< Homestuck

Homestuck/Fanfic Recs


You begin reading the following Fan Fic Recommendations document containing tales spun by those who enjoy the original work and wish to expand upon it.

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These are recommendations made by Tropers for Homestuck Fan Fics, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here. Be sure to see the sister page for fan music!

You can also add to the current recommendations if you want. Refrain from posting Conversation in the Main Page though; that goes in the discussion page.

Remember to warn for common triggers.

Here there be spoilers.

Conversion from the "Comments" section to the "Reviews" option is underway. If you are adding a fic, please help us out and use the new template-format on the Fanfic Recommendations Index Page. Please start moving your comments to the reviews sections as we will soon start removing them.

Authors and Websites

Authors and Websites

Most of Homestuck's fanfic-writing goes on in the fanfiction threads on the forum [dead link] . A directory can be found here.

A significant amount of fic is also on Archive Of Our Own. There's also a safe for work Livejournal Request Meme.


  • Recommended by merefire
  • Synopsis: This author mixes prose and poetry into a beautiful combination. She seems to concentrate mostly on Dave and Jade's relationship, but can also do lovely, in-depth portrayals of singular characters.

Walking From Home series by wilySubversionist

  • Recommended by merefire
  • Synopsis: This series is as in-depth as it is heart-breaking and brilliant.


  • Recommended by merefire
  • Synopsis: This author has many hilarious and tragic AU stories that are interesting as they are well-written. Despite their divergance from the main story, Red Pen remarkably maintains the personalities of all the characters. From Rose playing therapist to Jack to a frightening look into the kids' struggles after the return to a wasteland Earth, you will find all of these fics to be a must-read.


  • Recommended by merefire
  • Synopsis: Brilliant, unassuming and stark, you will cry, laugh and die inside reading UA's fics. Her unique writing style adds an interesting flavor to the narrative in a way that will make you feel that you are hearing a character's thoughts as soon as they pass through the character's mind. Some of her work is intense and dramatic, but some of it is fun as well. From Rose story to Karkat/John story to stories that are simply genius, this authour is definitely worth checking out. Noteworthy stories that have their own pages on the wiki include Hemostuck (co-written by roachpatrol) and Promstuck (co-written by Shelby “No Cool Nickname” and Cephied Variable).


  • Recommended by merefire
  • Synopsis: I would call this writer a definite cure to anybody suffering from Sadstuck. Caters to John/Karkat fans, but has also written some Dave/John


  • Recommended by merefire
  • Synposis: The writing style of this particular fanfic writer seems to be permanently stuck on depressingly realistic and chilling. She concentrates on Terezi and Vriska, as well as Kanaya/Vriska. If you want a good, hard, sad look at Vriska's headspace and her relations between Aradia, Terezi and Kanaya, this is the author to go to. When you're done, your heart will ache and have all the feels. All of them.

General Fics

General Fics

Stories focused on the family and the friendly relationships of the cast. Plot-focused stories or light day-in-the-life stories. Pretty much anything that isn't focused on romance.

And the Two of Us Are Dying by Sionnan

  • Recommended by Rain Krystal
  • Pairing(s): None.
  • Synopsis: Bro has dreamt of his death for the past 13 years.
  • Comments: Bro and Dave have a brotherly moment in a way you wouldn't quite expect.

PTSD by raequiem

  • Recommended by Dreamaniac
  • Pairing(s): John/Rose, possibly Dave/Jade in later chapters; more of a side note than the focus of the plot.
  • Synopsis: A continuation after a possible ending of the comic, where the kids have split up after returning from the Medium. Dave in particular had trouble recovering from the trauma (leading to the title), until Jade's unexpected arrival at his doorstep leads to him cleaning up his act.
  • Comments: Told from second-person perspective from Dave's POV, which starts out odd but will seem natural to anyone who has read a lot of MSPA. Three chapters so far, more on the way; apparently a spin-off from Rose's perspective is in the works.

The Queen is Dead by conceptofzero

  • Recommended by GG Crono
  • Pairing(s): Black Queen/Spades Slick.
  • Synopsis: The fall of the Black Queen and the rise of Snowman.
  • Comments: A story about Snowman; how she was exiled, how she hooked up with the Midnight Crew and later the Felt, and how it all ended. Jossed by Act 5 but still a good read.

Crestfallen by Geek-Fairy

  • Recommended by Acey Enn
  • Pairing(s): Karkat/Sollux
  • Synopsis: Karkat comforts a suicidal Sollux.
  • Comments: Focuses on some very touchy subjects (suicide and mental illness), but captures both of them heartbreakingly well, and manages to avoid being ridiculously melodramatic, especially considering the subject matter. Depressing, but definitely worth reading.

FELT by Professor (The original donor for the Midnight Crew in Problem Sleuth)

  • Recommended by Quotation Marx
  • Pairing(s): None
  • Synopsis: A day at the felt mansion goes horribly sideways, as a series of viewpoint character end up getting embroiled in time shenanigans. So basically a normal Tuesday.
  • Comments: An interesting fleshing out of the Felt when they aren't busy getting killed by the midnight crew. Occupies a weird dubious secondary canon status - Professor got a bunch of info about the Felt from Andrew before he started his adventure, but nothing in it is necessarily canonical to Homestuck proper. Funny, clever, and close to Original Flavor.

Shades and Feathers by raequiem

  • Recommended by Drunken Lemur
  • Pairing(s): None
  • Synopsis: Dave gets pestered by Davesprite, when he's suddenly cut off. Davesprite mentioned something about Jade's prototyping. Dave rushes off to investigate.
  • Comments: Following the death of Bro and supposed death of Davesprite this gives some much needed closure for fans. It helps that it's 100% within character for all those involved.

Conquest by Quixotic

  • Recommended by Kassiopeia
  • Pairing(s): Mostly Sollux auspisticing between Karkat and Terezi, but Sollux/Aradia and Vriska/Terezi get a look in too.
  • Synopsis: Sweeps in the future, Karkat tries to deal with the many, many annoying problems which life in the Alternian battle fleet present, from preventing an invasion to trying to stop his friends from murdering him and each other.
  • Comments: An involving and frequently hilarious future!fic, complete with fascinating romantic and political intrigues, pitch-perfect characterisation, and the promise of yet more to come.

The Felt by Dermonster

  • Recommended by X15lm204
  • Pairing(s): None
  • Synopsis:The Felt are not Nice. They are not Happy. They do not joke. They do not love. They do not fear. They are the Felt. And they are the agents of destruction.
  • Comments: Perspectives on each member of the Felt as they are when not played for laughs. I hope you like nightmares.

Hourglass by Kassiopeia

  • Recommended by Khym Chanur
  • Spoilers: big spoiler for "[S] Wake" of January 15
  • Pairing(s): One sided Jack -> Queen
  • Synopsis: While trapped in time by Aradia, Jack has a moment to reflect on his life history and the nature of his existence.
  • Comments: A great character study of Jack Noir, with an instersting take on why he's hunting down the troll kids.

Nepetaquest 2011 by aceofspudz

  • Recommended by Masterweaver
  • Synopsis: One solar sweep before SGRUB, Nepeta had a life all her own...
  • Comments: Wow, this is VERY GOOD. So good, in fact, that it has earned a trope page. Basically, Nepetaquest takes a one-off snark from Hussie and uses it to start the beginnings of an expanded universe for Alternia and its inhabitants. Have I mentioned that it's well written and awesomely drawn?

Bearer by gogllescent

  • Recommended by Korodzik
  • Pairing(s): Eridan/Feferi, caliginous Eridan/Vriska, ashen Kanaya/Eridan/Vriska
  • Synopsis: An exploration of Eridan's relationships with Vriska and Kanaya, from their Flarping days up to the recent unfortunate incident.
  • Comments: A nice xenopsychological experiment in trying to comprehend auspisticeship. Comes with some really beautiful writing.

