< Homestuck < WMG


The Sufferer's Righteous Leggings are Fedora Freak's Tall Pants

Somehow, due to the nature of Paradox Space, Fedora Freak's Tall Pants made its way into the troll's universe.

Kanaya's Vampiric Transformation was intended to restore the Troll race.

There is a reason why Kanaya was groomed to be a Rainbow Drinker, and why she has been drinking the various bloods of friend and foe alike. That reason? She's a failsafe in case something happened to the Matriorb. She's collecting the fluids in a similar way the Mother Grub collects them - to mix together and recreate new trolls from the slurry. How she does so is still anyone's guess, but there must be a reason to her methods.

Gamzee will end up killing Bec Noir.

This is the reason why Gamzee was labled as the most important character in the comic. The Miracles video Dave linked to him broke the Juggalo's mind severely to the point of possibly self-mutilation, a similar psychotic break happening to a devote Christian being shown Jesus doing something incredibly blasphemous according to Christianity. Plus the fact that Gamzee's been almost entirely ignored by EVERYONE'S plotting and scheming due to his normally laid back nature would make him managing to defeat Bec Noir all the more mind blowing plot twist if only for the sheer unexpected nature of such an occurence.

That, or Andrew called Gamzee that to mess with us.

  • How will Gamzee manage it? A MoThErFuCkIn MiRaClE.
  • If the theory that Gamzee is Lord English is true, he would be far more powerful than Bec Noir.
  • What's the only card that can beat the Ace? A Joker.
    • It was a joke. Bec Noir can blow up planets at will, Gamzee can kill individuals very well. It's like a gun versus a bomb. One's great at killing but the other is just simply exponentially more powerful
    • Who's saying Gamzee can't blow up planets either? He merely hasn't just yet.
      • Um Gamzee's attack nearly wiped out their [[{Eldritch Abomination]] of an endboss...which was the SIZE of a planet...
  • Let's not forget who else was watching when Hussie mentioned the "most important character"...

Aradia's dreamself had been awake since her death, but glitched because she hadn't entered the medium yet.

Dreamselves awaken in case of death, but because she hadn't entered the Medium, her soul couldn't travel to her dream-body. Her soul became trapped to wander Alternia until Sgrub happened, while her dreamself apparently attained maximum power and became trapped in the core of Derse.

  • Plausible at least, simply because nobody else in canon has been shown to be a ghost in the real world

Gamzee has been manipulating Vriska to make his cult's prophecy come true.

When Dave introduced him to Insane Clown Posse, Gamzee called it blasphemy, and remembered his true nature, before the Faygo and Slime Pies addled his mind. As each troll has their own power related to their game title, whatever his is allowed him to control Vriska, and make her actions to create Bec Noir her own when he is acting through her to achieve his goals. Included in this manipulation was for Jadesprite to exist, which plays a big part in his plans for Trolls and Kids to take his cult seriously, and create the mythical paradise planet his cult believes, compared to before; and on a side note, despite everyone believing he is an export of Juggalos, he is actually a believer of something completely different and far worse, like possibly Lord English and the Green Sun. Further proof of this includes how his miracle modus, and his clubs, contain colors of the rainbow, and a variant of one of the demon clowns in his posters will turn out to be Lord English's form. Heck, let's say looking at the colors are actually Lord English downloading commands into his mind to trigger later, initiating the end of the Trolls' and Kids' universes.

  • Well, not Guardian-level inauspicious, but if you comb back through the descriptions of different troll castes, read about the subJUGGulators. Or just check out the Highblood.
    • Gamzee's too insane to plan something like this.
    • This troper thinks not. He's very methodical, when one stops to think about it for a moment.
    • Again, insanity does not equal stupidity.
      • Gamzee has never demonstrated this, though he does seem to be loosely working with Doc and is fond of Cal.

Eridan destroyed the Matriorb to live out his old fantasies of genocide

He is pretty much slaughtering everyone for the hell of it at this point, and destroying the Matriorb was just a dick move. Eridan's decided that now that he actually can wipe out all the land-dwellers with his SCIENCE power... he will.

  • This troper believes that it had more to do with his role as the Prince of Hope, rather than this. Especally when the orb 'Hopesplodes' when he destroyed it.
  • Or, considering the influence that titles can have on the individual before the game begins, it's always possible that Eridan had all those aspirations of mass genocide BECAUSE of his status as the 'destroyer of hope'. Eridan took the opportunity, and since it does relate to his title, it was 'hopesploded' anyway. So in essence, both of these could be right.

