< Homestuck


  • Meaningful Release Date:
    • The first page went up on April 13, or 4/13. Since then, the comic has used 413 as an Arc Number all over the place. Given the way Hussie's been writing by the seat of his pants, and that he had originally tried to launch the story on April 10, it's safe to assume he built the arc number around the launch date rather than vice versa.
    • Also, various anniversary animations have been released on 4/13, on the 413th day, and on similar dates based on the second Arc Number 612 - which itself is a Meaningful Release Date. 612 is introduced in Act 5, which started on June 12th.
    • The Finale of Act 5, "[S] Cascade", had one of these accidentally. It was originally meant to be released in September, but Schedule Slip delayed it so much that it wasn't finished until the middle of October, so Hussie agreed to hold it off for a few days to match the third Arc Number, 1025.
      • 1025 is the sum of 413 and 612, so 1025 is also a combination of the two previous arc numbers.
    • And Act 6 introduces a new arc number, 11 11 11 - Act 6 began on November 11th, 2011.
  • Reciprocal Fiction Paradox: Homestuck takes this trope to its Mind-Screw extreme with the events of the main story and the Midnight Crew. In the world of the main characters of Homestuck the Midnight Crew are from the latest MS Paint Adventures series, and the reverse is true for the actual members of the Midnight Crew in their world. However, Word of God along with events at the end of the first Intermission claim that the the Midnight Crew exist within the same canon as Homestuck! In other words, it's not a Show Within a Show, it's a Show Within Itself!
    • To elaborate on the "exist within the same canon", the world of the Midnight Crew is the same world as those of the Trolls, who also exist in (or at least communicate with) the kids in the Homestuck world, but are from an alternate universe.
    • Part of this is explained by the fact that Andrew Hussie exists in Homestuck beyond the fourth wall, which is apparently between the other universes. It's implied he's been sending Midnight Crew comics to the human universe, Homestuck comics to the Troll Universe, and a sequel for Problem Sleuth to the post-Scratch human universe.
  • Word of Gay: Dirk and Kanaya are both confirmed by Word of God to be gay. While Dirk demonstrates this pretty handily, Kanaya has as of yet only had one stated romantic crush, and most of the other trolls have had at least one homosexual crush as well.
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