Bite Down by lantadyme

  • Recommended by Insanity Prelude
  • Pairing(s): none
  • Synopsis: She goes to him for help when she loses her arm. Neither of them is really sure why he complies.
  • Comments: Equius gets to do something besides be the squick-provider for a change! An elegantly written look into Vriska and Equius's heads (mostly Vriska's.)

And With Strange Aeons by lucidSeraph

  • Recommended by Turnkeep
  • Synopsis: A disturbing look at the Horrorterrors in the Outer Ring, and how the game caused them to be. Some graphic content.
  • Comments: Another amazing, grimdark fic by lucidSeraph, guaranteed Nightmare Fuel. LET'S. BE. TANGLE BUDDIES. ;D

Untitled by Anonymous

  • Recommended by Insanity Prelude
  • Synopsis: A conversation between Grimdark Rose and her mom.
  • Comments: Zingled RP logs totally count as fanfic, and this one is beautiful. The more sensitive among you may want to bring tissues.
    • For those that find difficulty in reading zingled RP logs, this troper recommends using the 'Ctrl + F' shortcut, pasting one of the two chat symbols, and clicking 'Highlight all'. The log is genuinely well-done. Recommended.

A Loaded Smile by Legendary Armour

  • Recommended by Raimind
  • Synopsis:After finishing Sburb the kids are left without their guardians to take care of them, Dave and John stick together even through foster care but Dave's cool facade is starting to slip. Can John realize what's wrong before Dave does something drastic?
  • Comments: A great story about how Dave might try to cope when he can't take it any more. Warning: contains self-harm.
    • That link is dead, as the author apparently took it off AO3; this one works.

Closing Time by Cephied_Variable

  • Recommended by lettergirlmj
  • Synopsis: You meet the strangest boy, the most Amazing Girl. You meet Rose Lalonde in college and John Egbert in Bolivia and all of them are a little off, a little broken, a little wrong in exactly the same way.
  • Comments: This story is a beautiful look into the lives of the kids post-SBURB, through the eyes of the people who are dating them. Intriguing, and just a little bit heartbreaking for everyone involved.

Prize by odditycollector

  • Recommended by lettergirlmj
  • Synopsis: In which the real reason everyone is fucked is because John is evil; made all the more potent by the fact that John was a really nice guy up until the point when he literally blew someone into pieces. (Pesterlog one-shot)(WARNING: MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH)
  • Comments: Oh my gosh, this story. I did not think that Evil!John could ever be pulled off convincingly until I read this story. Everything about it is just brilliant. It is both hilarious and horrifying, and absolutely terrifying in its plausibility. I cannot recommend it enough.

Genesis by partingxshot

  • Recommended by lettergirlmj
  • Pairing: pre-John/Karkat
  • Synopsis: John's purpose is to begin things. "He loses the apple on impact when reality crashes down, and loses everything else soon after. Nothing on Earth could compare with the sweetness lingering on his tongue." (written for a prompt requesting fic based on/inspired by the story of Eden).
  • Comments: A very thoughtful fic in which John worries that he may have subconciously wished for the end of the world. Among other things. The characterization is A+, and the ending is ridiculously sweet.

Ask Gamzee

  • Recommended by Lord Hyper
  • Comments: A tumblr account where our local clown Gamzee answers our questions. It has only started about three weeks ago, and has gained 4000 followers. So come here, and let the miracles happen.

Not What We Planned On by Elemental

  • Recommended by lettergirlmj
  • Synopsis: You destroy a universe (with help, of course) and when you wake up in your bed on an Earth that is whole and totally not a ruin, you think things are pretty great. When you find there are three trolls with you, alive and well (and ok, angry too), you think things are pretty fantastic. When you find out your friends are alive, they're in their own beds and homes and have their own trollish company, you think things couldn't be better. You couldn't be more wrong.
  • Comments: Even though this story has only two chapters so far, it is so amazing that I had to rec it immediately. This fic has all the things I ever wanted in a "trolls come to live on Earth" scenario, and a few things I did not know I wanted, but love anyway (the Gamzee+Grandpa conversation in particular has a special place in my heart <3). The characterization is absolutely perfect, and the interactions between the characters are some of the most fascinating I have ever seen in a Homestuck fic. Definitely take a look sometime. Now has 8 chapters out of 14.

A Sailorman's Hymn by VastDerp

  • Recommended by lettergirlmj
  • Pairing(s): hints of Condesce/Psiioniic, Sufferer/Disciple, and Sufferer/Psiioniic
  • Synopsis: Years after his death, the Sufferer spends his time reliving memories in his dream bubble. Suddenly he comes across the bubble of an old friend, broken and stuck in the memory of his death. How do you convince someone to walk out of hell with you if they don't even know they are dead?
  • Comments: One of the best Ancestor fics ever written. Many aspects of the Sufferer's life are explored here, although the relationship between the Psiioniic and the Sufferer remains the focus. If you love the Ancestors, this fic is definately worth checking out.

CircusStuck, Part 2, Part 3 by Speedy1359

  • Recommended by:Zibba Zabba 905
  • Synopsis: "The four kids go to a circus, put on by the trolls."
  • Comments: It's pretty short, about 3 minutes total. Very similar to Hussie's style.


Trolls: Spy on Unsuspecting Humans, by bramblePatch

  • Recommended by: BetaRay
  • Synopsis: Twelve adolescent trolls with nothing to occupy their time. Four adolescent humans who didn't realize they were being watched. It was really just a matter of time.
  • Pairing(s): John/Rose
  • Comments: A humorous memo as the trolls get a secondhand account of what human reproduction is like. Non-explicit.

John and Rose: Be Diplomats, by Latia

  • Recommended by: BetaRay
  • Synopsis: "You ever seen cartoons where some big monster picks up two people and treats them like barbie dolls? Smashing them together and making kissing sounds? Basically that, only replace the big monster with some horrorterrors, and the two people with John and Rose. Oh and make it dirtier."
  • Pairing(s): John/Rose
  • Comments: John and Rose are interrogated by horrorterrors.

the creaking of the tented sky by gogollescent

  • Recommended by merefire
  • Synopsis: Jadesprite, ascending. Spoilers for the EoA.
  • Comments: A beautifully written piece from Jadesprite's perspective before she becomes the God Tier Witch of Space. Sentimental and lingering with power, if you were really excited for all four kids to become God Tier, you will read this.

Fed by Farla

  • Recommended by: KuyanJ
  • Synopsis: A look at the messed-up relationship between Vriska and her lusus. Portrays the relationship as tragic rather than one-sided.
  • Tags: Dark Fic, Oneshot, description of violence.

The Game, and Those who Play by Arc Four

Hold Your Colour by lantadyme

  • Recommended by: OhNoes
  • Tags: Sadstuck, Post-Game
  • Synopsis: "The game remakes the world when they win. It forgets one thing." Post-SBURB, the kids get everything they wanted back. Except for Dave.
  • Comments: Excellently written. Each character stays true-to-form, and the whole premise behind the story is heart-wrenching; it nearly brought me to tears (and I don't cry at books, ever). The pesterlogs are, as I've said, in-character and believable, and seeing the world through Dave's eyes and colored by his anguish kicks you in the heart, especially the depths to which he spirals in despair. The ending made my eyes water with empathy, and you just get a sense of relief and happiness for Dave, that he finally got what he needed so desperately. I'd definitely read this again. 5/5 -


Shipping Fics

Stories focused on the romantic relationships between the cast.