Rainbow Drinker Kanaya is still in total control of her rational facilities, and will not be going on a murderous rampage.

The only reason she sucked Feferi's blood was because the high-quality-ness of it is irresistable to rainbow drinkers. Other than that, she's just like she was before, except with a gaping hole in her uterus and, presumably, much harder to kill.

  • Actually makes a decent amount of sense. While she has attacked Gamzee, Vriska, and Eridan, they kind of had it coming - Gamzee has gone comepletely Ax Crazy and murderous; Eridan not only went on a murderius rampage and "killed" Kanaya, he also doomed the entire troll race by destroying the Matriorb; and Vriska is a BLUH BLUH HUGE BITCH.
  • Also, she only killed Eridan, and dealt with the other two in a nonlethal manner.
    • Still up in the air. She's going to kill Gamzee as of latest developments with her.

Gamzee's WTF attack against the Black King

Was The Bunny. He has access to every weapon due to Jokerkind, including the Warhammer of Zillyhoo, one of The Bunny's weapons. Naturally, he'd have use of The Bunny itself as well, since John has Bunnykind in his Strife Deck.

  • The Bunny is a unique weapon that has basically no way outside of Jack to reach the Troll's session and Gamzee couldn't repair it if he found it anyways.
  • The Warhammer of Zillyhoo is also a universally unique weapon and yet Gamzee weilds it.
    • It is a past version of the Warhammer, which The Bunny recieves just as it recieves Ahab's Crosshairs- the Warhammer gets transferred to the kids or otherwise makes it into the hands of Jade's grandson, who gives it to teh Bunny, and John takes it off the Bunny.

The Matriorb Will Be Restored

Kanaya will instruct Karkat, the only one of the group with the necessary experience, to appearify a copy of the Matriorb. Because it is destined to be destroyed, it will instead produce a ghost image. After a few more attempts, the appearifier will have enough genetic material to create one or more new Matriorbs.

  • For that matter... it looks like she used its code to alchemize a chainsaw. Considering Trollian's transtemporal viewscreen, that code may be recoverable. And we've already seen that there are Alchemiters and probably totem lathes in this asteroid.
    • She does have the code still. The grist cost is huge though.

When Kanaya became a Rainbow Drinker, she wandered around in a trance for a while before regaining consciousness

Here, Kanaya sees bite marks appear on Terezi's neck to her apparent surprise. Shortly after, she disappears from the Dream Bubble. The fact that Kanaya is still in the Dream Bubble at this point indicates that she's still unconscious. At this time her body was moving entirely on instinct, seeking out blood so she had enough strength to fully revive. The blood from Terezi put her over the top, so she awoke, whereupon her first action was to bandage Terezi's neck.

Since Karkat was closest to the new universe before the scratch, his ideas had the most influence on it

All humans have red blood, for instance. One troll (I forget which, I think Vriska when she is talking to John) says that Karkat would have been better off as a human- maybe because he created the human's psychology to resemble his own.

  • That also explains why humans only have one type of romance, Karkat always was a fan of romcoms after all.
  • "AG: He likes to pretend he's all vicious and 8loodthirsty, 8ut I know he 8n't got that in him. I have a sense for these things. AG: He'd 8e so pissed if he heard me say this, 8ut I think he'd cut it 8etter as a human than as a troll."

His Honorable Tyranny is still alive

Just because Mindfang managed to leave doesn't mean he died. He could have decided to let her leave after a brief sparring. Or after she caused massive damage.

The Rainbow Drinker subculture is a haven of monosexuality.

That's how Kanaya is a lesbian. It kind of makes sense, if you don't think about it too hard.

Karkat is an empath.

Lower blood colors are shown to have stronger psychic abilities; Karkat's mutation doesn't exempt him, it simply masks which class he would be, which is exactly the class his astrological order implies. This is why he's good at reading people, hearing their problems and telling them what the need to hear. This is also why he's so foul-tempered; trolls aren't very pleasant to be around even when you can't feel their emotions. In "[S] Kanaya: Return to the core" when Equius offers to brotherly hug with his sweaty body, and Karkat recoils with a: "Don't touch me." This is how Karkat feels in his mind, all the time.

