baby Dave. No wonder Dave grew up to be such a jaded guy.
  • Jade was flying around going to finally wake up her best friend and the world exploded around her. And then she died.
  • John waking up completely alone on a planet being torn apart after just having some fun with his sort of not friends.
  • [S]: Wake. Feferi and Nepeta's dream selves are hacked apart by Bec Noir at the beginning, and at the end, Vriska goes over to Tavros, grabs his lance, IMPALES HIM THROUGH THE HEART and drops him off a balcony.
  • Seer: Ask. The lack of sound in the flash makes it even worse.
  • The grimdarkness approaching John.
  • This update. Rose is speaking in Eldritch, and can't even warn John they're approaching their dead parents.
    • The black thing following her in the intro, and the increasing corpses of the Prospitians and Dersites.
    • Rose's reaction to her mother's corpse--namely, that she doesn't react at all.
  • Volume 7 of the Homestuck Album has various indescribably awesome songs, but there are some that just make it their job to be creepy as hell.
  • The last two tracks on "The Wanderers." What A Daring Dream has eerie whispering voices that seem to be quoting the Morse code from WV's nightmare and Nightmare...well, it's called "Nightmare" for a reason.
  • The whole idea of Sburb: The fact that a seemingly harmless game can basically ruin your entire perception of the universe, religion, and the laws of physics while simultaneously destroying everything and everyone you love on your home planet. And there's absolutely nothing you can do about it but keep trudging on.
  • The Tumor exploding and creating the Green Sun. Immensely shocking, incredibly terrifying, and the ominous music that was paired with it only serves to make it all the more chilling. The silence that came before said explosion only makes it worse.
    • Two entire universes being destroyed.
  • Even worse, we see the remains of Bilious Slick as a mangled cloud (body fluids, blood?) with only a single arm left in the Troll's Skaia; all Celestial Body mind you.
  • Homestuck is a very bloody comic, but the effect is less shocking, as most of the blood is technicolor. Some people have edited some of the troll's bloodier panels red, and the results are not pretty.
  • The extra Nicholas Cage flash in BettyBother Especially since Dark Cage looks like he has a green skull...
  • Courtyard Droll killed Jake's dreamself by feeding him peanuts in his sleep. He's the least competent of the Crew, wears a giant, silly hat, and is still able to sneak into Jake's tower and murder him.
  • Something has gone badly wrong with Skaia in uu and UU's session.
    • It looks dead.
    • Not too mention those shapes floating around in it...
    • Are you referring to how the lower half looks like it's smiling Have a nice day? Cause that is creepy.

> Go back

honk. :o)

  1. Seen at 3:10 and 3:38 here.
  2. Fortunately not permanent, though.
  3. It's a horse whinnying slowed down and pitched up.
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