A Hand in Holding Hands by Skaian Redeemer

  • Recommended by Nexev
  • Paring(s): Blackrom Vriska/Eridan, Tavros/Eridan, Tavros/Vriska, Kanaya/Vriska, Dave/Aradia, Jade/Nepeta, Sollux/Feferi, and so many pairings you have no idea. All the ships, all of them.
  • Synopsis" No friendships. Ever. That's what Kanaya told her weeks prior, but Rose never really grasped the full of it, not until she found herself at the end of an Ashen crush. Now the Trolls are growing and the culture gap widening, the demon pounding on the door and the horrors whispering in ears. At the center of it all: Rose, trying to stand on both sides of the shore: without magic, without guidance and without one of her closest friends thanks to the very gap she is trying to bridge. This fic is dedicated to the Alternian third wheel.

White Blank Page by conceptofzero

  • Recommended by Red Pen
  • Pairing(s): Jack/Black Queen
  • Synopsis: Jack is hopelessly in love with the Black Queen, and the two of them strive to keep their relationship a secret. Warnings: mild sex-scene, not graphic.
  • Comments: Spectacular prose and a chilling concept, exploring what might have made Jack the apathetic, hateful guy that he is today. The twist at the end is both horrific and brilliant.

How Serendipitous! by Rebbe

  • Recommended by Flairina
  • Pairing(s): Flushed Kanaya/Vriska
  • Synopsis: A pesterlog-style story in which word gets out about Kanaya's flushcrush and all the trolls decide to weigh in on it.
  • Warnings: Karkat, which is to say gratuitous profanity. Also melodrama and possible cuteness overload.

The Proverbial Straw by undeadclown

  • Recommended by Assassin
  • Pairing(s): John/Rose
  • Synopsis: Upon discovering Vriska's body in the Troll's session, John begins to question himself and his actions over the past day.
  • Comments: It's a convincing look into John's thoughts of what he's been through and his assessments of his journey, his losses. It has a realistic take on his budding interest in Vriska, who he only really knew for a few hours, and on Rose's interest in him, who helps him get his confidence back.

Of All This Blind Ambition by anonymousComrade

  • Recommended by Seiyaku
  • Pairing(s): Karkat/Terezi
  • Synopsis: "You kneel down beside him and expect him to make some witty retort about the fact that you're still wearing your old FLARP costume. You're expecting him to stand up and pace while he rages at you about how you need to be more careful. You're ready for a long, angry speech about the crazy nooksuckers who tried to rampage all over everyone. What you are not ready for is Karkat launching himself at you with all of the power that a terrified troll boy of six sweeps can muster, clinging to you as if his life depends on it, and beginning to sob wildly into your shoulder. Yet that is exactly what happens."
  • Comments: An incredibly well-written hurt/comfort about how Karkat copes with all the shit that's gone down, and how Terezi helps. It feels realistic, it's extremely sweet, and it's just so adorable

Red Velvet, Black Velvet by Latia

  • Recommended by Assassin
  • Pairing(s): John/Rose
  • Synopsis: Rose Lalonde is not familiar with adults. But she knows they aren't supposed to be this nice, dammit.
  • Comments: A well written and humorous oneshot of Rose's first encounter inside the Egbert house that has very cute moments and funny happenings.

Flushed by Stripe

  • Recommended by Minchan
  • Pairing(s): Everyone/Everyone
  • Synopsis: "A personal challenge to attempt a ficlet for all 120 possible combinations of couples among the trolls and kids."
  • Comments: Drabbles for each of the possible combinations, including absolute crack, but it treats all of the couples seriously, and characterization is excellent.

Revelations Cycle by Half Life Wolf

  • Recommended by Birchsalt
  • Pairing(s): John/Karkat, Dave/Terezi, Sollux/Aradia
  • Synopsis: It is time to sleep now, young one, Knight. But do not be afraid-- for as this has happened once before, so it will happen again. Today Karl Vates will play a game with ten friends. This is not the first time he has played this game, but hopefully it will be the last.
  • Comments: Not your usual trollswap AU! Revelations is a sprawling descontruction of Homestuck's sometimes brain-testing time loops woven into an incredibly heartfelt story about setting things right in a Bad Ending gone Especially Wrong. The world building in this fic is fantastic, weaving together classical mythology and Homestuckian Atmosphere effortlessly. Manages to both be a rollicking Ensemble Cast adventure as well as a really disturbing look at game mechanics.

Serendipity by bramblePatch

  • Recommended by whitesouldragon
  • Pairing(s): Gamzee<>Karkat
  • Synopsis: What so many of the others don't understand is that Gamzee's as pale for Karkat as Karkat is for Gamzee. Fuck, he's pretty sure he was pale for Karkat before Karkat fell for him, because Karkat's always been a tightly-wound bundle of nerves and anger and fear, just barely held together with an iron self-control that's nothing if not a miracle.
  • Comments: There really aren't enough Karkat/Gamzee palefics out there, but of those I've read, this one is the best. Characterization is perfect on both ends, and the stunning narration throughout makes the whole scenario both heartwrenching and heartwarming. It's a thing of beauty.

[S] Karkat: Sleep by Vascudcrisis

  • Recommended by Jaylina
  • Pairing(s): Karkat/Terezi
  • Synopsis: Karkat's last words in the alternate timeline.
  • Comments: This isn't actually a fanfiction, but an audio recording. It features some very talented and heart-wrenching voice acting.

Show the Lights by partingxshot

  • Recommended by lkmjr
  • Pairings: Rose/Kanaya, brief blackrom Vriska/Rose
  • Synopsis: She has lived through the apocalypse and the death of almost everyone she ever loved. Her teenage angst can wait. (In which this is a terrible time for a sexual identity crisis and Rose Lalonde comes of age.)
  • Fantastically written and with beautiful characterization. Written before the results of Rose's duel against Jack were revealed, so it splits off from canon there. Rose struggles to understand and come to terms with herself, her emotions, and her friends, all while dealing with the effects of the Horrorterrors' influence and searching desperately for a way to save one of her dearest friends. Incredibly heartwrenching in the best way.

Hearts by Zamael

  • Recommended by Potman
  • Pairing(s): Karkat/Nepeta, Karkat/Terezi, several minor ones
  • Synopsis: Rescued by Karkat Vantas, and having her flushed feelings reciprocated by him, Nepeta Leijon finds that she at last has everything she ever wanted from life. If only it could have been that simple. Warnings: major character death.
  • Comments: The story takes its sweet time to set up the scene, and has several funny and heartwarming moments in the beginning, even making the reader think that everything is going to be all right, before dropping the payload on the poor fic. And then taking it even further.

Candlelight and Clockwork by PingZing

  • Recommended by Assassin
  • Pairing(s): John/Rose
  • Synopsis: After achieving God-tier, John decides to pay a visit to LOLAR. En-route he collapses, and Rose and Dave must find time to restore him to health.
  • Comments: It's a well-thought out story based within the the events of the plot with plenty of funny and touching moments as Rose and Dave strive to get John over a sudden cold, which takes longer than expected (thought the time travel takes care of that).

The Finer Details of Gay Cluckbeast by clumsyoctopus

  • Recommended by lettergirlmj
  • Pairing(s): John/Dave
  • Synopsis: Your name is Dave Strider and you are 26 years old. You have just gotten engaged. The problem being that you have just gotten engaged to your best male friend in a furious fit of stupidity, champagne, one-upmanship and a weird warm-glowy feeling that occasionally (or more than occasionally) rolls around in the pit of your stomach and makes you act like a moron. As Bro carefully describes to you what, as the DJ, he’s going to play at the reception (almost entirely a medley of Nicki Minaj and Ke$ha), you carefully nurse a Rock Star and vodka and try to figure out what the fuck happened over the past decade or so to land you in this mess.
  • Comments: Amazingly well-written and everyone perfectly characterized. The slow progression of John and Dave's relationship is fascinating to watch, as well as incredibly sweet.