  • He would have known that Terezi knew his blood color then.
    • Empathic isn't the same as telepathic. He could have deduced she knows anyway, but as long as he doesn't know that, he isn't going to bring up something he's so self-conscious about. He's touchier about it than anything else, so he probably doesn't like dwelling on it himself.
    • If he can feel emotions constantly, he could have read Terezi like a book presumably because there's no way someone wouldn't have been at least surprised about his blood. I dunno, the main flaw with this is that if Karkat had this power, it would've already been apparent like with all the others. Also, if he had powers like this he wouldn't have needed Vriska to nudge Jack's mind for him.
    • Perhaps his powers are weak naturally (like John had little wind control) but would become incredibly strong if he reached God Tier?

The Mother Grub creates some type of chemical or psychic signal or something similar that compells trolls born from it to remain loyal to the Empress and caste system.

But since the trolls and their ancestors were created by ectobiology instead they're free of that compulsion, which is why most of the ancestors we've learned of so far have been traitors or criminals and why most of the trolls, though too young to do much in the way of rebelling yet, mostly don't seem to care at all about the hemospectrum and why many of them have decidedly untrollish personalities. Of course, they're also free to buy completely into the status quo, so some of them do.

  • Problem with the above, The Summoner and The Sufferer were able to lead rebellions with normal trolls. Unless some of the trolls are able to copy the signals, there's no way it could work.
    • There is, if the trolls who followed them were able to overcome their base instincts. Trolls are not exactly disposed toward doing this, if the violent nature of their world is any indication, but that's why the majority of trolls follow the Empire in the first place.

The Mother Grub is not a natural part of the Troll lifecycle

Trolls used to reproduce in a manner not that dissimilar to Homo sapiens, their human-like sexual dimorphism is a relic of this period and the Mother Grub is a biotechnological intervention. The filial pail is part of this technological innovation as this form of reproduction required considerable alterations to the Troll's own biology in order to work. Due to these modifications, they are almost certainly sterile without the aid of the mother grub by this point. The Lususii are a part of this program of biological alteration and augmentation as well; allowing the trolls to outsource child-rearing as well as childbearing. Most likely, the Imperial Drones are a component as well.

There are several possible reasons for this change. Amongst others: freeing female trolls from having to bear their young or raise them, increased reproductive efficiency so that the vast hosts needed to conquer and hold their massive interstellar empire could be bred; or purely for reasons of ideology.

Whatever the reason for this, it was done well outside of living memory; likely even before the time of the ancestors.

No matter what advantage this lent the Alternian Empire, it has certainly doomed what remains of it as the trolls are effectively extinct; as of current events/timeline at least.

Every single dead troll/person will somehow get revived, be it the Scratch, The Windy Thing, shenanigans, offshoot timelines, whatever.

Because god dammit I'm going to cry.

    • the bodycount has decreased by at least one for now. Two if it wasn't a just killing. God damn you Scratch, messing with everyone
      • this troper is kinda lost on what just happened but that it will not matter much in the end because she predicts Vriska, Terezi and Karkat will all die.
      • Confirmed... All events that happened will always happen, regardless of whether or not the timeline is a doomed one. However death means very little in this series.
        • Exept Scratch also goes out of his way to mention that Jack, as an extension of the game, sees his fight against the hero of light as round 1 and round 2 of the same fight. Say the game expected a hero of space to die in all timelines, it may not care if the Witch of Space Jade dies or if the Sylph of Space Kanaya dies Jade died in the original doomed timeline and her dreamself died in the alpha timeline so she is probably safe, and Kanaya DID in fact die so she is also probably safe.
        • That pattern may go for titles in addition to attributes. Two Knights remain and two Seers remain, Karkat and Terezi are supposed to be doomed still but Rose and Dave are in the middle of a suicide mission. Can someone else taking a bullet instead of you be considered plot armor?
      • No idea what this means for Aradia.
    • Hussie's lips are strong enough to revive any character. (But he probably won't)

Kanaya will try to revive Vriska as a rainbow drinker.

Can rainbow drinkers do that? Who knows, real world vampire fiction isn't exactly consistant on the rules for how vampires can make more vampires.

  • Unlikely as of what we know

The DEAD Trolls won't come back

Let's face facts, there are currently 6 dead trolls and of them only Vriska is anywhere close to being a main character. Gamzee will probably end up dying as well. And if we look at the other people, they're all relatively flat characters. Based on Tavros and Dave, they'll enjoy being dead because it seems to be pretty nice actually. However at some point they'll help out the still living players in some fashion, perhaps with the final boss. And they won't really be gone ever because the remaining players will dream in dreambubbles for the rest of their lives presumably.