The Fic In Which Karkat Is A Spineless Ninny That Cannot Even Form A Proper Kismesis [dead link] by Brapp Zannigan

  • Recommended by visionDerpfold
  • Pairing(s): John/Karkat
  • Synopsis: John and Karkat are living together post-Sburb and holding up a sham kismesissitude because Karkat can't accept his feelings—however, it gets harder and harder to hide from them when he realizes just how hard it is for him to hurt John.
  • Comments: This fic is incredibly sweet and leaves a warm, fuzzy feeling behind once finished. May Taste Like Diabetes, but not in a bad way.

You Are My Sunshine by Rawrnesss

  • Recommended by bmaedoggirl
  • Pairing(s): Nepeta/Karkat
  • Synopsis: Karkat listens as Nepeta sings"You Are My Sunshine" in her finale moments and comforts her.
  • Comments: This fic is so sweet and very well written, but it's a major Tear Jerker. You. Will. Cry.

Nothing But Time by PlayerProphet

  • Recommended by Shotokun
  • Pairing(s): Alpha!Dave/Alpha!John
  • Synopsis: In which a young Dave is whisked off the streets by an older John, shenanigans and feelings abound.
  • Comments: A well thought out story focusing on a relationship of considerable age difference, I felt it was extremely well-written and at points caused me to nearly break down in tears.

Let the Memories Begin! by Mertiya

  • Recommended by vogon42
  • Pairing(s): Jade/Karkat, Terezi/Dave, Sollux/Feferi, Aradia/Equius, Gamzee/Tavros, and slight Vriska/Tavros
  • Synopsis: Four kids. Twelve trolls. The happiest place on earth. Let's do this. Let's make this happen.
  • Comments: While more of a fluff piece than a slash piece, the characters relationships are still pretty key (as well as frickin' adorable to watch). The de-jerkifying of Eridan and Vriska are adorable as well as staying very much in character, and the troll's side adventures are EXTREMELY HUMOROUS. All in all, it's a nice fic that's as fluffy as cotton candy.

Herding Cats by childishGambino

  • Recommended by Dermonster and Flairina
  • Pairing(s): All of them.
    • Matesprits (WIP): Vriska/Kanaya, Tavros/Gamzee, Eridan/Terezi
    • Moiraill (WIP): Nepeta/Equius, Vriska/Tavros, Gamzee/Eridan
    • Auspistice (WIP): Nepeta/Kanaya/Terezi
    • Kissmesis (WIP): Nepeta/Eridan
  • Synopsis: In an alternate session of SGRUB, something goes wrong, and the timeline is doomed. Nepeta Leijon is given the opportunity to give the universe a second chance. All she has to do is complete one simple task: Ship all the trolls. All of them.
  • Comments: A simple premise with mind-breakingly good writing, Gambino manages to perfectly capture the characterization of all of the trolls as Nepeta sinks her devious claws into their matespritships and moirailships. All of them. A fantastic read, highly recommended.

till human voices wake us, and we drown by gogollescent and Quixotic

  • Recommended by merefire
  • Pairing(s): Rose/Dave
  • Synopsis: Dave is a sore winner, and Rose isn’t even sure what they’ve lost.
  • Comments: Starts off quite normally as a story set after the game, but the sense of something being off-kilter becomes stronger until you realize Jade and John have forgotten everything, and Rose and Dave are left to each other to know what exactly happened. Beautiful, tear-jerking and spaced with sad interludes to a chatlog between Rose and Dave, this is definitely in-character and thoughtfully written, and does not solely concentrate on the pairing alone.

What I Used To Be by anxiousAnarchist

  • Recommended by merefire
  • Pairing(s): Vriska/Aradia, Aradia/Sollux
  • Synopsis: Her eyes are on fire, her hands flashing with light and dice, she's prepared herself for the strife of the century, still wearing the spoils of her last doomed conquest - a thin gold ring, no one would notice it but you - on a chain around her neck. "Where is everyone?" she shrieks when she finds you, on the roof of one of the meteor's innumerable buildings. "Where the fuck did everyone go?"
  • Comments: This is one of those fanfictions where you think you are going to cry, but instead exceeds expectations, being tinged with a dull sense of resignation and an intense mode of hopelessness. Gives a background between Vriska and Aradia, and bonds them together in the bleak aftermath of the doomed timeline where Vriska kills Jack, and there are only two gods left in the Veil.

Heroic by stellarbird

  • Recommended by merefire
  • Pairing(s): Vriska/Aradia, Terezi/Vriska, Aradia/Sollux
  • Synopsis: For someone so terrible, you think, Vriska Serket can be very hard to hate.
  • Comments: Jesus Christ, I don't think I have the words; do not read this fanfiction if you have had a bad day. From the heartache of watching Vriska come apart, and the process of watching Aradia's hatred come apart to form a tense moirallegiance, to the tearjerking haircut of Vriska's and the bittersweet ending, you will undoubtedly need many boxes of Kleenex. Brilliantly written.

The Irony of Bubblemates by ros3bud009

  • Recommended by merefire
  • Pairing(s): Dave/Tavros, John/Vriska
  • Synopsis: In which Dave realizes that having Tavros as a bubblemate is stupid in the most ironically enjoyable way.
  • Comments: In where we get a closer examination at doomed Dave and Tavros' shared residence in the afterlife. Warning: This fanfiction IS LONG. Counting at 21 chapters. It's realistic, aching and painful. Character development is not at all rushed for the purpose of the relationship being achieved, and enjoyable. Explores both parties as people, while still retaining their characterization and the fact that they're un-supervised teenagers. Definitely a good read. The cameos of other characters are hilarious, especially Rose and Aradia.

ThInGs AiN't ChIlL, bRo by superlabelgirl

  • Recommended by merefire
  • Pairing(s): One-sided Gamzee/Tavros
  • Synopsis: He didn't want to bother anyone, but things have gotten worse than he could have imagined. Desperate, Gamzee reaches out to his best bro for help. A Trollmegle style chat log charting Gamzee's descent into insanity.
  • Comments: In-character, chilling and sad.

Where Did You Go Once the Lights Went Black by vinnie2757

  • Recommended by merefire
  • Pairing(s): Gamzee/Tavros, pale Karkat/Gamzee
  • Synopsis: You are Gamzee Makara and you are flushed red for Tavros Nitram. But there is too much wrong for it to be right, and in the end you are alone with only the rainbow for company.
  • Comments: Warning for insanity trigger. Holy crap, this is one f'd up fic. It's accurate, considering that Gamzee went psycho and sounded pretty odd before then and scarily in-character. Sad and messy and bloody.

Find A Temple, Build A Temple by EggJam

  • Recommended by NonentityZ
  • Pairing(s): Dirk/Jake
  • Synopsis: This is how it's supposed to be, heaven or no.
  • Comments: Warning slight NSFW. Wonderful characterization as well as being completely in-character as well as a fairly accurate interpretation of the Alpha kids life without Sburb and Apocalypse How. This fic takes a good amount of time to finish but is completely worth it, it will leave one in tears after finishing.

Scarlet and Bible Black by paraTactician

  • Recommended by spacetimecontinuum
  • Pairing(s): Rose/Sollux
  • Synopsis: TT: One is not easily shaken from the broodfester tongues, John. TT: They are stubborn throes.
  • Comments: Warning for descriptions of violence. Wonderful fic for a very under-appreciated rarepair. paraTactician's writing is superb, and both Rose and Sollux are written spot on. Gives an interesting look inside Rose's head. A bit sad, but not a total tear-jerker by any means.

Nightfall by The Neon Werewolf

  • Recommended by linkzeldi
  • Pairing(s): John/Vriska
  • Synopsis: This story takes place after Homestuck ends. Since we don't know the ending as of now, I am going to assume all the Trolls live, and Earth is somehow brought back (or they are in the Alpha universe). And hopefully, by the time Homestuck ends, Vriska will be brought back to life (somehow) and will get to meet John. Then, that is were my story begins. Vriska leaves the Trolls to go live with her best friend, and try out life as a human.
  • Comments: Great artwork, and the main heroes are all in great character. Recommended for any John/Vriska shippers, or just fans of either character.


Crossover Fics

The Sapphire of Alternia by Jim Groovester

  • Recommended by aryashi
  • Synopsis: A crossover with Problem Sleuth, focusing on Sleuth as he attempts to find a necklace for a very powerful lady whilst dealing with murder, gang rivalries, and a lot of mail.
  • Comments: This fic is brilliant. For one thing, it meshes the two worlds beautifully, fitting Problem Sleuth characters into the mythos so well its astounding. Another point in the fics favor is the use of the command function. Periodically the commands will pop up, driving the story much in the same way they did in the original. Its used so effectively that it brings to mind an instrument. While most of the time the commands are used for humor, they also feature in dramatic and revealing ways. Its well written, well plotted, amazingly satisfying, and seriously deserves to be read.

Potterstuck by Ormery (owlpellets)

  • Recommended by lettergirlmj
  • Pairings: None yet, but there may be some in the future
  • Synopsis: Sixteen young people experience the magic of Hogwarts in an alternate universe where trolls and humans coexist on Earth. A number of less young people struggle with magical politics, teaching, the potential end of the world as we know it, and frogs.
  • Comments: This story only has the prologue up at the moment, but it is completely amazing. It blends the world of Homestuck with that of Harry Potter so well that I am left awestruck by how good it is. The characterization is great in this as well. It is definately worth a look. (If anyone would be interested in background info about the story, they can find it on the author's tumblr, under the potterstuck tag here [dead link] )

Jonh Egbert and the Goblet of Sick Fires by Ormery (owlpellets)

  • Recommended by lettergirlmj
  • Pairings: Various, will be revealed as the story goes on
  • Synopsis: This is the next installment in the Potterstuck series, a fanadventure which focuses on the kid's/troll's fifth year at Hogwarts during the Triwizard Tournament!
  • Comments: The adventure is only in the exposition stage at this point, but it already looks amazing. I've already said how great this story is in the entry above, and everything applies here as well!

It's Over Once You Give Up by a mere trifle

  • Recommended by lettergirlmj
  • Synopsis: As if the kids didn't have enough problems without some fuzzy jerk going around granting wishes. And like Dave's issues with time travel needed to get any more awkward... (Madoka spoilers)
  • Comments: Probably the best, or at least the most hilarious, Madoka crossover I've seen so far for this fandom. Mahou Shoujo Dave is amazing all on his own, and everything else is just as great. And Kyubey is just as creepy and manipulative as always.

TARDISstuck (Archive of Our Own link) by dicktective

  • Recommended by Spire Eater
  • Synopsis:A homestuck alternate universe crossover, in which Karkat goes by the name The Sufferer, is half-time lord, and travels around the universe with companions. Together they get caught up in crazy hijinks. With bits of references to both fandoms sprinkled in. Image heavy!
  • Comments: Karkat is a newly regenerated half Timelord, John slacks of with his bro and works in a pub.The TARDIS is a big flirt. This story is only just getting started but the hilarous narration, perfectly characterised Karkat and excelent use of Homestuck style panels all show great promise.

Calvin: Summon a T-REX IN AN F-14 by renquise

  • Recommended by Bardic Feline
  • Synopsis: You and your TIGER have broken a LAMP. What do you do?
  • Comments: After reading this I'm seriously amazed that more people haven't thought to cross Homestuck with Calvin and Hobbes. I can't even begin to tell you why this is so perfect and so wonderful without spoiling some of the best moments. My sole complaint is that I wish it were longer; as it stands, it is short and sweet, and everyone is completely in character. Bonus points for getting Problem Sleuth in there and making it work in the most hilarious way possible.

Seriously, nothing I say can do this one proper justice, just go and read it.

Angst, Contemplation by Broba-fett (includes part 2 and part 3)

  • Recommended by nanakiro
  • Synopsis: The universe has been destroyed, and in its place, another almost like it; almost, but not quite. The kids live a normal life in this new universe, hanging out and all that good stuff, and everything seems almost right. Then a strange man in a bowtie slowly starts confronting all of them about what once was and will never be...
  • Comments: Words cannot describe how this story is in its entirety. What I can say, however, is that the story is well-written, with all the kids spot on. The Doctor was a nice touch, though. The writer even got his quirks and speaking pattern right, he did. What happens at the end, though, I cannot say due to spoilers, but it was really heartwarming. All in all, a good Doctor Who crossover; it even sounds like a rough plot for an episode.

Aliens Are The New Black By Calamity Jane

  • Reccomended by Firestarter
  • Synopsis: Sollux Captor finds himself in Ponyville, inexplicably attached to the back of Rarity. Hilarity Ensues.

IT Bound by Ilwy

  • Recommended by misscoffee
  • Synopsis: Karkat is given a job as head of IT in Ampora Induseas. Problem is, he doesn't know anything about computers.
  • Comments: I'm not sure if I should call this a crossover since it's more like a fusion fic. When I first began reading it I'd never even heard of the series this is based on (The IT Crowd) so I can tell you you don't need to know anything about the series to like this fanventure. It updates much less often than something like Bt SDLB, but the art is good and it's funny even without knowing the series it's based on.

Alternate Universe Fics

Alternate Universe Fics

Be the Sea Dweller Lowblood by ckret2

  • Recommended by lettergirlmj
  • Paring(s): Various, mainly Eridan/Nepeta, although which quadrant they will fall in is anyone's guess at this point

Miracle Child by bramblePatch

  • Recommended by: whitesouldragon
  • Pairing(s): Gamzee<>Karkat, Gamzee<3Tavros
  • Synopsis: More than two sweeps after being returned to a restored Alternia, the trolls face impending adulthood and banishment from the planet. Gamzee Makara fully expects to be culled on conscription for poor health and sopor addiction - what he doesn't count on is the personal attention and protection of the Grand Highblood.
  • Comments: A very interesting look into troll society for kids who are only just becoming adults. So far the narration has focused entirely on Gamzee's experiences (which remind me very much of Ender's Game) as a Subjugglator-in-training, but there are ongoing hints in the background of possible revolution. Definitely worth a look, at the very least.
  • Warnings: Explicit Violence, Physical and Emotional Abuse, Gore, Character Death

Marchingstuck by Urban_Anchorite and Schellibie

  • Recommended by: ClockStopping, TheDoctorsCompanion, Flairina
  • Pairings: Various, including but not limited to John/Karkat, Dave/Terezi, Rose/Kanaya, Karkat<>Kanaya, John<>Vriska, Equius<>Nepeta, one-sided Equius/Aradia, and one-sided Eridan/everyone. There is het, slash, and femslash.
  • Synopsis: (Synposis from Urban_Anchorite): Schellibie and I, on a whim, ended up talking about her concept of a Marching Band AU (henceforth referred to as "marchingstuck" because Shelby hasn't given me a better name HURRY UP SHELBY). A couple hours later, this shambled out our mental birth canals as a malformed, partly-illustrated monster, with the most inane and beautiful AU setting of all time. This will only prove appealing to people who have been in marching band or people who have played instruments. (NOTE TO ORCHESTRA KIDS: THERE IS A RUDE LINE ABOUT ORCHESTRAS. WE KNOW IT IS TRUE)
  • Tags: Gen Fic, Slash Fic, Het, Crack Fic, Alternate Universe Fic, High School AU

Red Dead Virgo by adamantApoplectic

  • Recommended by Kyouger
  • Pairing(s): One sided Kanaya/Vriska, and confusing trollmance with the other characters though nothing physical has happened to far. It is not the main focus of the story.
  • Synopsis: AU fic: A complete change in all the blood colors of the trolls has given them different abilities and relationships. Kanaya the redblood decided to reveal herself to her friends and is practically lynched because of it.
  • Comments: Very interesting showing of how different the characters would be if they were put on different areas of the hemospectrum. Kanaya is the focus and plays the part of The Woobie depressingly well, what with her mutant blood color.
    • The stories aren't written in chronological order, so the reader should be unconcerned if an unclicked link suddenly appears in the middle of a bunch of other. The amazing thing is how these stories were all done before certain recent events, which makes many Funny Aneurysm Moments.
    • Has been given a trope page.