  • This is MSPA. Has anyone ever actually stayed dead in MSPA? Jailbreak only ended because Hussie didn't feel like writing it anymore.
    • This isn't PS either, this actually has a story. The problem is from a narrative viewpoint, there's no real need for them to come back (again all being relatively flat and minor characters) and it works a lot better for the story (ie, no Ass Pull resurrection) if they stay dead.

Gamzee manipulated Terezi's vision of Vriska's fight with Noir.

This is the only way any theory involving Gamzee killing Karkat would work... but it's kind of spooky how well it does.

Here, Hussie raises the possibility of Gamzee manipulating Terezi into pinning his crimes on Vriska in order to get her to kill Vriska, but why would he stop there? It's all but stated that Terezi would not have been able to bring herself to kill Vriska without the knowledge of her vision; it's a bit too convenient that the future where Vriska runs off to confront Noir is one Terezi considers enough of a Bad Future to overcome that reticence. Gamzee's manipulation could have been as simple as forcing Terezi's vision to remain focused on Vriska, blinding her to the fact that Noir would have only discovered the already-dead bodies of Karkat and Terezi, rather than killing them himself.

Karkat is the second coming of Jegus, and will sacrifice himself to save Earth.

  • His death will purge the earth of the cancer (sin) and his death will allow the kids to win the game and go to paradise - their new universe that they will create.

Doc Scratch never accounted for the Sufferer

  • Introducing strange concepts such as equality, compassion and "love that transcends the grid" (note that Doc Scratch seems a little befuddled by the concept), into an otherwise barbaric and bloodthirsty society just might throw a wrench in his and Lord English's plans in the end. While modern trolls have forgotten the Sufferer, it is stated that his teachings have persisted, even if as 'superstition' and largely ignored or not known.

Regarding Gamzee's WTF attack on the Black King

Gamzee can use any weapon through use of the Jokerkind strife specibus. He copies the Black King's motif meaning he is somehow copying BK's weapon. The trolls (or at least Karkat) don't understand exactly what he did so he didn't sprout tentacles or a second mouth or anything like that. Instead he copied BK's ability to cause a Vast Glub. Gamzee executed a Vast Glub that targeted only one being. He did it with honks. Enjoy the nightmares.

Karkat will die at the hands of Sollux, John, or himself.

It's the only way to break the curse.

Jadebloods become Rainbow Drinkers through sun exposure.

This is why the Dolorosa was forbidden to leave the caverns.

  • That actually works pretty well.

Gamzee's 'honks' are produced vocally.

The noise is a vocalization that sounds something like the calls of geese. It's an ability that may have been useful in the troll's ancient ancestry (such as a warning cry or a means of long-distance communication,) but has mostly died out of the modern generations from lack of use. Few remaining trolls can make this noise, but those who can usually choose not to, since it's annoying and doesn't have any practical applications outside of making people uncomfortable with you. (Like humans who can wiggle their ears.) Gamzee, being the resident Cloudcuckoolander, continued honking anyway because he thought it was funny, and got into the habit of doing it in place of laughter. So the ungodly honking that the others hear during his rampage is an audible, vocal noise; possibly the insane laughter of a highblood on his killing spree.

Gamzee manipulated Eridan into defecting.

No idea if this will ever be brought up again (Though, knowing Hussie...), but will posit this anyway: like how he planted the clown doll into John's mind, and Lil' Cal into Dave's, Gamzee planted something into Eridan's head that somehow convinced him to defect. Thus, killing Feferi and Kanaya (And destroying the Matriorb) by proxy in his mission to kill everybody. Of course, Eridan could just be that much of a jerk.

We're giving Gamzee way too much credit

He's a stoner who lost his shit once he went into withdrawal, not some sort of supergenius with an elaborate plan to conquer the universe.

Karkat will go all God Head Pickle Inspector when he ascends to God-Tier

Just like Rose went all Demonhead Mobster Kingpin during Seer: Descend. Otherwise, his God-Tier form will simply be mind-boggingly impressive to justify all the mystery involving his powers.

Pre-Scratch!Sufferer was asleep when the scratch happened

He remembers his alternate timeline because his Dreamself "survived" the process and merged with his Post-Scratch!Alternia self. Since he was the leader, we could extrapolate that his companions put him to sleep (possibly against his will) hoping this would happen.

Karkat has "stigmata" marks from the Sufferer's torture

Which is why he wears long sleeves.