Violetescence by lucidSeraph

  • Recommended by Kassiopeia
  • Synopsis: In a parallel universe, we take a look at an alternate universe Dave, raised by Ms. Lalonde. Something of a crossover with House of Leaves and an AU to Red Dead Virgo above.
  • Comments: This series grows from a simple premise into something uniquely disturbing, intriguing, and beautiful, rich with literary allusion. Due to an AO3 error, most of the series is orphaned; more recent chapters are over here.

Rag Doll by Ember

  • Recommended by Yubi Shines
  • Synopsis: AU after the Hegemonic Brute's death. Jack Noir offers the Parcel Mistress a job, seeing as he's out one lackey. Seeing an opportunity to strike back at the Sovereign Slayer, she accepts. Warning: Some on-screen violence.
  • Pairing(s): Onesided Jack -> PM
  • Comments: Engaging and brilliant, PM's slow realization of what she's gotten herself into and how far she's gone and will have to go is chilling and deeply claustrophobic. The dynamic between PM and Jack is fantastic, as are her interactions with CD and DD. Some of the details of the rest of the game are no longer canon but they're not too hard to ignore.

Cities In Dust by Cephied_Variable

  • Reccomended by GG Crono
  • Synopsis: Alternate Universe. Dave Strider a hard-boiled human detective. His new partner is a crazy legislacerator. Together, they solve murders.
  • Comments: Brilliantly written. All the characterizations are spot-on and the world is well-built. Comes with accompanying images and, in places, thematic musical accompaniment!

Mostly Harmless by inverts

  • Recommended by lettergirlmj
  • Pairings: John/Karkat later on in the fic
  • Synopsis: AU. John and Karkat unwillingly present an illustrated guide: How to Explore the Southwestern United States of America and Avoid the Feds on Under $25 a Day! Or "the story of how John-the-intern helped an alien escape from Roswell and is now on the run from the Feds." (Warnings for implied torture and character death.)
  • Comments: This story is amazing. The writing is great, the characterization is fantastic, and the plot is incredibly well put together. Although Karkat and John are the focus of the fic, the rest of the kids play a big part as well. I cannot say enough good things about this story.

In which four children play god by Meteors

  • Recommended by The Holiday Batman
  • Pairings: None
  • Synopsis: Four children from a session which would not yield fruit were given a second a chance. This time, everything fell into place. No Jack Noir, Tumor, no unnecessary deaths. As the four creators of the new universe went to claim their prize, SBURB played one final, cruel trick upon them. In order for John, Dave, Rose, and Jade to earn their new universe, they must prove themselves in one final test. It is their duty as gods to create a new world that will prove them to be worthy of cultivating the universe they have been teased with for so long. Things do not go as planned.(feat. artwork by Kerez)
  • Comments: Just beginning, but planned for multiple chapters. Only a few scant guesses can be made as to what happens in the first chapter, and things quickly shift gears to a much less grim setting which focuses on a town where monsters such as imps and ogres are invading. With the monsters aside, a lot of things seem very out of place and several characters and allusions from names to scenery come off as disturbingly familiar.

Kcutsemoh by X15lm204

  • Recommended by Desiderii
  • Synopsis: Four kids finally reach the end of their game only to have victory violently torn from their grasp. Retreating to the Veil, they are surprised by an unsolicited donation from, of all sources, an alien girl from the universe they created! Who are these troll douchebags?
  • Comments: A very interesting premise (role reversal) combined with hilarious in-character interactions and fascinating differences from canon.

Phone Home by White Mage Koorii

  • Recommended by lettergirlmj
  • Pairing: Eventual John/Karkat
  • Synopsis: The universe has been rebooted and now fate charts a new course. Karkat Vantas is revealed for the mutant blood he is, and in his escape winds up stranded on Earth. (Warning: Major Character Death)
  • Comments: Starts out heartbreaking and stays that way until we meet John again in a later chapter. John makes everything fun and hilarious even when things get sad. The premise is great, the characterization is amazing, and that is all I can say at the moment.

Frontierstuck by ShinjiShazaki

  • Recommended by lettergirlmj
  • Pairing(s): Rose/Kanaya, John/Vriska, Kanaya<>Karkat
  • Synopsis: An elaborate AU in which 1920s-era versions of the kids and their guardians were transported to Western-frontier-Alternia as a result of a failed alchemy experiment. Three sweeps have past since the day they arrived on Alternia, and, with the death of their guardians, the kids must try to survive the hostile planet and destroy the monster they created as a result of their experiment. Contains fake alchemy, bizarre alien romance, a quest for vengeance, and, most importantly, pirates & cowboys.
  • Comments: This fic is beautifully detailed, particularly during the fight scenes, and has perfect characterization. Also, John is a pirate. What more could you ask for?

Sburb Patch Notes by Chaotic Cadenza and Orngjce223. Current thread (previous thread)

  • Recommended by: Dreamgor
  • Pairing(s): Low or no shipping in the first thread, low on shipping in the second with two pairings between two of the characters so far.
  • Synopsis: A Play By Post Game, summed up at the beginning of the second thread: "Welcome to Skaianet Laboratories, home of the unusual hijinks of the developers who patch Sburb. Wait, no, not the kind of developers you're used to. More like... oh, let's say troubleshooters? Experience in Sburb is technically optional, but highly recommended, since there is physical combat involved. For our Admins, especially; since Admins are required to do all the legwork in regards to the largest villains and greatest plotlines that Skaianet sees on a regular basis." Daily doses of Reality Warping, Crazy Awesome, is in the job description. A better, if lengthier summary can be found at it's TV Tropes page, since this description is not doing it justice at all.
  • Tags: Play By Post Game, Elsewhere Fic

Harmonystuck by (Calamity)

Strider's Edge by paraTactician

  • Recommended by Meta Four
  • Synopsis: John Egbert begins attending Oxford and soon finds himself making friends with "the odd set", particularly the wealthy and eccentric Dave Lalond and his circle of highblood troll chums. Good times and romance ensue, and then everything goes to hell.
    In the author's own words: "This fic will tackle, in no particular order, themes such as memory, justice, desire, friendship, beauty, and revenge. Also pretension. Pretension will feature in a big way."
  • Comments: Sort of a crossover with Brideshead Revisited, sort of a pastiche of the same; resulting in an interesting mix of 1920's-ish prose in a modern-day setting. The author clearly put a lot of thought into how a mixed society of trolls and humans would function. This story will break your heart if you're not careful.

Brainbent by VastDerp (mostly)

  • Recommended by L 33 tminion
  • Synopsis: Young adults in a therapeutic setting have adventures, learn lessons and engage in sloppy makeouts. (Trigger Warning for mental illness and talks of suicide)
  • Comments: By the author of Kagerou (with a few community contributions). Much of it is done in an interactive, ask-the-characters style.
    • This is definately one of the most well thought out mental health institute AUs I have seen for the fandom. The characterization is flawless, and everything seems to have been researched thoroughly, which is important for an AU that deals with such sensitive material. Definately give it a try.
    • Leliel has now made the bare bones of a trope page in search of some Wiki Magic.

Goodnight, Nepeta by missazrael

  • Recommended by Acey Enn
  • Synopsis: Nepeta survived Gamzee's beating, but was left with severe brain damage, causing Karkat to become her caretaker. Told from Karkat's point of view. Better than it sounds. Trigger warning: Karkat kills her.
  • Comments: Bring the tissues—this is one of the few Homestuck fanfics that I've ever gotten even remotely emotional at. The writing is masterful, and while the story is incredibly bleak, it's definitely worth a read, especially if you like angst.

For Nothing by livethekind

  • Recommended by merefire
  • Synopsis: You’re not sure how to make everyone remember after the Scratch. So you remember it in your dreams, sometimes, when the world is ending. And now you really can't fix it.
  • Comments: What would have happened to the kids if they hadn't played Sburb. Eerie and nostalgic to the point where you wish they had played Sburb.

four titles by liquidCitrus

  • Recommended by Nabi
  • Pairing(s): none
  • Synopsis: How does it feel for the 4 kids to wield all these immense powers? It's hard. It's hard and nobody understands. Warnings: AU with no Reckoning. Dark prose.

LEDE, by undersaffiresky

  • Recommended by whitesouldragon
  • Pairing(s): None
  • Synopsis: The Scratch is called a hard reset for a reason. It means starting over from square one with a clean slate. Memories don’t come with the package, or aren’t supposed to, but you guess the game made you some kind of special exception (hahaha hehehe), because you remember. You remember everything, and you don’t know what to think.
  • Comments: Follow scratched!Dave through the years of foster care, of regaining his memories of the game, of searching endlessly for his friends in a world gone wrong, of finding Dirk, of coming to terms with his new role to play in the procreation of the universe. If ever there was a perfect fic detailing the heartbreaking story of the new Guardians, this is it.

The Tale of Archane by DocBeard

  • Recommended by Javer
  • Pairing(s): none
  • Synopsis: She who would dare speak the truth to the gods must face the consequences. Rose has always been a little...off, and her initiation into the mysteries of enlightenment have just broadened the gap between her and her loved ones. Can the world's youngest ectobiologist save his friend from herself? What hungers in the back alleys of Derse, the Nightmare Planet?
  • Comments: Some graphic violence. Suspenseful and tinged heavily with Primal Fear. Prepare for a friendship aneurysm.

Just Saying "Get Better" by ribswrite

  • Recommended by SHM
  • Synopsis: AU in which everybody's human; the trollkids are patients at a psychiatric hospital and the kids are staff members
  • Comments: This started on Homesmut, filling a prompt asking for the trollkids getting treatment for their mental health issues and the kids acting as their therapists/staff. The characterisation is wonderful, the fact that the writer has spent time in psychiatric hospitals himself shows in a good way, but what's especially nice about it is the emotive and suspenseful plot following the progress and healing of the kids. We don't merely get a big nice Dysfunction Junction: In spite of the heavy material and tragic happenings it's actually a very optimistic and sweet story since they do get better.
    An interesting factoid is that both the prompter and the writer didn't know Brainbent existed for a long time, thus we get two equally excellent and independent takes on the same premise (HS characters in therapeutical setting)

Sburb Character Creation Guide by Xalrath

  • Recommended by orngjce223
  • Synopsis: Sburb is a game, and instead of destroying the world, it has a community of devoted players - speedrunners, glitch-finders, walkthrough-writers, n00bs, you name it. One of the highest-ranked players in the game decides to write another in the line of the many walkthroughs that went after tentacleTherapist took the game from "forgotten" to "cult classic" status. Problem is, Sburb has an essentially vertical learning curve, and it has game balance issues. Big ones. It is left up to the player whether these issues are balanced out by Sburb's freakish and possibly superhuman attention to detail and the sheer depth of the narrative, but those who play the game believe the tradeoff to be worth it. ...Usually.

"I’m honestly torn sometimes as to whether Skaianet were misunderstood geniuses or just insanely lucky idiots."

  • Comments: Packed chock full of references in the naming of the abilities. Written in walkthrough-style. Full disclosure: this recommender has written another work in the same universe that links to all other works in this universe. Veers away from canon significantly for the god-tier ascension rules (among other things), but frequently references said canon and returns to it repeatedly for inspiration.
  • Tags: Sburb mechanics exploration

Out of His Depth AU

  • Recommended by merefire
  • Pairing(s): Dave/Tavros, mainly, with a bit of Karkat/John and Rose/Kanaya
  • Synopsis: AU where all the kids and trolls meet up in the Veil. Dave Strider and Tavros Nitram help each other with their problems, and maybe fall in love along the way.
  • Comments: An alternate universe where all the trolls are alive and they are all in the meteor together. Dave befriends Tavros, and helps him build actual self-confidence. They fall in love along the way, and the way that both of them deal with it is portrayed realistically. In the midst of it all, they prepare to battle with Lord English and the Condesce. Definitely a good read for Dave/Tavros fans, and is written well.

Notes From A Doomed Timeline by Kassiopeia

  • Recommended by raequiem
  • Synopsis: Rose needs a mentor. Jack needs a friend. This will not end well. (Post Bec-prototyping)
  • Comments: Perfect characterizations coupled with stunning art. Involves lots of angst and some heart-wrenching deaths because this is, after all, a doomed timeline. One of my personal favorites.

We're All Doomed by SeptimusMagistos [dead link]

  • Recommended by CCIB and Oodj, Mazz, Flairina
  • Synopsis: Vriska does not stop John from prototyping with the doll. As a result, the kids and the trolls both have to deal with being stuck in a doomed timeline.
  • Comments: Much like RDV, the characters have changed, but are still recognizable. Several aspects of the troll's storyline actually go for the better, and it's filled with many crowning moments of awesome, heartwarming, and funny as well. It has currently concluded with fifteen chapters and an epil0gue.
  • Has a trope page

Pantheon by a_mere_trifle

  • Recommended by Decemberin Blue
  • Synopsis: An AU series where the trolls have stolen the kids' victory and rule over humans with an iron fist. Each story is a self-contained variation on a theme: how one kid handles being the sole survivor, and the way they dismantle the Pantheon.
  • Comments: A heart-twisting, masterfully written series of 'what-if's. a_mere_trifle explores concepts of grief, loss, duty, and survival with crystal clear characterization and exacting prose.

Shipjammed by Cephied_Variable

  • Recommended by birchsalt
  • Pairing(s): Dave/Terezi
  • Synopsis: After SBURB, the kids are stranded on a newly restored Alternia where they are forced to deal with all kinds of terrible, crazy alien crap like troll dating and getting shot with laser guns and intergalactic freedom movements. In space, no one can hear you be ironic.
  • Comments: A genuinely funny, intriguing, plot-heavy AU done (complete with mixed media!) very much in the Homestuck style. Concentrates mainly on an older Dave's freedom-fighter POV, which is pitch perfect. This troper recommends you read if only for the intricately crafted look at troll society, but you'll stay for Eridan's self-styled Anti-Hero.

You Are Dave Strider by missazrael

  • Recommended by: phazonfarmer
  • Synopsis: You are Dave Strider. When you were thirteen, you played a computer game with your friends. You were the Knight of Time. Now you're not.
  • Comments: A kinda-sorta AU Fic. After the Scratch, the kids were unable to escape its effects, and were forced to relive their lives. In a bit of a twist, Dave has retained all of his memories of Sburb, and is now coping with his new life.

Veil Death by Writerfag

  • Recommended by Nidorina
  • Pairing(s): Some very brief Karkat/Terezi and Karkat/Kanaya.
  • Synopsis: The trolls have been trapped in The Veil for months with no hope of escape. A cannibalistic pact is made as they run out of food in a futile attempt to keep them from starving or from going insane. Everybody eats.
  • Comments: Calling it "dark" only puts it mildly. Probably not for the squeamish, even though the eating is never explicitly described.