Some more trolls are going to reach the God Tier.

The end of act 5 has turned much of what we know about ascending on its head. Perhaps a player only needs one self to be alive and it doesn't matter which one. Additionally, the new hoodies in the store imply that at least one hero of Mind and Heart are going to ascend, and since there will be hoodies of all the different God Tiers eventually, perhaps one of each role will ascend. Four of them could belong to post-Scratch players, assuming the human session still has four players in the post-Scratch universe, but that still leaves four more God Tiers. Maybe Karkat, Terezi, Gamzee and Kanaya can still ascend.

  • The Rogue of Heart was Nepeta, who was already dead by the time the goods came out, and all of the Troll's quest "beds" have been destroyed with Prospit, Derse, and their individual planets. It's just merchandise.
    • Though maybe not, since we now have four new kids, one of whom is a hero of Heart: Dirk.
    • Still, this trooper believes that the only God Tier trolls we'll be seeing are ones in the Dream Bubbles. Plus, all of the Troll's dream selves have either died, or been used as an extra life.
      • One word: Gamzee.

Nepeta's coat is in fact what remains of the Sufferer's Righteous Leggings.

The Disciple absconded with them in a cave, where she lived for the rest of her days. Every night, she would cry herself to sleep and wipe the tears to the Leggings, gradually, over the decades, painting them green. Finally, long after her death, the cave was inhabited by another young troll, who turned the Leggings (perhaps with the help of the labour drones that constructed her hive) into a coat for her to wear.

Sollux is going to reach God Tier soon.

The main requirement for reaching God Tier seems to be facing your own death, and Sollux has died twice so far but is still around. His current "half-alive, half-dead" state seems like an unresolved one, and God Tier (being life after death) seems like a good resolution. Plus, Aradia being d00med was eventually resolved by her reaching God Tier, so it seems appropriate for Sollux to reach the same end.

  • So far as we know, Quest Beds are required to reach God Tier. There are no Quest Beds from the troll session left and none would be near the Green Sun anyway. On the other hand, Gamzee remains unexplained.

Not every Troll will reach God Tier, but every Troll will reach some higher state

Along the lines of Kanaya becoming a Rainbow Drinker and Sollux being between life and death. The avenues to God Tier seem to be closed off to the remaining Trolls now, but they may have other destinies.

Aradia is going to die.

She's about to help slow Jack down for everybody trying to outrun him, and he is going to kill her. It will be considered 'heroic' because her death will help to buy her friends necessary time.

Gamzee took Sollux and Vriska's bodies because he wants to try and resurrect them somehow.

He certainly didn't seem to still be aggressive in the pages leading up to his getaway, and seemed fairly upset by Karkat's reaction to his honking. Perhaps he wants to try and bring back the only dead trolls who still have their heads to try and make up for the ones he killed. Whether he'll succeed is another matter entirely.

If this theory is correct, perhaps he will also be the one who finds a way to help WV.

  • WV is already ok due to Godtier Feferi.
  • Given a certain definition of 'resurrect', the April 18 update confirms this for Vriska...and Tavros.

Some of the pre-scratch Trolls survived, much like the pre-scratch human players have

And they are also, secretly, on their way to the post-scratch Human Session, having somehow figured out that its where they need to be. They will first appear in a Big Damn Heroes moment that may or may not fail miserably due to lack of combat prowess.

  • As a corollary, UU might be one of these Pre-Scratch Trolls.
  • The Summoner's odd "mutation" seems very suspicious considering the traits trolls acquire when they reach God Tier.
    • Did you mean the Signless/Sufferer's mutation? I don't think Tavros' ancestor was ever mentioned as having a mutation.
  • They "survived" in a way, because Meenah killed them all so they'd become ghosts instead of going God Tier. Everything else is still up in the air.

Sollux and Aradia end up together by the end

Sollux has an association with the colours red and blue. Aradia had red blood, but now has blue blood.

  • Sort of confirmed.
  • They used to date too.
    • Sollux is half-dead and plans to move on.
    • Depending on your definition of "together" this may already be true; otherwise, we'll have to wait and see.
    • Well, they certainly die together... unless the off-screen nature of that suggests one or both survives somehow.

Kanaya's God Tier Design is that of Hussie's Design

Kanaya has told Jade that a Sylph is like a higher Witch. Earlier Troll Hussie was wearing Kanaya's symbol, AND (due to author status) would be the highest class in the game. There fore, Hussie could've been wearing the Sylph design; which would correspond with Kanaya's god tier design.