Trailstuck by Pookie776

  • Recommended by Paper Duck
  • Pairing(s): Slight Gamzee/Tavros.
  • Synopsis: Gamzee, Tavros, Equius, Nepeta, and Eridan set off in search of the miraculous city of Oregon. Hilarity Ensues.
  • Comments: This takes the form of a series of chatlogs inspersed with screencaps from Oregon Trail, used to hilarious effect. The characterization is good, and it manages to be genuinely touching as well. However, as anyone acquainted with Oregon Trail knows, characters have a tendency to die suddenly without much warning- bring tissues.

Time To Change or To Change Time by Sakilya

  • Recommended by fortunecookieb and Flairina
  • Synopsis: Post-Sgrub the trolls are sent back to a restored Alternia, only to find themselves in the distant past in the middle of an rebellion. The trolls have arrived in the Sufferer's time! It remains to be seen how or if this will affect the course of history on Alternia.
  • Comments: Each chapter is told from the perspective of two different trolls. So far they have all been very intriguing and entertaining to read, especially Gamzee's and Terezi's parts. At this point the group is still split up and one group has met the Signless and his followers. Other ancestors have made appearances too.
  • Pairing(s): Pale Gamzee/Karkat, pale Nepeta/Equius, & pale Sollux/Aradia. Possibly others later on.

Knitting, or, My Life In Yarn: A Rose Lalonde Story by raequiem

  • Recommended by merefire
  • Pairing(s): Slight Rose/John, Dave/Jade
  • Synopsis: Rose knits. And contemplates. And knits. And fights. And knits. And knits.
  • Comments: Told from Rose's perspective, it tracks how Rose copes through knitting and gives a depth to her character as the four kids struggle through a doomed timeline together. Has Crowning Moment of Heartwarming between the kids, and will definitely warm the eldritch tentacles of any horrorterror.

As it Should Be by Shayera

  • Recommended by: KuyanJ
  • Synopsis: The human kids get transported to sufferer-era Alternia, and meet the ancestors.
  • Tags: AU, description of violence

>Connect by Biichama, Inverts, Renachan and Roachpatrol

  • Recommended by: Flairina
  • Synopsis: Humans get turned into trolls and sent to an alternate Alternia where there were troll versions of them, trolls get turned human and sent to an alternate Earth where there were/are human versions of them, everyone plays another game of S Burb together in hope of escaping.
  • Tags: AU, species swap

Patronswap by Five Tail

  • Recommended by merefire
  • Synopsis: In which the ectosiblings switch patron trolls before the start of the Sburb. (Relationships tentative and subject to change as the series progresses. & is a spoiler censor for quadrant.)
  • Pairing(s): (quadrants are mostly unconfirmed) Jade/Vriska, John/Karkat, Rose/Terezi, Kanaya/Dave, Eridan/Karkat, Gamzee/Terezi, Ashen Kanaya/Rose/Vriska
  • Comments: Jade and John switch patron trolls, as do Rose and Dave. Suddenly things get so much more hilarious, Vriska and Jade are adorable together and Dave and Kanaya KICK RAP ASS. Most definitely one of the best AU's I've read though it's all in pesterlog form. Illustrated nicely and FULL OF GENIUS. READ THIS, SERIOUSLY.

Sburb Glitch FAQ by Gods Gift To Grinds

  • Recommended by orngjce223
  • Synopsis: Sburb is a broken game. It retroactively edits your world to include a temple, installation/debug NPC (the one that shoots out green radiation and yellow lightning), and a mass-produced game called Sburb. It assigns you a title. It makes you hate your Denizen, then grudgingly care about him, then kill him. It is often bugged, with dummied-out titles, useless variables, and quests that don't always work properly. And guess what else is broken? The door to the Ultimate Reward. That's right, all you can do once you've finished your game is mash the "Replay" button and get dumped into another game with a new set of powers you'll have to unlock all over again. This is a walkthrough FAQ written by one of the players who is affected by this looping bug. Worldbuilding, with heaping helpings of hilarious and heartbreaking. (Bonus: nearly all the names of the things inside the game are named after all the tracks on the Homestuck soundtrack.)
  • Tags: Sburb mechanics exploration AU

The Troll War by Outside_Context_Problem

  • Recommended by X15lm204
  • Synopsis: A peaceful Earth, five major powers united in global governance. An International Space Service, exploring the stars for new homes and signs of life. An ever-expanding Alternia, convinced of its own supremacy, willing to tolerate no threats, willing to acknowledge no others. A species with a history drowning in its own blood, in turning on itself, in destroying anything that seems other, in taking any excuse for a war. (That last one was humanity. Trolls are about to find out they've made a big fucking mistake.)
  • Comments: A sci-fi/space opera adventure in the greatest traditions. Contains spaaaaaaaace, relationship shuffling, weird clone shit, political nonsense, occasional horrific violence, not-actually-so-bad grimdarkifying, command angst, lampshade hanging, liberally spread badassitude, spacetime shenanigans, and more!

Battlefield Terra, by Asuka Kureru (Askerian)

  • Recommended by Leliel
  • Pairings: Promises to be John/Karkat
  • Synopsis: John Egbert is one of the line of clone Super Soldier mecha pilots, fighting a long, grueling war against a mysterious, enigmatic race of Big Creepy-Crawlies who have attacked Earth for reasons unknown. He's found his peace with it: See Evil Space Monster, Shoot Evil Space Monster. It's an okay life...
    • ...right up until he crashes a recurrent nemesis of his, and discovers (much to his horror), that the "aliens" are actually the Organic Technology mecha of a certain race of horned humanoids. After saving the pilot despite his Starfish Language protests, John is faced with the unenviable task of protecting him from Sociopathic Soldier Jack Noir and attempting to decode the language of a grouchy alien who doesn't even hear in the same range as humans. Will this lead to peace between humans and trolls? Or at least, discovering why they invaded? Only time will tell...
  • Comments: Only three chapters in, and I wish this was a real webcomic or anime series. Words cannot describe the sheer Character Development in the first chapter alone, and seeing What Measure Is a Non-Human? being tossed out the window is always welcome. The other trolls have not appeared yet, but the author promises Vriska, Gamzee, and Tavros have been promised to have roles.

Schoolgirlstuck, by Latia (with illustrations by various artists)

  • Recommended by CCIB
  • Pairings: John/Rose, implied Dave/Terezi, and implied Kanaya/Vriska
  • Tags: Alternate Universe Fic, Half Rule 63
  • Synopsis: They say lilies represent the love between girls. And yet, John Egbert has always preferred roses. The John/Rose Entry for Round 1 of the Homestuck Shipping Olympics, complete with illustrations!
  • Comments: A very interesting look at John/Rose from a genderbent perspective - well, half-genderbent, anyway. In the authors own words, "There's a reason I called it Schoolgirlstuck". Very sweet and funny, and does an excellent job of subverting and lampshading cliches.

Home Is Where The Heart Is, by celynBrum

  • Recommended by lettergirlmj
  • Pairings: Various, Karkat<>Gamzee being the most prominent.
  • Synopsis: The representitives of a race of newcomers fight to give their people a home on Earth- but even without the deadly killer stalking the streets of LA, just surviving is hard enough for some. Can humans and aliens work together to build a better future? Or is it all doomed to end in bloodshed? One thing is for sure - for sixteen teenagers, this is going to be a dangerous week.
  • Comments: The integration of trolls into human society is portrayed in a fantastically unique way. The characterization is perfect, and the plot is griping enough to keep you begging for more. The author updates every week, and the story is just about finished! Check it out sometime.

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