  • It's actually the Heir design. Compare it to John's. The hood is a bit shorter but it's otherwise the same.

Why Feferi couldn't revive but Jane could

Quite simple really, Feferi's Witch title is active, so she could utilize her powers to heal others, whereas Jane's Maid title is passive, so she utilizes her powers to heal herself.

  • I thought class mechanics worked the other way around- passive classes enhance the group with their powers while active classes benefit from their powers themselves.
    • I, personally, took a less literal definition for active/passive than what UU claimed them to be. From a linguistic persepective, Active and Passive voice have to do with whether the subject is acting or being acted on. So, Feferi's (Hypothetically) Active role needs her to be conscious/alive to be used. However, Jane's (Again, hypothetically) Passive role involves her being affected by her Aspect.
      • Then you need to redefine how almost all the classes apply to the trolls, because from what we know they reflect their actions in the game pretty well. You've effectively hidden an entire other WMG in this comparatively minor one.

Zillyhoo is the top Subjugglator

This one took a bit of thinking for me to figure out. The Warhammer of Zillyhoo is one of the end-game weapons, right? So why would both John and Gamzee both be able to wield it? Simple, really. Zillyhoo is an 8-letter name, similar to (most of) the rest of the trolls' ancestors. He was also the Grand Highblood (9 letters, does not fit with theme). So it would only make sense that both the standard wielder of hammerkind strife specibi (John) and his Descendant (Gamzee) would be able to equip it! ...Also the bunny, but it can use everything.

  • If you're using Hammerkind to explain John, then Jokerkind explains Gamzee.

Feferi will be back as more then just a dream ghost.

Given that her ancestor has become the acting Big Bad at the moment, it would just be a missed opportunity to not have them interact in some form.

  • By that reasoning, Vriska should come back to interact with Aranea. Although... considering...

Equius wasn't always quite as strong as he is.

He was already strong at birth, hence his lusus, but not quite as ludicrously so as he is when we are introduced to him. It's commonly theorized that the "Heir" class is a weak-start, high-growth class, at least as seen with John. However, unlike John, Equius has extensive combat experience already as a result of robot deathmatches. The reason Equius is already competent is because he's basically been powerleveling!

Gamzee was God Tier the whole time he was on the trolls' meteor.

He just wore his old mortal clothes and didn't exactly tell anyone he'd ascended for whatever reason. Hey, I have a perfectly good reason for guessing this one: How else could he have ascended when Jack destroyed LOTAM and Prospit (among every other planet)?

  • This could also explain why we both never saw Gamzee's dreamself die, and why his current god tier has very small, easily hidden wings.
  • It also easily explains why he still has scratch marks on his face from Nepeta's attack- it's the same body.
  • This theory is really a thing that happened. There's a silhouette on that Quest Bed, which means Gamzee ascended and left the dead body behind, similar to the way John and Jade did when they reached the Godtiers. It also explains why Gamzee's attack against the Black King rivaled Vriska's attack when she was already the fully realized Thief of Light during that time.
  • What casts doubt on this is what killed another "someone ascended when nobody was looking" WMG: God Tier ascensions light up the entire incipisphere, which should have alerted all the players.

Gamzee is selling troll blood to Jane because...

...he knows she's the Maid of Life, and is hoping that if she does the Lifey Thing while she has the blood (or possibly after drinking some of it), it will revive the dead trolls. This is why he's so pushy about making sure she takes the 'potions'. He's only charging for them as a cover because if he didn't, she might start questioning his motives for forcing all these odd potions on her, and she might be more likely to talk to people about it, making it more likely word would get back to the other trolls, who might draw the wrong conclusions. But pushy salesmen aren't all that unusual in games, so if he charges for them, she might just dismiss him as a weird NPC.

Trolls don't have human style reproductive organs.

The reproduce through sweat. That sweat is collected into buckets and then taken to the Mother Grub. An example of this is seen in Equius who sweats whenever he's aroused.

  • All we know is that uu has no idea what a boner is.

Vriska and Tavros are going to somehow find a way to come back to life.

I CANNOT be the only one who thought this the moment Vriska said 'we're going to fuck shit up.' They're going to do it, I have no idea how but they will!

  • What's more likely is that they find a way to influence events while still ghosts. Aradia, Aranea, and Meenah suggest they could do quite a bit.

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